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Melanie Rudish

EDU 220

 I. Describe the Class: My class consists of 25 2nd grade students ages 7-8.
Each student is sitting in a group of 5 at a round table. There are boys and
girls at each table.

 II.Subject/Skill: The subject is science and the process of how flowers get
pollinated and how the pollen is carried to the flower.

 III. Objective(s) the objective of this lesson is to have my students identify

and explain how the pipe cleaner mimics the natural structure of the butterfly
or insect legs. Bee’s butterflies and other insects have fuzzy legs and bodies
that pollen sticks to. These (the pipe cleaner) help them carry the pollen from
flower to flower.

 IV> Procedures Each student receives a pipe cleaner and cuts it in half. To
make the “feet” of the butterfly, students bend the pipe cleaner slightly to
form butterfly feet. The second piece of pipe cleaner can be used to make
“antennae.” Students will also be given a juice box and a die cut paper flower
to put around the juice box. Students will “fly their pipe cleaner butterfly legs
to the cheese powder and dip the pipe cleaner in them. When they fly away,
they will have orange cheese powder all over there “legs”. The students will
then land on the die cut flower that is sitting on top of the juice box to deposit

 IV> Materials:
 1 packet of macaroni and cheese powder for every table,
 1 paper plate for each group
 pipe cleaners
 die cut paper flowers,
 Juice boxes, and a lens.

 V. Grouping Structures The students groups will be mixed. I will use the
within class ability grouping which is a system of accommodating student
differences by dividing a class of students into two or more ability groups for
instruction in certain subjects.

 VI. Modifications. I would modify this lesson plan for special needs students
for example. If a student was hard of hearing, I would use a voice
enhancement system to read the lesson aloud to them. If I have a student with
autism, I would pair them up with a buddy to work with to help them along. If
I have a visually impaired student, I might print out a larger version of the
lesson with more pictures as a visual aid for them.

 VII Assessment Students will be assessed on their observations of the

assignment from start to finish. They will be visually observed to make sure
they are participating and will get participation points. They will also keep a
science journal to make drawings of their observations to turn into me. They
will explain in writing the materials they used and all the steps their butterfly
took to pollinate the flower. We will also have a class discussion on what the
students thoughts were about this assignment and what they learned from it.

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