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Model Letter: Requ esting a Service

Look at the different elements of a letter requesting a service.

CeliFirst, Inc.
1 0 Horbor PI.ce Bdltimore, Moryld"d 21220

Tel: (443) 5 5 5 ·5522

Fax: (443) 5 5 5 · 5 5 5 7
www.cellf; ..
January 28, 20-
Jan Tu rner
Arrowhead East Conference C e n ter
4 1 2 Bel levue Lane
An n apol i s, MD 2 1 401

Dear Ms. Tu rner:

Opening __ -1-:1... [ I n our telephone conversation yesterday, we d i scussed � I a ns to cond uct o u r tra i n i n g
sem i nar at yo ur conference center. I wou ld l i ke t o contirm those p l a n s .


The dates of the sem i nar are March 1 5 th and 1 6t h . The hours are 1 :00 P. M . to 6:00
P.M. on the 1 5 th and 9:00 A . M . to 3 :00 P.M. on the 1 6t h . Ei ghty people w i l l be
attendi ng. We w i l l need a tota l of fou r rooms: one large room and th ree sma l ler
break-o ut rooms.
Focus ---....�
... I

As we disc ussed, we w i l l need a m i crophone and speakers i n the large room as

wel l as a computer projecti o n system. In each break-out room, we w i l l need five
tab l es, and a mon i tor and VCR.

On Mardi 1 6th, we w i l l have a catered l u nch. I wo u l d appreci ate your fax i ng me

the menu choi ces as soon as poss i b le, but no later than Friday, February 4th .

Action --- -r--.... I I wou ld also appreci ate receivi ng the projected costs for our two-day meeting. You do
not need to in clude the l u nch catering costs at this time. Cou ld you fax or e-ma i l me
your cost projections by January 3 1 st? I w i l l give you final confirmation of our
reservation by close-of-busi ness on the 3 1 st.

Closing __ -+....... [

I wzmt to thank you fo. r your help i n p l a n n i n g our sem i nar. I look forward to
meet i n g you next week when I come to look over you r fac i l ities.

B est wishes,

Curt MarK..$
Curt Marks
Spec i a l Projects Officer Useful Language
I n our conversation yesterday, we discussed --- '
'--________________--1 I would like to confirm ___ .

We will need ___ .

I would appreciate receiving

.� Unit 3
The body of a letter requesting a service generally has four parts.

Part Content Example

Opening Tel l why you are writing. In our telephone conversation yesterday, we
discussed plans to conduct qur training seminar at
your conference center. . . .

Focus Give details about The dates of the seminar are March 1 5th and
your request. 1 6th. The hours are 1 :00 P.M. to 6:00 P. M. on the
1 5th and 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on the 1 6th.
Eighty people will be attending. We will need a
total of four rooms: one large room and three
smaller break-out rooms. . . .

Action Give a time frame. . . . Could you fax or e-mail me your cost projections
by January 31 st? . . .

Closing Thank the reader and I want to thank you for your help in planning
mention future our seminar. I look forward to meeting you
communication. next week . . . .

Practice 1 Write 0 if the sentence is for the opening, F for focus, A for action, or C
for clOSing.

1. __ I look forward to your response.

2. We expect 25 participants.

iWef1; SAID 3. __ Please call me to confirm the rooms by next Friday.

The expression
4. I'm sending you confirmation today of the details that
business usually means we discussed.
5:00 P.M., since most
'--_ ._-.,..._--- ----

businesses are open from

9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. In
We are holding our annual meeting and I would like to get
informal correspondence,
information about your facilities.
you can use the abbreviation I will get back to you by COB April 1 with the names of
COB. (I will fax this report by the participants.
COB tomorrow.)
I look forward to your phone call.
In addition to the meeting rooms, we will reserve five guest < V 'JUI.",

9. __ We now need chairs and tables for 35 attendees.

10. __ I would like to confirm the information that we discussed on the
phone today.
11. __ We look forward to meeting with you.
12. Are you available to meet on Thursday at 3:00?

-- I would like you to confirm the menu by the end of the week.
__ I await your confirmation.
-_ We will need a buffet lunch for Monday, Tuesday, and WE�dnes(iay
-_ I would like to receive information about your conference !<",!ll!U"" " 1

Requesting a Service �
Writing You r Message
. ,.
(O p e n i ng
In the opening of the letter, explain why you are writing. Often, when
requesting a service, you are following up on a previous conversation. Make
specific reference to the earlier communication.

Practice 2 Complete these sentences. Use the prepositions at, by, for, in, of, or on. Some of
the prepositions may be used more than one time.

1. Thank you ____ your telephone call this morning.

2. We would like to hold our meeting Barnaby Place.

3. Please e-mail the menu Wednesday morning.

4. We will need sixty chairs the large room.

5. I would like a list ____ rates for the meeting rooms.

6. The meeting will end ____ July 14th.

The focus of a letter requesting a service is to let the service provider know
what you need. Be as clear and exact as possible.
Not clear and exact We need some rooms.
Clear and exact We will need a total offour rooms: one large
room and three smaller break-out rooms.

Practice 3 Choose the sentence that is more clear and exact.

1. a. We will need a microphone and speakers.

b. We need sound equipment.
2. a. Can you get back to me sometime?
b. Could you fax or e-mail me your response tomorrow?
3. a. Eighty people will attend the meeting.
b. Fewer than one hundred people will attend the meeting.
4. a. We are going to have a two-day meeting, March 15th and 16th.
b. We are going to have a meeting.
5. a. The training seminar will take place on March 15 and 16.

/WelL SAID 6.
b. The training seminar will take place in March.
Would it be possible to have audiovisual equipment in the
ASAP means as soon as

possible. Using ASAP means

break-out rooms?
that you need something
b. Would it be possible to have a monitor and VCR in each of the three
very quickly, but it doesn't smaller break-out rooms?
give an exact date and time.
If you need something done
a. We'll need a few rooms.
by a certain time or date, b. We will need a total of four rooms.
be specific.
8. a. Could you e-mail or fax me your cost projections by tomorrow?
b. Could you e-mail me your cost projections ASAP?

� Unit 3
In the action part of the letter, give a time frame for some action to be done.
You may promise to do something, or you may ask the recipient of the letter
to do something. Again, it is important to be specific.
You also must be polite. Use would or could to ask someone to do something.
I would also appreciate receiving the projected costs for our
two-day meeting.
Could you fax or e-mail me your costs by January 31st?

Practice 4 Rewrite these sentences as polite requests using would or could. Add your own
time frame.

Fax me the menus. Would you fax me. the. R!! M'W 9th?

2. Send me the cost projections. _________________________

Many conferences begin .

with a session attended by 3. Provide lunch. ______________________________________

all the participants. After this

session, the large group 4. Open three additional rooms for break-out meetings. _________

breaks out into smaller

groups. The smaller sessions
are held in break-out rooms.
S. Give me the price per person for coffee breaks. _____________

The expression per person

means for each person. For
example, if the price of the
coffee break is $5.00 per 6. Put audiovisual equipment in the three break-out rooms. _______

person and there are 1 00

people, the total cost of the
coffee break is $500.00.
7. E-mail me the cost per person. ______________________

8. Get back to me on the dates of the training seminar. _____________

9. Add two more speakers in the large room. ____________

10. Tell me the total number of attendees. _______________

In the clOSing, mention some further communication. The communication

may be a phone call, a meeting, a letter, a fax, or an e-mail.

Practice 5 Write sentences using the expression I look forward to [+ -ing verb]. Use each
type of communication listed below. Add a specific time.

1. receiving an e-mail I looK, forward to re.cei1dYg' your e.-mail to"W(;(2rrow

2. receiving a fax ______________________________________

3. receiving a letter __________________________

4. receiving a phone call _____________________________

5. meeting ____________________________

Requesting a Service .�
letter Practice 1
, � - � - - ' � .. . --,

Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the words below.

approximately confirm forward rooms

available conversation possible take place

Bectrlcal Engineering
55 Lakeshore Drive
Chicago, lL 60603

June 1 1 , 20-

Ms. Joanne Way

Cal iforni a Convention and Trade Center
1 5 5 Figueroa Street
los Angeles, CA 9 1 3 3 5

Dear M s . Way:

In o u r telephone (1 ) th is morni ng, we d iscussed the upcom ing

convention of the Assoc iation of Electrical Engi neering. I want to (2) ______

the fo l l owi ng information.

The conference w i l l (3) ______ December 3-4. We expect

(4) 700 engi neers and exhibitors to attend the conference.
We w i l l need one l arge hall for the welcome speech and fifteen break-out
(5) , each with a 50-person capacity. Overhead projectors and
computers should be (6) for each roo m.

Wou ld it be (7) ______ for you to provide a formal l u nch on the fi nal day of
the conference? I f so, please fax the menu selections to me before Friday.

I al so look (8) to receiving you r price esti mates by next Monday.

Please call me if you need additional i nformation.

Si ncerely,

John Onal
Events Manager

1!.; Unit 3
Model Letter: Confirm ing a Service
.. "" . . �

Look at the different elements of a letter confirming a service.

Arrowhead East Conference Center

4 1 2 Bellevue Lane
Anna polis, MD 2 1 401

February 4, 20-

Mr. Curt Marks

Special Projects Officer
CeliFirst, Inc.
10 Harbor Place
Baltimore, Maryland 2 1220

Opening ------Hl...
[ Dear Mr. Marks:

Thank you for your January 28 letter expressing interest in Arrowhead East
Conference Center. This letter will confirm our subsequent telephone call
discussing plans for your meeting.

We understand your company would like to reserve our conference facilities March
15 and 16. Eighty people will attend your meeting. You will need a total of four
rooms: one large room and three smaller break-out rooms.

As you requested, we will provide a microphone and speakers in the large room, as
well as a computer projection system. We understand that you are bringing your
Focus ------+....1..
own computer. We need to know the computer's model and operating system.
Please provide us this information four weeks before the start of the conference.

In each break-out room , we will provide five tables and a monitor and VCR. Please
let us know whether you want 6' rectangular tables or 4' round tables. This request
can be submitted one week before the conference.


On March 16, we will provide a buffet lunch. The menu choices were faxed to you
last Friday. Please tell us your menu selections one week before the conference.
Action ----- -+...... 1
As you requested, I faxed the projected costs last week. After you decide on the

required equipment and the type of lunch, we can finalize the cost estimate.

_____ j-IIIoo- I appreciate having the opportunity to plan your meeting. We look forward to
showing you our facility when you visit this week.


Jan 7urne.r
Useful Language
This letter will confirm
Jan Turner
___ .
Meeting Planner
]T/ss We understand your company would like

Ii! As you requested, ___

Please provide us this information ___ .

� Unit 4

Composing Your Message

"-' - - � � - - * < �

The body of a letter confirming a service generally has four parts.

Part Content Example

Opening Tell why you are writing. . . . This letter will confirm our
subsequent telephone call discussing
plans for your meeting.
Focus Restate the client's We understand your company would
needs completely. like to reserve our conference facilities
March 1 5 and 1 6 . . . .
Action Discuss problems, if any. On March 1 6, we will provide a buffet
lunch. The menu choices were faxed
to you last Friday. Please tell us your
menu selections one week before
the conference�. �.. .
Closing Thank the reader. I appreciate having the opportunity to
plan your meeting . . . .

Practice 1 In each question, two of the sentences are appropriate to use in a letter
confi rming a service. Circle the letters of the two sentences.

1. Opening
a. We are pleased to confirm the plans for your conference, March 12-13.
b. Did you need a place for your meeting?
c. I am confirming the arrangements for your company's reception on
May 11.
2. Focus
a. As you outlined in your fax, we can provide six large rooms equipped
with microphones and speakers.
b. As you said on the phone, you will need one room that can be made
I Goodt Business .,
larger or smaller.
c. I know you need many different services for your meeting.

Look at the 3. Action

second memo a.Please let us know a week before your conference begins whether you
on page 27. will need a technician's assistance.
The letters cc b. Our meeting rooms are very large.
mean carbon
copy. When you c. We will fax the price estimates to you today.
put a name after ce, it
4. Closing
means that the person gets
a copy of the e-mail or a. We thank you for this opportunity to serve you.

letter because it contains b. I will fax the estimates tomorrow.

c. We are happy that you have chosen Sunburst as your event planner.
important information.

Confirming a Service 1!,)



• discuss types of offers
• discuss·features of offers
• revise incoterms
., practice writing offers
e revise and practice adjective/noun/verb+ preposition combination


In pairs, try to answer the f oHowing questioJn§

1. What information would you include in an answer to a letter of

enquiry (offer)? .
2. Who would you send .an offer to?
3. What information would you include to "ternpt" the addressee to
send you an offer as quickly as possible?
4. As a buyer what would you look for in an offer except a good


Offers are the second link in the commercial communication, preceding

the drawing up and signing of a contract. Offers can be

@ solicited offers, requested by another person or company and are in

this case,·a reply to a general or specific enquiry your company has

' ...,.

• unsolicited offers, sales letters sent at the initiative of the manufacturer

I exporter I seller without a previous enquiry or
• a personalised or not personalised promotional fl yer advertising the
company's products.

While enquiries are not legally binding, offers can be
• . binding or firm
• conditioned, in which case the reasons for the rest1icb ons of the binding
status need to be mentioned by specific formula ti ons like : the offer is
valid until . . . , while stock lasts etc. or
• informative

Although there is a wide range of offers, the outhne below or slight

variations thereof is common to most answers to letters of enqiury (offers):
• Opening - in the case of an unsolicited offer - the opening g]ves reasons
for your sending the offer.
- in the case of a solicited offer you should
answer the enquirer's questions as specifically as possib1 e
address your prospective customer by name (e.g. Dear l\!ir.
thank the writer for his/her inquiry
mention the date of his/her letter
mention any other references that appear;
• Mention of the availability/inavailability of the produci(s) required.
• Mention of one or two selling points that make your product(s)
attractive and competitive.
• Mention of enclosures. Indicate if you enclose price-lists, catalogues,
prospectuses (make sure they are cunent ones), or if you send samples
under separate cover.
• Mention of price. The prices quoted can be gross prices (including
costs and charges such as transport, 'i surance and taxes) or net prices
(excluding extra costs). When prices tend to fluctuate, let your
prospective customer know that they are subject to chan ge .
e Mention of discounts. Discounts may be deducted from the net or gross I .
·price of produc ts and services. M.(lnUf(lcturers and wholesalers m.ay
allow f l

a trade discount - to sellers in similar trades

a quantity discount - to orders over a certain amount
a cash discount - if payment is made within a certai n time or
a loyalty discount - when firms have a long association.
s Mention of methods of payment. One of several methods of payment
(letter of credit, bill of exchange, "sight draft, cheque etc.) may be
suggested or required

Here is a specimen answer to an enquli:ry
'- - - - - - - -----··--------...
Lindt & Sprungli GmbH " - ..
Kafkaweg 125, Da52072 Aacheirn


Telefon 02 41/322 45,,0

Fax 02 41/322 45~17

Mr. R. Kinkaid Your ref: RK/dh

, Chief Buyer Our ref: WS/ 12
F. Lynch & Co Ltd.
125 Pennine Avenue
Glasgow, G7, 3TG 2. lVfay 20-

Dear Mr Kinkaid
Thank you for your letter of 20 April, in which you enqui red about om I
confectionery products. I
We are pleased to enclose our latest price list and cato1ogue as requested. ·
Please note that the prices are quoted c.i.f. Hamburg.

We would particularly like to draw your attention to our

•. marzipan chocolates (catalogue code CB 08) and
" coffee truffles (catalogue code CA 11) I

f. ;

for which there is a special discount of 5% on all orders received within the
nex t 30 days, in addition to our usual 15% trade discount. We deal on payment
by irrevocable L/C payable at sight, issued by a prime international bank.

Should you have any other queries, please contact us agai n. I

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and can assure you that your I
order will be dealt with promptly.
Yours sincerely

I: .

Wolfgang Steiner
Senior Sales Manager


t ......, -·~-- ... ~


. •'

• To practice ordering goods/services
• To handle correspondence related to orders


1. Order letters seem to have- gone out of fash ion. However with the
advance of the Internet things may have changed. Discuss the importance of
writing order letters nowadays.
2. Who would you send an order (letter) to?
3. What information would you include in an order?


Order letters are rarely written today as orders are placed orally with
salespeople or made on a company's official order form which is pre-printed.
Since electronicmail is so popular nowadays there can be situations when you
have to send an email which,more oft~n than not takes the form of a classical
letter, especially in formal situations. Even if you place an order by phone thi s
must be confirmed in writing. If you work for a company it is good practice to
accompany the order by a covering letter or a compliment slip ._
.' ~

It is therefore important" to k~ow how to write a proper orde{1'etter when

it is the case to do so. You have to be careful and have in your Tetter a1l the
relevant information such as the date and a reference 1nrnl!Rnlber that should be
quoted in any c01Tespondence_which refers to the order. A letter should also.
confirm terms of payment, discount~, delivery and packing.

As a guide to writing an order letter follow this plan :
~ start directly giving clear authorization
~ give a clear list arranging items with identifying facts (quantity,
quality, price, catalogue number)
~ cover details of delivery and terms of payment
~ end on a goodwill note

A · covering letter for an order should have the following points,

depending on what the actual situation is . Under each heading you have
some useful language to be used in various occasions.

~ say that an order is enclosed:

The enclosed order (No. 5623) is for 70 gross of golden buttons.
Please find enclosed our Order No. MZ-23850 for 45 blue and
silver breakfast sets.
Your letter of 4 July prompted me to place a trial order fo r the
new body lotion you mentioned. Therefore, please find enclosed....

~confirm the terms of payment, discounts agreed, delivery dates:

You gave us a 12.5% trade discount. Although we expected a
larger one, we will place an order' with you. However we hope
that you will consider a review of this allowance at some time in the
future. Thank you for the 25% trade discount and 7% quantity discount
you allowed us.
1, Delivery before 12 April is a firm condition ·of this order. l-'Ve
reserve the right to refuse goods delivered after that time .
~mention terms of delivery. Even if you have a forwarding agent
you need to give them instructions on how you want the goods
packed, etc. This is important when the consignment arrives late
or in damaged condition. Your letter would be evidence of the
steps you have taken to a~oid any problems. ·
Please send the goods DHL as we need them, urgently.
: I]f~;:ftiachines mi~st be wellgreased with all movable parts secured
b1efore being loaded into crates which must be marked * and
numbered 1 to 5.
. E_ach crystal glass ·is to be individually wrapped in thick paper,
packed in polystyrene and shipped in cardboard boxes.



23 Vigilanti Str,
Edinburgh E2 9EB

Ref EB/i d
15 January 200_
Mr Ted Frost
Border Tweeds Ltd
Gaunts Common

Dear Mr Frost

Thank you for your quotation of 6 January , also for the san1ples of tweed .

. We enclose our order no 37 to be sent by British Road Services. Please

deliver by 10 February as the tweed is required to complete an urgent
export order.

Yours sincerely,
'Eric '13a/(j:r

Eric Baker
Chief Buyer

I .


a. Make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter.
Please find enclosed our Order No. B 98 for 50 000 shirts.
Thank you for your reply of 4 May regarding our email about the mobile phones. Enclosed you
will find our official order (No. B 61) for…
I would like to place a trial order for the “Ivy” material we discussed last Monday. Please find

b.Confirm terms of payment.

We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by…

c.Confirm the agreed discounts.

We would like to thank you for the 10% quantity discount you allowed us.
Although we anticipated a higher trade discount than 15%, we wiII place an initial order and hope
that the discount can be reviewed in the near future.

d.Confirm the delivery dates.

Please confirm that you can complete the work before the end of March, as the opening of the store
is planned for early April.
Delivery before 28 February is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to refuse
delivered after that time.

e.Advise the company on how you want the goods sent/ packed.
…and please remember that only air freight will ensure prompt delivery.
The carpets should be wrapped, and packaging reinforced at both ends to avoid wear.

f.End with a polite closing.

I look forward to receiving your confirmation.

If our sales targets are met, we shall be placing further orders in the near future.

As soon as a supplier receives an order, it should be acknowledged.

Thank you for your order No. 99 which we received today. We are now dealing with it and you
may expect delivery within the next three weeks.

Your order No. 85 is now being processed and should be ready for dispatch by the end of this

We are pleased to inform you that we have already made up your order No. 73 for 2000 dresses
and are now making arrangements for shipment to Rotterdam.

Match the pieces of advice (a-f) with the statements (1-7).

a.Make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter. b.Confirm terms of payment.
c.Confirm the agreed discounts. d.Confirm the delivery dates. e.Advise the company on how you
want the goods sent/ packed. f.End with a polite closing.

1.We will place further orders if this one is completed to our satisfaction.
2.We advise delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile consignment.
3.It is essential that the goods are delivered before the beginning of November, in time for the
Christmas sales period.
4.We hope that this will be the first of many orders we place with you.
5. The enclosed order (No. R 54) is for 50 packets of A4 copier paper.
6.... and we agreed that payments would be made …
7.Finally, we would like to confirm that the 25% trade discount is quite satisfactory.

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