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Communication Skills

Assignment No: 01

Name: Mahad Wajid
Reg No: fa21-Bse-057
Assignment No: 01

Q No: 01 Describe Communication Process?

Communication Process: The communication process refers to a series of actions or steps
taken in order to successfully communicate. It involves several components such as the sender
of the communication, the actual message being sent, the encoding of the message, the
receiver and the decoding of the message. 

Channels: There are also various channels of communication to consider within the
communication process. This refers to the way a message is sent. This can be through various
mediums such as voice, audio, video, writing email, fax or body language.  

Goal of Communication:  The overall goal of the communication process is to present an

individual or party with information and have them understand it. The sender must choose the
most appropriate medium in order for the communication process to have worked successfully.


Parts of Communication process: The Communication process has serval component

that enables the transmission of a message. Here are the various parts:

1. Sender: This is the person that is delivering a message to the recipient.

2. Message: This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the receiver.
3. Channel of Communication: This is the transmission or method of delivering the
4. Decoding: This is the interpretation of the message. Decoding is performed by the
5. Receiver: The receiver is the person who is getting or receiving the message.

Assignment No: 01

6. Feedback: In some instances, the receiver might have feedback or a response for the
sender. This starts an interaction.

Q No: 2 what are the Seven Cs of communication. How they impact

the writing? Which of these, do you are important and why?
Seven Cs of Communication:
The seven C’s of communication is a list of principles that you should ensure all of your communications
adhere to. Their purpose is to help ensure that the person you’re communicating with hears what you’re
trying to say.

Diagram Of Seven Cs:

1: Clear: Convey your message in an easy-to-understand manner. Use short simple sentences
while speaking or writing. The aim is to share your thoughts and ideas with utmost clarity. Clear
messages consist of exact and concrete words.


Hi Ali,

I would like to schedule a meeting with you in regards to your presentation on email marketing.
The topics you covered were great, and I would like to discuss implementation on our current
clients. Please let me know when you have the time so that we can discuss it in detail.

Assignment No: 01


Mahad Wajid

In this example, the reader knows exactly what is expected of him because the message is clear.

2: Correct
It’s essential that both the factual information and the language and grammar you use are
correct. If your audience spots errors in either, they will be distracted and your credibility will
be greatly reduced. This will reduce the effectiveness of your communication.

3: Complete
Completeness is often one of the most important of the 7 Cs of communication. When creating
a message, it’s important to give the recipient all of the information they need to follow your
line of reasoning and to reach the same conclusions you have. This level of detail will be
different in different situations, and you should adjust your communications accordingly.


Hi Guys,

Just a reminder that we have a meeting scheduled at 10.00 am tomorrow to discuss the
Britannia event. Please make sure you get all the event props that need to be presented to the



4: Concrete
When shaping your communication you must ensure that you are specific and that the logic
and messages that you’re using fit together, build on each other and support each other. Your
arguments should be based on solid facts and opinions from credible sources and you should
share irrefutable data to support your argument.

5: Concise
When communicating messages of this nature it’s important to stick to the point and keep your
messages short and simple. Don’t use 10 words if you can use five. Don’t repeat your messages.

The more you say, the more risk there is of confusion. Avoid that risk by focusing solely on the
key points you need to deliver.

Assignment No: 01

6: Courteous
People are not always courteous.You can increase the effectiveness of your communications by
being polite and showing your audience that you respect them. Your messages should be
friendly, professional, considerate, respectful, open and honest.
To help ensure you are courteous, you should always use some empathy and consider your
messages from the point of view of the audience.

7: Considered & Coherent

The last of the 7 Cs of communication is considered or coherent. If your communications are
not coherent they will not be effective. To help make sure your communications are considered
and coherent you should have a logical flow and your style, tone and language should be
consistent throughout.

How Seven Cs Impact on Writing?

The better we communicate, the more credibility we'll have with our clients, our boss, and our
colleagues. Use the 7 Cs of Communication as a checklist for all of your communication. By
doing this, you'll stay clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.

Which One of Seven Cs is important?

In General all the Seven Cs is important for communication But Competence is most important.
Completeness is often one of the most important of the 7 Cs of communication. When creating a
message, it's important to give the recipient all of the information they need to follow your line of
reasoning and to reach the same conclusions you have.


Hi Guys,

Please make sure to carry all the items tomorrow for the meeting.



The message is clearly incomplete. There are no details as to what items, which meeting, and at
what time.

Assignment No: 01


Hi Guys,

Just a reminder that we have a meeting scheduled at 10.00 am tomorrow to discuss the
Britannia event. Please make sure you get all the event props that need to be presented to the



==========================The End==========================

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