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Latent state-trait models

Chapter · January 2012

DOI: 10.1037/13621-014

41 1,421

3 authors:

Rolf Steyer Christian Geiser

Friedrich Schiller University Jena Christian Geiser Consulting LLC


Christiane Fiege
University of Tuebingen


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Chapter 14

Latent State–Trait Models

Rolf Steyer, Christian Geiser, and Christiane Fiege

Latent state–trait models, which decompose At about the same time, Steyer (1987, 1989) and
observed variables into latent trait, latent state, and his associates (e.g., see Majcen, Steyer, & Schwenk-
error components, have been developed in reaction mezger, 1988; Steyer, Ferring, & Schmitt, 1992;
to the person-situation debate in differential psy- Steyer, Majcen, Schwenkmezger, & Buchner, 1989;
chology (e.g., see Anastasi, 1983; Bowers, 1973; Steyer & Schmitt, 1990a, 1990b; Steyer, Schmitt, &
Endler & Magnusson, 1976; Epstein, 1979, 1980; Eid, 1999; Steyer, Schwenkmezger, & Auer, 1990)
Mischel, 1998). At about the same time, the dis- introduced the basic concepts of latent state–trait
tinction between states and traits became an issue theory (LST theory) and developed latent state–trait
(e.g., see Cattell, 1966, 1979; Cattell & Scheier, models (LST models)—specific structural equation
1961; Nesselroade & Bartsch, 1977; Spielberger, models in which the latent variables can be inter-
1972). Some researchers sought to assess states preted as reflecting latent-state or latent-trait com-
using items that ask for current mood states (How ponents. In the late-1990s, state change (Steyer, Eid,
do you feel/think right now?) and to assess traits & Schwenkmezger, 1997) and trait change models
using items asking for traits (How do you feel/ (Eid & Hoffmann, 1998; Steyer, Krambeer, & Han-
think, in general?; e.g., see Spielberger, 1972). Oth- növer, 2004) were introduced. Furthermore, recent
ers sought to define and measure traits by aggrega- research on multitrait–multimethod (MTMM) anal-
tion of behavioral observations over representative ysis has stimulated new ways of constructively
samples of situations (e.g., Epstein, 1979, 1980), defining and modeling method effects (e.g., Eid,
and still others tried to assess states and traits, rep- 2000; Eid, Lischetzke, Nussbeck, & Trierweiler,
resenting them as latent variables in structural 2003; Eid et al., 2008; Pohl, Steyer, & Kraus, 2008;
equation models (e.g., see Ormel & Schaufeli, Pohl & Steyer, 2010). These new approaches have
1991). Others (e.g., Hertzog & Nesselroade, 1987) been applied to model measure-specific (or indica-
suggested distinguishing states and traits by the tor-specific) effects in LST models (Eid, Schneider,
size of their autocorrelations; they should be high & Schwenkmezger, 1999) as well as to models with
for traits and low for states. But what is high and latent-state and trait change variables (Geiser, 2009;
what is low? Hertzog and Nesselroade (1987) also Geiser, Eid, Nussbeck, Courvoisier, & Cole, 2010a,
suggested a more fundamental idea, writing, “Gen- 2010b; Vautier, Steyer, & Boomsma, 2008). Fur-
erally it is certainly the case that most psychologi- thermore, LST models have been extended to multi-
cal attributes will neither be, strictly speaking, construct models that simultaneously study the
traits or states. That is, attributes can have both associations between the state and trait components
trait and state components” (p. 95). pertaining to different psychological constructs (e.g.,

We thank Ginger Lockhart for helpful comments and for checking our use of the English language.

DOI: 10.1037/13621-014
APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol. 3. Data Analysis and Research Publication, H. Cooper (Editor-in-Chief)
Copyright © 2012 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

Dumenci & Windle, 1998; Eid, Notz, Steyer, & Sch- manipulation of independent variables) but rather
wenkmezger, 1994; Steyer et al., 1990). Last but not refers to making several observations of the same
least, LST models can also be used in modeling indi- person that is possibly in a different situation at each
vidual causal effects (e.g., see Steyer, 2005). time t of measurement. This is in line with the key
The organization of this chapter follows exactly idea of LST theory, according to which we never
these points. We start by defining the basic concepts measure a person in a situational vacuum.
of LST theory, present the assumptions defining var- The random experiment considered in LST theory
ious LST models, and show how to introduce latent- is as follows: We sample a person from a set ΩU (the
state and latent-trait change variables. We then population) of persons, observe whatever is needed to
discuss why the inclusion of method factors is often determine the value of the observables Yi1 at Time 1
required in models of LST theory, and present dif- (e.g., answers to items of a questionnaire, behavior
ferent ways of constructively defining method fac- observations, or physiological measures) and repeat
tors in LST models. Finally, we discuss these observations at one or several other time points.
multiconstruct models as well as other recent exten- We also assume that, at each time-point, there is a set
sions of the classic LST model.  St of situations, one of which will occur while the
person is being assessed. Hence, the sample space,
that is, the set of all possible outcomes of the random
Basic Concepts of Latent State–
experiment has the following structure:
Trait Theory
 = U ×  S1 × O1 × … ×  St × Ot
In LST theory, we do not simply assume that there  (1)
is, for example, a latent variable that we label “trait ×… ×  ST × OT ,
factor” or “state residual factor.” Instead, the latent where Ot denotes the set of possible observations at
variables are defined constructively, that is, on the time t = 1, . . ., T and × denotes the Cartesian product.
basis of assumptions about well-defined concepts This structure of the sample space allows us to
referring to the underlying random experiment (e.g., consider the following random variables:
Steyer, 1988). Although involving some formalism,
studying this random experiment is useful, because Yit: the observables, that is, the observations of an
it helps us to come up with a clear definition of what attribute at time t, which only depend on the
the latent variables in LST models really are. This elements of the set Ot , t = 1, . . ., T. Because
has the advantage that we know exactly what these there are several observations of the same attri-
variables mean, facilitating our interpretation of the bute at time t (e.g., several items or scales), the
results of specific models of LST theory. subscript i indicates the ith observation of the
In LST theory, we consider several observations attribute.
Yit of an attribute at time t. Two different observa- U: the observational-unit variable (or person variable
tions are denoted by Yit and Yjt, i ≠ j. We decompose if the units are persons). The value u of U indi-
each Yit into three theoretical (latent) components, a cates which unit is sampled from the set ΩU.
measurement error component, a trait component, St: the situation variable pertaining to time t. The
and a state residual component. The sum of the trait value st of St indicates the situation that realizes
and the state residual components is the latent-state when the unit is assessed at time t.
component. As we will see later, it is not necessary that we
The observations Yit are considered to be random observe the actual situations—the values of the sit-
variables. Therefore, we also call them observables. uation variable St—in which the measurements are
Random variables always refer to a random experi- made. It is sufficient to assume that we always
ment, which is the kind of empirical phenomenon assess a person-in-a-situation (Anastasi, 1983).
with which the theory deals. The random experi- Now we can define the latent-state variable
ment in LST theory is not an experiment in the clas-
sic sense (i.e., it does not involve an experimental τit = E(Yit | U, St).  (2)

Latent State–Trait Models

Its values E(Yit | U = u, St = st) are the conditional Implications of the Definitions of
expectations of Yit given the person u and the situa- Latent States and Latent Traits
tion st in which the person is when Yit is observed. In
The definitions of latent-state and latent-trait
contrast, the latent-trait variable is defined by
variables—and the associated residuals, the
ξit = E(Yit | U).  (3) measurement error variable, and the latent-state
residual—imply a number of properties of these
Its values E(Yit | U = u) are the conditional expec-
concepts (see Exhibit 14.1). These properties are
tations of Yit given the person u. Furthermore, the
special cases of the general properties of conditional
measurement error variable is defined to be the
expectations and their residuals (e.g., Steyer, Nagel,
Partchev, & Mayer, in press). These properties can-
εit = Yit − τit.  (4) not be tested empirically, in the same way that the
statement a bachelor is unmarried cannot be tested
Its values are the differences between the
empirically, because being unmarried is a logical
observed scores of Yit and the latent-state scores E(Yit |
implication of the concept of bachelor. The only
U = u, St = st). Finally, the latent-state residual is the
thing that can be tested empirically is whether a
particular man is a bachelor. Analogously, we can-
ζit = τit − ξit.  (5) not and need not empirically test whether a latent-
state residual is correlated with a latent-trait variable
Its values are the deviations of the latent-state scores
or whether a measurement error variable is corre-
from the latent-trait scores.
lated with a latent-trait variable or with a latent-
These are the four fundamental theoretical
state variable pertaining to the same time-point t.
concepts of LST theory. These concepts are
These correlations are zero by definition of these
defined on the sole assumption that we consider
theoretical concepts.
a random experiment that can be structured by
the type of sample space described in Equation 1
and that the observables Yit have finite expecta- Models of Latent State–Trait
tions. This guarantees that the conditional expec- Theory
tations and their residuals—and therefore also
The theoretical concepts introduced thus far are
the latent-state and latent-trait variables—are
well defined and do not rest on any restrictive
well defined.
assumptions that could be violated in an empirical
Furthermore, we can define the reliability coeffi-
cient as
Rel(Yit) = Var(τit)/Var(Yit),  (6)
Exhibit 14.1
which quantifies the degree to which the observ-
Properties of the Basic Concepts of Latent State–
ables Yit are error-free measures. In contrast, the
Trait Theory Implied by Their Definition
consistency coefficient
Con(Yit) = Var(ξit)/Var(Yit)  (7)
Decomposition of variables
is a quantity describing the degree to which the   Yit = τit + εit
  τit = ξit + ζit
latent trait ξit determines the observable Yit. Finally, Decomposition of variances
the occasion specificity coefficient   Var(Yit) = Var(τit) + Var(εit)
  Var(τit) = Var(ξit) + Var(ζit)
Spe(Yit) = Var(ζit)/Var(Yit)  (8) Other properties
  E(εit | U, St) = E(εit | U) = E(εit) = 0
represents the degree to which the situation and/or
  E(ζit | U) = E(ζit) = 0
the interaction between person and situation deter-   Cov(εit, ζjt) = Cov(εit, τjt) = Cov(εit, ξjs) = Cov(ζit, ξjs) = 0
mines the observable Yit.

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

application. This is true even though we do not ε 11 Y11

know the expectations, variances, and covariances
of the theoretical variables or the LST coefficients of ε 21 Y21
reliability, consistency, and occasion specificity. λ211
Assumptions that could be violated in applications ξ
(e.g., about the homogeneity of trait variables per- λ121
taining to different observables) have to be intro- ε 12 Y12
duced if we actually want to determine these
ε 22 Y22
parameters from other parameters that are empiri-
cally estimable. These assumptions define specific
Figure 14.1.  Single-trait
models of LST theory. model for two observed
variables Yit (i = variable,
Single-Trait Model t = time-point) measured on
two occasions of measure-
The crudest model of LST theory is the single-trait
ment. ξ = latent-trait factor;
model defined by two assumptions. The first one is λit1 = factor loading; εit = mea-
surement error variable.
τit = λit0 + λit1 ξ,   λit0, λit1 ∈ IR,  (9)
where λit0 and λit1 are real constants. This assump- and measurement error. Unidimensionality means
tion means that all latent-state variables are linear that we assume the different observations of the same
functions of each other. It implies that all latent- attribute at each point of time to measure exactly the
state variables are perfectly correlated and may differ same latent trait (ξ), although perhaps on a different
only with regard to their scale (i.e., their origin and scale. These different scales are represented by the
units of measurement). The parameter λit0 can be corresponding differences in the intercepts λit0 and
interpreted as an intercept (origin of measurement), slope coefficients λit1. Finally, the model also implies
and the parameter λit1 as a slope coefficient (factor that there is no change in the attribute over the time-
loading) that reflects the units of measurement. In points considered, neither change caused by situa-
sum, the first assumption suggests unidimensional- tion and interaction effects nor change caused by a
ity of all latent-state variables—irrespective of the systematic change in the trait.
measurement occasion (i.e., possible occasion- or A technical issue that needs to be addressed in
situation-specific influences and person–situation practical applications is that the scale of the latent-
interactions are ignored). trait variable ξ is not uniquely determined per se,
According to the second assumption, the mea- but needs to be fixed by the investigator. This can be
surement error variables are uncorrelated, that is, done, for example, by setting λ110 = 0 and λ111 = 1.
With these constraints, the latent trait ξ becomes
Cov(εit, εjs) = 0,   for (i, t) ≠ (j, s).  (10)
identical to ξ11, the latent-trait variable of Y11, that is,
This assumption implies that the latent-trait fac- ξ = ξ11. An alternative option is to set E(ξ) = 0 and
tor accounts for all of the covariation among the Var(ξ) = 1. With these constraints, the latent trait ξ
observed variables. Figure 14.1 displays the path dia- is a linear function of any of the measure-specific
gram of the model for two observations at each of latent-trait variables ξit. Either one of these options
two occasions (time-points). According to this fixes the scale of the latent-trait factors.
model, the latent-state and latent-trait components of As noted, the single-trait model is crude and sim-
an observable Yit are identical, for all four observables plistic because it assumes that the observables only
considered. This means that there are neither situa- depend on a common trait and measurement error.
tion effects nor interaction effects between person The model suggests that any changes in Yit over time
and situation. The only sources of variance in the are just due to random measurement error or
observables are interindividual differences, which are changes in the scale of Yit (as reflected in different
represented by a unidimensional latent variable (ξ) coefficients λit0 and λit1 over time). In none of the

Latent State–Trait Models

applications in different fields of psychology did we ε 11 Y11

ever see an example in which the single-trait model τ1
showed an acceptable fit to actual data, and this ε 21 Y21
includes the measurement of personality traits
(Deinzer et al., 1995; Schmukle & Egloff, 2005),
values (M. Schmitt, Schwartz, Steyer, & T. Schmitt,
1993), EEG measures (Hagemann, Hewig, Seifert, ε 12 Y12
Naumann, & Bartussek, 2005; Hagemann & τ2
ε 22 Y22
Naumann, 2009; Hagemann, Naumann, Thayer, &
Bartussek, 2002), cerebral blood flow (Hermes et al.,
Figure 14.2.  Multistate model
2009), cortisol in saliva (Hellhammer et al., 2007; for two observed variables Yit (i =
Kirschbaum et al., 1990) and, of course, mood states variable, t = time-point) measured
(e.g., Eid et al., 1994; Steyer et al., 1989). on two occasions of measurement.
τt = latent-state factor; λit1 = factor
loading; εit = measurement error
Multistate Model variable.
A much more realistic model is the multistate model
defined by within each occasion of measurement, at least in the
sense that they are linear functions of each other.
τit = λit0 + λit1 τt,    λit0, λit1 ∈ IR    . (11)
In contrast to the single-trait model, the multi-
This assumption means that all latent-state vari- state model allows for situation effects or interaction
ables that are measured on the same measurement between person and situation. Sources of variance in
occasion are linear functions of each other. Hence, the observables are now interindividual differences,
this assumption is less restrictive than the assump- situation or interaction effects, and measurement
tion made in the single-trait model, in which case errors. In this model we also assume that the two
we assumed all latent-state variables to be unidi- different observations of the same attribute at each
mensional (irrespective of the measurement occa- point of time measure exactly the same latent-state
sion). Equation 11 implies that there is a common variable τt, although perhaps on a different scale.
(occasion-specific) latent variable τt, which can be Furthermore, both interindividual differences as
referred to as a latent-state factor. That is, the model well as situation and interaction effects may deter-
also assumes homogeneity of the state variables, but mine the latent-state variables τt. In this model,
only of those that are measured on the same occa- however, state and trait components are not sepa-
sion of measurement t. rated. Nevertheless, we may consider the correla-
The scales of the latent-state factors τt are tions between the latent-state variables pertaining to
uniquely determined by setting λ1t0 = 0 and λ1t1 = 1, different time-points, the latent-state stabilities: The
or by E(τt) = 0 and Var(τt) = 1, for each t = 1, . . ., T. higher these correlations, the more likely it is that
With λ1t0 = 0 and λ1t1 = 1, the latent-state variable τt there are also stable individual differences over time.
is identical to the measure-specific latent-state vari-
able τ1t, that is, τt = τ1t. In contrast, with E(τt) = 0 Single-Trait/Multistate Model
and Var(τt) = 1, the latent-state variable τt is a linear To separate state and trait components, we have to
function of any of the measure-specific latent-state introduce the trait component into the model as well.
variables τit. The second assumption is again the The single-trait/multistate model is the simplest kind
assumption of uncorrelated measurement errors of model in which this is achieved. It is defined by
(see Equation 10).
τit = λit0 + λit1 τt,   λit0, λit1 ∈ IR  (12)
Figure 14.2 displays the path diagram of such a
model for two observations at each of two occasions and
(time-points). According to this model, the latent-
ξit = γit0 + γit1 ξ,   γit0, γit1 ∈ IR ,  (13)
state components of an observable Yit are identical

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

where γit0 is an intercept and γit1 is a slope coeffi- ε 11 Y11 ζ1

cient (second order factor loading). These assump- τ1
tions suggest that (a) as in the multistate model, all ε 21 Y21
latent-state variables measured on the same occasion
of measurement are unidimensional (so that we can ξ
introduce a common latent-state factor τt) and (b)
trait variables are unidimensional as well (so that we ε 12 Y12
can introduce a common trait factor ξ). τ2
ε 22 Y22 ζ2
Assigning a scale to the latent-state factors τt is
again achieved either by setting λ1t0 = 0 and λ1t1 = 1,
Figure 14.3.  Single-trait/multistate
or by setting E(τt) = 0 and Var(τt) = 1, for each t = 1, model for two observed variables Yit (i =
. . ., T. Assigning a scale to the latent-trait factor ξ is variable, t = time-point) measured on two
achieved either by setting γ110 = 0 and γ111 = 1, or by occasions of measurement. τt = latent-state
factor; ξ = latent-trait factor; ζt = latent-state
setting E(ξ) = 0 and Var(ξ) = 1. Fixing the scales of residual; λit1 = factor loading; εit = measure-
the latent-state variables τt by setting λ1t0 = 0 and ment error variable.
λ1t1 = 1 and the scale of the latent-trait variable ξ by
setting γ110 = 0 and γ111 = 1 implies τt = τ1t and ξ = As in the multistate model, the latent-state compo-
ξ11. In contrast, with E(τt) = 0, Var(τt) = 1, E(ξ) = 0 nents of an observable Yit are identical within each
and Var(ξ) = 1, the latent-state variable τt is a linear occasion of measurement, at least in the sense that
function of any of the measure-specific latent-state they are linear functions of each other. Additionally, in
variables τit, and the latent-trait variable ξ is a linear this model, we assume that the common latent-state
function of any measure-specific latent-trait variable variable τt can be decomposed into a trait component
ξit. Again, it is assumed that the measurement error ξ that is invariant over all occasions of measurement
variables are uncorrelated (see Equation 10). Addi- and a latent-state residual ζt specific for occasion t.
tionally, it is assumed that the latent-state residuals Assuming such a common latent trait ξ is equivalent
belonging to different occasions of measurement are to assuming that the measure-specific latent-trait com-
uncorrelated, that is, ponents ξit are linear functions of each other.
Just as the multistate model, this model allows for
Cov(ζit, ζjs) = 0, for t ≠ s.  (14) situation effects or interaction between person and
We can show algebraically that Equation 13 is situation. It additionally decomposes the state com-
equivalent to ponents into a trait and a state residual. Sources of
variance in the observables are now interindividual
τt = γt0 + γt1 ξ + ζt,   γt0, γt1 ∈ IR      , (15) differences (explicitly represented by ξ), situation or
interaction effects (explicitly represented by the com-
which means that each latent-state factor can be ponents ζt), and measurement errors. Figure 14.3
additively decomposed into an intercept (γt0), a shows that both, ξ and ζt, determine the latent-state
latent-trait component (ξ) that is weighted by a sec- variables τt. Just as in the multistate model, in this
ond-order factor loading (γt1), and a latent-state model, we also assume that the two different observa-
residual component (ζt). The assumptions of the tions of the same attribute at each point of time mea-
single-trait–multistate model can be summarized by sure exactly the same latent-state variable τt, again
the path diagram displayed in Figure 14.3, again for perhaps on a different scale. Hence, this model also
two observations at each of two occasions (time- allows for change in the attribute considered. This
points). If we consider just two time-points, we time, however, it is assumed that this change is due to
either have to fix both coefficients γ11 and γ21 to 1 or situation or interaction effects but not to a systematic
fix the variance Var(ξ) = 1 with the additional con- change in the trait components, at least not to change
straint of setting the loadings equal: γ11 = γ21. Other- beyond what can be described by a deterministic lin-
wise, this part of the model would not be identified. ear function. For only two occasions of measurement,

Latent State–Trait Models

we have to assume that the coefficients γt1 are identi- difference variables can also be introduced utilizing
cal. Otherwise, the variance of ξ (or the γt1 coeffi- a trivial equation such as
cients) would not be identified. For three or more τ2 = τ1 + (τ2 – τ1).  (16)
time-points, this constraint is not required.
Using this equation, the path diagram of the multi-
Some Methodological Remarks state model presented in Figure 14.2 turns to the
Note the way in which the latent variables have been diagram presented in Figure 14.4.
constructed in all three classes of models. We For three occasions, we have the choice between
started by describing a certain kind of random the baseline model (see Figure 14.5a) and the neigh-
experiment, which is the empirical phenomenon we bor model (Figure 14.5b; see also Steyer, Partchev,
consider in LST theory. We showed how the sample & Shanahan, 2000). In the baseline model, the
space Ω is structured and introduced the primitives latent-state change variables represent the latent-
of the theory: the observables Yit, the observational- state change compared with the first occasion of
unit variable U, and the situation variable St that measurement, whereas in the neighbor model, we
indicates the situation in which the unit is when the consider the latent change variables with respect to
observations Yit are made. Then we used the condi- adjacent time-points, that is, we consider change
tional expectations of the observables Yit given U between Times 1 and 2 as well as change between
and St to define the fundamental concepts of LST the- Times 2 and 3.
ory. Next, we introduced assumptions with regard
to the relationships between these fundamental con- A Linear Growth Curve Model
cepts. These assumptions imply the existence of cer- If we would like to formulate a model postulating
tain latent variables, the common latent-state linear change in the latent states between three occa-
variables τt and the common latent-trait variable ξ. sions of measurement, the simplest way is to modify
Hence, instead of drawing an egg and giving it a nice the multistate model as specified in Figure 14.5c.
label, we constructed the latent variables as linear According to this model, the latent state at Occasion 2
functions of the conditional expectations of the is the sum of the latent-state variable at Time l plus
observables. Although we do not know the values of the latent change variable between Occasions 1 and
these latent variables, we know that they exist and 2, that is,
that they are random variables referring to the same
τ2 = τ1 + (τ2 – τ1),  (17)
random experiment as the observables. Perhaps
more important, knowing the observables Yit, we
also know the substantive meaning of their condi-
tional expectations and the latent variables, which ε 11 Y11
are linear functions of these conditional expecta- τ1
ε 21 Y21
tions. This constructive way of introducing latent
variables can also be followed in more complex
models. We start with introducing latent-state
change variables.
ε 12 Y12
Latent-State Change Models λ1
τ2 1 τ2 −τ1
ε 22 Y22
Modeling change has been puzzling researchers for
many decades (e.g., Collins & Horn, 1991; Collins
Figure 14.4.  Latent-state change model for
& Sayer, 2001; Cronbach & Furby, 1970; Harris, two observed variables Yit (i = variable, t = time-
1963). In 1997, Steyer et al. showed how to intro- point) measured on two occasions of measure-
duce the difference between two latent-state vari- ment. τt = latent-state factor; τ2 − τ1 = latent-
ables as a single latent variable into a structural difference variable; λit1 = factor loading; εit = mea-
surement error variable. The factor loadings for
equation model by specifying the loadings in a par- each observed variable have to be constrained to
ticular way. In 1993, Raykov showed that latent be time-invariant.

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

(a) (b)
ε11 Y11 ε11 Y11
1 1
τ1 τ1
λ1 λ1
ε21 Y21 ε21 Y21

1 1

ε12 Y12 ε12 Y12

1 1
τ2 1 τ2 − τ1 τ2 1 τ2− τ1
λ1 λ1
ε22 Y22 ε22 Y22 1

ε13 Y13 ε13 Y13

1 1
τ3 1 τ3 − τ2 τ3 1 τ3− τ2
λ1 λ1
ε23 Y23 ε23 Y23

ε11 Y11
ε21 Y21

ε12 Y12
τ2 1 τ2 − τ1
ε22 Y22 1

ε13 Y13
ε23 Y23

Figure 14.5.  Latent-state change models for two observed variables Yit (i = variable, t = time-point) mea-
sured on three occasions of measurement: (a) Baseline change model. (b) Neighbor change model. (c) Linear
change model (linear growth curve model). τt = latent-state factor; τ2 − τ1 = latent-difference variable; λit1 =
factor loading; εit = measurement error variable. The factor loadings for each observed variable have to be con-
strained to be time-invariant.

whereas the latent state at Occasion 3 is the sum of Of course, modeling quadratic and other growth
the latent-state variable at Time l plus two times the curves is possible as well. Mayer, Steyer, and
latent change variable between Occasions 1 and 2, Partchev (in press) have presented a general way to
that is, construct these models.
τ3 = τ1 + 2 (τ2 – τ1). (18)
Latent-Trait Change Models
Hence, in this model, we postulate a linear The ideas outlined thus far can also be extended to
growth curve for each and every unit, because a modeling latent-trait change (e.g., Eid & Hoffmann,
value of the latent-state variable τt is the latent state 1998). The goal of trait change models is to separate
of unit u at time t. Comparing this model with one occasion-specific (state-residual) influences from trait
of the change models depicted in Figures 14.5a and change and measurement error. Trait change models
14.5b allows testing the hypothesis of linear growth. generally require more than just two occasions of

Latent State–Trait Models

measurement. Otherwise, occasion-specific fluctua- the observables may not be exactly identical within
tions cannot be separated from true trait change. In time-points, even not in the sense that they are (per-
principle, we need at least two occasions for each fect) linear functions of each other. In other words,
latent-trait variable for which we want to assess trait each observable may contain a measure-specific com-
change. If these design requirements are satisfied, we ponent (sometimes also referred to as an indicator-
may introduce latent-trait change variables using the specific effect) that is not shared with the other
same principles as for the construction of the latent- measures of the latent-state variable. Such a measure-
state change models. Steyer, Krambeer, and Han- specific component, for example, can be due to a
növer (2004) provided an example. specific response format, item wording, or rater
In addition, the approach described in Equations effects (see Eid & Diener, 2006). In cross-sectional
17 and 18 can also be applied to the level of the designs, this measure-specific component is not sep-
latent-trait variables (rather than latent-state vari- arable from random measurement error; however, as
ables) to test latent growth curves on the level of we consider longitudinal designs in which the same
latent-trait variables. In contrast to the latent-state indicators are measured repeatedly, stable measure-
growth curve model described in the preceding para- specific variance and measurement error variance
graphs, these models allow for a separation of the can be disentangled (see also Marsh & Grayson,
growth process from occasion-specific influences and 1994; Raffalovich & Bohrnstedt, 1987). The values
are therefore more broadly applicable (Geiser, Keller, of these measure-specific components represent the
& Lockhart, 2011). These models have sometimes person-specific effects of using a particular measure
been referred to as curve-of-factors models (McArdle, over another one, or in other terms, the person-­
1988) or second-order growth models (e.g., Hancock, specific effects of using a particular method (of mea-
Kuo, & Lawrence, 2001; Sayer & Cumsille, 2001) surement) instead of another one. Hence, these
because they model individual latent trajectories by components are also called method effects.
means of second-order factors, that is, the growth Different approaches are available to model
curve components—as opposed to conventional person-specific method effects in longitudinal data.
growth curve models that employ only a single indi- The simplest way is to allow for correlated error vari-
cator per time-point. The advantage of second-order ables of the same indicator over time (e.g., Sörbom,
growth curve models is that—similar to classical LST 1975). In MTMM research, this is known as the cor-
models—they allow for a proper separation of sys- related uniqueness (CU) approach to modeling
tematic variance from measurement error variance, method effects (Kenny, 1976; Marsh & Grayson,
whereas in conventional (first-order) growth models, 1995). Although improving the fit of a model when
measurement error variance cannot be separated method effects are present, the specification of corre-
from systematic occasion-specific variance because lated errors leaves these effects confounded with
there is only one single indicator per time-point. measurement error. This has the undesirable implica-
tion that a systematic source of variance is not explic-
itly modeled, which leads to an ­underestimation of
Methods Factors
The classical LST models may not always show a ε11 Y11
good fit in empirical applications. In principle, this 1
ε21 Y21
can happen for several reasons. For example, if there 1
are more than three occasions and if there is true ξ
trait change, then the single-trait–multistate model 1
does not adequately represent the actual covariance ν2
ε12 Y12
structure of the observables. Another reason for a ε22 Y22
discrepancy between the covariance matrix implied
by the model and the actual covariance matrix of the Figure 14.6.  Single-trait/multistate model with m
observables might be that the true-score variables of method factors (νi).

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

the reliabilities of the observables in CU models. In assumption is that all method variables pertaining to
more sophisticated LST measurement models, the same observable i differ only by a multiplicative
method effects are either modeled by defining addi- constant  its :
tional latent variables (method factors) or by allowing
ν it =  itsν is ,  its ∈IR. (20)
for measure-specific latent-trait variables (e.g., Bon-
nefon, Vautier, & Eid, 2007; Eid et al., 1999). This assumption implies the existence of a com-
Historically, orthogonal method factors for each mon method factor ν i for each nonreference measure
of m indicators were introduced to model person- as illustrated in Figure 14.7. Without loss of gener-
specific method effects (e.g., Steyer et al., 1992; see ality, we have selected the first measure as a refer-
Figure 14.6), similar to a correlated traits-uncorrelated ence in Figure 14.7, that is, r = 1; therefore, there is
methods approach in MTMM research (Marsh & not a method factor for the first measure. The equa-
Grayson, 1995). Modeling one orthogonal method tions for this model are
factor for each measure in LST models has the disad-  + rt1τ rt + ε rt , for i = r
vantage that these method factors cannot be con- Yit =  rt 0  (21)
structively defined (Eid, 1996). Furthermore,  it 0 + it1τ rt +  itν i + ε it , for i ≠ r,
because method effects are assumed to be uncorre- where  it ∈ IR   .
lated, the model may overfit the data and shared The definition of method factors as regression
method effects between similar methods are not residuals with respect to a reference measure implies
accounted for (Eid, 2000). that there are m −1 method factors ν i . Each of these
method factors has the expectation (true mean) of
Method Factors Defined as Residuals zero and is uncorrelated with all state factors τ rt per-
Recently, approaches that define a reference method taining to the same construct, but they may be corre-
and consider only m − 1 correlated method factors lated with other method factors ν j as well as with
have gained popularity in MTMM research (Eid, state factors pertaining to other constructs in multi-
2000; Eid et al., 2003, 2008). This so-called residual construct LST models (see the section Multiconstruct
method factor approach has also been applied to Models). The correlations Corr(ν i , ν j ) between differ-
model method effects within the LST framework ent method factors may be of interest if certain mea-
(Courvoisier, 2006; Courvoisier, Nussbeck, Eid, sures share a common method effect relative to the
Geiser, & Cole, 2008; Eid et al., 1999; Geiser, 2009; reference measure (e.g., two items may be more simi-
Geiser et al., 2010a, 2010b). lar in wording relative to a third item). With only two
Let us look at Eid’s (2000) definition of a method measures and only two time-points, both loadings  it
effect in more detail. Using the index r to denote the on the method factor have to be fixed to a nonzero
reference method (or reference measure), we con- value to achieve identification (e.g.,  i1 =  i 2 = 1). For
sider the regression E(τ it τ rt ), where i ≠ r and an application of the residual method factor approach
E(τ it τ rt ) denotes the conditional expectation to LST models, see Eid et al. (1999).
(regression) of a true-score variable τ it on the true-
score variable τ rt of the reference measure r at time t. ε11 Y11 ζ1
The residuals τ it− E(τ it τ rt ) of this regression are the 1
ε21 Y21
method variables (ν it ), as they reflect that part of a 1
nonreference true-score variable τ it that cannot be ξ
predicted from the (reference) true-score variable τ rt: 1
ε12 Y12
ν it = τ it − E(τ it τ rt ). (19) ν2
1 1
ε22 Y22 ζ2
There is a separate method variable ν it for each
indicator i, i ≠ r . To actually separate method effects
Figure 14.7.  Single-trait/multistate model with
from random measurement error, we again need to residual method factor (ν2) according to Eid’s (2000)
introduce a homogeneity assumption. A reasonable m − 1 approach.

Latent State–Trait Models

Method Factors Defined as Differences ε 11 Y11

Between True-Score Variables 1
Suppose we have two observables that at each of two ε 21 Y21

occasions of measurement measure the same latent- 1

state variable. Then δ

τ11 = τ11   and   τ21 = τ11 (22) ε 12 Y12 1

as well as 1
ε 22 Y22
τ12 = τ12   and   τ22 = τ12 (23)
Figure 14.8.  Multistate model
will hold. In practice, however, this is very difficult with latent difference method fac-
to achieve. So what if we fail? Then, instead of Equa- tor (δ).
tions 22 and 23, the equations
Method Factors for Common Latent-State
τ11 = τ11   and   τ21 = τ11 + (τ21 − τ11) (24) Variables
as well as Constructing method factors as latent difference
variables in the way outlined in Equations 24
τ12 = τ12   and   τ22 = τ12 + (τ22 − τ12)  (25) through 26 implies that the latent-state variables
still hold. In fact, these equations are tautological, occurring in the path diagrams in Figures 14.7 and
that is, they are always true. The differences τ21 − 14.8 are specific to the first measure. In fact, the
τ11 and τ22 − τ12 between the two true-score vari- latent-state variables presented in the path diagram
ables at the two occasions are the systematic are the true-score variable τ11 of the first observable
differences between the two observables at each of Y11 at Occasion 1 and the true-score variable τ12 of
the two occasions. If the two observables are the first observable Y12 at Occasion 2. If, however,
intended to measure the same latent state, then the we would like to have a common latent-state variable
differences for both measures at each of the two time-points, we
can define such a common latent-state variable by
δ1 = τ21 − τ11   and   δ2 = τ22 − τ12 (26) simply taking the averages
exactly represent the individual effects of using η1 = (τ11 + τ21)/2   and   η2 = (τ12 + τ22)/2 (28)
Method 2 instead of Method 1 at time-points 1 and
2, respectively. Whereas δ1 represents the method of the two true-score variables involved (for exten-
factor pertaining to Occasion 1, δ2 is the method sions allowing for different loadings, also see Pohl &
factor pertaining to Occasion 2 (see Pohl et al., Steyer, 2010). Now
2008). τ11 = η1 + (τ11 − η1)   and   τ21 = η1 + (τ21 − η1) (29)
Why should these two method factors be differ-
ent if exactly the same methods are applied at the as well as
two occasions of measurement? Hence, it is plausi- τ12 = η2 + (τ12 − η2)  and  τ22 = η2 + (τ22 − η2) (30)
ble to assume δ1 = δ2, which allows us to drop the
index, that is, trivially hold. Furthermore, some algebra shows that
τ11 − η1 = −(τ21 −η1) and τ12 − η2 = −(τ22 − η2). The
δ = δ1 = δ2,  (27) values of the difference variable τ11 − η1 are the devi-
where δ represents the method factor assumed to ations of the Measure 1–specific individual latent-
be identical for both occasions of measurement. state variables from the common latent-state
Note that τ11 is a constituting component of δ. variable at Occasion 1. Again, it is plausible to
Hence, it will correlate with δ, and the same assume that the difference variables δ1 = τ11 − η1 and
applies to τ12. The resulting model is represented δ2 = τ12 − η2 are identical because the observables Y11
in Figure 14.8. and Y12 are assessed with identical measurement

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

ε 11 Y11 meaningful for the particular application at hand.

τ1 Geiser, Eid, and Nussbeck (2008) as well as Geiser
ε 21 Y21 1 et al. (2010a) provided detailed guidelines as to the
−1 choice of a particular reference method in practical
δ applications of the residual method factor approach.
ε 12 Y12
1 The LST Model With Measure-
ε 22 Y22 Specific Trait Variables
Another way to account for method effects is to con-
Figure 14.9.  Multistate model
with common latent-state factors sider as many trait factors in an LST model as there
using an effect parametrization are measures (as opposed to assuming only one gen-
for the method factor δ. eral trait factor for all indicators). The trait factors
in this model are measure-specific (e.g., Eid, 1996;
methods at the two occasions of measurement. see Figure 14.10). High correlations among the
Hence, if we assume measure-specific trait factors indicate that the trait
components of the observables are essentially homo-
δ = τ11 − η1 = τ12 − η2, (31)
geneous (i.e., that method effects are small),
the resulting model is represented in Figure 14.9. whereas moderate correlations suggest high method
In this model, the individual method effects are specificity (i.e., each observable may reflect a differ-
represented by an effect parametrization that com- ent facet of the construct).
pares the latent-state scores of Measures 1 and 2 The model with measure-specific trait factors has
with the average of the latent-state scores of the two the advantage that no method factors are needed to
measures. In contrast, in the model displayed in Fig- model method effects and that each trait factor is
ure 14.8, the individual method effects are repre- clearly interpretable as the stable component of a
sented by a contrast parametrization that compares specific observable. On the other hand, the model
the latent-state scores of Measure 2 with the latent- leaves method effects confounded with trait factors.
state scores of the first measure. Both parametriza- Hence, in contrast to models with residual method
tions are equivalent to each other. Note, however, factors, variance components caused by a reference
that not only the contents of the method factors are trait cannot be separated from variance caused by a
different between the two models. Instead, the con- specific trait. We suggest that the LST model with
tent of the latent-state variables is different as well. measure-specific traits be used when researchers
In the effect parametrization, there is a common assume that each observable represents a distinct
latent-state variable defined to be the average of the facet of a broadly defined construct. Conversely,
two measure-specific latent-state variables τit. In the models with method factors seem to be more
contrast parametrization, there is a specific latent-
state variable, the specific latent-state variables τ1t ε11 Y 11
1 1
pertaining to the first measure. Hence, we have the ζ1 ξ1
ε21 Y 21
choice, but the choice has consequences for the sub-
stantive interpretation of both the method factors 1
and the common latent-state variables.
The same is true for Eid’s (2000) residual
method factor approach, as the meaning of the state ε12 Y 12
ζ2 1 ξ2
and method factors depends on the choice of the ref- 1 1
ε22 Y 22
erence indicator in this approach. In general,
researchers should select an approach that yields Figure 14.10.  Latent state–trait model with
methods factors that are easily interpreted and indicator-specific trait variables ξi.

Latent State–Trait Models

ε 11 Y11 ζ1 ζ*1 Y*11 ε *11

1 * 1
τ11 τ 11
λ211 λ*211
ε21 Y21 Y*21 ε *21
1 1

ξ1 ξ *1

γ21 γ* 21
* *
ε12 Y12 Y 12 ε 12
1 1
τ12 τ* 12 *
λ221 λ 221
ε22 Y22 ζ2 ζ*2 Y*22 ε *22

Figure 14.11.  Multiconstruct latent state–trait model for two constructs.

suitable when theory suggests that the observables variables. Correlations between state residual com-
are indicators of a single underlying concept and dif- ponents pertaining to the same measurement occa-
fer only slightly (e.g., because of different item sion indicate the degree to which the effects of a
wording, etc.). For a recent application of the LST specific measurement occasion (or situation and
model with measure-specific trait variables see Bon- person–situation interaction effects) generalize
nefon, Vautier, and Eid (2007). across different psychological variables. For exam-
These basic ideas can be generalized to more ple, Eid et al. found a correlation of .78 between
than two measures and more than two occasions of the latent-trait variable pertaining to a mood-level
measurement as well as to models with unequal scale and the latent-trait variable underlying repeat-
loadings of the observables on the latent variables edly measured mood states. In addition, Eid et al.
(see Pohl & Steyer, 2010). Furthermore, method reported significant correlations between the state
factors can also be combined with latent change residual factors pertaining to different constructs
variables and with models including latent-trait on the same measurement occasion (.32 ≤ r ≤ .45)
variables such as the single-trait/multistate model. indicating a substantial amount of shared occasion-
Geiser and Lockhart (in press) discussed different specific variance.
approaches to account for method effects in LST Schermelleh-Engel, Keith, Moosbrugger, and
analysis in detail. Extensions of LST models to mod- Hodapp (2004) extended multiconstruct LST mod-
els incorporating more than one construct1 at a time els to hierarchical LST models. In these models, a
are discussed in the next section. general (third-order) trait factor is introduced to
separate variance components caused by general and
Multiconstruct Models specific trait components (e.g., a general intelligence
In multiconstruct LST models, state and trait com- component as opposed to specific facets of intelli-
ponents of two or more constructs are considered gence). Although the hierarchical LST models pro-
simultaneously (see Figure 14.11). Multiconstruct posed by Schermelleh-Engel et al. allowed for the
LST models have been presented by Dumenci and estimation of interesting additional variance
Windle (1998), Eid et al. (1994), Steyer et al. ­components, the third-order latent variables intro-
(1990), Vautier (2004), and others. In these mod- duced in the models are not well defined and, as a
els, correlations between the trait components per- consequence, their meaning is less clear than the
taining to different psychological variables indicate meaning of the variables in the models presented in
associations between the stable parts of these this chapter.

We feel that there has not yet been a satisfactory suggestion as to how the term construct should be defined in psychology and what exactly it refers to.

We use the term here nonetheless to refer to studies that attempt to study the relation between the trait and state components of different psychologi-
cal variables (e.g., depression and anxiety).

Steyer, Geiser, and Fiege

Other Extensions of LST Models of all theoretical concepts defined within this frame-
LST models have been extended in a number of work. Other latent variable models often suffer in
ways. Eid (1995, 1996; see also Eid & Hoffmann, their theoretical strength and empirical applicability
1998) has shown how LST models can be defined if latent variables are not constructively defined but
for ordered categorical (ordinal) outcomes. Tisak just assumed to be there—without explicating the
and Tisak (2000) have combined the idea of model- random experiment that underlies the phenomenon
ing latent-trait change through growth curve models under study and without specifying how the scores
with the idea of modeling occasion specificity of the latent variables depend on the outcomes of
through LST models and have presented a compre- the random experiment.
hensive framework for modeling variability and A good example is the so-called correlated traits-
change in a single model. Cole, Martin, and Steiger correlated methods (CTCM) model in MTMM
(2005) have presented a so-called trait–state occa- research (e.g., Marsh & Grayson, 1995). In this
sion model that features an autoregressive compo- model, each indicator is thought to be influenced by
nent on the level of the state residual variables. a latent trait, a latent method, and an error compo-
Courvoisier (2006; Courvoisier, Eid, & Nussbeck, nent. All trait factors can be intercorrelated as can be
2007) extended the classical LST model to a mixture all methods factors, but trait and methods factors
distribution model. Mixture distribution LST mod- are assumed to be uncorrelated. The latent variables
els allow identifying a priori unknown subgroups in the CTCM model cannot be constructively
(latent classes) of individuals that differ, for exam- defined, and consequently, their meaning and inter-
ple, in their traitedness or proneness to occasion- pretation remains dubious. Furthermore, the model
specific influences. lacks theoretical rigor, as it is not clear, for example,
Another line of research has developed LST models on which theoretical rationale the assumption of
for the case of a multimethod assessment (e.g., differ- uncorrelated traits and methods is based.
ent raters assessing depression and anxiety of children One advantage of the constructive definition of
on multiple time-points). Multimethod LST models latent variables is that we know exactly which corre-
(Courvoisier, 2006; Courvoisier et al., 2008; Scher- lations among latent variables are zero by definition.
penzeel & Saris, 2007; Vautier, 2004) allow research- For example, in LST theory, trait variables and state
ers to answer questions of stability versus occasion residuals cannot be correlated by definition of these
specificity simultaneously for different methods. theoretical concepts (cf. Exhibit 14.1). Hence, the
constructive definition of latent variables as func-
tions of true-score variables makes clear which
latent variables can be correlated in empirical appli-
About 20 years ago, LST theory was introduced and cations and which cannot. Models in which latent
the first LST models were applied to psychological variables or “factors” are not formally defined but
data. As shown in this chapter, since then LST the- simply “assumed to be” there may not allow for a
ory has seen numerous extensions that facilitate and clear interpretation of these variables and may
broaden its applicability in psychological research. obfuscate the question as to which correlations are
We see as one of the most important features of LST admissible and which are not. We believe that in the
theory the fact that the underlying theoretical con- future, other areas of latent variable research will
cepts of this theory are clearly defined, leading to a greatly benefit from this way of defining latent vari-
clear interpretation of the latent variables in LST ables constructively.
models. The various extensions of basic LST theory
presented in this chapter illustrate that the rigorous
mathematical foundation and constructive defini-
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