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Authentic material Video

Name: Buthina ID: Buthina Section: 61


1. Choose a topic from this list

c. Technology

2. Watch a video about your selected topic. Write the summary of the video in this box.

As technology is related to everything that people do daily, whatever their personal

interests, and technology can be defined as a branch of knowledge that depends on
creativity and innovation, and the use of modern technical means and linking them
with daily life, society and the surrounding environment, by relying on industrial arts,
engineering, Applied sciences, and pure sciences. Technology can also be defined as a
way to accomplish a task through the use of various technical means and methods and

3. Write some notes of the important information you found in the video. (Do Not write

For example: “helps students to learn better

a. Impact on education.

b. crucial development between past and nowadays.

c. Connect to transportation.

d. Facilitate communication.

e. Having a certificate in Applied Technology.

4. Copy and paste the link of the video here.

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