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‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬ ‫المفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫المادة‪ :‬لغة انجليزية‬
‫المستوى‪ :‬السنة األولى ثانوي جذع مشترك آداب‬


‫‪1‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫تعدّ التدرجات الس نوية أداة بيداغوجية لتنظمي وضبط معلية بناء املوارد الرضورية وارساهئا وادماهجا وتقوميها من أجل تنصيب الكفاءات املس هتدفة يف‬
‫املناجه التعلميية مع حتديد س بل ومعايري التقومي وطرق املعاجلة‪.‬‬
‫وحىت تس تجيب هذه التدرجات الس نوية خملتلف املس تجدات التنظميية البيداغوجية‪ ،‬فانه يتوجب مراجعهتا وحتييهنا عند الاقتضاء‪.‬‬
‫مضن هذا الس ياق‪ ،‬ويف اطار التحضري للمومس ادلرايس ‪ 2222‬ــ ‪َ ،2222‬وسعيا من وزارة الرتبية الوطنية لضامن جودة التّعلمي وحتس ن اأداء الرتبو‬
‫مس بالدان‬ ‫البيداغويج‪ ،‬واثر اقرار العودة اىل تنظمي المتدرس العاد بعد التنظمي الاس تثنايئ اذل فرضته اأوضاع الصحية جراء وابء كوفيد ‪ 91‬اذل ّ‬
‫عىل غرار بدلان العامل‪ ،‬تضع املفتش ية العامة للرتبية الوطنية ابلتنس يق مع مديرية التعلمي الثانو العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬ب ن أيد املامرس ن الرتبوي ن التدرجات‬
‫للس ندات املرجعية املعمتدة‪ ،‬واملعمول هبا يف امليدان يف مرحةل التعلمي الثانو العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بغرض تيسري قراءة‬ ‫الس نوية للتعلامت كداة معل ممكّةل ّ‬
‫املهناج وفهمه وتنفيذه‪ ،‬وتوحيد تناول مضامينه كام هو منصوص عليه‪.‬‬
‫وجتس يدا لهذه املعطيات‪ ،‬نطلب من اأساتذة قراءة وفهم مبدأ هذه التدرجات الس نوية من أجل وضعها حزي التنفيذ‪ ،‬كام نطلب من الس يدات والسادة‬
‫املفتش ن التدخّل ابس مترار ملرافقة اأساتذة لتعديل أو تكييف اأنشطة اليت يروهنا مناس بة وفق ما تقتضيه الكفاءة املس هتدفة‪.‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Level: Secondary Education Year One (SE1)

Stream: Literary stream
Time devoted: 4 hours/ week

At the end of SE1, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages / texts of descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and
prescriptive types of about 120 words using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Getting Through Intercultural Exchanges 6 weeks / 24 hours
2. Once Upon a Time Famous People 5 weeks / 20 hours
3. Our Findings Show Communication –The Press 5 weeks / 20 hours
4. Back to nature Environment, Pollution and The World of Animals 5 weeks / 20 hours
5. Eureka Innovation and Technology 5 weeks / 20 hours

3 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Methodological note
The educational curricula and their accompanying documents state in their preambles important pedagogical
orientations related to their implementation. However, the adoption by the Ministry of time-bound linear annual
distributionsof the programs and the field practices showed their limits. This led to the necessity to provide an
alternative for effective learning bythe implementation of learning progressions.
Unlike the yearly distributions whichimpose the date, time, the number of sessions in order to respond to the desire
to unify content, the pace of programs’ achievement, deadlines for officialexams, the learning progressions focuson
the syllabus implementation methods. The latter take into account the learners’ learning pace, their abilities and
learning autonomy.
In these progressions, the pre-requisites are highlighted in order to draw teachers’ attention to the importance
of the learners’ background knowledge while preparing lessons and help them regulate their teaching.

4 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
SWBAT: Lexis related to: *labelling
* computing and messages 1- Assessment and
*ordering instructions
* Name the main parts of any * description:to the west, to the remediation should
- Interact communication device. north, it’s bordered….. * write a composition about occur at regular intervals
Intercultural orally *talk about means of intercultural Grammar: advantages and drawbacks of during the sequence and
Exchanges exchanges (computer, internet, *The imperative. the internet at the end of the 6
telephone…) *Sequencers: first, next… * Filling in a form. sequence in addition to weeks
- interpret an * make comparisons *Modals: need to, have to. *fill in a résumé (CV). designated exam 24
oral / written *Express preferences *Modals: *write an application letter periods. hours
Unit 1 : message *manipulate some common have to, had to, must *write a letter of inquiry.
means of intercultural exchanges. *Comparatives of adjectives 2- After 3/4 weeks of
*responding to an e-mail/
Getting * give sequenced instructions and adverbs: less/ more +adj + teaching, provide
Through . -produce oral *express obligation, prohibition, than. students with a situation
/written absence of obligation. *Expressing purpose: in order to, *write short notes to invite, where they mobilize and
messages *express purpose. so as to ,to . refuse and accept invitation. reinvest what has been
*state a point of view and justify * Types of pronouns: subject, *write short notes to express learned in the unit (oral
it object,… sympathy and apology. or written)
*write about means of *Prepositions of time and place: eg: Compare between
intercultural exchanges in , on , at * Write some class rules. two means of
(computer, internet, telephone…) *Frequency adverbs: always, *Instructing & comparing communication, and
* read and interpret an email often… express your
* describe regular activities *Degree adverbs: very , quite … *Expressing preferences & preferences…
* write a reply to an email *Correlative conjunctions : purpose.
* differentiate between formal Neither ….nor / either ….or / *Describing people‘s
and informal letters / messages. both ….and … regular activities.
* write formal / informal letters / *Definiteand indefinite articles:
messages accordingly *Describing a place.
a , an , the ,Ø
*Intonation in polite requests.
*Stress in two syllable- words
Example: Making a job application booklet (CV, application letter, a letter of reference )

5 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
SWBAT: 1- Assessment and
*listen and respond to a tale Lexis: remediation should occur at
Famous - Interact * “Beside”, “Besides” *Asking/answering questions regular intervals during the
People orally *study the techniques of a short *Describing people: dreamy, sequence and at the end of
book review and express literary flashing, eyebrows… * Table-filling the sequence in addition to
preferences designated exam periods.
- interpret an Grammar: *Gap –filling 5 weeks
oral / written *write a short book / film *Past simple and past 2- After 3/4 weeks of
Unit 2: message review of your choice. continuous using “when”, *Interpreting pictures/ book teaching, provide students 20
“while” covers with a situation where they hours
Once Upon a * discuss the importance of a *Relative pronouns: mobilize and reinvest what
Time. -produce oral blurb “who”,“which” has been learned in the unit
/written * read and interpret a literary *Writing a paragraph using (oral or written)
messages portrait. notes eg: Write about the works
Phonology: of famousliterary figures
*describe people’s physical *Stress in three-syllable words or : write the summary of a
appearance and personality *Pronunciation of final ‘ed’ short story

*write the beginning and the

middle of a short story
following a set of guidelines.

*Imagine and write an end to

the same story.

*Write the biography of a

famous personality.

Writing a biography / a book review

6 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Theme and Unit Competency Remediation
Lexis: related to the theme
* compare sensational 1- Assessment and
- Interact orally Grammar: newspapers with serious remediation should occur at
*talk and write about means of
Communication *Degree adverbs: ones regular intervals during the
–The Press magazines …) quite , absolutely… sequence and at the end of
- interpret an * Direct & indirect speech: *Filling in a questionnaire the sequence in addition to
oral / written reporting questions and designated exam periods. 5 weeks
* express a point of view/
Unit 03. message statements in the present * Summarizing dialogues
opinion .
simple tense, modals 2- After 3/4 weeks of 20
Our Findings *Reporting verbs: suggested *choosing the appropriate teaching, provide students hours
* talk about people’s reading
Show. -produce oral /ordered/ advised…. Reporting verbs. with a situation where they
/written *Adverbs of manner: politely, mobilize and reinvest what
messages fast… *Asking for and giving has been learned in the unit
* read and interpret reports,
*Adjectives with ‘ful, less’ information. (oral or written)
newspaper articles and graphs.
*Expressing likes and eg: write a newspaper
dislikes *narrate a story reporting article reporting an event
* identify the main phases of a
*Expressing contrast: on the the events of an accident
contrary, but…
*conduct surveys.
*Stress in compound words:
* prepare a questionnaire.
*Stress shift (from noun to
*conduct an interview.
*Silent letters: would…
*write a report/an article.
*Pronunciation of final « s » /
« ed »
* report what people say using
summarizing verbs

Conducting a survey

7 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
SWBAT: Lexis related to the theme (pollution,
* talk about: natural disasters and climate change) *Reading a world Assessment and remediation
Environment, - Interact - different climates. climate map should occur at regular
Pollution and orally - natural and man-made Grammar: intervals during the sequence
The World of disasters. * If conditional (type 0/1/2) *Interpreting and at the end of the
Animal - causes and effects of global *Sequencers: firstly, secondly… pictures sequence in addition to
- interpret an warming. *Expressing cause / effect relationship. designated exam periods. 5 weeks
oral / written - different types of pollution. *Link words: as a result, so, *Answering
message consequently questions After 3/4 weeks of 20
Unit 4 *make suppositions. *Quantifiers: some, a little of most of, teaching, provide students hours
Back to nature all of, half of, few *Using pictures and with a situation where they
-produce oral *write SOS messages. *Expressing opinion / feelings: cues to make a mobilize and reinvest what
/written -agreeing and disagreeing dialogue has been learned in the unit
messages *discuss possible solutions (3Rs - arguing for and against. (oral or written)
and renewable energies) *Polite requests *Matching eg: Write a paragraph giving
your opinion on renewable
*Express opinion (agreeing and Morphology: *Gap-filling energies.
disagreeing, arguing for and *Forming adjectives using
against) suffixes: al, ic, ical… *Table completion Or
*Deriving opposites using prefixes Write an advert promoting
*read and interpret an advert the three Rs (reuse, reduce,
Phonology: recycle)
* write about the causes and the *Intonation in yes /no questions
effects of global warming and *Stress in words ending in “tion”
suggest possible solutions Or an *Stress in words starting with prefixes
expository paragraph about one
type of pollution
Designing a consumer’s guide

8 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

Targeted Assessment and

Theme and Unit Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
*talk about: Lexis: related to *Matching 1-Assessment and
Innovation and - Interact - inventions, discoveries and telecommunication remediation should occur
Technology orally developments in technology (the * Interpreting a picture at regular intervals during
evolution of an invention) Grammar: the sequence and at the
* Express concession: * Table- filling end of the sequence in
- interpret an * Write a biography about a “ however”, “although” addition to designated 5 weeks
Unit 5: oral / written scientist. * Use definite and *Note- taking exam periods.
message indefinite articles 20
Eureka. - talk and read about the *Express result: *Asking /answering 2-After 3/4 weeks of hours
development of so+adj+that questions teaching, provide
-produce oral telecommunications. *Relative pronoun “whom” students with a situation
/written where they mobilize and
messages *write about the evolution of an Phonology: * Making an oral reinvest what has been
invention. *Intonation in indirect presentation or writing a learned in the unit (oral or
questions paragraph from notes written)
* state/identify advantages and *Stress in words ending in: eg:
drawbacks of some inventions. ‘y’, and ‘ical’ Write a short letter of
* Write a paragraph out of a opinion taking side for or
*read and interpret an opinion flow chart, etc… against the use of a
letter. technological device

*write an opinion letter. Or

Write a summary of a
* take sides in a debate. long biography

Project Outcome Making an invention profile/ Writing a biography about a scientist

9 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬ ‫المفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫مادة‪ :‬لغة انجليزية‬
‫السنة األولى ثانوي جذع مشترك علوم وتكنولوجيا‬


‫‪11‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫تعدّ التدرجات الس نوية أداة بيداغوجية لتنظمي وضبط معلية بناء املوارد الرضورية وارساهئا وادماهجا وتقوميها من أجل تنصيب الكفاءات املس هتدفة يف‬
‫املناجه التعلميية مع حتديد س بل ومعايري التقومي وطرق املعاجلة‪.‬‬
‫وحىت تس تجيب هذه التدرجات الس نوية خملتلف املس تجدات التنظميية البيداغوجية‪ ،‬فانه يتوجب مراجعهتا وحتييهنا عند الاقتضاء‪.‬‬
‫مضن هذا الس ياق‪ ،‬ويف اطار التحضري للمومس ادلرايس ‪ 2222‬ــ ‪َ ،2222‬وسعيا من وزارة الرتبية الوطنية لضامن جودة التّعلمي وحتس ن اأداء الرتبو‬
‫مس بالدان‬ ‫البيداغويج‪ ،‬واثر اقرار العودة اىل تنظمي المتدرس العاد بعد التنظمي الاس تثنايئ اذل فرضته اأوضاع الصحية جراء وابء كوفيد ‪ 91‬اذل ّ‬
‫عىل غرار بدلان العامل‪ ،‬تضع املفتش ية العامة للرتبية الوطنية ابلتنس يق مع مديرية التعلمي الثانو العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬ب ن أيد املامرس ن الرتبوي ن التدرجات‬
‫للس ندات املرجعية املعمتدة‪ ،‬واملعمول هبا يف امليدان يف مرحةل التعلمي الثانو العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بغرض تيسري قراءة‬ ‫الس نوية للتعلامت كداة معل ممكّةل ّ‬
‫املهناج وفهمه وتنفيذه‪ ،‬وتوحيد تناول مضامينه كام هو منصوص عليه‪.‬‬
‫وجتس يدا لهذه املعطيات‪ ،‬نطلب من اأساتذة قراءة وفهم مبدأ هذه التدرجات الس نوية من أجل وضعها حزي التنفيذ‪ ،‬كام نطلب من الس يدات والسادة‬
‫املفتش ن التدخّل ابس مترار ملرافقة اأساتذة لتعديل أو تكييف اأنشطة اليت يروهنا مناس بة وفق ما تقتضيه الكفاءة املس هتدفة‪.‬‬

‫‪11‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Level: Secondary Education Year One (SE1)

Stream: Scientific and Technological Stream
Time devoted: 3 hours/ week

At the end of SE1, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages / texts of descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and
prescriptive types of about 120 words using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

Getting Through 1-Intercultural Exchanges 7 weeks / 21 hours
Our Findings Show 2- Communication –The Press 7 weeks / 21 hours
Back to Nature 3-Environment, Pollution and The World of Animals 6 weeks / 18 hours
Eureka 4-Innovation and Technology 6 weeks / 18 hours

12 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Methodological note
The educational curricula and their accompanying documents state in their preambles important pedagogical
orientations related to their implementation. However, the adoption by the Ministry of time-bound linear annual
distributions of the programs and the field practices showed their limits. This led to the necessity to provide an
alternative for effective learning by the implementation of learning progressions.
Unlike the yearly distributions which impose the date, time, the number of sessions in order to respond to the desire
to unify content, the pace of programs’ achievement, deadlines for official exams, the learning progressions focus
on the syllabus implementation methods. The latter take into account the learners’ learning pace, their abilities and
learning autonomy.
In these progressions, the pre-requisites are highlighted in order to draw teachers’ attention to the importance
of the learners’ background knowledge while preparing lessons and help them regulate their teaching.

13 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
SWBAT: Lexis related to:
* Name the main parts of any * computing and messages *labelling 1-Assessment and
communication device. * description: to the west, to remediation should occur at
*ordering instructions
*talk about means of the north, it’s bordered….. regular intervals during the
Intercultural - Interact intercultural exchanges Grammar: * write a composition about sequence and at the end of
Exchanges orally (computer, internet, *The imperative. advantages and drawbacks of the sequence in addition to 7 weeks
telephone…) *Sequencers: first, next… the internet designated exam periods.
* make comparisons *Modals: need to, have to. *hold a telephone conversation 21hours
- interpret an *Express preferences *Modals: 2-After 3/4 weeks of
* Filling in a form.
Unit 1 : oral / written *manipulate some common have to, had to, must teaching, provide students
*fill in a résumé (CV).
message means of intercultural *Comparatives of adjectives with a situation where they
Getting exchanges. and adverbs: less/ more *write an application letter mobilize and reinvest what
Through . * give sequenced instructions +adj + than. *write a letter of inquiry. has been learned in the unit
-produce oral *express obligation, prohibition, *Expressing purpose: in order *responding to an e-mail/ (oral or written)
/written absence of obligation. to, so as to ,to . advert eg: Compare between two
messages *express purpose. * Types of pronouns: *write short notes to invite, means of communication,
*state a point of view and justify subject, object,… refuse and accept invitation. and express your
it. *Prepositions of time and preferences…
*write about means of place: in , on , at *write short notes to express
intercultural exchanges *Frequency adverbs: sympathy and apology.
(computer, internet, always, often… * Write some class rules.
telephone…) *Degree adverbs: very , quite
* read and interpret an email. … *Instructing & comparing
* describe regular activities. *Correlative conjunctions : *Expressing preferences &
* write a reply to an email. Neither ….nor / either ….or / purpose.
* differentiate between formal both ….and …
*Describing people‘s regular
and informal letters / messages. *Definite and indefinite
* write formal / informal letters / activities.
articles: a , an , the ,Ø
messages accordingly. Phonology: *Describing a place.
*Intonation in polite requests.
*Stress in two syllable- words
Making a job application booklet/Creating a web page/Writing a letter/ an e-mail

14 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Targeted Assessment and

Theme and Unit Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Competency Remediation

Lexis: related to the theme * compare sensational 1-Assessment and
*talk and write about means of
- Interact newspapers with serious remediation should occur
Communication orally Grammar: ones at regular intervals during
newspapers, magazines …)
–The Press *Degree adverbs: the sequence and at the
* express a point of view/ quite , absolutely… *Filling in a questionnaire end of the sequence in
- interpret an * Direct & indirect speech: addition to designated 7 weeks
Unit 02. oral / written reporting questions and * Summarizing dialogues exam periods.
message statements in the present 21
* talk about people’s reading
Our Findings simple tense, modals *choosing the appropriate 2- After 3/4 weeks of hours
Show. *Reporting verbs: suggested Reporting verbs. teaching, provide
-produce oral /ordered/ advised…. students with a situation
* read and interpret reports,
/written *Adverbs of manner: *Asking for and giving where they mobilize and
newspaper articles and graphs.
messages politely, fast… information. reinvest what has been
*Adjectives with ‘ful, less’ learned in the unit (oral or
* identify the main phases of a
*Expressing likes and *narrate a story reporting the written)
dislikes events of an accident eg: write a
*Expressing contrast: on the newspaperarticle
*conduct surveys.
contrary, but… reporting an event
* prepare a questionnaire.
*Stress in compound words:
*conduct an interview.
*Stress shift (from noun to
*write a report/an article.
*Silent letters: would…
*Pronunciation of final
* report what people say using
« s » / « ed »
summarizing verbs.

Project Outcome Conducting a survey

15 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
* talk about: Lexis related to the theme *Reading a world climate Assessment and
Environment , - Interact - different climates. (pollution, natural disasters and map remediation should
Pollution and orally - natural and man-made climate change) occur at regular intervals
The World of disasters. *Interpreting pictures during the sequence and
Animal - causes and effects of global Grammar: at the end of the
- interpret an warming. * If conditional (type 0/1/2) *Answering questions sequence in addition to 6 weeks
oral / written - different types of pollution. *Sequencers: firstly, secondly… designated exam
message *Expressing cause / effect *Using pictures and cues periods. 18
Unit 3 *make suppositions. relationship. to make a dialogue hours
Back to nature *Link words: as a result, so, After 3/4 weeks of
-produce oral *write SOS messages. consequently *Matching teaching, provide
/written *Quantifiers: some, a little of most students with a situation
messages - discuss possible solutions (3Rs of, all of, half of, few *Gap-filling where they mobilize and
and renewable energies) *Expressing opinion / feelings: reinvest what has been
-agreeing and disagreeing *Table completion learned in the unit (oral
*Express opinion (agreeing and - arguing for and against. or written)
disagreeing, arguing for and *Polite requests eg: Write a paragraph
against) giving your opinion on
Morphology: renewable energies.
*read and/interpret an advert. *Forming adjectives using
suffixes: al, ic, ical… Or
* write about the causes and the *Deriving opposites using prefixes Write an advert
effects of global warming and promoting the three Rs
suggest possible solutions Phonology: (reuse, reduce, recycle)
Or *Intonation in yes /no questions
write an expository paragraph *Stress in words ending in “tion”
about one type of pollution *Stress in words starting with
Designing a consumer’s guide

16 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
Guidelines for implementation:
- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
*talk about: Lexis related to *Matching Assessment and remediation
Innovation and - Interact - inventions, discoveries and telecommunication should occur at regular
Technology orally developments in technology * Interpreting a picture intervals during the sequence
(the evolution of an Grammar: and at the end of the
invention) * Express concession: * Table- filling sequence in addition to
- interpret an “ however”, “although” designated exam periods. 6 weeks
Unit 4: oral / written * Write a biography about a * Use definite and *Note- taking
message scientist. indefinite articles After 3/4 weeks of 18
Eureka. *Express result: *Asking /answering questions teaching, provide students hours
* talk and read about the so+adj+that with a situation where they
-produce oral development of *Relative pronoun “whom” mobilize and reinvest what
/written telecommunications. * Making an oral presentation has been learned in the unit
messages Phonology: or writing a paragraph from (oral or written)
*write about the evolution of *Intonation in indirect notes eg:
an invention. questions Write a short letter of
*Stress in words ending in: opinion taking side for or
* state/identify advantages ‘y’, and ‘ical’ * Write a paragraph out of a against the use of a
and drawbacks of some flow chart technological device
*read and interpret an opinion Write a summary of a long
letter. biography

*write an opinion letter.

* take sides in a debate.

Making an invention profile/ Writing a biography about a scientist

17 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

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