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EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia

Academic Journal

Title: Malaysia

Name: Buthina khamis

ID: 210661

Section: 60

Tutor: Ms.Ahood

Important instructions:

 All Academic journals must be submitted through LMS

 Academic journals be typed and proof read

 Academic Journals must be neat and organized

 Use font Arial, size 12, double space throughout the document

 Students MUST submit their own work

 Extra papers may be used if necessary

 Sources (readings, websites, cuttings and notes) should be attached to the

academic journal.

I. Find information about Malaysia and write some notes below.

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia
1. General Information

Location: Southeast Asia

Population: 32.37 million 2020

Capital city: Kuala lumpur

Religion: Islam

2. Geography

Climate: Tropical climate

Environment: Tropical rainforest climate

3. Culture Malaysian Batik

Arts: Malaysian literature is the collection of literary works

Literature: produced in the Malay peninsula until 1963 and in

Malaysia thereafter.

In some ways it's similar to Indonesian food, with the

Food: two nations sharing many of the same dishes.

In the spectating aspect, the six spectator sports with

Sport: most fans are association football, field hockey,

rugby union, badminton, volleyball, handball,

basketball and mixed martial arts.

4. Other Information and Malaysia is a small country with a fast-growing

interesting facts economy. Located on a trade route in the South

China Sea, the Southeast Asian country has an

open, diversified, upper-middle income economy.

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia
II. Refer to your notes about Malaysia and write a paragraph of about 150 words.

In this paragraph I’ll be talking about one of the most beautiful countries Malaysia, It’s a

small country with a fast growing economy, it’s in the southeast of Asia and it’s located

on a trade route in the South China Sea, the southeast Asian country has an open,

diversified, upper middle income economy. The capital of Malaysia is called Kuala

Lumpur. As in for the citizens by 2020 they were around 32.37 million Malaysians, the

religion they follow is Islam and Malaysia is also known as a Muslim country. Now about

Malaysians weather, their climate is very tropical and warm not cold neither hot, it’s the

same with the tropical rainforest climate but it’s more hot and a moist habitat and it rains

all year long. Talking about Malaysian literature it’s the collection of literary works

produced in the Malay Peninsula until 1963 thereafter. For Malaysian food it’s very

similar to Indonesian food in some way the two nations both share many of the same

dishes. Jumping to sports most famous sports to Malaysian fans are football, field

hockey, rugby, badminton, volleyball, handball, basketball and a mix of martial arts,

there’s also a type of textile art called Malaysian batik and it’s mostly leaves and flowers

and it’s beautifully done. This made me add Malaysia to my traveling list and wish I

could go there in my next holiday.

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia

III. Write a paragraph about Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia. (75 to 100 words)

Petronas twin towers

That location in the city of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, was named Petronas

in relation to the oil company that requested the building of the two towers Which

constitute one of the most important, largest and most impressive engineering works in

the world, and the tallest skyscraper in Malaysia until now , and which were also the

tallest towers in the world from 1998 to 2004 .The height of the two towers to the top

floor is 375 meters. As for their height with the antenna, they reach 452 meters. Both

towers have 88 floors with 78 elevators

The tower consists mainly of two skyscrapers connected to each other by an air bridge,

and the construction of each tower was assigned to two different companies to ensure

speed and competition between them, as the difference between the two companies

upon completion of work was only the delay in the arrival of the lightning rod, as one of

them was brought from Korea and the other from Japan And the first shipment arrived

before the second .The towers were completed in 1996 and inaugurated in 1999 and

the final cost of the construction was US $ 5.6 billion you can either visit the Petronas

Twin Towers from the outside for free, or you can pay and go inside the Petronas, which

includes a tour to the sky bridge and the observation deck

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia

IV. Would you like to visit Malaysia? Give reasons. (75 to 100 words)

Yes absolutely I would like to visit Malaysia, for several reasons from my point of view,

the most important reason is cultural diversity, as Malaysia enjoys a great diversity in

cultures, customs and traditions. Throughout its history, it has represented a home to

many Asian races, which brought with them their indigenous cultures to the land of

Malaysia, where every culture is celebrated and expressed on a regular basis.

Harmonious. The second reason is the appropriate prices of goods, as the low prices of

goods and commodities is one of the reasons that push me and attract visitors to

Malaysia, where the country offers many types of purchases such as food, clothes and

exhibits at cheap prices that suit different groups and financial capabilities of people.

The third reason is the diversity in foods. The Malaysian cuisine is characterized by

providing several types of food and local foods with different international flavors, and

you will certainly find what suits you and what you are used to.The last reason, which is

considered one of the most important reasons, is the way the local residents deal with

travelers, one of the most influential and important things in making my experience of

traveling to Malaysia distinctive with good hospitality and assistance to travelers

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia



 nash/Flickr. (2017, 11 16). The 10 Best Books in Malaysian Literature. Retrieved

from theculturetrip:


 Ahmad, Z. B. (, 2022 , Aug 4). Malaysia. Retrieved from britannica:

EF002 Academic Journal/ Spring 2022 Malaysia

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