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Web · Arts and Sciences · Digital Media Design Technology

Design Fundamentals
Spring 2023 Section NA 3 Credits 01/09/2023 to 05/05/2023 Modified 11/08/2022

 Meeting Information
This is an online, asynchronous class. That means there is no set meeting date and time for the class. You are expected to check the
LMS regularly for announcements, activities, and assignments, making sure to complete your assignments by the due date.

You may also schedule meetings with your instructor if you need additional help.

 Course Description
DMD-104 Design Fundamentals 3 credit hours, 5 contact hours (1 hour lecture and 4 hours lab). Course is graded A-F. This course is
an introduction to digital design with emphasis on the basic principles, methodologies, and skills important to 2D digital design using
key computer graphics tools and software. This course is designed to prepare the student for the next level in his/her selected

Prerequisite: C grade (2.00) or better in DMD-101.

 Instructor Information

Dr. James T. Jarc

Associate Dean for Online Campus and Teaching & Learning
Office: Hopewell 50 B
Phone: (614) 450-2505
Website: (

 Course Materials
There is no required textbook to purchase for this course.

Packets/ Additional reading: distributed by instructor as needed.

Students will be provided access to the Adobe Creative Cloud.

 Course Policies
The class structure will usually involve the introduction of topics to be studied at the beginning of a week (with material
demonstration and/or slide presentation when appropriate), followed by independent or group work concentrating on the relevant

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The grades given to the exercises will be based on the quality of the work created. Effort and improvement are important factors.
The instructor reserves the right to refuse to evaluate a project that was not seen in progress in class.

Student Evaluation
Grades for this course will be based on the following:

1. Timely completion of work: late assignments will receive an automatic 10% deduction on points earned if submitted within 1
week of stated due date. No assignment will be accepted more than 2 weeks late.
2. Evidence in your work that you clearly understand the topic of the assignment.
3. Your willingness to fully explore the challenges and possibilities presented by a given assignment (i.e., "making the most" of
a given assignment).
4. Meeting the individual project requirements posted within the LMS

Individual Assignments

There are several major projects (4) throughout the semester.

Additionally, you are asked to develop a substantial, multi-part visual communication package for a client of your choosing.
Additionally, you will have several (15) weekly exercises

Late projects will receive a lowered grade. Assignments submitted within 1 week of the due date will receive an automatic
deduction of 10% of the grade earned. Submissions will NOT be accepted after one week from the due date unless prior
arrangements have been made between the instructor and the student.

Students have the opportunity to earn points on the following assignments:

Weekly Exercises 375 pts. (37.5% of total)

Exercises 1-15 (25 pts. ea) 375 pts.

Major Projects 300 pts. (30% of total)

Client logo development 40 pts.

+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts.

Identity system 40 pts.

+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts.

Advertising campaign 90 pts.

+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts.

Music festival poster 90 pts.

+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts

Final Project 325 pts. (34.5% of total)

Creative brief 50 pts

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Client branding & identity system 65 pts.
+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts.

Packaging & environmental 90 pts.

+ Virtual gallery post 10 pts.

Ads and presentation deck 90 pts.

10 pts.
+ Virtual gallery post

Total 1000 pts.

Grading Scale
Grading Scale:

A 100 % to 94.0% C- < 74.0 % to 70.0%

A- < 94.0 % to 90.0% D+ < 70.0 % to 67.0%

B+ < 90.0 % to 87.0% D < 67.0 % to 64.0%

B < 87.0 % to 84.0% D- < 64.0 % to 61.0%

B- < 84.0 % to 80.0% F < 61.0 % to 0.0%

C+ < 80.0 % to 77.0%

C < 77.0 % to 74.0%

* A grade of C (2.00) or better is required for all courses in order to continue in and graduate from the Digital Media Design
Technology program.

 Required Topics
History of Design
Future of Design
The Design Process
The Principles of Design
The Elements of Design
The Utilization of Grids in Design
Color Theory
The History of Color Use in Design
The Psychology of Color
Color Combinations

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Typography in Design
Designing for the Web and Multimedia Formats
Color Management for Print and Digital Output

 Course Outcomes and Student Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

1. Create effective designs utilizing digital design software.

1. Create and/or manipulate raster and vector graphics using digital design software.
2. Create print designs using digital design software.
3. Create designs for various screens, printers and other output devices.

2. Explain the basic history and development of design and how it is distinct from art, from early printing to current digital
1. Describe the infancy of digital design in the 19th and 20th Century.
2. Discuss current digital design trends and the future of digital design in the 21st Century.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design such as balance, unity, rhythm, hierarchy, and contrast
and the use of shapes, line, texture, color and type.
1. Create pre-digital design conceptualizations via notes and pencil sketches.
2. Create final designs that showcase individual and combined aspects of contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, unity and
3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of key principles of typography.
4. Apply the formal principles of 2-D design through the use of a variety of materials and processes.
5. Organize effectively visual elements in a 2-D surface.

4. Apply conceptual thinking to design preparation, design concepts and design practices, including deadlines.
1. Create effective designs for print from concept to final comp within set deadlines and specified parameters.
2. Create a variety of digital media from concept to final comp within set deadlines and specified parameters.

5. Critique the design and development methodologies of designs.

1. Evaluate the design work of professional designers utilizing proper design vernacular.
2. Evaluate the design work of fellow classmates utilizing proper design vernacular.

6. Explain of the concept of color and how it affects design.

1. Demonstrate an understanding of color perception.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of color theory.
3. Discuss how color is culturally perceived.
4. Identify how color has historically been used in design.

7. Describe color printing mechanics, including resolution requirements, color models for output, and registration.
1. Create a full-color design successfully.
2. Print a full-color design successfully.

8. Recognize color mixture, juxtaposition, and transformation for digital print, Web, and multimedia.
1. Recognize the various interrelationships of color.
2. Differentiate Hue, Saturation, Value, Brightness, Luminance, and Chroma.
3. Create designs in various media using basic and complex color combinations.

Add Course Outcomes and Student Learning Objectives.

 College-Wide Policies
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All students should be aware of the college-wide policies listed below.

Please refer to the website for a full list of College Academic Policies. (

College Mission
To meet the technical education and training needs of students and employers in the area.

Campus Links
Information technology services resources & help desk (
Academic Support Services (
Personal Support Services (
COTC and Ohio State University Newark Library (

As part of COTC’s campus-wide assessment initiatives (quality assurance program), samples of student performance such as
test results, projects, papers, etc. may be used. The data gathered will not identify individual students and are not related to the
student’s grade for the course, but this data will be used to improve student learning at COTC.

Student Life - Disability Services

Any student who has need for accommodations due to a disability must first register with Student Life – Disability Services (SL-
DS). Please call SL-DS at 740-755-7755 to discuss your needs and the procedures for getting accommodations. Students then
must notify the instructor of their authorized accommodations, preferably within the first week of class. For additional
information, access the Office for Disability Services Web Page (

Student Life-Disability Services is located in The John L. and Christine Warner Library and Student Center, Room 226.

Disability Services Statement with COVID Process Addition

The college strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. In light of the current pandemic, students seeking
to request COVID-related accommodations may do so through the college’s request process, managed by the Student Life
Disability Services (SL-DS). If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health,
chronic, or temporary medical conditions), please inform SLDS immediately so that we can privately discuss options. To establish
reasonable accommodations, students may be requested to register with SL-DS. After registration, students should make
arrangements as soon as possible to discuss accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion.

Academic Misconduct
The College has established policies regarding academic misconduct. All students are expected to comply. For additional
details, see the Code of Student Conduct located on the Academic Policies and Procedures web page

Using websites that charge fees or require uploading of course material (e.g. Chegg, Course Hero) to obtain exam solutions or
assignments completed by others and present the work as your own violates academic integrity expectations in this course. Any
student found to be using these types of services will be referred to the Dean of Students for a hearing on academic dishonesty.

Diversity Statement
It is the responsibility of the faculty member and the student to foster and maintain a harmonious, non-threatening and non-
discriminating environment in the classroom. The College is committed to follow a non-discriminatory policy and encourages
diversity as part of the community environment. Therefore, all individuals are to be respected as equal and contributing partners
of our society.

Withdrawal Date Statement

Students enrolled in regular semester courses should check the COTC Academic Calendar (
calendar) or contact their academic advisors for last date to withdraw from this class. Students enrolled in flexibly scheduled
courses should check with their academic advisor in the Gateway for the last date to withdraw from the flexibly scheduled course.
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COVID-19 Policy
Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) is following recommendations of the Ohio Governor to take immediate action to minimize
the risk of exposure and slow the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in our communities. These decisions will
remain in effect indefinitely and be reevaluated on an ongoing basis based upon recommendations from health and government
officials regarding the health and safety of our communities. Updates and any changes to this policy will be shared on the COTC

Note that some students may qualify for accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you think you
meet these criteria and desire an exception to a COVID-19 policy, contact Student-Life Disability Services

Respondus LockDown and Respondus Monitor

This policy only applies to courses using these products, please contact your instructor for more information.

This course requires the use of Respondus LockDown and/or Respondus Monitor. This software protects the integrity of course
exams by disabling certain functions on the web browser and/or using artificial intelligence and a webcam to ensure students are
not using materials that are not allowed on exams. Students who are unable or unwilling to use these proctoring tools must
schedule a time with student testing services ( to take the exam on-campus. Please note
that requests may not be honored due to capacity/social distancing requirements. Students are encouraged to make plans earlier
rather than later if they choose to utilize the on-campus testing option. It is the student’s responsibility to work with their faculty
member and testing services to set up an alternate plan.

This policy only applies to courses using this product, please contact your instructor for more information.

This class will use the plagiarism detection and prevention system Turnitin. You will submit papers to Turnitin (through our
Canvas class page) to check that all sources you use have been properly acknowledged and cited before you submit the paper to
the course instructor. Turnitin compares submitted documents against documents on the Internet and against student papers
submitted to Turnitin at COTC and at other colleges, universities, and high schools. The instructor will take your knowledge of the
subject matter of this course as well as your writing level and style into account in interpreting the originality report. Keep in mind
that all papers you submit for this class will become part of the ( reference database solely for
the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Resubmission of student work (one’s own or that of another student) from a
previous course taken, from a different course, or from a different semester is not permitted.

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