Family Handyman #498

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Features t\4AY 2009 VoLU|\4E 59, N0.

5, 498TH EDTT|ON

32 Weekend waterfall
A small pond and waterfall
can create a great big splash
in your backyard.

40 Dryer repair
Fix it yourself and save a bun-
dle. No experience necessaryl

ffi Brick-border sidewatk

Dress up a drab concrete walk
and boost curb appeal in just
one weekend.

60 Under-cabinet drawers
Expand kitchen storage in two
days. Our system makes it easy.

68 Driveway makeover
Get instant curb appeal now
and save thousands in
replacement costs Iater.


Dryerfixes 40
Add more storage to any kitchen 60
Backyard waterfall 32
Brick edging 48
2-hour bench 76
Cool Toot Special 26
Driveway makeover 68
Sharpen mower blades l0
Fix a bad TV picture t4

2 May2oog
l0 Home Care & Repair
How to sharpen dull lawn
mower biades and prepare
for digital TV reception.

t6 Do's & Don'ts

Here's how to edge-band
plywood and get perfect
results every time.

23 RemodeI Resources
Greener bamboo fl ooring,
fire pit tables, LED "candles"
and affordable glass tile.

26 New Tools & Gear

A three-tool combo kit. a
sawhorse with a built-in clamp
and more great new tools.

76 lnstant Project
A two-hour, $25 campfire
bench. You gotta like that!

78 Question & Comment

Respirators for spray painting,
replacing a pull chain with a
wireless switch, and more,

84 Handy Hints@
Better ways to mix paint,
preserve your glue and
saw slippery stuff.

8B Car & Garage

How to stop rough idle,
prevent license plate theft and
service your spare-tire lift.

94 Doltar Savvy Homeowner

Be your own locksmith,
know when ii pays to buy
instead of rent-and save big!

102 Wordless Workshop'"

Pretty, easy to build Questions about subscriptions? Back issues/articte copies
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Cover Photo: TOIV FENENGA Web site:

4 May2OOg thefamityhandyman,com
by Jeff Gorton







Sharpen your lawn mower btade

f fou wouldn't take care of grass that's I prtl the wire
[too long by tearing off the end of I fro- the spark
e?ch blade, would you? But that's plug. Remove the
gas cap, put a piece
exactly what a dull lawn mower does,
of plastic over the
leaving the torn grass vulnerable to sun opening and replace
damage and disease. You could sharp- the cap. This witt
help prevent gas
en your mower blade with a file (it
spitls when you flip
takes forever!), a rotary tool or a bench the mower to
grinder, but we'll show you how to do access the blade.
the job with an angle grinder. It's fast
and easy. If you don't own a grinder,
you can buy one for about 960 and use
it for all kinds of other tasks too.
To sharpen your lawn mower blade,
you'll need a socket or wrench to fit the
lO May2oog
blade nut. Tough nuts may call for a
breaker bar and/or a penetrating lubri- Iinetami
cant. You'll also need two clamps, a fi I Toseewhatetseyoushould doto get
I vour lawn mower ready, go to thefamily-
block of wood and, of course, an angle I I
grinder with a metal grinding blade. I Formore usesfora grinder, gotothe-
Start by disconnecting the spark plug L
wire (Photo l). Next, place a piece of
plastic (a sandwich bag works well) Clamp the blade securely in a vise or
under the gas cap to prevent gas from to the edge ofyourworkbench. Prepare
leaking out of the vent hole when you for grinding by putting on your gloves,
tip the mower. Tip the mower so the face shield, hearing protection and a
with the carburetor faces up.
side Iong-sleeve shirt. Before you start
Clamp a 2x4 block to the side of the grinding, hold the grinder against the
mower to keep the blade from turning blade and tip it up or down until the
while you loosen it. Mark the "grass grinding disc is aligned with the angle
side" of the blade so you don't reinstall on the blade. Try to maintain this angle
it upside down, Use a socket wrench or as you grind. Keep the grinder moving
J CU-p a btock to the lawn mower a breaker bar to turn the nut counter- and apply only light pressure so you
3 skirt to stop the blade from spinning clockwise to loosen it (Photo Z). If it's don't overheat the blade or grind away
while you unscrew the nut. Use the longest
wrench you can find to loosen the nut. lt's stubborn, soak it with penetrating oil too much (Photo3). If you overheat the
tikety to be very tight. for a half hour and try again. metal, it'll turn dark blue or black and
become brittle. Then it won't hold an
edge. Your goal is to remove the nicks
and dents and create an edge that's
about as sharp as a butter knife. A
razor-sharp edge will dull quickly and
chip more easily.
Make several passes across the blade
with the grinder, checking your
progress frequently. You don't want to
grind off more than necessary. If your
blade has a lot of nicks and gouges, try
this. Start by holding the grinder at a
right angle to the blade and grinding
the edge of the blade flat to remove the
nicks. Be careful to use light pressure
and move quickly. It's easy to burn the
thin edge. After you've removed the
nicks, go back to grinding at the correct
Grind the btade carefu[y with an angle grinder to remove nicks and dents and
restore the edge. Make several light passes to avoid overheating the blade.
blade angle.
If your blade has deep nicks or is
cracked, bent or worn thin, don't
sharpen it; buy a new one. You'll find
the best selection at stores that sell and
service lawn equipment. Take the old
blade with you to get an exact match.
If you don't grind away the same
amount of metal from both sides, the
blade can become unbalanced. You can
buy a special blade-balancing cone or
simply hang the blade on a nail (Photo
4). Correct an unbalanced blade by
grinding a little metal from the blunt
end of the heavy side of the blade until
it balances on the nail. Make sure the
1/1 Bulunr.the btade on a nail after you've sharpened both edges. lf one side is heavy,
t? marked side is toward you when you
it'U drop. Mark the heavy side so you'tt know which end to grind. Grind a tittte off the
heavy side and hang the btade on the nai[ again to recheck it. Repeat this process until reinstall it and that you tighten the nut
the btade hangs levet. securely.

12 May2OOg
Bad TV reception? Here's one fix
According to cable repair experts, cor-
roded or faulty cabie ends are one of
the leading causes of a poor-quality
picture. And with the transition to dig-
ital broadcasting, poor connections are
going to become even more apparent.
So if you're having problems with your
picture or you just want to make sure
you're prepared for the new digital sig-
nals, replace the crimp-on ends of your
coax with state-of-the-art compression-
type connectors. Here's how.
We purchased a DataShark Satellite
& Digital Cable Tool Kit (No. 7O019;
II Vour coaxial cables corrode over time, JG Pr"pur" the end of the cabte for
$39) that includes everything you need which can result in a bad picture on instaltation of the new F-connector
your television. To fix, begin by cutting off with a special coax cable stripper. This is a
to install compression-type RG6 coaxi- the o[d ends. two-step process with this styte stripper.
al cable ends. Go online to datashark- to find a local retailer. You
can also buy the tools and connectors
separately. You'll need a side-cutting
pliers or other cutting tool to clip off
the old cable ends, a special coax cable
stripping tool to prepare the cable end
for the connectors, and a compression
tool to install the new ends. But before
you purchase tools or connectors,
you'll have to determine whether your
coaxial cable is RG6 or the less com-
mon RG59. RG6 is the standard for new
installations, but if you're replacing
the ends on older cables, they might be
RG59 (the white plastic dielectric that
surrounds the center conductor is
smaller on RG59 coax). Without a side-
by-side comparison, it's hard to tell the
difference between the two. To be sure,
2 prrn rne new Trrrng onro tne eno or 1Z- Compress the connector with a spe-
cut one of your coax cable ends off and l#
J tfre stripped coax. First bend the cial compression toot. lt's simpte. Just
take it along to the store. Ask a sales- braided sheathing back and check to make slip the connector into the tool and
person to help you identify the type. sure that no foiI or braided sheath is touch- squeeze the hand[e.
Photos I - 4 show how to replace an ing the copper conductor.

old coaxial cable end with a new com-

pression-type RG6 connector. It's pret- conductor carefully to make sure it's
this case, bend three layers back but
ty straightforward, but there are a few leave one layer of foil covering the
not cut or nicked. Next reposition the
things to watch out for. white plastic dielectric in place. It's
cable to the second hole in the stripper
First, you have to strip the cable so the biade is aligned 'L/4 irr. behind
critical to make sure that neither the
carefully to avoid damaging the con- the stripped section. Spin the stripper foil nor any of the tiny braided wires
ductor or sheathing. Start by position- around a few times to cut the outer are touching the center conductor.
ing the cable in the outermost hole jacket. Remove the cable from the tool Before you put the connector in the
with the blade aligned Ll4 i\. from the and slide the jacket off to expose 1/4 compression tool, press the connector
end of the cable. TWist the stripper in. of the braided sheathing. onto the stripped cable end. You may
around the cable two or three times to Prepare the cable end for the connec- have to twist the connector slightly as
slice through everything but the center tor by carefully folding the braided you push to get it to seat correctly. Then
conductor. Remove the cable and slide sheath back onto the outer jacket (Photo slip the connector into the compression
the cut section off to expose tlq in. of you'll find tool and squeeze the handle until the
3). On quad-shield cables,
bare copper conductor. Inspect the two braids and two layers of foil. In compression sleeve is fully seated. jJ
L4 May2OOg
by Jeff Gorton






Ir*il'l-on edge banding

\fifitn a roll of wood veneer edge like birch, oak and cherry at
Y U banding and a few simple tools. home centers and lumberyards. For
you can cover raw plywood edges so exotic species and a greater variety of
the plywood is nearly indistinguish- widths, search online or visit a special-
able from solid wood. Iron-on edge ty woodworking store iike Rockler or
banding is wood veneer with hot-melt Woodcraft. Rolls of edge banding come
adhesive preapplied to the back. You in lengths of g ft. to 250 ft. and widths
simply hold the edge banding in place, of 13h6 in. to 2 in. For typical Jl4-in.
run over it with a household iron to plywood, buy 13/16- or 7/B-in.-wide
heat the adhesive, let it cooi and trim edge banding (zoa to 65@ per linear ft.).
the edges flush. We'll show you how to If you'd rather cover the edges 'r.l'ith #*18*,-
do it and share some tips for getting solid wood nosing, go to thefamily-
perfect results every time. and search for "wood
You'll find edge banding in common nosing. "

16 May2OOg thetamltyhandyman,com
Clean up the edges
Saw marks or other roughness will
prevent a strong bond between the
edge banding and the plywood. To
avoid loose edge banding, sand the
edges of the plywood smooth before
you apply it. To keep from rounding
edges while you sand, wrap a quarter
sheet of 12O-grit sandpaper around a
small block of 3/+-in. plywood and
screw another scrap to it as a guide.
When the sandpaper starts showing
signs of wear, remove the screw and
reposition the sandpaper. After sand-
ing, vacuum the edge to remove any
Press it while it's hot
Make sure the edge banding is fully
adhered by pressing it down with a
block of wood while it's still hot. Go
back and forth over the edge a few
times while the glue is cooling. Look
for any areas that are raised. Heat
those spots again and press them
again with the block.

lron on the edge banding

Use your regular clothes iron if you wish, but be aware that you may get adhe-
sive on the soleplate. To be safe, buy a cheap iron from a thrift store or discount
retailer. Empty the water out to avoid any steam and move the heat setting to
"cotton." Use a scissors to cut a length of edge banding about 1 in. longer than Slice off the ends
the edge you're covering. Starting at one end, center the edge banding with The easiest way to remove the over-
equal overhangs on each side and set the preheated iron at that end. Move the hanging ends is to simply slice them
iron along the surface, keeping the edge banding centered with your other off with a utility knife. Place the edge
hand. Move the iron along at a rate of about 2 in. per second. The goal is to melt banding on a work surface and light-
the adhesive without scorching the wood. Iy score it a couple of times. Don't
Don't sweat it if you scorch or misalign the banding during application. Just worry about cutting all the way
run the iron over it again to soften the glue so you can peel the banding away. through. Just Iift the plywood and
Cut yourself a new piece and start over. bend up the banding to snap it off.
18 May2OOg
Use a trimmer on edges --)-t'

The quickest and easiest wav to trim thc edge banding flush to the plywood is "-t-*'t-*'

with a special edge banding tool, sr-rch as the FastCap trimner shown here
(No. 836877; $20 at Wooclcraft stores or online at

Make a shatlow ilass first Ftip the trimmer

Trit'n r'r,ith the shimmecl side first. for the final pass
Sinr;e less verleer is being remclr,ed Flip the trimmer over and use the
r.t'ith this side of the tlimmer. the urrshimmed side for a final trim-
likelihood of mnawav splits is great- ming. When you're through, the edge
lrr reducecl. Stalt at one encl and bancling should be almost perfectly
sclueeze the trirrrncr until tl-re shin-rs flush u,ith the plvwood. If vou
are against the plvr,voocl. 'l'hen press n-rissecl anv spots, just nake another
clor'vn and slide the tlimmer erlong pass or two with the trimmer. The
the edge. Thin strips of veneer '"r'ill
peel a'r,r'av fron both edges.
final sanding urill remorre the sharp
edge and anv remaining overhang. 4--'


Modify your trimmer

Trimrning the overhanging eclges flush to the plvr,r'ood without damaging the
eclge bandirg can be tlickr,. Ilthe trir.r.rmingblade catches in the wood grain, it
can split the thir-r veneer and vou'd have to stalt orrer'. Prexzc.nt that headache
by shimming one sicle of the tlirnnter r,vith stlips of edge banding so that it
cloesn't cut as dercp. fust "tar;k" the shlms on r,r'ith the iron, making snre to leave
a gap r,r,hcre the blacies are. Sinr:e this trinrmelhas t.ur,o cntting sides, vou can
leave the shims on onc sicle to rnake the initial pass, and then jr,rst flip it over ---/n
to r.nake the fir.ral pass. May2OOg 2l
TfreBafThlryTo tlaP4enTo d ryk

Don't leavr ;t splir+r

where it'l[>["rnw
Splices can be hard to see on raw
eclge banding, but thev may be high-
ly visible afier siain is applied.
Inspect tl-re edge banding before you
r;ut it to length so voll can r;ut arouncl
splices and ar,oid surprisr:s later.
Avoid waste bv using spliced pieces
in less r,isible aleas.

Solatube' Daylighting Systems are the

affordable way to brighten dark rooms.
lnstalls in just 2 hours
Leak-proof design
Turn off the lights
Touch up with
Save energy ,3 sanding btock
Go to Aftcr vou trim therl, the edges will
or call (888) 345-0945 today. bc sharp. Ease them with 150-grit
sandpapel on a sanding block. Hold
the sanding block at a slight angle
S()L,\TUBE and snooth out the edge. Sand gen-
lnnovation in Dayliohting tlr, and inspect the edge often to
avoid sancling through the thin
ven eer

22 May2OOg
by Etisa Bernick


ff ,|tEScUitcES




anrboo is r;orrsiclerrerl a sustirinalrltr ltalccl rvith tlrr: lcvels linrnrl in matcli- lcrrt I)ooring r;hoico fot' hcitlth-t:tttt-
llooling r-natelial hccuusc it's ir als likc paltir:lelroalrl anrl l\lDIr. brrt st;iorrs horrrco\\'ners. Irlvbool)rrlc is 100
glass thal grou's rluir;klr'. O;rk takes u\ ('n \\ ltr'll I' rrr. I I t.tttissi, rtls r ;rl) l)ol'(ionl birnrboo-rro ljllrrls. It's avail-
clccacles Io gror'r,to ntaturitr'. n'hile cause e\'c anrl thloirt illitation irr sensi- ablc rrnlinisherl, or'plclinishccl in a
bamboo r;:rn lre han'cstccl in thlrrc short tivc peroplc. In highcl r:onr;cnilatiorts. nalrrral or anrlrcr color'.'l-hc a\'olil!ln
t'r:ars. DcsPitc thoso "gl'er)lr " rrlcclen- thct'r;iin ci:nrse n:)lrsna lrncl asthnrtt. lrrir;c ril Irlvlrool)ttt'r: crlgel-gt'itin untl
Iills. trrosl ltaltl,,,,r Il'rrtitt,l rts'r( ,r urr',r Pllbool'rrrc is a ncrr'lirrer ol lolnral- flirt-gluin lranrlroo looling is aborrt li4

firrnralrlehvcle IllF) glrre in the ]trnrina- clchlrle-II'err banrboo 1looling 1tlotlttr;ts llor s.l. ft. lior nrole irrlirlnrirtion ancl to
tiorr pror;ess that's cror-rsirlcrecl to lrc a nranrrfaclrn'erl lrl Snrilh & lfong. \Vilh linrl stale-br,-statc tlcirlcr' lor;aliotts,
human r;alt;inogen. 'l'hc trmouni oi IIIr its clrrlulrilit\'. easl installation arrcl L:1t,,,:k uttt tlte \\'rrlr sil".
rusecl in banrboo flooring is snral] r:orn- niilulaI lrcrrrrIr'. I)lrlrooIrtrle is an crccl-, (866) 835-9859 May2ooq 23
Affordable glass tile
Glass tile is eco-friendly and makes gor-
geous backsplashes, countertops and
bathroom walls, but it typically costs
$30 to $60 per sq. ft. Here's a site that's
easy on your eyes-and your budget. stocks and ships
more than 300 unique styles for just 912
to $20 per sq. ft. ($6 for closeouts!). Sold
in 12 x 12-in. mesh-backed sheets, the
t tiles are available in styles such as
brick, iridescent, and stone and marbie
mosaics. A sample quarter sheet costs
$5. The style shown is Jelly Bean Blend.
o, (866) 620-8453

Fire pit tables for every budget

Move over, fire pits-fire pit tables are the hot new thing.
Light a fire in the middle of the table and then set drinks
and dinner around the edge. It's a perfect way to linger
outside during chilly spring evenings. Prices start at $100
and head up to the stratosphere depending on whether
you choose a model that heats with wood or opt for a
pricier one that uses propane, natural gas or special gel
fuel canisters. There are dozens of fire pit tables to choose
from. A good place to start is, which offers a
range of styles and prices as well as customer reviews.
f, (800 ) 420-7910

Candles that won't blow out
I Candela lights can do everything an ordinary candle can
do-except blow out in the wind or set the house on fire if
ieft unattended. These portable, rechargeable LED lights
are equally at home on the deck and on the bedside table.
They light instantly when Lifted from the charging platter
and start recharging as soon as they're
put back. The lights, which last up
to eight hours on a charge,
turn on automatically
during power failures.
They are available in
sets of two, four and
o eight in a variety of
styles ($39 to $129).
U, (877) 805-1801 j-I
24 May2oog thetamilyhandyman,com
by Brett Martin

;-raftsman's NEXTEC combo kit
l-oflers a 3/B-in. drill/driver, a
multi-saw and an LED work light
for only $150. The kit comes with
two 12-volt lithium-ion batteries
(which charge in 30 minutes) and
a charger.
My favorite tool in the bunch is
the cleverly designed multi-saw,
which functions as a jigsaw and a
mini reciprocating saw for tight
spaces. It uses T- and U-shank
saw blades (not standard recip
saw blades). An electric brake
quickly stops the blade when you
release the trigger. Buy the kit
(model No. 11890) at Sears stores
Craft sman, craft


i![d*ne,*." ,, l
M- ::re 5f!,q,lr$- m

orrt€C -n

A battery-powered hammer
I realized that the Craftsman Hammer-
head was popular when my local Sears
store was sold out the first two times I
stopped in to buy one. The 12-volt
Iithium-ion battery-powered auto ham-
mer pounds in nails up to 3-112 in. long
Sawhorse with hands-free clamp in seconds-the high-speed, high-
Rockwell's heavy-duty Jawhorse is a The awesome clamping power torque motor delivers a whopping
sawhorse with a built-in clamp that eiiminates the need for a second 3,600 impacts per minute. The magnet-
you tighten with your foot. It's the sawhorse (in most cases). The tripod ic head holds nails with heads up to
perfect solution if you often work bases keeps the Jawhorse stable dur- Z ltO in. wide in place to start them, so
alone and need an extra set of hands ing use. When you're through, the you can keep your fingers safely out of
for clamping tools, proiects or lum- fawhorse folds up like a collapsible the way. The nail sleeve automatically
ber. The substantial 37-in. jaw width sawhorse. But at $180, the Jawhorse retracts during use to set the nail flush
makes clamping wide projects a costs a lot more than a set of tradi- with the work surface.
snap. Or clamp on a piece of ply- tional sawhorses. Buy it on the com- The Hammerhead is the tool to reach
wood for an instant workbench or a pany's Web site or for when you're working in tight spots
platform for any portable tool. Rockwett, (866) 514-7625. and don't have enough room to swing a
hammer, or working on a material that
you don't want to mar with hammer-
Readers rank'em head dents. It's also a good tool for
novices who don't feel confident using a
Every month, the TFH "Powerhouse" reader panel has hammer. But the Hammerhead is loud-
the chance to weigh in on the new tools and gear we're very loud-so you'll want to use hearing
writing about. For more information or to join the panel, protection. Buy this $99 tool (No. 11818)
. visit at Sears stores or

2a May2OOg
Automatic watering system
If you've been manually turning on Automatic tight
your hose and then having to remem- during power outages
ber to shut it off again after watering, Energizer's Twin Light Center
check out the Vigoro Wireless Moisture has a home base recharging unit
Sensor & Digital Water Timer. Attach with a light that automatically
the timer to the hose spigot and stick turns on during power outages.
the moisture sensor in the ground. The Once you find it in the dark, just
timer automatically turns the water on grab one of the two "light sticks"
and off at preset times. The moisture and you can wander all over the
sensor "talks" to the timer, so it doesn't house. The lights are always
water if the ground is already wet. The charged (provided you keep
timer and sensor run on batteries. them parked in their home base).
You'll still have to move your hoses, No more hunting around a dark
but if you place a sprinkler in the house for candles, matches or
flower garden, the sensorn'ill take care working flashlights!
of the rest. You can get it at Home The sticks provide 5 to 10
Depot for $40. It's also available online; hours of light, depending on how many bulbs (two or four) you choose,
one source is And if they go dead, you can power them with three "AAA" alkaline bat-
teries for 18 more hours of light. Buy it at Target for 945 (No. 108a9a53).
Energizer, (800) 383-7323. f]

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32 May2OOg
w/affigIrnt \# *"#

ed ito rs @t h era m',r,3t" 5J|i"?T:tj

backyard pond doesn't have

-**=* [
{ | to be big to have a big
impact. This pond is less
than 6 ft. long and just over 4 ft. across.
But with its striking stone surround
and sparkling waterfall, it can become
the centerpiece of any landscape.
This design is versatile, too. You can
make the pond twice as large as ours or
half the size. You can locate it on flat
terrain or tuck the stone waterfall wall
into a slope. And unlike most ponds,
this one won't leave you with a small
mountain of soil to deal with-you can
simply use the excavated soil to form a
berm behind the waterfall wall.
This pond will take anywhere from
one to three weekends to complete.
The size of the pond is one factor in
how long it will take. But the stone you
choose is also a major factor (for more
on that, see "Stonework," p. 36). Our
cost for the basic pond materials,
including the liner, filter and pump,
.! was about $500. The stone may be free
if you can collect it yourself or it can
cost up to $1,000 ifyou choose expen-
sive stone at a landscape supplier,
This article won't tell you everything
j you should know before you grab your
shovel. For a guide to pond planning,
including advice on choosing a site, go
'€r tj to thefamilyhandyman. com/pondplan-
ning, Electrical codes require a GFCI-
protected outlet to power the pond's
pump. To see how to run underground
wiring and place an outlet anywhere in
a yard, go to
and search for "outdoor outlet."
.. il'

thefamltyhandyman,com May2OOg 33
Figure A
GFCI.PROTECTED Pond and waterfatl

S"iI 1";
the pond"r*i
hol" c"n'frffi
create a berm behind the
Then add plants to give the
waterfall a lush backdrop.
Dig the hote =
We dug our pond in a kidney shape, but you can make yours ol
any shape you like. To experiment with different shapes, Iay Bacteria clean the water ;l
There are lots of ways to keep pond water clean and clear-
out a garden hose or rope. But plan for Ihe total size of your )
chemicals, high-tech fitters, UV Iight systems. Some pond
water feature. The surrounding stone will extend 1 to 2 ft.
owners skip att of these and simply change the water a few ft
beyond the water's edge on three sides, and the waterfall wall, U
times each summer as it becomes green or cloudy. We
tank and berm will cover 3 to 4 ft. behind the pond. When chose a "biotogical" filtration system for our pond. The lava
you find a shape you like, cut through the sod around the r)
rock in the pump basket and the "fittration media" (a bag t
perimeter with a spade to mark the shape. Then start digging. of plastic strips) in the waterfall tank simply provide plenty
Toss the soii toward the back and sides of the pond where of surface area where bacteria can grow. The bacteria g
you'll later build up the berm. Be sure to throw the soii far consume decaying leaves, fish waste and other stuff that +
enough so you don't have to move it a second time. When woutd otherwise make the water murky and feed algae. ln o
you reach a depth ofabout 1 ft., create ledges along the sides addition to being inexpensive and eco-friendty, biological
of the hole. Carve the ledges into undisturbed soil; don't try fittration is easy. Atl you have to do is remove the fittration u
to build them from soil you've already dug up. Make the media twice each year and slosh it around in a bucket of o
ledges at least 1 ft. wide. These ledges help prevent cave-ins pond water (tap water will kitt the bacteria).
and provide a shelf for plants that prefer shallow water.
Slope the vertical walls of the hole slightly, about 1 to 2 in. +
per vertical foot. Don't make the bottom of the hole perfect- L"ine the hole U
ly level. Instead, slope it slightly toward the end of the pond The pond liner is made of tough EPDM rubber, but it's not )
farthest from the waterfall (about 1 in. of drop per horizon- puncture-proof. So inspect the hole before you line it. Cut
tal ft.). That provides a low spot where you can place the back any protruding roots and dig out any stones. If the soil U
pump and make it easier to drain the pond. Level the rim of is filled with stones, spread an inch of sand over the ledges
the hole so the surrounding stones will all rest at about the and bottom. Next, line the hole with "underlayment," a thick 6

same height above the water level (Photol). synthetic fabric that cushions the liner against damage. I

34 May2oog th€tamllyhandyman,com
1 Oig tne pond hote. To form a [eve[ rim, scrape away soil on the ? Un" the hote with undertayment fabric and the rubber [iner.
I high side and buitd a bank on the tow side. Compact buitt-up Atne undertayment cushions the tiner against punctures from
soil with a tamper. stones or roots.

Smootn out the [iner as the pond fitts. Tug out wrinkles and
form neat folds. But don't be too fussy-a perfectty smooth
11 Surroundthe pond with stones. Leave a gap between stones
t'? so you can remove the waterfatt suppty tube if necessary. Do
fit just isn't possible. the same for the pump's power cord.

Overlap sections of underlayment by about 6 in. and run the Rounded or irregular stone requires lots of trial-and-error
underlayment at least 1 ft. beyond the rim of the pond. ptzzle fitting and triples the work. The second variable is
Lay the rubber liner over the pond and then push it neatness. We chose a rough, informal look, with protruding
down so it roughly conforms to the inner shape of the hole. stones and fairly wide gaps between them. A more formal,
Kick off your shoes and work in your socks when you're on even and uniform look will take a lot longer to achieve.
the liner to avoid puncturing it. Make sure the liner Before you begin, lay out the stones and hose them off to
extends at least t ft. beyond the edge of the pond on three keep dirt out of the pond. Set aside three or four large, flat
sides. On the waterfall side, you'll need enough excess to stones as options for the waterfall ledge and the cap that wiil
reach the height of the waterfall. You'll run that extra cover the waterfall box. Then surround the pond with stone,
length of liner upward behind the stone to keep water in overhanging the water by a couple of inches to hide the liner
and soil out. When the liner is in position, start filling the (enoto +). Use fairly large stones that can't get accidentally
hole with water, and work out the wrinkles as the pond kicked into the water. You can set stones directly on the
fills (enoto 3). Once water covers the liner, the pressure liner, but a 1-in. layer of gravel makes leveling the stones
won't allow any "dewrinkling," so stay on top of the task. much easier. Be sure to use rounded "pea gravel" rather than
Most important, don't leave any gaps between the soil and gravel containing sharp pebbles. We laid two courses of
the liner. stone at the front of the pond, but one layer of large stones
is enough to hold the liner in place.
Surrounding the pond with stone can take just a few hours
or a whole weekend, depending on two things: First, it
/71 Castaconcreiefountainusinginexpensive I
depends on the shape of the stone you're using. Stone with I concrete mix and a homemade form. See how I
flat surfaces, like the flagstone we used, stacks up quickly. [rt

36 May2OOg thstamllyhandyman.som
Fasten the liner to the waterfall tank. Better tanks inctude a 4 form the waterfatt with a targe, ftat stone. Set the side
metal strip that forms a tight seat. f,J stones over foam sealant so water won't flow sideways into
the waterfall wall.

As you build the waterfall wall, Ioosely drape the liner

up against the stone and pile soil against it. When you
reach the desired height of the waterfall, connect the sup- Choosing materials
ply tube to the waterfall tank and attach the liner to the Most home centers carry only a sma[[ range of pond
tank (ehoto4). Next, set the waterfall ledge stone in place. suppties. For the best selection, visit a large garden center
or landscape supptier. To get acquainted with the vast array
Slowly pour a bucket of water over it to make sure the
of choices, go online and search for "pond supplies." Here's
water flows off and into the pond. If the stone needs more
what you'tI need:
tilt, shim it with chips of stone.
Set the tank in place over well-packed soil or stones,
with the outlet resting on the waterfall ledge. Then build
up stone around the waterfall ledge (enotoo). You can hide
the tank with soil or stone. We used both and }eft one side
exposed so we could easily disconnect the supply tube.
That way we can pump all the water out of the pond for
repairs or cleaning. Cap the tank with a stone that's large
enough to cover it but small enough to move easily.
Connect the pump to the supply tube, set in a pump bas-
ket and add lava rock. The lava rock provides a home for
bacteria and keeps debris out of the pump. Set the pump
and basket at the end of the pond farthest from the water-
fali. That way, water will circulate through the entire pond
before being pumped back to the waterfall. Place the filtra-
tion bag in the waterfall tank and start up the pump. Watch
the water flow at the waterfall. Some of the water may run EPDM rubber liner: Make sure the material is at least
back along the underside of the ledge stone instead of 45 mit thick. To estimate the size, add twice the depth of
falling directly into the pond. If so, create a drip line by the pond to the length and width. Then add 3 ft. to both the
running a bead of clear silicone caulk along the underside tength and the width. Finatty, add the height of the water-
fatt to the length. Our tiner cost $]80.
of the stone about an inch from the edge. If the water is
Underlayment: This fetttike synthetic material provides a
dirty, disconnect the tub from ihe waterfall tank, pump out
protective cushion under the liner. Buy the same amount
as much as possible and refill the pond. If the water is still
of underlayment as liner. We spent $60.
a bit murky, just give the filtration system a few days to do
Pump: Pumps are sized by the amount of water they can
its job. r-.! move, measured in gailons per hour (gph). One way to
setect the size is to plan on 10O gph for each inch of water- I fatt width. We wanted a 5-in.-wide stream of faling water
Visit our site for more water features for your yard: I
Web and chose a 50O-gph pump, which cost $100.
. See how to buitd a smatl waterfattwithout a pond I Miscetlaneous: l2-in. waterfa[[ tank, filter media, pump
I basket, tava rock, btack foam pond sealant, silicone cautk,
. Build a Japanese-styte pond and waterfall. Go to I pea grave[, tubing and connectors sized for your pump.
I Attogether, we spent $]50 on miscellaneous materiats.

38 May2OOg thefamllyhandyman.qom
You can solve most
prob[ems yoursetf-no
experience necessary!
by Rick Muscoplat
editors@thefami[ t
your dryer breaks down, J
here's the first thing to rI
know: You can solve most F
dryer troubles yourself. J
There's no need to find a z
P technician, schedule a service call or pay )
$80 to $200 for repairs. F
The fixes we show in this article correct a
about 90 percent of dryer breakdowns. Most F
repairs take about an hour, but set aside U

extra time to locate replacement parts.

To find parts, check the yellow o
pages or search online
for "appliance parts." zU
" l- zU
Aside from basic I
*tl tt toolslikeasock- o
et set and screw-
j,Silt drivers, you may g

need a continuity
tester or multime-
ter to diagnose the U
problem. E.


Dryer disassembly
Most dryer repairs require some Figure A
\l*{s "-?-
disassembly of the outer cabinet . coNTROt
Gas dryer
so you can get at the parts inside. If
your dryer's lint filter is inside the
front door (rigure A), disassemble it
this way: First, remove the screws at
each corner of the
The first step in
and back to
FIip the panel up
any appliance expose the )
repair is to make screws in the top DOOR
sure it's getting
panel. Remove
Unplugged cords the screws, then DRUM
and tripped pull the top SUPPORT
breakers are a
leading cause of
toward you and RADIANT SENSOR
appliance lift it off. To open IGNITER
"breakdowns." the bottom panel,
release the spring VALVE COILS
catches by shoving a putty knife into TENSIONER

the slot just above them. With the MOTOR

bottom panel open, you can remove
the front panel by removing two
screws at the top and
two at the bottom. CAUTION
If your filter slides Don't get shocked! Unptug the dryer BOTTOM
before you do any disassembly, diagnos-
into the top of the tic or repair work. On a gas dryer, also
dryer, remove the turn off the gas supply shutoff valve.
screws alongside the Using a continuity tester
filter slot. Using putty knife, release the two spring catch-
a Our photos show using a multimeter ($25) to diagnose
es located under the top panel at the front. Tilt the top panel trouble. But a continuity tester ($5) witt also work for atl
up like a car hood and remove the screws that hold the front the troubleshooting in this article. To use a continuity
panel in place. tester, simply attach the clamp to one contact point and
touch the probe to the other. lf the tight glows, you've got
continuity. lf not, you've got troubte.
42 May2oog

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Dryer won't start
More money-saving appliance repairs:
If your dryer seems absoh-rtely dead when you turn it To solve the most common fridge troubtes, go to
on, chances are the door switch is bad or the plunger is ridgef ixes.
broken or bent. Door switches wear out from normal Repair a gas or electric range. See how at ixes.
use, but repeatedly slamming the door can speed r,rp See how to fix a {eaking washing machine at
their demise. Start by checking the ph-rnger located on
Fix common dishwasher problems fast. see how at
the door. If it's missing or bent, replace it. If the plunger
checks out, the next step is to remove the top cabinet
panel to gain access to the door switch. See the disas-
sembly instructions on p. 42.
Test the switch ($20) for continuity (see p. 42). If the Dryer thumps, rumbles or chirps
switch is good, test the thermal fuse (see photo, p. 46) The drum support rollers are worn. Replace ali of them
mounted on the biower housing. If you have a gas dryer ($25; shown below). If the noise continues, replace the
with the lint filter in the door, access the thermal fuse tensioner roller (p. 47). Since it takes longer to disas-
by opening the bottom panel. If the filter slides into the semble the machine than to actually replace the rollers
top of the machine, remove the entire front panel. On an and belts, we recommend replacing both of them at the
electric dryer, remove the rear service panel. If vou same time-total parts cost is $45.
don't get a continuity reading frorn the thermal fuse, do
NOT simply replace it, A blown thermal fuse is a warn-
ing that you have other serious problems-either a mal-
functioning thermostat or a clogged vent. Fix those
before replacing the fuse (gzo).


f ,,^
Put[ the wires off the door switch. Open and ctose the door Ctip off the old triangular roller keeper and remove the roller.
while testing for continuity. lf you don't get continuity, replace Wipe the shaft with a rag and atcohol and install the new
the switch. roller and keeper. Do NOT lubricate the shaft. May2OOg 45
No heat
If you have an electric or gas dryer that tumbles but won't
heat, check the thermal fuse for continuity. If the thermal
fuse checks out, move on to the radiant sensor if you
have a gas dryer. It monitors the igniter and powers up
the gas valve coils when the
igniter reaches peak tem-
perature. A bum sensor will
stop the whole show. Test it
!b { *
for continuity (Rtroto l) and
replace it if it fails ($32). If
the sensor is good, discon-
nect the electrical connec-
tor to the igniter and check
it for continuity. Again,
replace it if it fails the con-
tinuity test ($a0). If both the
radiant sensor and the
igniter pass the test, replace
the gas valve coils ($30 per
set). To replace them,
remove the retaining plate, 'tr
unplug the sensors and pull t-
them off the gas valve.
If the thermal fuse on GAS VALVE
your electric dryer checks
out, test the heater element
for continuity. Replace the On a gas dryer, test the radiant sensor, igniter and ther-
element ($55) if you don't mal fuse by disconnecting the wires and checking for
continuity. Reptace them if they faiI the continuity test.
get continuity (Photos2and 3).

Disconnect the wires to the heating element of an e[ec- Replace the bad heating element on an etectric dryer by
tric dryer and test it for continuity. Replace the element if unscrewing the retaining clip at the top of the heater box.
you don't get a continuity reading. Then putt out the box and remove the element retaining screw.
Swap the elements and reinstalt.

46 May2oog thefamityhandyman,com
'::i't I

Route the new bett around the drum
and toward the motor/tensioner
assembly. Reach your hands around
the motor and retract the tensioner
so you can wrap the belt around the
motor puttey.

i..lru i.-t \ntr-tR't r0tet c"

i:,ui' r-n0l-'0r ri-i!'r":i
You're in luck-it's onll' 6 1,.u-
ken belt ($20). Re1r6r,e the ti'o1t
cabinet panel ancl lilt thc entire
dmrl out of thc cabinet. Non's
the tinte to file trlt volrr sholt
uunr ancl suck out all the lint.
Then spin the tensionel t'ollel bv
hancl to see if it nrns snroothlv
anrl exar-rrinc it fol cracks. rhobia'Pr
Replace thc tensioncr [$17) il it
lirlis eithel test. Ileinstal I the
dnrnr ancl ."vrarp the neu' ltelt
arouncl it
(r'ibs facing the clr.trnr).
Sorne tensiolters are nrourttecl
behincl the ntotor, so ther,'r.e clif-
flcult to see fronr tl're liont access
parrel. You'll have to do tl.ris itv
feel. Reach vonr haricls arouncl
the blor,r'el irousing ancl lili the
terrsionel u1t r,r,hlle rrou loutc the
belt alouncl the nrotol pullet'. t-,1
vr.c. nr, ShUftape N4ay2oO9 47
Q, The gf*
eounO the gravel with a hand tamper until if feets sotid. aOO a layer of sand on top of the gravel to create a ftat bed
iJ because *Y
level will drop as the gravel settles, but that's OK for the brick. Bricks shoutd protrude about l,/2 in. above the
you'tt add sand [ater to make up for it. sidewalk when set on the screeded sand.

grab your calculator and multiply the linear feet of trench by

.02. The result is the number of cubic yards of gravei need-
ed. Order gravel that ranges in size from 3/4 in. down to a
powder (called 3/4-in.-minus). For our project, which was a
total of 60 linear feet, we ordered '1,-1,/4 c:u. yds. of 3/4-minus
crushed limestone. It cost us $45 for the material plus $100
for delivery. Have the gravel dumped on the driveway where
it's easier to shovel up. You'll also need a f -in. layer of sand
under the bricks. It's usually cheaper and easier to simply
order bags of sand (92.50 to $3 each) rather than have a
small quantity delivered. Divide the linear feet of border by
5 to determine how many 50-lb. bags of sand you'll need.
We rented a sod cutter (gr8 per day) to slice a neat layer
ofgrass from along the edge ofthe sidewalk, but a flat shov-
el will also work. In addition to a shovel and rake, you'll
need a wheelbarrow, tamper ($gO, or $10 per day to rent)
and some scraps of lumber and basic carpentry tools to con-
struct the screeds (Photos2and4). If your sidewalk is straight
and you only have a few bricks to cut, you can use a dia-
mond blade (925) mounted in a circular saw to cut the
bricks. If your sidewalk is curved or you anticipate a lot of
cutting, rent a brick saw (965 to $100 per day; photoT).
Set the bricks on the sand bed. Don't worry if the tops aren't
Dig the trench even. You'tl tamp them down later to tevet them out and
make them flush to the sidewalk.
Two days before you start digging, call your local one-call
number and ask to have the buried utility lines alongside walk. If your grass is in good shape, slice it off carefully so
your sidewalk located and marked (call srr to find your you can use it to patch in along the new border. A sod cut-
Iocal one-call number). When you're sure it's safe to dig, ter simplifies this job and leaves you with neat rolls of sod
start by removing a 14-in.-wide layer of grass along the side- that are easy to reuse. If your grass isn't worth saving, just
dig it out and plan to buy a few rolls of sod instead. Next, dig a 14-in.-wide by S-in.-deep trench along the sidewalk to
I r rTlf you wanr
want ro
to learn now replace or add a new concrete watk go to
how to reptace 1
accommodate the gravel, sand and pavers (ehoto l). You're
I r Learn how to combine stone and pavers to make a path or patio at going to have a lot of dirt to get rid of. Ask around the neigh-
I borhood to see if someone needs fill for a low spot, or con-
L sider building a raised bed garden or decorative earth berm. May2OOg 53
should extend below the 2x4 Ihe
thickness of the paver brick plus 3/4
in. Tamp the fill again after leveling it
with the screed (Ptrotos).
Next spread a layer of sand a little
deeper than 1 in. over the compacted
base. If the sand is dry, dampen it
with a mist from the garden hose.
This will help hold the sand in place
when you scrape away the excess to
install the paver edging (ptroto g).
Construct another screed and use it to
level the sand (Photo 4). Figure the
Vart< bricks to fit around a curve by
depth of the notch by subtracting 1/4
simpty setting them in place.
estimate how much you'tl have to cut off in. from the thickness of a brick. Set a
to close the gap between bricks and paver on the screeded sand to test the
draw a cutting line with a permanent
depth. The paver should protrude
about 1/4 in. above the surface of the
As a last resort, you can rent a 10-cu.- sidewalk. You'll make the pavers
yd. trash bin (9250). When you're flush later by tamping them down
done digging, rake the bottom of the into the sand bed (Photos).
trench smooth and compact it with
the hand tamper. Set the pavers
Since the purpose of the gravel fill Since there's a good chance you'll
is to provide a stable base, it's impor- have to cut the iast brick to fit, start
tant to compact it well. Start by with a full brick in the most visible
spreading a 3-in.-deep layer of gravel location and plan to finish in the Ieast
in the trench. Pound every square conspicuous spot. If your edging
inch with the hand tamper until it's turns a right angle corner, start at the
tightly packed. Then add another 3 corner and work out. Photo 5 shows
in. of fill and drag a screed across the how to get started. You'll have to cut
top to create a surface that's parallel the pavers to go around curves. To
to the top of the sidewalk (ptroto z). figure out how much to cut from
Construct a screed by screwing a each, arrange a half-dozen pavers
14-in.-wide scrap of plywood to a 32- along the curve with the ends touch-
in. length of 2x4. The plywood ing and estimate the gap between

s Rent a brick saw if you have a lot of bricks to cut. Water spraying on the diamond
blade keeps dust to a minimum and speeds cutting.

54 May2009 t h e fa m i ty h a n d y m a n, c o m
Level the tops of the paver bricks with a board and hand
maut. Tamp them down flush to the surface of the sidewalk.

jSl ffotO the bricks securety in place with ptastic paver edging.
\J Press the ptastic edging against the bricks and secure it with
spikes. The edging bends easi[y once you cut the plastic band
along the outside edge.

them. If the curve is very gradual, you can simply cut every
third or fourth paver to fit. For steeper curves, mark the cuts
(Rtrotoo) and cut along the marks with a brick saw (PhotoT).
Cut and install several pavers, then repeat the process until
the curved section is complete. l ltl Stop" bricks atongside steps to make an attractive transi-
Next, install plastic paver edging behind the bricks to F LJ tion. Fottow the grade of the adlacent lawn to determine
hold them in place. Start by scraping the extra sand out from the stope.
behind the bricks so the edging will rest on the compacted
fill. The Snap Edge edging we used ( sand to fill the cracks and lock the bricks tightly together.
required us to cut the outermost band with tin snips to allow Complete the project by filling the trench behind the
the edging to bend around the curve. Press the edging bricks with some of the soil you removed earlier, Leave the
against the bricks and drive 10-in. spikes every 12 in. to soil slightly below the surface of the lawn to allow room for
hold the edging in place (Photog). the sod. You may have to experiment a little to get the level
At this point, the bricks should protrude slightly above just right. Set the sod in place and trim it to fit with a utili-
the surface of the sidewalk. Photo 9 shows how to use a scrap ty knife.
of lumber and hand maul to embed the bricks in the sand Photol0 shows how we ran the bricks alongside the step.
and make them flush with the surface of the sidewalk. This technique works whether you have one or several
Embed all the bricks. Then spread sand over them and work steps. In some cases, you may have to lemove an additional
it into the cracks with a broom. Be sure the sand is dry or it strip of sod alongside the steps and regrade the soil slightly
won't settle into the cracks. Tamp the bricks again with the so the lawn lines up with the edge of the bricks, but it's a
2x6 board and hand maul. The vibration will cause the dry neat-looking solution that's worth the extra effort. i1
56 May2OOg thelamityhandyman,com
I nstallinB drawers trrrder ealrirrrrls
I sorrncls likn a torrgh iolr. r'r:qtriring
I l,'r*u pJanning. lhe skills ola eab-
i irretmaker ancl r:hild-size harrds tt,
J work in lhal clamperl spirce. Brrl
this project is amazingly easv. To silt-
plify the whole process, $,e
I self-contained drar,r,er units that r,otr
m can asserlble in vour shop and then
slip into place. To simpllfv planning,



[Jnn't ict nlIthii:, sf"ieet: gfi tn westc
t To gain storage space, you usuatty have to give up space some-
where else. Not in this case. Hidden under almost every kitchen
cabinet, there's a cavity containing nothing but air. This [ow, sha[-
o low cavity isn't prime storage space for everyday items, but it's
perfect for bakeware, cteaning supplies, pet dishes and more.
60 May2ooq

- ,--:>



II ereat< out the toe-kick backing to open up the spaces under ] SriLO super-simpte drawer boxes. Just glue and naiI the sides,
the cabinets. Just driu a hole near the center, cut the backing in & front and back together, then glue and naiI on the ptywood
hatf and pull it out. bottom.

we'll show you three basic measure- Figure A

ments that let you size these dran,ers to
fit under any cabinet. Even if you've
Drawer unit
never built or installed a drawer before, The drawer, cradte and slides DRAWER SIDE
form a complete unit that's (1/2" PLYWOOD)
you can do it, This project is economi- simpte to buitd and easy to FRONT AND BACK
(1/2" PLYWOOD)
cal, too. Our total materials cost for install under a cabinet.
1.1 14"
these three drawers was about $100. A NAIL
cabinetmaker would have charged at
Ieast $350 to build and install them.
The number of drawers is up to you;
install them under all your cabinets or
just one.

Witt it work
with my cabinets?
The vast majority of kitchen cabinets
are similar to the ones we show here, SCREW LINE
with sides that extend to the floor (see 1-314"
Photol). But there are a few rare excep- MEASUREMENT:2"
tions, Some cabinets, for example,
stand on legs rather than the cabinet
sides. Open the cabinet doors and take
a look at the bottom of the cabinet box.
If you see screr.r' heads or holes near the I If thecabinet is more than 30 in. bottom of the cabinet, the drawers will
corners, your cabinets probably stand wide, consider installing two drawers have to be shorter.
on legs rather than the cabinet sides rather than one. Wider drawers tend to
(the screws or holes allow for height bind as you slide them in or out. Toots and materials
adjustment). In that case, installing I Yor-rr drawers will be shallow; don't You could build the drawers with noth-
drawers will require different steps expect to store kettles in them. A 4-in.- ing but hand tools and a circular saw,
than we show here. high toe space will give you storage but a table saw and miter saw will give
If your cabinets are constructed like space that's about 3 in. deep. A nail gun is
yor,r faster, better results.
ours, you can install drawers just as we I You can install drawers under a sink another big time-saver, though you can
did. There are just a few things to keep cabinet (or a bathroom vanity). But if hammer everything together with
in mind: the sink's plumbing runs through the 1.-1. I 4-in. finish r.rails instead.
62 May2OOg
Q Vornt the slides, centering the screw holes on the screw l, naathe cradte base to create a setf-contained drawer unit.
J lines. Press the release lever to separate the drawer member rT Fasten the base with screws onty; gtue coutd drip down and
from the cabinet member. gum up the slides.

AII the materials are available at able in 2-in.-length increments. Most centers carry only a few types of wood
most home centers. In the hardware cabinets accept 1B- or 20-in. slides. such as oak, cherry, and birch or maple.
aisle, choose "full-extension" side- Choose hardwood plywood like If your cabinets are made from a less
mount drawer slides (gfz to 916 per birch or oak for your drawers. common species, look for a lumberyard
pair; see Photo3). That way, only 3 to 5 Construction-grade tends to warp. Most that carries a wider selection (check the
in. of the opened drawer will be cov- home centers carry plywood in 2 x 4-ft. yellow pages under "Hardwood"). Or
ered by the overhanging cabinet front. and/or 4 x 4-ft. sheets, so you don't improvise-with the right stain, you
With cheaper "3/4-extension" slides, have to buy a full 4 x B sheet. Pick out can make birch or maple approximate-
only about half the drawer will be straight pine 1x4s for the cradle sides. ly match the color of just about any
accessible. If you can't find full-exten- For the drawer faces, you'll need hard- wood. The grain may look different,
sion slides, or if you want "overtravel" wood that matches your cabinets. If but that difference usually isn't notice-
slides that extend even farther, shop your toe-space height is 4 in. or less, a able in the dark toe space. We used
the Web. Search for "drawer slides" to 1x4 board will do. For a taller toe maple faces, even though our cabinets
find online suppliers. Slides are avail- space, you'll need a 1x6. Most home are made from cherry.

Figure B
Drawer sizing simplif ied
r Subtract 1-1/2in. from "A" to determine the
width of drawer sides, front and back.
r Subtract 1/2in.from "A" to determine the
width of drawer faces. The length of each
face depends on the width of the cabinet.
r Subtract 3-3/4in. from "B" to determine the
length of the drawer front and back. This
wi[[ make the entire drawer/cradle assembty
l/4 in. smaller than the width of the cavity.
r Subtract 1/4in.frcm "C" to determine the
length of the cradle and drawer sides.
r This is also the maximum tength of the
drawer slides you can use.

64 May2oog
S, Sfip the cradte under the cabinet and drive screws through 4, nest the drawer faces on l/4-in. spacers. Tack the face in
tJ the cradte sides just betow the slides. Small hands and a \J place with two nails, then open the drawer and drive screws
small drill make this part easier. into the face from the inside of the drawer box.

Remove the toe-kick already know how fussy they are. They as aguide (this only works if you've cut
and measure require a precise 1,/2-in. space on both the bottoms perfectly square). Cut the
Before you buy materials, open up the sides of the drawer-build a drawer 1x4 cradle sides to the same length as
cavity under the cabinets so you can that's a hair too wide or narrow and the drawer sides. In most cases, you can
take measurements. First, pull off the you've got a drawer that won't budge. use 1x4s at full width (3-112 in.). But if
"toe-kick," the strip of plywood or par- To sidestep that precision work, build your toe-space height (measurement
ticleboard in the toe space. Usually, the each drawer first and then build a "cra- "A" in FigurcB) is less than 4 in., cut the
toe-kick is held by just a few small dle" around it. If you want to install cradle sides to a width 1/2 in. less than
nails and is easy to pry off. If you don't two drawers under one wide cabinet, the toe-space height.
plan to cover the entire toe space with build a single cradle with both drawers Next, mark screw lines on the drawer
drawers, be gentle so you can later cut sharing one of the cradle sides and the and cradle sides (see Figure A for meas-
the toe-kick to length and reinstall a cradle base. urements). Pull each slide apart to sep-
section. If layers of flooring have been Our drawers are as easy as they get: arate the drawer member from the cab-
added since the cabinets were lust nail them together (enotoz). If you're inet member. Then screw them on
installed, you'll have to pull the top using finish nails rather than a nail gun, (enoto a).Our drawer and cradle sides
edge of the toe-kick outward first and predrill so you don't split the plywood were the same Iength as the drawer
then pry it up to clear the built-up parts. Remember to place the front and slides-yours may not be. So be sure to
floor. back between the sides. Then measure position Ihe front ends of each drawer
Next, remove the toe-kick backing and cut the drawer bottoms. As you member and cabinet member flush
under the cabinets (ptroto t). Simply install each bottom, be sure the drawer with the /ronfs of the drawer and cradle
drill a 1-in. hole and cut the backing box is square using a large carpenter's sides. Slip the slides back together, lay
with a drywall saw. Then grab a flash- square or by using the plywood bottom the drawer upside down and screw on
light and check for obstructions. Break the cradle base (Photoa). Then flip the
out any blocking with a chisel or pry whole unit over and inspect your work.
bar. Pull out or cut off any nails. Now Materials List Make sure the drawer opens smoothly.
you're ready to take the three measure- Here's what we used to buitd drawers to fit When the drawer is closed, the front of
under three 24-in.-wide cabinets. Your quanti-
ments to determine the sizes of the ties may differ. it should be flush with the cradle sides,
drawers. There's no need for complex One 4' x 8' sheet of 1/4" birch ptvwood give or take 1/16 in. Any problems are
calculations-it's all reduced to simple One 2'x 4'sheet of l/2" birch ptvwood easy to fix by removing screws and
'12'of lx4 pine
subtraction in Figure B. repositioning the slides. Note: With our
6' of lx6 maple
drawer units assembled, the cradle
3 pairs of drawer slides
Buitd drawers and cradtes Drawer putts, wood glue, stain, polyurethane,
sides are exactly the same height as the
If you've ever installed drawer slides l-ll4" brads or naiis, l" and l-5l8" screws. drawers. Your drawers may come out a
similar to the ones we used, you bit higher or lower.
66 May2oog
lnstatl the drawers ers under it. That will give the drawer with 12O-grit sandpaper. AIso prepare a
Before you remove the drawers from a slight upward tilt to clear the floor. few stain-testing blocks, using leftover
their cradles, number them to avoid Next, cut the drawer faces to width. scraps from the faces and sanding
mix-ups later. Each drawer will slide When you cut them to length, avoid them. We removed one cabinet door
smoothest in the cradle that was built measuring mistakes by marking them and took it to a paint store to have
for it. Slip each cradle into place and while they're in place. Leave a 1/B- to matching stain custom-mixed. If you
fasten it to the cabinet with four 1-bl8- 1"14-in. gap between neighboring faces. have the patience to experiment, you
in. screws. If you have flooring that's At the end of a row of cabinets. make could buy a couple of cans of stain and
more than 1,14 in. thick, first set scraps the face flush with the outer side of the mix them to create your own. Either
of ot 112-ir'. plywood under the
114- cabinet. The method we used to attach way, apply the stain to your test blocks
cabinet to support the cradle. The cra- the faces works best with a nail gun before you stain the faces. The match
dle base can be higher than or flush (enoto 0). Driving nails with a hammer doesn't have to be perfect, since the
with the flooring, but not lower than can knock the drawer or cradle out of faces will be shaded by the overhang-
the flooring. Position the cradle sides position. If you don't have a nail gun, ing cabinet fronts. After staining the
flush with the cabinet sides and tight stick the faces in place with double-face faces, we finished our drawers-faces
against one side (ehoto 5). Screw the carpet tape. Then pull out each drawer and boxes-with two coats of water-
cradle to the cabinet, starting with the and attach the face by driving two 1-in. based polyurethane. Before reinstalling
tight side. On the other side, don't screws from inside the drawer. With the the drawers, add the drawer pulls or
drive in the screws so hard that you faces attached, be sure they don't drag knobs. We couldn't find pulls that
distort the cradle. If the drawer doesn't on the floor. If necessary, raise them closely matched our existing cabinet
glide smoothly, slightly loosen those with washers as described above. hardware, so we chose pulls that fit
screws. AIso be sure the drawer doesn't over the tops of the drawer faces and
drag on the floor when opened. Load a Finishing up are hidden under the cabinets ($3 to $B
few heavy objects into the drawer and Remove the drawers from their cradles each; see photo, p. 60). To find similar
open it. If it drags, remove the front for finishing. Unscrew the slides from pulis online, search for "EPCO archi-
screws from the cradle and slip wash- the drawers and sand the drawer faces tectural pull." r_!

th efa mi ly hand yma n. co m May2OOg 67


Even duct tape can't repair concrete, that's why there's QUIKRETE@ Vinyl Concrete patcher.
ls your concrete chipped, broken or cracked? With just a little prep, QUIKRETE Vinyl
Concrete Patcher bonds to just about any concrete or masonry surface and gives you
a smooth repair. For more easy ways to improve your home, visit www,quikrete,com.
llarewAr lnstant curb appeat for $lOO!

by Duane Johnson

68 May2oog

I Ct"un out cracks, digging deep enough to comptetety remove

I roots. Clean the edges of the asphalt with a hand broom and
blasts of air or water.

YOU Can kggp your asphalt in tip-top shape by fol-

lowing the three steps we show here. Asphalt maintenance
doesn't require special skills, and you'll only need a few
inexpensive tools. You can get everything you need at home
centers and hardware stores. However, as with exterior
painting, high-quality results hinge on some sweat and care-
ful prep work. Expect to spend about six to eight hours com-
pleting the job. To fill cracks and seal coat an average drive-
way (zso sq. ft.), you'll spend 9100 to 9150 on materials.
That's about half what a pro would charge. JZ Strtt backer rod into wide or deep cracks, leaving about
1/2-in. depth to fitt with crack filter. The foam rod conserves
filter and makes the repair more flexible.
Fitt cracks every year
Maintaining the asphalt skin is the best thing you can do to (shown in Photo2) for the packed areas. Go deeper if weeds
preserve your driveway. The asphalt layer serves primarily have taken hold. If you don't get all their roots, they'll grow
as a protective skin over the gravel base. The weight of your right up through the new filler. Tip: A week before you
car is supported by the base, not the asphalt. If too much begin this project, apply a nonselective herbicide to kill
water gets through, the base erodes, causing additional roots. Clean the crack edges (ehotot). You can use a pressure
cracking, potholes and total asphalt breakup. washer or a garden hose, but then let the driveway dry for
The best way to keep the asphalt skin intact is to fill at least a day before filling.
macks, ideally every spring. Buy the high-quality pouring- Fillers need at least 24 hours to dry, so don't fill cracks
type filler ($ro per gallon). Read the labels. Our experts rec- when rain is in the forecast. The filling technique varies
ommend the ones containing rubber compounds. They typi- with the product, so check the directions. With most prod-
cally handle cracks from 1/B in. ro Ll2 in. wide. For smaller ucts, you can simply pour the filler into cracks up to'Ll4 in.
cracks, small tubes of filler ($s) in a caulking gun are easier wide. For wider cracks, stuff in backer rod first (Rhoto z).
to use. For larger cracks, 1.12 to 314 in. wide, buy an extra- Backer rod is available in several thicknesses at home cen-
thick filler that you spread with a trowel, or tamp in asphalt ters and costs about 106 per foot.
patching material. Neatness counts when you're filling cracks (Photo3). The
Fillers adhere to the sides of cracks, so your first task is to jet-black filler contrasts with the gray asphalt and can look
clean out the dirt and old, Ioose filler 1/2 in, to 1 in. deep. bad if you overfill or smear it.
This is time-consuming. Use a screwdriver or a 5-in-1 tool Cracks that form a spider web pattern in a small area usu-

70 May2OOq
2 pou in filter untit it's even with the driveway surface. Smooth /, S^* around heavity cracked areas using a circular saw and
rJ out overfilted areas with a putty knife. Check for voids in the 'T diamond blade. Chisel out att the loose asphatt down to the
fitter the next day and refill them. gravel base.

E Fitt thecutout with new asphalt. Be sure to repack the gravel 4, cut back invading grass along the driveway. Left alone, grass
J base first. Then add asphalt in l-in. layers, packing each layer \J roots witt enlarge any cracks and gradualty destroy the
with a hand tamper. driveway from the edges inward.

ally indicate that the base has softened. Water will settle in and increases erosion. So every other year, grab a shovel or
this spot and make the problem worse. Fillers will help for Iawn edger and cut back the grass (Photo6). Then clean out
a while, but sooner or later you'll have to cut out and patch and fill the cracks.
the cracked area. Cut the asphalt using a diamond blade
($30) in your circular saw (Photo4). Then repack the gravel Seai coat every four to five years
base by pounding it with a 6-ft. 4x4 or a hand tamper ($25). The purpose of a seal coat is to protect the asphalt against
Fill the cutout and pack with a 4x4 or hand tamper (Photo5). sun and water and to fill small cracks. It also dresses up the
You can buy asphalt patching material ($10 per 40 lbs.) at asphalt by covering fillers and patches. You don't need to
home centers and hardware stores, but it isn't nearly as do it every year. In fact, seal coat will peel if there are too
durable as regular hot asphalt. For better performance, seal many layers, and you'll permanently ruin the appearance of
coat the patch after about six months. And for areas larger the driveway.
than a few square feet, we recommend that you hire a pro. Home centers caffy several sealers ($10 to $30 per S-gallon
(See "Talk to a Pro," p. 75.) bucket). Buy the best one (the most expensive!), especially if
you're sealing your driveway for the first time. A better seal-
Clean up edges every two years er means better long-term adhesion. Adhesion is vital,
Asphalt edges are especially prone to cracking because the because you'll apply more coats in future years, and each
base erodes at edges more easily. Grass invades the cracks fresh coat is only as good as the coat beneath it.

72 May2oog
Jt Coutoit-stained spots with a primer before seal coating. Cl nppLv the sealer around the perimeter of the driveway.
Without thorough cleaning and primer, the seaI coat won't \J Protect wa[[s and the adjacent concrete with wide
stick to oily areas. masking tape.
To see how pros instatl a whote new driveway, go to
For concrete repair help, go to

' Driveway sinking in front of the garage? Find a do-it-yoursetf solution at

Before you apply sealer, check the weather forecast and

the sealer's label to make sure you'll get good drying condi-
tions. Seal coats are water-based, and a rainfall before they
dry will ruin them. Drying times will slow in cooler and
more humid conditions.
Coat the edges first using a stiff brush such as a masonry
brush ($6; PhotoB). Then coat the entire driveway using a
seal coating broom or squeegee ($12; Photos). Stir the sealer
before application even if the label claims it's a no-mix for-
11 SpreaO the sealer by working back and forth across the
/ driveway. Put[ the broom or squeegee at an angle to plow mula. Seal coating isn't difficult, but it is messy. Wear old
the excess sea[er onto the uncoated area. shoes and clothing you can toss. The worst mistake is step-
ping in drips, then tracking the seal coat across concrete or
To ensure good sealer adhesion, the driveway must be inside your home.
clean and dry. Fill cracks and edge the driveway at least a Be sure to read the manufacturer's directions and follow
week in advance. Scrub with a stiff broom. Then sweep or the recommended spread rate. Take care not to lay it on too
blow debris off with a leaf blower. You can use a garden hose thick. Puddles or thick areas will probably peel. Work the
or a pressure washer, but you'll have to wait for it to dry. sealer into the surface. Although some sealers require only
Sealer won't stick to oily one coat, it's better to have two thin coats than one thick
spots left by a drippy coat. And you're less likely to leave ridges or brush marks.
tip car.
First scrape off the oily gunk Finally, surround the driveway with stakes and string or
with a putty knife. Then tape. Keep everyone, including pets, offthe finished surface
lf you're a rookie, work on a
cooter, more humid day to slow apply a detergent (such as until it dries. Otherwise you might find black, gooey paw
drying so you have more time to dishwashing liquid) or buy prints on your kitchen floor!
spread the sealer smoothly.
the sealer
cieaner and scrub. After vou
rinse, examine the spot. If you see an oil film on the rinse For more information
Visit the National Pavement Contractors Association education site:
water or if water beads up on the spot, scrub again. You can
wash the entire driveway surface at this time, since you'll Btack lack Products,
have to wait one or two days for the asphait to dry anyway. Jet-Btack professionaI seatcoating, (888) 538-2525.
When it's dry, apply primer ($10 per qt.; PhotoT) to the spots. Latexite Products, (8OO) 85]-56O6.

74 May2OOg
Tatk to a pro
Before diving into an asphatt driveway repair project, catl in a
local pro for an estimate. (Look in your yetlow pages under
'Asphatt.") That way, you can compare the estimate with the cost
of doing it yourself. The tools and materials purchased from a
local home center for our 7oO-sq.-ft. driveway cost about $130.
The pro bid was $300. Keep in mind that a quatity professional
job witt include hot-melt crack filter and hot asphalt patching
materia[. These materiats provide [onger-lasting repairs than you
can make yoursetf. And if your driveway has tots of heavity
cracked areas or large potholes, the gravel base probably needs
repair; that's a iob best left to pros.
lf you decide to hire a contractor, avoid those who give bids
over the phone. Good contractors wi[ examine your driveway
and give you a detailed bid. They should also te[[ you the prod-
ucts they'tl use and atl the steps in their process. Sea[ coating
warranties are often for no more than a year. But patches should
be guaranteed for the life of the driveway.

For big repairs,

pros cut out
the bad sec- I
tion, add more
base materia[,
pack it with a
plate com-
pactor and
then pack in I
new hot

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by Eric Smith







2-hou r, s25 campfire bench

eed outdoor seating in a hurry? This Lay out and assemble the sides as and screw the seat and back into
simple bench, based on author and mirror images, using the seat and place. Finish the bench with a coat
ecologist Aldo Leopold's classic design, back pieces for alignment (Photo 2). of exterior oil or stain. LL
can be constructed in a couple of hours. Join the legs with three 2-tl2-in.
All it takes is two boards and 18 screws, deck screws and construction adhe- Cutting List
(Att from two lO'2x8s)
for a cost of less than $25. sive. Predrill all the screw holes Rear legs: 2x8 x l7-l/4" (22-l/2-de1ree cuts)
Cut the legs from a 2xB x 1O-ft. piece of with a countersink bit to avoid split- Front Legs: 2xB x 36" (22-1/2-degree cuts)
rot-resistant wood (Photo l). Cut the seat ting the wood. Finally, set the sides Seat: 2x8 x 42"
Back: 2x8 x 45"
and backrest from an B-ft. 2xB. r.rp parallel to each other and glue

I Starting at one end of a lO-ft. board, make Clamp the seat and back to the workbench as a stop, then predrill, glue and
I the same 22-1/2-degee cut five times to screw the rear legs to the front tegs.
create the four [egs.
76 May2OOg
by Rick Muscoplat

ing out particulate matter. But

they don't adsorb toxic chemical
vapors. To do that, you need acti-
vated carbon. Most 930 (and up)
respirators have a P100 (100 per-
cent efficiency and oil compati-
ble) prefilter and an activated
carbon filter for the chemical
vapors. However, the 930 carbon
filter respirators sold at home cen-
ters won't protect you against
every single toxic chemical listed
on every manufacturer's warning
label. The bottom line is, any car-
bon filter respirator rated for sol-
vents and paint is better than a $5
particulate respirator.
To save money over the long
run, buy a respirator that accepts
replaceable filter cartridges. But
before you shop online, check out
the availability of replacement fil-
ters at your local hardware or
home center. You don't want to be
zU searching every store in town for
u the right filter in the middle of a
o project.



Healthy spray painting

I bought spray paint to update my lawn fur- without the use of a proper respirator Protect yourself from chemicaI
niture, and the clerk recommended a respi- can cause permanent brain damage, as vapors with a high-quatity respirator.
rator. The cheapest one was $30, but I won- Pick one that fits we[[ and feels good,
well as damage to your lungs." But sol- and be sure it's easy to find replace-
der if I can get by with one of those $5 vent-based spray paints aren't the only ment filters.
masks. lt seems like overki[l to spend $30 products that present a health hazard.
on a respirator for a small spray paint job.
You'll find similar warnings even on
Michael Liu, Salinas, CA
water-based spray paints and many -'l
Before you pass on the $30 respirator, insecticides. l-
check out this warning from a typical The less expensive N95 particulate L Wanttolearnhowtorunanairless I
spray can label: "Repeated or pro- filtering respirators you mentioned (see I sprayer? Go to I
longed exposure to these chemicals Feb. '09, p. 76), do a great job of filter- I I
7A May2oog
a 2-in. screen. The large screen allows
you to see visitors from 5 to 7 ft. behind
the door. You can get an in-door viewer
at SecurityProductsinc. com.
You'll have to drill a new z-3l9-irr.
hole. Place it so the new hole elimi-
nates the existing hole at the same
time. You can probably leave the old
peephole in place while you drill the
new hole (to provide a firmer surface
and prevent pilot bit wandering). Make
sure the drill is level and drill until the
pilot bit comes out the other side of the
door. Then remove the hole saw and
QUESTTON drill from the opposite side (to prevent
See visitors on a splintering). You'll also need to drill
bigger screen two 1/B-in. holes for the retaining ring
anchor pins (use the template to mark
t20VA[.60Hz 1c0mA

I have a peephole in my front door. But as I

get older, I'm finding it harder to see through

it. I'm guessing lots of baby boomers have
the location for the small holes). To fin-
ish the installation, insert the viewer
and screw it onto the lens prism.
this problem. ls there something better for The new viewer provides a much COMMENT
us "old fo[ks"?
brighter image, but since it uses prisms, Are compact ftuorescent
Diane Retkowski, St. Paul, MN
be aware that the image will be flopped
left to right. As an added benefit, the
butbs really "green"?
Replace your old peephole with one of viewer optics prevent visitors from Several readers questioned
the newer in-door viewers. It's a low- peering into your house (a flaw in old- whether CFLs really are "green"
cost solution ($30) that uses prisms and style peepholes) or from noticing that since they contribute mercury to
a lens to project the visitor's image onto you're even using the viewer. the waste stream if they're thrown
into the trash or broken.
Each CFL contains about 4 mil-
ligrams of mercury, but most of
that gets bound to the inside of the
bulb as it is used. Only about 11
percent is released into the air and
water if the bulb is sent to a land-
fill. When you consider the
amount of mercury released into
the environment by coal-fired
electrical generating plants, CFLs
look even better. Here's an exam-
ple: If a 13-watt CFL burns out
early at 2,000 hours (25 percent of
its rated life) and gets (illegally)
buried in a landfill, the total mer-
cury pollution is .7 milligrams.
The electricity required to burn a
60-watt incandescent bulb for the
same 2,000 hours generates dou-
ble the mercury (1.45 milligrams).
So even when the bulb isn't recy-
cled as the law requires-the
worst-case scenario-CFLs are
still better for the environment.
To find the nearest recycling
center for your CFLs, go to
Chuck up a2-3/8-in. hole saw and cut a large opening for a new door viewer. Screw it in and enter "CFL" and
place and see who's at the door from 7 ft. away. your location in the search bars.
80 May2OOg

Easy fix for wobbly outlets

ln our kitchen, there's a loose electrical out-
tet that wobbles every time I ptug an appli-
ance into it. ls this dangerous? Can I fix it
myse[f ?
Brian Larson, Brainerd, MN

The constani movement of loose electri-

cal outlets can loosen the wires con-
nected to the outlet and create danger-
ous arcing. Luckily, the fix is simple. If
the outlet is recessed less than 1/4 in. in
noncombustible material, you can fur it
out with outiet shims as shown. If it's
recessed more than 1.14 ir'., use a plastic
extension ring. You'll find both in
the electrical department at
home centers.

THAN 1/4'

I furn off the power and check with a J S.r"* the outtet to the box and rein-
I voltage tester to make sure there's no 3 statt the cover ptate. Turn the power
power to the outlet. Unscrew the outtet back on.
{It and add enough shims to bring the outlet
flush to the wa[t.

Quiet creaking pipes \
My water pipes creak every time I fitt the
tub, take a shower or run the dishwasher.
How can I stop the creaking?
Jim Collier, Durango, Co

Usually the hot water pipes do most

ofthe "talking" because they expand
and contract as the water tempera-
ture changes inside them. That
movement eventually loosens the
nails at some pipe straps. The pipes
then rub against the floor joists, mak-
ing that annoying creaking sound.
The best way to solve the problem
permanently is to add more pipe
straps (they're cheap, so add one per
joist) and replace all the existing
nails with screws.

I Repiace pipe strap nails with

I t-SZg-in. drywatt coarse-thread
drywatI screws. May2OOg 8l
Wireless switch upgrade
I'm tired of groping in the dark for the tight's pu[[ chain in my work
room. I'd like to control the tight with a wall switch but since the
room is finished, l'd have to tear up the watls and ceiting to run the
wires. What are my other options?
Alex Reyes, San Angelo, TX
You can save yourself a lot of hassle by installing a wireless
wall switch. One option, a Thomas & Betts HW2162 kit ($27
from home centers or, includes a
screw-in radio receiver that instalis between the porcelain
fixture and the bulb. The battery-powered switch mounts on
any wall. Although it's inexpensive, it's not very attractive
and only powers a 60-watt incandescent bulb (it won't work
with CFLs or enclosed fixtures).
lfyou plan to install an enclosed fixture or
E **-i** id don't want to deal with dead batteries, buv
$' switch kit ($rzal from
g* | The
Er* | switch never needs batteries.
I It sends a wireless coded com-
,c'* : mand to the relay mounted
inside the ceiling electrical
box. You can mount the wall
switch anywhere on the wall
aZ May2OOg


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II Disconnect the btack and white wires

from the porcelain fixture (power off ).
Connect them to the receiver/retay btack ) t your putt chain fixture is mounted on a metal box, the receiver won,t work
and white wires. Then connect the red and & because the metal witt shietd the radio signat. Either replace the box with a ptastic
white wires from the relay to the fixture. one or mount a ptastic remodeling box near it.

within 100 ft. of the receiv-

as long as it's the fixture and the house wiring (see switch. Turn off the power one last
er/relay. You don't need a switch box! Photo I). Then turn the power back on time so you can safely tuck the receiv-
Turn off the power before you instail and follow the receiver/relay program- er/relay into the electrical box and fin-
the receiver/relay. Connect the relay to ming instructions. Test the light ish the installation. .iJ May2OOg 83
from our readers

Tidy paint mixing

Mixing paint can get kind of
messy, but here's a neat solution.
Drill a hole through the paint
can or bucket lid, insert a mixer
through the hole and then put
the lid back on the can. Now you
can mix the paint without
splashing it everywhere. This
works great for driveway sealant
and anything else you have to
mix in large quantities.
Tom Wylie

"Hot'n hose tip

If you're trying to
repair a hose by uz
installing a new fit- I

ting, you may find o

it pretty tough to o
wrestle the barbed
end into a stiff rub- ig
ber hose. Make it U
easier by softening I
the end of the hose Y
in a bucket or tea U
kettle of hot water. .9
Bob Cleary i-

84 May2OOg
Gotf battdrain cover
When I golf, I don't want my baII
to be anywhere near water, but at
home I use one in the laundry tub.
The drain cover on my tub does-
n't fit tight anymore, and I find
that a golf baII makes a good sub-
stitute. This works in most lavato-
ry sink and bathtub drains too.
Deb Phillips

Easy chair
Here's how to store your
lawn and folding chairs
so they're out of your
way. Take two pieces of
1x4 lumber (any scrap
Iumber will do) and cre-
ate some simple, cheap
and useful brackets on
the wall. Cut each board
7-314 in. long with a
30-degree angle on both Secure hand sawing
ends, Fasten pairs of I was trying to cut new downspouts
these brackets with with a hacksaw, and the darn things
three 2-in. screws to the kept slipping around, making them
side of the exposed wall almost impossible to cut. I clamped a
studs, directly across 2x4 Io my workbench, pressed the
from each other, and downspout up against it and attempted
you've got a perfect the cut again. This time the wood kept
place to hang your the downspout in place. You can use
chairs. this tip to help you cut lots of slippery
Larry Dodson stuff-gutters, metal pipe, you name it.
Travis Fielding

86 May2OOg
Keep joint
compound fresh
When you have several wall
patching or taping projects to
do, it's cheaper and more con-
venient to buy a S-gallon pail
of taping compound than to get
l-gallon buckets. But if the
compound sits around too
Iong, it hardens-or worse,
turns into a stinky mess.
Here's what to do after each
time you use it. First clean
every little bit of compound
off the lid and the sides of the
pail with a wet brush. Then
pour about an inch of water on
top of the compound. Add a
capful of bleach to the water to
keep nasty microbes at bay,
then seal the top. For the next
job, just pour off the water,
mix the compound and get
taping. Add more water and
bleach when you're ready to
store it again.
Ron Kercheval

Birdseed catcher
To stop wasting bird-
seed and keep it off the
deck or yard, screw a
plastic plant saucer
(200 at home centers
and nurseries) onto the
bottom of your bird
feeder. You'll catch
most of the seeds that
those slovenly, waste-
ful birds kick out. And
those seeds cause a real
mess, especially when
they start sprouting.
To avoid cooking up a
dish of birdseed mush,
cut a slit or two in the
plastic for drainage.
Don Wells

We pay sl00 for hints and tips

Have a hint you'd like to share? Send it, along with a photo or sketch,
to handy- or Handy Hints, The Fami[y Handyman,2915 Commers
Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN 5512]. Originat contributions become our property
upon acceptance and payment. We're sorry, but entries can't be returned. ft May2OOg a7
by Rick Muscoplat

Stop rough idle-clean your EGR valve

I ati"g and stalling problems can real- location of your EGR valve. If it's fairly with rust penetrant and let them sit
I ly add stress to your daily commute. accessible, stop at an auto parts store while you disconnect the electrical and
The most common culprit is carbon and buy a new EGR gasket, a spray can vacuum lines from the valve (label the
buildup on the throttle body, exhaust of throttle body cleaner, and rust pene- vacuum lines so you know which ports
gas recirculation (EGR) valve and idle trant. Spray the EGR retaining bolts they came from). Then remove the
air control (IAC) valve. In the Nov. '08
issue, we showed you how to clean a
dirty throttle body. This time, we'll
show you how to clean an EGR valve.
This simple procedure can often bring
an EGR valve back from the dead and
restore a smooth idle. If the cleaning
doesn't work, you'll have to replace the
valve ($60 to $135 at an auto parts store
or dealer).
Refer to a shop manual to find the

I notO the EGR valve so the cteaning

I .pruy drips away from the etectric so[e-
noid and vacuum motor. Continue spraying
untit the parts are free of carbon buitdup.
a8 May2oog

retaining bolts and lift the EGR valve

out of the engine compartment.
Place the valve on a bed of paper
towels and tilt it so the cleaning sol-
vent won't drain into the electric sole-
noid or vacuum motor, which operates
the metering rod-the solvent can dam-
age those components. Spray the port
and metering rod until they're clean
(wear eye protection and gloves). Once
the parts are clean, check for smooth
metering rod operation by forcing the
rod in and out of the port with a screw-
driver. It should slide smoothly and
close completely in the port. If not,
apply solvent to a cotton swab and
clean the shaft and port.
Check the passage under the EGR
valve to see if it's clogged with carbon.
If it is, gently chip out the carbon with
a small screwdriver and vacuum it out
with a shop vacuum' Then reinstall the
) cnecr for smooth operation of the metering rod by pushing it in and out with a
EGR valve using the new gasket. 4 screwdriver. lf it stides roughty, clean it with a cotton ba[[ or swab soaked in cleaner

Starting ftuid
In our Feb. '09 issue, we suggested
spraying a one-second shot of start-
ing fluid into the carburetor ofyour
two-cycle engine if the engine
won't fire up on its own. But we
warned you to take your small
engine to a shop if it didn't start
after this procedure.
Some readers disagreed with that
advice, protesting that starting fluid
"washes the lubrication off the
cylinder walls and causes perma-
nent engine damage in less than
two minutes." They recommended
carburetor cleaner, WD-40 or a

gas/oil mist instead. They're right
in saying that carburetor cleaner
and WD-40 provide more lubrica-
tion. But they miss two points:

steal someone else's license SECURITY SCREWS
First, none ofthose other sprays are
as volatile as starting fluid,
they're not as effective in produc-

plates, fill their own cars with gas, ing "fire." Second, even though the
drive off without paying and let the a set), easy to install and available in other sprays provide some lubrica-
gas station cameras capture the stolen a style to fit your vehicle. The kits tion, it's not enough to prevent
license plate number. Install a set of come with a security wrench; keep it damage if you inject them repeated-
security screws to stop the crooks in a safe place so you can change ly. Whichever spray you choose,
before they get their sticky fingers on plates when they expire. you still only get one shot at it.
your plates. The screws are cheap ($4 tice nse p lates h o m You've been warned.

90 May2OOg
Service you r "tuck-under"
spare tire tift now!
Most trucks, vans and SUVs stow the
spare tire under the vehicle. It's a great
space-saving idea, but one that doesn't
always work well in the real world.
The corrosive brew of road salt, mud
and sand usually eats away at the tire
lift's metal components, rendering the
lift unusable when you need it most.
Picture yourself with a flat tire at the
side of the road-in a storm, of course.
You can prevent that nightmare by
checking your spare tire lift right now,
in the comfort of your garage. If you
don't know how to lower the spare
tire, consult )i our owner's manual.
Check to make sure you still have the
factory cranking toois. Now is the time
to get any replacement parts.
Start by raising your vehicle and
supporting it with jack stands. Try
lowering the spare tire. If it's stuck,
shoot spray rust penetrant through the
wheel openings to saturate the iift. I Soak a stuck spare tire tift with rust penetrant. Tap the T-bar to set up rust-busting

92 May2oog
Then lightly tap on the T-bar with a
hammer to set up vibrations and break
up the rust. After several rounds of
spraying and tapping, the Iift should
free up. Lower the tire and move it out
of the way. if it still doesn't budge,
insert a long screwdriver or pry bar into
the wheel hub opening and force the
release latch open. That may ruin the
latch, but replacing it now is a heck of
a lot better (and cheaper) than dealing
with it on an emergency basis.
Coat all rusted parts with rust con-
verter and allow them to dry. Then
apply waterproof marine grease to all
the working parts of the release latch.
Yes, the grease will pick up road dirt,
but it'll also repel water and keep the
latch from binding in the future.
Finish the job by checking the air
pressure in the spare tire and restowing

Coat the release latch with rust converter. When it's dry, coat the components with
it. Perform this quick maintenance
exercise once a year and your spare tire
will never let you down. For flat tire
tips and hints, go to thefamilyhandy-
marine grease. and search for "flat tire." jf May2oog 93

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Fam ly Handyman lvlay 09
by Gary Wentz and Travis Larson

Don't change fluorescent butbs

unti[ you have to
Some people think fluorescent tubes have to be changed when the ends of the
tubes turn black. Not true. Continued use doesn't harm the starting ballast or sig-
nificantly affect light output. Leave them alone until the bulb starts flickering or Vacationing?
takes a long time to fire up. Then stick in a new bulb, because at that point the old Y
Switch off the well J
one will damage the ballast. U
pump or water vatve! l

If you're on vacation and a pipe m

springs a leak, the water won't stop G
Stop giving away money! running on its own. Thousands of t
The average American family chugs haul them to a nearby recycler that gallons can pump into your home U
its way through 900 aluminum cans pays for scrap and cash in. Make the and destroy everything in its path.
a year, or 2.5 cans every day. In the most money by taking them in when Next to a fire or flood, this is the o
past year, hauling them to the recy- the price is high; call the recycler ultimate home nightmare. But it's zu
cler would have yielded 912 to 933 once in a while to check on the easy to prevent. If you have a well,

depending on the fluctuating price of price. Look under "Recycling" or there's usually a pump switch near P
aluminum. If you're Ihe average fam- "Scrap Metal" in the phone book to the pressure tank. And if you have E
ily, maybe that's not enough money find the nearest yard. city water, there'll be a shutoff
to worry about. But if your family And if you're having your alu- valve where the water comes into i
members are super slurpers, maybe minum siding replaced, tell the the house. If someone is tending o
you should stop hauling cans out to installer Ihat you'L| haul it away- dogs or cats or watering while f
the curb and giving them away. right to the recycler. This chunk of you're away, show them how to o
Crush them as they're used, and cash would otherwise go into the turn the water on and off again and .9

when you've amassed a mountain, installer's pocket. you'll come home to a dry house. E

94 May2OOg
Mix your own window cleaner
You know, most professional win- right in the bucket. Depending on how
dow washers don't buy window fanatical you are about washing your
cleaner. They mix a teaspoon of windows, you could save pennies a year!
dishwashing liquid with a few gal-
OK, there aren't huge savings here. If
lons of water. That's it. You can just
you've got a better idea for saving money
at home, send it in. You could net $100!
pour it in a spray bottle for in-house
work. For outside windows, get To see how pros get windows squeaky-
yourself a sponge/squeegee combi- clean fast, go to
nation window cleaner and dip it and search for "wash windows."

Be your own tocksmith

Ifyou need to change your dead-
bolts or doorknob locks for secu-
rity reasons, you have three
options. You can buy all new
@@@@@ locks (KA-CHING!) or hire a
@@@ar locksmith to rekey the locks
(ka-ching). Locksmiths charge
@TTDE anywhere from $35 to $100 just

to show up and then $25 and up
for every lock they rekey. But
there is a third, really cheap
option: rekeying the locks your-
self with the help of an 911

rekeying kit. Find the kits at
home centers, hardware stores or
The Home ProjectCalc
gives you measurements in online at (866-
Feet-lnch-Fractions and works as 546-2957). Just be sure to get the
a standard math calculator. kit for your brand of lock.
. Quickly calculate Linear, Area, and Volume dimensions For complete instructions on
how to use the kit, go to thefam-
. Works in, and converts between, Yards, Feet, lnches, Fractions, and search for
Decimals and Meters
. Dedicated functions give fast material quantities and costs for "rekey lock." It's mostly just a
Paint, Wallpaper, Tile, Carpet, Concrete and more!
matter of taking apart the lock
and replacing the internal pins
with the ones from the kit. One
kit will upgrade six locks. The
first lock will take you about 20
minutes, but you'll pick up
speed after that.

96 May 2oo9
Renting isn't always smart
Sometimes it makes sense to rent-but it winds up taking you three
not always. That's especially true if days to trim out the base-
you're not quite sure how long a job ment, you couid have
will take. When's the last time you fin- bought the whole kit and
ished a job early? For example, say you caboodle for less than the rental
think yor-r'lI need a trim gun, hose and cost.
compressor for two davs at $80 a day. If Any tool that costs less than
$100 is probably worth buy-
ing if you think you'll ever Price of a brad nai[/
use it again. And even more compressor kit: s200
expensive tools, such as a $250 tile
saw,will pay for themselves in only a
few days of rental. True, consumer-
Do you have a dollar-savvy tip
grade tools aren't always as rugged
you'd like to share?
as rental tools, but vou won't We'll pay you $100!
! need that ruggedness for E-mail your tip to sawy@
) occasional use. PIus,, or
- with ail those tools to mait it to Dollar Sawy
Homeowner, 29I5 Commers
lend, you'll be
Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN
more popular with 55121. Please include your name,
Rental cost
all your friends and address and phone number.
for three days:
relatives. j-l Original contributions become
s240 our ploperty upon acceptance
and payment,

thefamilyhandyman,com May2oog 97

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Coll lor ffitt Culolos!

by Roy Doty
wordless@thefami [

PVC fence post birdhouse

Our thanks go toMike Sucheski, Clarks Summit, PA, for this idea.
We'lI pay 5l O O tor any ideas pubtished, so send in those sketches and notes!
Submit your idea to or Wordtess, The Fami[y Handyman,29]5 Commers Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN 55121.
Only ideas we purchase witI be acknowtedged. Original contributions become our property upon acceptance and payment.

LOZ May2oog thetamityhandyman,com

from our readers

Hot tub dash

My wife and I installed a
new hot tub in our yard
and were anxious to use it.
On a very dark night, we
decided to go for an inaugu-
ral skinny dip. We got
halfway to the tub when the
motion sensor fixture flooded
the area with bright, show-you-
in-all-your-glory light. We ran
back toward the house and
ended up falling in a heap on the
ground. We don't forget that light any-
more-or our towels!
- lohn McCarthy

Right deck, wrong house E.
I'm acarpenter who specializes in building (n
decks. When the secretary of our cornpany U
gave me the address and paperwork to
build a deck for a customer, I drove to the .9
house and got started. Two and a half days
Iater, the beautiful new deck was finished. t
Oddly enough, our company secretary o
tS+ zU
;",.". told me that she'd been getting calls from 3
:+i\' I(J
an angry homeowner wondering why we a
hadn't started her deck yet. Well, you E.

guessed it. We built the deck at the wrong

house-a rental property that was vacant E
Just add concentrate during the construction, The owner was i-
I serve on our homeowners' association board and oversee the happy to get a free deck and even hired us f
landscaping. Last spring, I decided to spot-spray the dandelions to build a couple more at his other proper- F
with weed killer. I poured 1"O ozs. of concentrate into a measuring ties. But it'll take a lot more decks to make
cup, emptying out the weed killer bottle. I washed out the bottle up for that costly mistake! F
and put it in the recycling bin, then grabbed my 4-gallon backpack Anthony L. Carson m

sprayer and spent the rest of the morning treating dandelions in a !

four-block stretch.
Got your own do-it-yourself mistake?
When I got back to my garage with my empty sprayer, I saw the
We pay Sl00 for each one we print.
measuring cup with 10 ozs. of weed killer concentrate still sitting
Send an e-mail to
on the workbench. So I got to spend my afternoon spraying the or write to: Great Goofs, The Family Handyman,
same weeds-this time with weed killer, not just water. 2915 Commers Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN 55121

- loe Albaugh OriginaI contributions become our property upon acceptance and payment.

lO4 May2oog

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