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Many people specially the one who are mostly benefitted in Genetic Modified Organism (GMO) , the

manufacturers, take GMO possitively because they believe that GMO plants is supposed to allow
farmers to spend less money for producing more food,farmers will use fewer pesticides and herbicides
and it helps to less tilling to remove weeds, thereby protecting the soil but one of the major concerns
about GMOs is that they could easily increase our toxic load, leading to even more cancer diagnoses it
obviously not safe.In addition to,in the article wrote and published by Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. (2017)
new studies on the toxicity of various chemicals used to produce GMO products are not reassuring,
either. One recent clinical trial, for example, found that glyphosate , a common herbicide ingredient
used to grow GMO plants, caused human breast cancer cells to grow due to its estrogen-like qualities.
Roundup weed killer products. The World Health Organization hedged slightly, calling glyphosate a
“likely carcinogen.”

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