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So here's the issue that i get

It's from instagram @folkative

On this post says that Kominfo will block some social media applications.

I dont agree with Kominfo for some reasons.

In my opinion, those applications shouldnt be deleted because I'm sure for a
percentage of the world's population, those applications have become their
needs in living their daily lives.

One of the most common and relatable reasons for everyone is that social media
can give us all information about the world situations. And another reason that
we often get is that social media is very useful in marketing a business, many
businesses use social media to introduce and attract customers through social
media. And with the application being blocked, surely many businesses will
experience problems in sales.

And there is an information that i get Through the Spearman Rho rank correlation
coefficient test eith 400 respondents, it finds that the use of social media has a
very strong relationship with meeting the needs of employment information
among the young workforce since the Covid-19 pandemic.

And there are many more benefits and advantages that can be obtained by using
social media, especially for the needs of the world of work and information. And
because of that i totally dont agree with Kominfo that will block google,
whatsapp, netflix, instagram, and other social media applications that have
become the needs of many people. And lastly, I hope kominfo will still consider
the decision and not block the application.

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