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a) 1. Where do you receive information on trains?
We receive information about trains at the inquity office.
2. What kind of trains do you know depending on their
speed ?
I know the fast and the private train.
3. How many classes do our trains have?
Our trains have got two classes.
4. Where do you eat when traveling by train?
We eat in the restaurant carriage.
5. How many tipes of train tickets do you know?
I know two tipes of tickets, the first-class sleeper and the
second-class sleeper.
6. When traveling with your sleeper, where do you prefer
to sleep, in your upper or play bed? Why?
I prefer to sleep in the play bed because is more safer.
b) 1. Care sunt sarcinile urmatorilor functionari ai cailor
ferate: comandantul statiei, colector de bilete, portar,
paznic, conductor, om de semnalizare, om cu ziare,
functionar la biroul de cerere?
2. De ce se evita de obicei oamenii sa-si rupa calatoria si
sa incerce sa-si cumpere bilete de tren express?
Oamenii evita acest lucru deoarece calatoria dureaza mai
mult timp.
3. Există un tren direct de la Londra la Paris?
Da, exista prin Cancalul Manecii.
4. Unde vă deplasați dacă doriți să părăsiți bagajul
temporar la gara?
Daca doriti sa va lasati baggajul temporar in gara trebuie
sa il duceti la biroul de bagaje.
5. Ce vagon ati alege daca doriti sa aveti un somn bun
peste noapte?
Eu as alege vagonul dormitor de clasa intai pentru a avea
un somn bun.
1. has stopped
2. have settled
3. has come
4. have spoken
5. has finished
6. have you made
7. have passed
8. studyed
9. have kept
10. came
11. was
12. came
13. haven’t been
14. have you met
15. have you put
16. snowed
17. saw
18. haven’t read
19. was late
20. have corrected
21. haven’t seen

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