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A strong, shallow earthquake

toppled buildings and walls
on Indonesia’s densely popu-
0RGLDWWDFNV&RQJ lated main island on Monday,
killing at least 162 people and
IRUEHLQJXQDZDUH injuring hundreds of others as
RIWULEDOV¶H[LVWHQFH residents fled into the streets,
some covered in blood and
5DKXOKLWVDW%-3 debris.
Officials were gathering
IRUQHJOHFWLQJWULEDOV information on the toll of those
killed and hurt in remote area. BdaeXe^abaTRTXeT\TSXRP[caTPc\T]c^dcbXST^UP[^RP[W^b_XcP[U^[[^fX]VP]
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q Detailed report on P9 TPacW`dPZTX]2XP]YdaFTbc9PeP8]S^]TbXP^]<^]SPh 0? k?C8

ujarat on Monday saw
G fierce campaigning for the
State Assembly elections sched-
uled for next month as India’s

top political personalities,
including Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Congress
leader Rahul Gandhi, can- ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXQTX]VVPa[P]STSSdaX]VP_dQ[XR\TTcX]VPWTPS^U
vassed in the State along with cWT6dYPaPc0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bX]BdaT]SaP]PVPa^]<^]SPh*C^_aXVWc BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 “The Lieutenant Governor The approval comes after
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind 2^]VaTbb[TPSTaAPWd[6P]SWXPSSaTbbTbP_dQ[XRaP[[hX]BdaPc*AXVWc 3T[WX2< has approved the filing of a the parents of the victim
Kejriwal, Home Minister Amit 0aeX]S:TYaXfP[SdaX]VPa^PSbW^fPc3WaP]VPSWaPX]BdaT]SaP]PVPa ?C8 aced with public outrage, review petition in the Supreme approached Saxena and
Shah and Uttar Pradesh Chief
Minister Yogi Adityanath. would go “in the hands of two- results would be announced on
F the Delhi Government has
decided to file a review petition
Court against its decision of
acquitting the three accused.
requested a review petition
against the acquittal of the
Modi addressed three three industrialists”. December 8 along with in the Supreme Court in the The Lieutenant Governor has three accused — Ravi, Rahul,
back-to-back Vijay rallies while Trying to win Gujarat for Himachal. Chhawla gangrape and murder also approved the appoint- and Vinod. The parents also
Shah attended four public the seventh successive time in Canvassing for the BJP in case. Delhi Lieutenant ment of Solicitor General sought police protection. The
meetings. Rahul held a rally in a row in 2022, the BJP has tribal-dominated districts, the Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena Tushar Mehta and Additional acquittal of the accused had led
Surat and public meetings, stepped up its campaign with Prime Minister also said lead- on Monday approved the filing Solicitor General to represent to massive outrage with
while Kejriwal took part in Prime Minister Modi address- ers of the Congress mocked of a review petition in the the case on behalf of the Delhi women’s rights activists criti-
road shows and addressed pub- ing public meetings in south, him for wearing traditional Supreme Court against its deci- Government before the cising the decision saying it will
lic meetings. central and Saurashtra regions tribal attire at public func- sion of acquitting three accused Supreme Court,” sources in embolden the accused.
In the tribal dominated since Saturday. Rahul too took tions. in the 2012 Chhawla gangrape the Government said. Continued on Page 2
regions, Prime Minister Modi a brief break from his “Bharat Continuing his massive and murder case, who were
took a swipe at the Congress Jodo Yatra” and addressed his offensive against the Congress earlier convicted and awarded

claiming that “for very long first election rally in the State. at a public rally at Jambusar in death sentence by the trial
time” it was “unaware of the Rahul did not campaign in Bharuch in south Gujarat, the 1857 mutiny? Tribals did so Ataljee’s Government at the court and the Delhi High
existence of tribals” and instead Himachal, which voted on Modi said, “For a very long many things for this country. Centre which carved out a Court.
of talking of development it was November 12. time, Congress leaders But, Congress leaders never separate Ministry and allocat- Saxena has also approved
trying to show him his “aukat”
as Rahul alleged that BJP was
taking away the rights of trib-
The election to first phase
for 89 seats would take place on
December 1 and 93 seats of the
remained unaware of the exis-
tence of tribals in India. Weren’t
they living here since the days
knew that Adivasis exist.”
“Otherwise, why was there
no separate Ministry for trib-
ed a budget for their welfare.
Even today, Congress leaders
make fun of me for wearing
the appointment of Tushar
Mehta, Solicitor General, and
Aishwariya Bhati, additional
als and soon they would have
“lost their jungles” which
total 182 seats would go to poll
on December 5. The Gujarat
of Lord Ram and Lord
Krishna? Weren’t they part of
als until Atal Bihari Vajpayee
became Prime Minister? It was
tribal attire,” Modi said.
Continued on Page 2
Solicitor General, to represent
the case before the apex court. 3DUW\LV\HWWRGHFLGH the former Prime Minister,
was passed without affording it
RQPRGDOLWLHV&RQJ adequate opportunity for hear-
ing despite it being a necessary

DYZ_UV>=2dVV\d8`gVc_`c¶d 3T[WXVXa[U^d]SX]QPV^]HP\d]P4fPh
&HQWUHDOUHDG\PRYHG party to the case. The
Government highlighted the
6&DJDLQVWUHPLVVLRQ alleged procedural lapse, saying

cVTR]]`gVcDYZgR[ZµaRdeZT`_¶ fPbZX[[TSQhUPcWTaSd\_TSQh_PaT]cb
the convicts seeking remission
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q did not formally implead the
=4F34;78 Centre as a party which result-
ed in its non-participation in
?=BQ ;D2:=>F he Congress is set to file a the case.
C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108
he girl whose body was
T fresh review plea in
Supreme Court challenging
The Supreme Court on
November 11 directed the

S trains began to develop

between the ruling alliance
T found stuffed inside a trol-
ley bag abandoned on a service
the decision to release six con-
victs in the Rajiv Gandhi assas-
premature release of the six,
including Nalini Sriharan and
partners in Maharashtra over road of Yamuna Expressway in sination case. The party had RP Ravichandran, serving life
the remarks by Governor Mathura district last Friday termed the top court order term in the case. It noted that
Bhagat Singh Koshyari and a belonged to Delhi and was “totally unacceptable” and the Tamil Nadu Government
BJP spokesperson about killed by her father. “completely erroneous”. It had has recommended remission of
Chhatrapati Shivaji on Monday, The police arrested the also stated that the convicts their sentence.
as an MLA belonging to the parents of the girl, who not only have been released from the This came months after the
Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena eliminated the victim but also prison and not acquitted, and Supreme Court had granted
faction Sanjay Gaikwad dumped the body to evade should not be seen as “heroes”. bail to a convict AG Perarivalan
demanded the Governor’s detection. However, the footage The petition will be filed in the on May 18. Then the court had
recall and asked the BJP to take from the CCTVs installed all next 3-4 days. invoked its extraordinary pow-
serious cognisance of over the expressway gave their “We are yet to decide on ers under Article 142 of the
Sudhanshu Trivedi’s purported game away. the modalities — whether we Constitution to release him
statement. BWXeBT]Pf^aZTab_a^cTbcPVPX]bc<PWPaPbWcaP6^eTa]^a1WPVPcBX]VW:^bWhPaX The parents later confessed will intervene in the Central on grounds of poor health and
Upping the ante over ^eTaWXbaT\PaZb^]2WWPcaP_PcXBWXePYX<PWPaPYX]?d]T^]<^]SPh ?C8 to the killing. ?^[XRTfXcWPRRdbTS=XcXbWHPSPeP]S1aPY1P[PfW^P[[TVTS[hZX[[TScWTXaSPdVWcTa Government’s review applica- good conduct. The SC’s rea-
Koshyari’s recent statement According to reports, the 0hdbWXHPSPeP]SbcdUUTSWTaQ^ShX]Pca^[[ThQPVc^QTU^d]SX]HP\d]P tion or intervene otherwise,” soning in the release of six con-
that Shivaji was an icon of the Talking to the media in can never become Mathura police, after sending 4g_aTbbfPhX]<PcWdaPSXbcaXRc^]<^]SPh ?C8 senior party leader and lawyer victs had mirrored the one dur-
“past era” and Sudhanshu Vidarbha region, Gaikwad said, old”. the body for autopsy, scanned Abhishek Manu Singhvi said ing Perarivalan’s release.
Trivedi’s purported statement “Here we have a Governor “My request to all the BJP over one hundred CCTVs that his 21-year-old daughter Before dumping the body, on Monday. Perarivalan, Nalini,
that Maratha warrior had writ- who does not know the histo- leaders to shift this Governor footage which helped them Ayushi Yadav was missing. Nitesh was seen driving the car The Centre last week Murugan alias Sriharan,
ten a letter to Aurangazeb ry of Maharashtra. Nor does he from Maharashtra and appoint identify the accused who The cops called Nitesh to and Brajbala sitting on the moved the Supreme Court Santhan, RP Ravichandran,
along the lines of the letters know anything about our State. a new Governor who is a dumped the body. It showed a the post-mortem house to backseat with the suitcase. seeking a review of its order for Robert Payas and S Jayakumar
written by Veer Savarkar to the He has shown disrespect to Maharashtrian. Because, there man and a woman dumping identify the body which they After dumping the suitcase, the premature release of the were arrested in 1991. Four of
British, Gaikwad said that such Shivaji by saying that the is no use in having a person like the suitcase. found stuffed in a suitcase. Brajbala also came to the front convicts in the case. them, including Nalini’s hus-
statements about Shivji would Maratha warrior has become a Koshyari as the Governor of Nitesh Yadav, a resident of Nitesh’s wife, Brajbala and their seat before fleeing from the The Centre had said the band Sriharan, happen to be Sri
result in rift between the thing of the past era. He should Maharashtra,” Gaikwad said. Delhi’s Badarpur, had contact- son identified the body as that spot. order granting remission to the Lankan nationals.
Shinde-led Sena and the BJP. realise that Shivaji’s ideology Continued on Page 2 ed the police and reported of missing Ayushi Yadav. Continued on Page 2 convicts, who had assassinated Continued on Page 2

A0B=05>D=34A0A44I Bdb_T]STS0]SP\P] 43:WZ]Vdd`TTVc
;PQ^da2^\\XbbX^]Ta 8aP]f^\T]caPeT[c^F^a[S2d_
=Tf3T[WX) 0aTTi
WZiVcf_UVc]V_d 0?Q 3>70 protests.
The unrest was spurred by
_^_d[PaSaX]Z ?=BQ =4F34;78 o 27-year-old Mariam, the the Sept 16 death of 22-year-old
?C8 Q ?>AC1;08A probe allegations that the
woman was lured to the chief he CBI has registered a
T World Cup match ticket
was a precious gift. A sports
Mahsa Amini in the custody of
the country’s morality police. It
S uspended Andaman and
Nicobar Labour
secretary’s home with the
promise of a government job,
T Preliminary Enquiry (PE)
to look into the alleged match-
fanatic, she traveled to the
World Cup in Qatar from
first focused on the state-man-
dated hijab, or headscarf, for
?D=901C4AA>A8BCF8C7 Commissioner RL Rishi was on and then raped there on April fixing in football matches in the Tehran to catch Iran’s opening women, but has since morphed
C$;1>D=CH=01143)=80 Monday arrested in connection 14 and May 1. country. During the enquiry game Monday against England, into one of the most serious
=Tf3T[WX) CWT=PcX^]P[ with the gangrape of a 21-year- The SIT has already ques- which began about a fortnight her first live soccer match. threats to the Islamic Republic
8]eTbcXVPcX^]0VT]Rh=80WPb old woman, police said. tioned Narain thrice. The back, the agency has sought Women are banned from since the chaotic years follow-
PaaTbcTSP\^bcfP]cTS Rishi arrived here aboard a Andaman and Nicobar Police and collected documents from attending men’s matches in ing its founding.
cTaa^aXbcRPaahX]VPaTfPaS^U flight from Chennai around 1 had on November 2 the Delhi-based All India Iran. “A big achievement for
C$[PZWbUa^\cWT3T[WXPXa_^ac pm, and was taken into custody announced a reward of C1 lakh Football Federation relating to “I’ve never attended a foot- protesters would be to have the
WTaTcWaTThTPabPUcTaWTfPb by the Andaman and Nicobar each for providing information several Indian football clubs, ball match in my life so I had choice to wear the hijab,” said
STR[PaTSP]PQbR^]STa Police, they said. on Singh and Rishi. officials said. to take this chance,” said Mariam. Her brown hair
So far, three accused have Singh, who had been The role of an alleged Mariam, a student of interna- draped over her shoulders and
70=8´B:8;;4AC>14 been arrested in the case, absconding, was apprehended match-fixer based in Singapore tional relations who like other 4]V[P]Sb9dST1T[[X]VWP\[TUcRT[TQaPcTbfXcW4]V[P]Sb7Paah<PVdXaTPUcTa ran long down her back. “But
?0A>;43)B05A8202>DAC including former Andaman from Haryana on November is under the scanner, they said Iranian women at the match bR^aX]VWXbbXSTb^_T]X]VV^P[SdaX]VcWTF^a[S2d_Va^d_1b^RRTa\PcRW after that, women will go for
9^WP]]TbQdaV) B^dcW0UaXRP³b and Nicobar Chief Secretary 13. The FIR in the case was reg- without divulging the suspect’s declined to give her last name QTcfTT]4]V[P]SP]S8aP]PccWT:WP[XUP8]cTa]PcX^]P[BcPSXd\X]3^WP@PcPa^] their right to be in stadiums.”
2^]bcXcdcX^]P[2^dacWPb^aSTaTS Jitendra Narain and Sandeep istered on October 1 when name and details of allegations for fear of government <^]SPh 0??C8 In an effort to restrict large
cWTaT[TPbT^U9P]dbiFP[db Singh, alias Rinku, a Port Blair- Narain was posted as the chair- saying the same could hamper reprisals. gatherings, Iran has closed all
YPX[TSU^aZX[[X]VP]cXP_PacWTXS based businessman. man and managing director of the probe which is at a nascent Iran is competing in the country. Security forces have 419 people, according Human soccer matches to the public
[TPSTa2WaXb7P]XX] ((" A special investigation the Delhi Financial stage. World Cup as a major women’s violently cracked down on Rights Activists in Iran, a group since the protests erupted.
team (SIT) was constituted to Corporation. Continued on Page 2 protest movement is roiling the demonstrations, killing at least that has been monitoring the Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!! ]PcX^]!

P[^]VfXcW_PaT]cb^UcWT! !2WWPf[PVP]VaP_TRPbTeXRcX\P]SaT`dTbcTS BC055A4?>AC4AQ =>830
RPbTb^cWPcbcaX]VT]c_d]XbW\T]cR^d[SQTVXeT]c^cWTPRRdbTS1P[d]XcWT 25-year-old social media
19?b]PcX^]P[\TSXPX]RWPaVTbPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c BC055A4?>AC4AQ
death by negligence) over a
complaint by Gautam Buddh
A celebrity died and his two
friends were injured after their
19?F0A32>D=28;;>A19?>55824140A4AB9>8=00? Nagar's deputy chief medical speeding car crashed into a tree
=Tf3T[WX)19?FPaS2^d]RX[[^a::0VPafP[P]SbTeTaP[19?^UUXRTQTPaTab ive doctors of a private hos- officer Dr Tikam Singh. in Greater Noida on Monday,
F pital in Noida have been
booked for negligence in
Dr Singh also headed an
official probe committee which
police said.
Rohit Bhati also known as
treatment of a COVID-19 had investigated the complaint Rowdy Bhati died in the acci- munity, Bhati was popular on
D=82458=38024;41A0C4278;3A867CBF44: patient which allegedly led to of the Ghaziabad-based fami- dent while his friends are social media platforms like
=Tf3T[WX)D=82458]SXPP]S_Pac]TabRT[TQaPcTSP]PRcXeXch_PRZTS2WX[S his death during the second ly and the allegations to be true. undergoing treatment at hos- Facebook and Instagram where
AXVWcbFTTZbcPacX]VfXcWcWT=PcX^]P[2WX[SaT]³b3Ph^]=^eT\QTa #P]S wave of the pandemic in 2021. However, Yatharth pitals – one in Greater Noida he posted videos and had fol-
Rd[\X]PcX]V^]F^a[S2WX[SaT]³b3Ph^]Bd]SPh°6^1[dT[XVWcb According to the officials, Hospital's managing director and the other in Delhi, a police lowers in thousands.
5^a4eTah2WX[S[Xcd_XR^]XR\^]d\T]cbP]S[P]S\PaZbbT]SX]VRWX[SaXVWcb the family of the patient, who Kapil Tyagi claimed that the official said. According to the police,
\TbbPVTbX]d]Xb^]±D=8245bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c was in his early 20s, claimed allegations were misplaced. “They are said to be return- Bhati, who was behind the
that he was not administered "The patient was brought ing from a party when the inci- steering of the speeding Maruti
24=CA4B2A0?B=443C>58;;08ABDE83705>A<B remdesivir injection in time at to our hospital in a critical con- dent took place around 3 am Swift, died on the spot, while
=Tf3T[WX)CWT2T]caT^]<^]SPhbRaP__TScWTaT`dXaT\T]cc^UX[[^dc0Xa the hospital despite them pur- dition. I believe had there been at their end, considering the treating coronavirus. We near the Chuhadpur under- his friends Manoj and Atish –
BdeXSWPU^a\U^a_T^_[TU[hX]VX]c^8]SXPUa^\U^aTXV]R^d]caXTbP\XS chasing it on the basis of doc- a delay of even half an hour, the challenging situation during understand that the family has pass. Apparently the speeding both around 25, were left
STR[X]X]VR^a^]PeXadbRPbTbCWTaTeXbTSVdXST[X]TbU^aX]cTa]PcX^]P[PaaXeP[b tor's prescription, according patient would not have sur- the second wave of the pan- lost a young child and it is very car failed to negotiate a turn injured. “One of the injured is
fX[[QTTUUTRcXeTUa^\=^eT\QTa!!PRR^aSX]Vc^P]^cXUXRPcX^]XbbdTSQhcWT to the FIR. vived. But here his condition demic last year. unfortunate," Tyagi said. and hit a tree,” Anil Kumar, in- being treated at the
D]X^]<X]Xbcah^U7TP[cWP]S5P\X[hFT[UPaT<^75F The first information started improving and after "Also, on the family's alle- Paramhans Tiwari, the in- charge of the local Beta 2 Government Institute of
report (FIR) has been lodged about 35 days, the family took gation of not administering charge of the Phase 2 police sta- police station, said. Medical Sciences (GIMS) in
3>2BA4<>E470<0AC><05A><?0C84=C´BC7A>0C against the doctors of Yatharth him to another hospital in remdesivir injection in time, tion, said the police are inves- Bhati hailed from Greater Noida, while the other
:PccP]Zd[PcWda)6aTPcTUU^acQhPcTP\^US^Rc^abUa^\BA<<TSXRP[2^[[TVT Hospital at the Phase 2 police Delhi," Tyagi told PTI. there are multiple research tigating the matter and further Bulandshahr but was living in has been referred to Delhi in
7^b_XcP[P]SATbTPaRW2T]caT:PccP]Zd[PcWda]TPa2WT]]PXWPbT]PQ[TS station under Indian Penal He said the team of doctors reports which later showed action would be taken on the Chi sector of Greater Noida. view of the serious condition,”
<PWPSTeP]]P\TRWP]VTSc^VTcQPRZc^]^a\P[[XUT3^Rc^abUa^\cWT Code section 304A (causing at the hospital did a good job remdesivir had no impact in basis of findings of their probe. Belonging to the Gujar com- Kumar said.
W^b_XcP[_TaU^a\TSbdaVTahU^a W^dabaTRT]c[h^]<PWPSTeP]fW^Xb
QPRZc^]^a\P[[XUT 3T[WXVXa[ DYZ_UV>=2dVV\d 5XVWcQTcfTT]19? 1PaaTSUa^\
4`_XcVdde`TYR]]V_XV U^d]SX]QPV
From Page 1 ology had apologised to the
Gaikwad was referring to a British five times, while From Page 1

From Page 1 statement made by Koshyari Chhatrapati Shivaji had written The reason for authori-
On May 21, 1991, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated at Tamil while speaking at a convocation a similar letter to Aurangazeb. ties’ fear became apparent as

Nadu's Sriperumbudur by a woman suicide bomber of Sri Lanka's organised by the Dr Babasaheb Trivedi should know that the fans filtered into the Khalifa
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) during the Lok Sabha
poll campaign. The killing was largely seen as a brutal fallout of
his decision to send over 1,000 Indian forces to the island nation
Tg_aTbb Ambedkar Marathwada
University to confer honorary
doctorate literature on BJP’s
Maratha warrior had never
apologised to Aurangazeb ‘’.
“It is because of Shivaji, we
International Stadium in Doha
on Monday. Many Iran fans
wore T-shirts or waving signs
in 1987 to disarm the Tamil rebels. From Page 1 Union Minister Nitin Gadkari have a state called Maharashtra. ?8>=44AB=4FBB4AE824Q by IPGCL/PPCL dated printed with the mantra of the
To clear their doubts, the and NCP chief Sharad Pawar at Shivaji championed the cause of =4F34;78 November 14, 2022 states, “The uprising — “Woman, Life,

cops checked their mobile Aurangabad on Saturday. Swarajya. above-mentioned matter along Freedom.”
phones’ location and found it Gaikwad also hit out at Be the BJP-appointed he fight between the BJP, with seven connected matters Others wore T-shirts bear-
at the same spot. BJP’s spokesperson Sudhanshu Governor of its spokesperson T the AAP, the Delhi is pending before Hon’ble ing the names of female pro-
aTR^eTabWXVWT]SRPa Subsequently on Monday
morning, the police took
Trivedi for his reported remarks
about Shivaji. “Speaking about
Sudhanshu, they should first
learn about Shivaji before talk-
Government, and the Union
Government on the various
Supreme Court of India and is
directed to be listed for hear-
testers killed by Iranian secu-
rity forces in recent weeks.
?=BQ =4F34;78 Nitesh and Brajbala in custody the controversy over Savarkar, ing about the Maratha warrior,” aspects of the power sector, ing on 24.11.2022. In these In the 22nd minute of the
for interrogation and after an Trivedi said that the Hindu ide- Gaikwad said. including subsidy and pending matters, the IPGCL/PPCL match - a reference to her age
he Enforcement hour of grilling, they broke dues has spilled over to the (Undertakings of NCT of when she died - some fans
T Directorate (ED) has recov- down and confessed to killing legal domain. Delhi) has sent a letter dated chanted Mahsa Amni’s name,
ered and seized a high end Ford
Endeavour (2L TITANIUM
automatic SUV) of lady black-
their daughter to save their
As per the information, a
43:WZ]Vdd`TTVc^ReTY In a big development,
Delhi Government-owned
IPGCL / PPCL has enlisted the
November 27.10.2022 to your
good office for giving consent
to contest the cases on behalf
but the chant quickly faded out
and was replaced by “Iran.”
The World Cup in Qatar,
mailer Archana Nag in an few days back Ayushi went From Page 1 services of India’s highest- of the company and also just a short flight across the
overnight search operation in In this matter, earlier the somewhere without telling her The agency has received some documents while some are ranked legal officer (Attorney requested for fee schedule.” Persian Gulf from Iran, has
connection with ongoing ED conducted searches on father, Nitesh Yadav. still awaited. The agency has also sought cooperation of sever- General of India) for its cases The letter also states, emerged as a rallying point for
PMLA investigation into the November 10 at seven premis- After she returned home, al Indian football clubs in joining the investigation, they said. pending in the Supreme Court “........The competent authority Iranian political mobilization.
high profile sextortion racket es (including residential her father lost his temper and The CBI cannot conduct searches, arrests or question through of India in power matters. He is pleased to appoint your Protesters have even called on
run in and around premises and office) and sev- shot her dead. He then summons under the PE as it does not come under the Criminal will be representing the Delhi engagement to contest the FIFA, soccer’s governing body,
Bhubaneswar. “The vehicle was eral incriminating documents, wrapped her body in plastic, Procedure Code (CrPC) and is essentially an in-house enquiry Gencos in the ongoing pay- above matters on behalf of the to prohibit Iran from compet-
found to be abandoned with- digital evidence such as mobile stuffed it in a trolley bag and of the probe agency, they said. ment dispute with two-Delhi Company and also approved ing in the tournament over
out a Number Plate. The seized phones and one SUV were got it disposed of on the During the PE, the CBI relies on cooperation of stakehold- discoms’. the below-mentioned fee restrictions on women in soc-
vehicle is valued at around Rs. seized. One of the accused, Yamuna Expressway in ers and registers an FIR when it has material suggesting prima A letter written (and schedule provided via mail cer stadiums and the govern-
40 Lakhs (approximately),” the Khageshwar has been arrested Mathura.Nitesh originally hails facie culpability of the suspects in an offence, they added. addressed to the AG of India) dated Nov 2, 2022.” ment’s crackdown.
ED said in a statement. and is still under ED custody. from Gorakhpur.

From Page 1 the Supreme Court had said the law on February 13, 2014. The police found multiple injuries
Reacting on the Delhi Lieutenant does not permit courts to punish an The accused later approached the on the woman's body.
Governor's decision, Uttarakhand accused on the basis of moral con- Delhi High Court and the court on Further investigation and autop-
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami viction or on suspicion alone. August 26, 2014, dismissed their sy revealed she was attacked with car
said that he is thankful to Delhi L-G The court made the observation appeals, and affirmed their death tools, glass bottles, metal objects,
for the decision towards the path of while noting that a kind of agony and sentence. The accused then and other weapons. She was also
getting justice for the nation's daugh- frustration may be caused to society approached the Supreme Court raped, they said.
ter. in general and to the family of the vic- against the judgment of the High Police arrested the three men
"We are standing with the victim's tim in particular if the accused Court. involved in the crime and said one of
family and will help in whichever way involved in the heinous crime go According to the prosecution, the accused allegedly took revenge
possible," Dhami said. The father of unpunished or are acquitted. the woman worked in Gurugram's after the woman turned down his pro-
the 2012 Chhawla gangrape-and- The case in the gruesome rape and Cyber City. She was returning from posal. Extending support to the par-
murder victim also welcomed the murder of a 19-year-old woman was her workplace and was near her home ent's cause, an NGO People Against
Delhi Lieutenant Governor's decision filed on February 9, 2012. when the three men abducted her in Rape In India (PARI), held a candle
and expressed hope they would be The Delhi Police after their inves- a car. march in Delhi on November 20 and
hanged to death. tigation filed the chargesheet and the When she didn't return home, her demanded justice in the case.
The Supreme Court's acquittal sessions court framed charges against parents lodged a missing persons Activist Yogita Bhayana, who was
prompted the parents of the 19-year- all three accused on May 26, 2012. report, the prosecution said, adding also one of the applicants before the
old victim to seek police protection After the trial, the court of sessions the woman's mutilated and decom- Supreme Court in the case in favour
out of fear, officials said. convicted all three accused and posing body was found in a village in of the victim's parents, led the march
While acquitting the three men, awarded the death sentence to them Rewari, Haryana. with students and volunteers.

=VRUVcdaRT\af_TYVdRd8f[a`]]aZeTY IPZXa=PXZX]@PcPa
From Page 1 gance. They, indeed, belong to spearhead Medha Patkar join- the next month's Assembly
The PM said Adivasis can- a royal family, while I am ing the Rahul Gandhi-led polls. 0=8Q 3>70
not expect Congress will merely a servant having no Bharat Jodo Yatra in Gandhi said his 3,570-km
improve their condition 'aukat'," he said. Maharashtra recently. yatra, which started from ndian fugitive preacher Zakir
because leaders of Congress
mock tribal outfits and insult
"In the past, the Congress
had used words like 'neech
On the other hand, Rahul
said he felt the pain of farm-
Tamil Nadu on September 7,
was for the unity of the coun-
Naik, who faces charges of
laundering and hate
tribals at regular intervals. aadmi', 'maut ka saudagar' ers, youth and tribals after try and during the cross-coun- speech in India, is set to give
"While past Congress can- and 'naali ka keeda' for me. I meeting them during his try foot-march he felt the pain religious lectures at the 2022
didates left tribals to fend for urge you to talk about devel- Bharat Jodo Yatra and accused of farmers, youth and people FIFA World Cup in Qatar,
themselves in Gujarat, it was opment instead of playing this the BJP of drawing up plans to from the tribal community according to social media
BJP, after coming to power, game of 'aukat'," the Prime displace adivasis by handing after listening to their prob- posts.
resolved their issues such as Minister said, adding that he over forests to industrialists as lems. Sharing his experience of "Preacher Sheikh Zakir
education, health, malnutri- swallows such insults because he hit the campaign trail in the yatra so far, the Congress Naik is present in Qatar dur-
tion and employment among his focus is to make India a Gujarat 10 days ahead of the leader said he felt sad while ing the World Cup and will
others," he added. developed nation. first phase of Assembly polls. talking to farmers, youth, and give many religious lectures
In another public rally at Hitting at the Congress, Addressing his first rally in tribals. He said farmers shared throughout the tournament,"
Surendranagar in central Modi said people who were Gujarat after the announce- their experience of not getting Al Arabiya News quoted Faisal
Gujarat, Modi took a dig at dethroned long back were tak- ment of the Assembly poll proper rate of their produce, Alhajri, a presenter at the
Congress leader Rahul ing out yatra to get back the schedule, Gandhi asserted crop insurance money or their Qatari state-owned sports
Gandhi's "Bharat Jodo Yatra", power. tribals are the first owners of loans not getting waived, while channel Alkass, as saying on
saying those who have been "Some people are doing a the country, but the BJP was youth talked about remaining Twitter on Saturday.
thrown out of power are tak- padyatra to get back to power. working to take away their unemployed and failing to The FIFA World Cup will
ing out padyatra to get back to They are also taking along jungles and keep their children realize their dreams. begin in Qatar on Monday at
power. those who had stalled the away from modern educa- "They (BJP) call you 'van- the Al Bayt Stadium, located
Modi also said instead of Narmada project for 40 years tion. vasi' (forest dwellers). They do about 35 km away from Doha.
talking about development through litigation and kept The Congress MP took a not say you are the first own- Naik, who is a wanted fugitive
during elections, the Gujarat thirsty for 40 years. I break from his Bharat Jodo ers of India, but that you live by the Indian government, will
Opposition Congress is saying n this election, the people Yatra, currently passing in the jungles. reportedly give many religious
it will show him his "aukat" of Gujarat will punish those through Maharashtra, and Do you see the differ- lectures throughout the tour-
(status). who are doing this padyatra. travelled to Gujarat, where he ence? It means they do not nament, according to Alhajri.
"Now, the Congress does People will also punish those addressed a gathering of trib- want you to live in cities, see Earlier in March, home
not talk about development who were against the Narmada als at Mahuva in Surat district your children becoming engi- ministry had declared Zakir
during elections. Instead, project", he said without tak- in support of his party, which neers, doctors, learn to fly Naik founded Islamic Research
Congress leaders are saying ing any names. is seeking to end its nearly planes, speak English," he said Foundation (IRF) an unlawful
they will show Modi his Modi was referring to three-decade stint in the oppo- at the rally at tribal-dominat- association and banned it for
'aukat'. Just look at their arro- Narmada Bachao Andolan sition in the BJP-ruled state in ed Mahuva. five years.


=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!! RP_XcP["

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 doctor who treated the woman, received. people in connection with the ment in Delhi's Chhattarpur.
for a root canal treatment. "It will be followed by med- case, even as details emerged These details emerged days
n a day the Delhi Police Without X-ray, it is very diffi- ical tests and after these only about Poonawala having shift- after an employee of the shop
O recovered more human
remains, mostly fragments of
cult to identify." In the mean-
time, a PIL has been filed in the
the narco will be performed.
Within 10 days, narco will be
ed belongings from his flat in
Maharashtra's Palghar district
revealed that Poonawala
bought a fridge on May 19 – a
bones, in further searches in High Court (HC) for transfer- done," he said. to Delhi in 37 boxes in June day after the killing - and left
the Mehrauli forest area, it ring the probe to the CBI as the A PIL was filed in the and paid Rs 20,000 for it. within minutes.
filed an application in a city Delhi Police has a paucity of Delhi HC on Monday seeking Poonawala has stated that “A mover and packers bill
court seeking permission for personnel and technical equip- a direction to transfer the he and Walkar fought about from Mumbai’s Vasai to Delhi
conducting a polygraph test on ment. investigation into the case from who would pay for shifting the was found and another was a
Aftab Poonawala, accused of The Forensic Science Delhi Police to the CBI, alleg- items from their house in Vasai. refrigerator bill which
killing his partner Shraddha Laboratory (FSL) Assistant ing that the presence of the A police officer said they will Poonawala had bought from
Walkar. Director Sanjeev Gupta said media and the public at places find out whose account was Tilak Electronic shop in Delhi,”
The hearing is likely to take that the narco analysis test on of recovery amounts to tam- used to pay Rs 20,000 for the said the sources.
place on Tuesday before the Poonawala could not be con- pering with evidence. transportation of furniture and It was also revealed that
Metropolitan Magistrate, who ducted on Monday. The plea, which is likely to other household items in June Poonawala and Walkar had
had earlier heard the applica- A polygraphic test is to be be listed for hearing on through the Goodluck Packers on May 6 visited Tosh in
tion on Poonawala’s narco conducted on Poonawala Wednesday, alleged that so far and Movers. Himachal Pradesh and bought
analysis test and given his nod. before the narco test, for which the Delhi Police has revealed Police sources said that ‘weed’ there and police have
Meanwhile, a dentist, who did his consent is needed, and the each and every detail to the during investigation, it was some digital evidence which
not wish to be named, said, police have been informed media and public regarding the also revealed that Poonawala collaborates this.
"The police came today. They about that, the FSL said. investigation which is not per- used Walkar’s phone number "He had visited Tosh a
had a picture of the jaw which Dr Punit Puri, also an mitted under law. when he bought the fridge, that couple of times earlier also with
they recovered during investi- <TSXP_Tab^]]T[P]S[^RP[b]TPaP_^]SfWTaT0UcPQ?^^]PfP[PPRRdbTSX]cWT<TWaPd[X\daSTaRPbTXbbdb_TRcTSc^WPeT Assistant Director at the FSL, On its part, the Delhi he allegedly used to store her his friends and had bought
gation. I asked them to get an Sd\_TSWXb[XeTX]_Pac]TaBWaPSSWPFP[ZPabWTPSP]Sb^\T^cWTaaT\PX]bPc2WWPcPa_daPaTPX]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh said the polygraphic test will Police team in Mumbai has body parts, at the electronics weed, as he is fond of it," said
X-ray from the Mumbai-based AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa conducted if the consent is recorded the statements of 11 shop near the couple's apart- sources.


VFKRROVWREHJLQIURP'HF QRGWRKLULQJRIFRXUWVWDII Pb_TaWXbaT[XVX^] BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 ject,” the official sources said.
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 these are conducted through a The notification said that a In recent times, the LG has
centralised process of draw of non-refundable amount of Rs o clear the huge backlog of taken concrete steps to equip

T he Delhi Government on
Monday released a circular
lots by the DoE and a separate
schedule for this will be released
25 can be charged as admission
registration fee. The purchase of
T cases registered under the
Negotiable Instruments Act
the judiciary with ample staff
and expeditiously reduce the
stating that admissions to pri- later. the prospectus of the school by (NI Act), Delhi Lieutenant pendency of cases. In a first
vate nursery schools for the aca- Schools have been asked to the parents will be optional, it Governor VK Saxena has such move, the LG has autho- BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
demic year 2023-24 in the notify their number of seats and said. approved the hiring of five rized Delhi Subordinate
national Capital will commence limit for admissions is four, five the admission criteria by The DoE has also directed judicial officers and 35 other Services Selection Board ailed Delhi Minister
from December 1.
The last date for filling
and six years for nursery, KG
and class I respectively as of
December 16. The criteria on
the basis of which admission
that the number of seats at the
entry level will not be less than
clerical and support staff in five
special courts. Court order dated May 19,
(DSSSB), to make recruit-
ments/selections of Group ‘B’
Satyendar Jain has moved a
in the CBI court seek-
applications is December 23 and March 31, 2023. After the first will be take place is for the the highest number of seats in The appointments of court 2022, in a Suo Moto Writ & ‘C’ non-judicial subordinate ing directions to the jail author-
the first list of shortlisted can- list of selected candidates and schools to formulate but there entry level classes during the last staff including Readers, regarding “Expeditious Trial of staffs for the Delhi High Court. ities to provide him basic food
didates will be declared on the waiting list is issued on are certain “discriminatory” cri- three academic years -- 2020-21, Stenographers, Ahlmads, Cases under Section 138 of “It has been observed that items as per his religious beliefs
January 20. The admission January 20, the second list, if teria which they are not allowed 2021-22 and 2022-23. Assistant Ahlmads and peons Negotiable Instruments Act, prolonged pendency of cases as well as provide him access to
process for pre-school, pre-pri- any, will be issued on February to adopt. "Eligible parents of students will be made on contract basis 1881.” In pursuance of the under NI Act that mostly deal medical facilities in the jail.
mary and class 1 will commence 2, and any subsequent list on These include taking into in the draw of lots will be for a period of one year as a Supreme Court order, the Law with petty financial disputes In his petition, Jain
from December 1 for open March 1. The admission process consideration parents’ education informed at least two days pilot project to examine the Department had sought the including cases of cheque claimed that he has lost 28 kgs
seats in private unaided and will close on March 17. qualifications, their food and before the date of draw through efficacy and additional approval of the L-G for engag- bounce, often made litigation in the last six months since his
recognised schools for the 2023- There are no significant drinking habits (vegetarianism website, notice board and e-mail requirements of staff/resources, ing the court staff,” they stated. in the cases irrelevant for the arrest which is clearly indica-
24 session. changes in the admission guide- and alcohol, non-veg con- by the school," the notification if any, in future. “The State Court litigants due to inordinate tive of his debilitating health
According to the schedule lines from previous years. sumers), their professional fields said. It said the draw of lots will “The move aims at expe- Management Committee of delays while also causing status.
released by the Delhi All schools are required to or any kind of expertise, oral be conducted under videogra- diting the disposal of court the Delhi High Court has rec- harassment to the parties He stated in the petition
Government’s Directorate of reserve 22 per cent of their seats tests or interviews, or a first- phy and its footage will be cases under the NI Act and ommended that only 2500 old- involved,” they informed. that he has not been able to visit
Education (DoE), all private in entry level classes for eco- come-first-get system. Most maintained and retained by the reduces the huge pendency of est pending cases will be L-G noted non-systematic Jain temple since his arrest on
schools will have to upload nomically weaker sections schools usually allot points to school. The slips will be shown cases in these courts, mainly assigned by the Chief and irregular filling up of May 31, this year and hence
their admission criteria by (EWS) and disadvantaged applicants based on their dis- to the parents before being due to procedural and logisti- Metropolitan Magistrate vacancies at such positions, being a strict religious observ-
November 28 and the applica- group (DG) students and 3 per tance from the school, on hav- putting in the box, being used cal delays owing to shortage of (CMM) to every special court often creates procedural and er, he has been on a fast and is
tion process will begin on cent for children with special ing siblings in the school and if for the draw of lots, the notifi- staff,” they said.“The decision (NI Act) at the time of com- logistical impediments in the not having – cooked food,
December 1. The upper age needs (CWSN). Admissions to a parent is an alumnus. cation said. comes in wake of a Supreme mencement of the pilot pro- functioning of the Court. pulses, grains and milk prod-
ucts. “Due to withdrawal of the

fruits being provided to him, he
has alarmingly lost 2 kgs of
weight in the last week,” he
alleged in the petition.
Meanwhile a city court
former AAP volunteer Bindu will hear on Tuesday his plea
who was allegedly asked for Rs seeking contempt proceedings
c^\P[XV]00?R^eTa 80 lakh for a ticket from the
Rohini D ward.
against the Enforcement
Directorate for allegedly leak-
d_Xcb^f]R^aad_cX^] Patra claimed that the video
shows Bindu purportedly dis- <23fX[[QaX]VSTeT[^_\T]c)BXb^SXP ing CCTV footage of his prison
cell to media.
UPX[daTX]RXeXRQ^Sh cussing the payment of money
with some purported AAP BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 work to be done in your ward,
The matter, which was
scheduled to come up for a
leaders including its North pick an AAP councillor. If a BJP hearing on Monday, was
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 West Delhi Lok Sabha incharge mid the ongoing full- councillor is elected in your adjourned for Tuesday since

he BJP on Monday released

RR Pathania and Rohini
Assembly constituency
A fledged campaigning, the
AAP leader and Delhi Deputy
ward that person will try to
obstruct work since the AAP
the judge was on leave.
Jain alleged in the petition
T an alleged sting video shot
purportedly by a former AAP
?daeP]RWP[fX]V[TPSTabY^X]19?X]_aTbT]RT^U19?bT]X^a[TPSTaEXYPh6^T[P]S incharge coordinator Punit
Goel. The BJP spokesperson
Chief Minister Manish Sisodia
on Monday launched another
will be in power in MCD,"
Sisodia claimed.
that from the last 12 days, the
jail administration has stopped
volunteer from North West <^]SPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa claimed, "These leaders includ- campaign ‘Kejriwal Ki Sarkar, "So, a new campaign providing Jain with basic food
Delhi's Rohini area to allege that ing Pathania and Goel have Kejriwal Ka Parshad’ for the 'Kejriwal ki Sarkar, Kejriwal ka items as per his religious belief.
the party sold tickets for MCD said. AAP leaders said that the in MCD elections. Their frus- links with a five-member com- civic elections, seeking victory Parshad' (Kejriwal's govern- Since he is on religious fast
polls. BJP national spokesper- saffron party was doing this tration is visible from the fact mittee of the AAP that was of party candidate in every ment, Kejriwal's councillor) for the last six months because
son Sambit Patra alleged at a only to malign the AAP which that they are releasing fake associated with ticket distribu- ward. AAP in the civic body polls. campaign has been launched to he was relying on consumption
press conference that the AAP is inching closer to a historic stings every now and then tion. AAP Minister Gopal Rai, The campaign argues that Sisodia claimed the "AAP alert people to pick AAP over of uncooked fruits/vegetables,
and its chief Arvind Kejriwal win in MCD and to cover up its which they shoot anywhere.” MLAs Durgesh Pathak, it will be easy for AAP to carry is set to win" the MCD polls BJP in civic polls due on mixed seeds, dry fruits and
were deeply involved in cor- corruption and maladminis- “One thing has become Saurabh Bhardwaj and Atishi as out development initiatives and if BJP wins even one ward December 4," he said. dates in the jail. He is being
ruption and played the pur- tration during its 15 year rule. clear even in these doctored well as Adil Khan are its mem- where the party has its coun- in Delhi "they will impede The BJP was in power in starved by the jail authorities
ported video. Responding to the charges, videos released by the BJP that bers." Patra also said the sting cillor. ‘Kejriwal Ki Sarkar, development work in their the Municipal Corporation of and is not being given suste-
The AAP hit back at the Goel said AAP's tickets for no one can get tickets from video revealed that 110 tickets Kejriwal Ka Parshad’ campaign areas". The BJP has done noth- Delhi from 2007 to 2012 when nance or nutrition to even sus-
BJP saying that the saffron MCD polls were much sought AAP with money. The AAP has of the AAP were reserved for translates to ‘Kejriwal is in ing in the past 15 years in the it was unified. It again con- tain his well-being.
party was releasing fake stings after. "There are many touts not given tickets to anyone by distribution on the basis of a Government in Delhi and there Municipal Corporation of trolled the three corporations The petitioner further
everyday to malign the AAP in who got active. Touts got active taking money. It is just not pos- payment. Bindu alleged that should be Kejriwal’s councillor Delhi and has no vision for the that existed from 2012 to 2022 argued that a prisoner does not
fear of its MCD election defeat. but no tickets were given on the sible. Tickets are given only to AAP leaders "sold" tickets for in all 250 wards. next five years as well, he before being reunified again in cease to remain a human being
“There is no scope of getting basis of money. The AAP is not those candidates who have MCD polls to rich people Launching the campaign, alleged. May this year. even after punishment. And
tickets for money in the AAP; BJP or Congress where tickets worked among the people at the neglecting the party's ground- Sisodia sharpened his attack on "But, we have a vision to fix "I appeal to the people of that he is currently under trial
only those workers who have a are distributed to those who pay grassroots level,” he added. level volunteers. "The AAP sold the BJP, accusing it of having civic problems, make parks Delhi to ensure the AAP comes and as such cannot be made to
strong presence on ground get money," he said. Earlier, at the press confer- tickets and I did this sting after "no vision" for the MCD as he better and address landfill sites to power in MCD and that starve, relinquish his religious
tickets,” AAP leader and He said, “It is evident that ence Patra alleged that the much thinking. This is not the announced a new campaign to issues. The AAP is going to win your ward councillor is picked beliefs and be denied basic
Timarpur MLA Dilip Pandey the BJP has conceded its defeat video was purportedly shot by doing of some leaders. "alert voters" in choosing the this election. So, if you want from the AAP too. medical conditions.

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successful Phalloplasty
as well as uterus, ovary and
vaginal removal in 2019.
“After her psychological
the penis was fabricated on the
forearm with preservation of
vessels and all the important
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 using taxpayers' money . "It is
the money paid as taxes by the NEW DELHI: Delhi
A surgery – penile recon-
struction and implant to trans-
evaluation, we found that
although the patient was a
nerves. The next step was to
implant the reconstructed
s campaigning for the people and it can not be spent Government think tank form a female to a male (FTM) female but mentally she was a penis from the forearm to the
A Delhi municipal polls
intensifies, BJP MP Parvesh
on just one religion," he said.
Reacting to Verma, AAP
Dialogue and Development
Commission of Delhi (DDCD)'s
– has not only effected a
physical transformation of 34-
male, a condition which is
called Gender Dysphoria,” said
genital area of the patient.”
Dr. Nanda continued, “The
Sahib Singh Verma on Monday led Delhi Government said, vice-chairman Jasmine Shah year-old Gayatri but also Dr. Bheem Singh Nanda, second challenge was to join
asked temple priests and “We are already paying as has approached the High Court helped her fulfill her dream to Senior Consultant, Department the urethra (urine tube) and
gurudwara granthis to nudge much salaries to priests and challenging Lieutenant marry Shalini, her "childhood of Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, then connect the vessels to
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal granthis as any other BJP Governor's order restricting him sweetheart". Rechristened as Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. establish the blood circulation
to give them salaries, saying the Government in UP, MP etc”. from discharging his duties and Mahesh, he, is now discharg- According to Dr Nanda, again in the reconstructed
Government was paying hon- Kejriwal to provide monthly However, based on his sealing his office. ing the responsibilities of a hus- “We decided to perform penile penis. The last and the most
orariums only to imams and salaries of C42,000. "If he fails advice, management commit- Shah's lawyer said they have band. sex and their gender identity. reconstruction (Phalloplasty) important step was to join the
muazzins. He also told them to to convey his decision within tees of a Shiv temple in challenged LG's order and have However, the journey to “Gayatri, a resident of Uttar for complete male transforma- nerves of the reconstructed
shut temple and gurudwara three days, boards should be Tatarpur village and a gurud- also sought an interim relief of transform from a female to Pradesh, who was suffering tion by state-of-the-art micro- penis with the erotic nerves
doors on any AAP leader or installed outside temples and wara in Tihar village shot let- staying that decision. The plea, male has not been easy for the from Gender Dysphoria had surgical technique of tissue (Pudendal nerve and nerve to
candidate if the Government gurudwaras banning the entry ters to Kejriwal in this con- filed through advocate Chirag patient, reveal the doctors at visited us two months ago to transfer. Our aim was to give clitoris) which is the most
doesn't fulfil the demand in of any AAP leader, any AAP nection. Madan, is listed for hearing on the Delhi-based Sir Ganga get completely transformed good shape, length, urethra important pre-requisite for
three days. candidate and the chief minis- An official of Delhi Waqf Tuesday before Justice Yashwant Ram Hospital. Gender dys- into a male. She had over the (to pass urine) and erotic sen- penile implant and sexual sat-
Verma himself wrote to the ter himself, until the salaries are Board said monthly honorari- Varma. phoria is a term that describes past six years transitioned from sation to the patient. isfaction later.”
Chief Minister keeping forth paid," the West Delhi BJP MP um of C18,000 is being paid to After Saxena's order, the a sense of unease or psycho- female to male, having been put “Of all the techniques we It was a successful surgery
the demand. "I appeal to all the said. He also claimed that the about 150 imams and C16,000 facilities enjoyed by Shah, being logical discomfort that a person on male hormone replacement chose the forearm as a donor which took about eight hours
priests and granthis of temples Kejriwal government paid C101 to 58 muazzins of mosques that vice-chairman of were also may have because of a mis- therapy since 2016, undergoing for penile reconstruction. This with minimal blood loss, said
and gurudwaras to write to crore to maulvis and muazzins are registered with it. withdrawn. SR match between their biological bilateral breast removal in 2017, was a challenging surgery as the doctor.
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aTb_^]bXQX[Xch BTRcX^]%#^]fW^RP]aTRTXeTbd\\^]bSXbRaX\X]Pc^ah 298\TTcb_a^cTbcX]V
>aTeeP^UUXRTab PVPX]bcf^\T]bPhb_TcXcX^]Ta*B2VXeTb]^cXRTc^2T]caT CT[P]VP]PPbZb
0=8Q =4F34;78 available at the time of service It said the larger purpose
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q of summons is a female. behind the enactment of New Delhi: Chief Justice of
=4F34;78 he Supreme Court on “The possibility of such a Section 46 of the Code of India DY Chandrachud on

erming the Morbi bridge

T Monday issued notice to
the Centre on a PIL challeng-
situation (the only person avail-
able at the time of service of
Criminal Procedure (CrPC) is
to facilitate the criminal justice
Monday met protesting
lawyers' associations from
T collapse as an “enormous
disaster” , the Supreme Court
tion of responsibility for those
guilty. The High Court has
maintain the bridge are held
accountable including making
ing Section 64 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure (CrPC)
summons is a female) is par-
ticularly high in light of the
system in not causing any
unreasonable delay in the crim-
Gujarat and Telangana against
transfer of Justices Nikhil
on Monday asked the Gujarat taken charge else we would arrests. Senior Counsel Gopal which stated that it discrimi- stark gender gap in the work- inal proceedings which might Kariel and Abhishek Reddy
High Court to periodically have issued notice," the bench Sankaranarayanan appearing nates against women by treat- force between the males and otherwise be caused if a per- and asked them to resume
monitor the probe and other remarked. for a petitioner, whose broth- ing the female members of the the females, i.e., only 22 per sonal service to the person work.
aspects related to the incident "As many as 140 people er and sister-in-law passed family incapable of accepting cent of the Indian women are summoned is mandated in all The associations which met
which claimed over 140 lives. have died out of which 47 are away, leaving a 9-year-old the summons on behalf of the at work, which entails that the circumstances whatsoever. separately with CJI said that
A bench comprising Chief children. Several aspects of behind, argued that an investi- person summoned. remaining 78 per cent of “Furthermore, the section they were assured by CJI to
Justice DY Chandrachud and matter would require periodi- gation independent of the State A Bench of Chief Justice of of his family residing with women are at home,” the plea is premised on the fact that the examine their demand.
Justice Hima Kohli said that as cal references and so that HC is required to bring out the India DY Chandrachud and him, and the person with stated filed by advocate Kush notice of the service of sum- After meeting the CJI,
a Division Bench headed by the is apprised of antecedent truth. Justice Hima Kohli sought a whom the summons is so left Kalra. mons might be conveyed later Telangana advocates’ associa-
Gujarat High Court Chief facts....We request High Court “There are also looming response from the Ministry of shall, if so required by the serv- “Issue an appropriate Writ on to the person summoned. tion decided to call off their
Justice has already taken a suo to take this up on periodical elections and that is why it is Law and Justice and the ing officer, sign a receipt, there- or Order, declaring the part of Thus, given the purpose, strike and Gujarat associa-
motu note of the incident and basis," the apex Court said. important to catch the big fish Ministry of Home Affairs. fore, on the back of the other Section 64 of the Code of thereby excluding the female tion leaders said that they
has passed several orders, it will The Court was hearing behind the Ajanta Orevva,” Section 64 CrPC states duplicate.” Criminal Procedure, 1973 family members by insertion of will take a decision on Tuesday
not hear the petitions as of now. two petitions seeking probe said the lawyer, adding that the “Where the person summoned The plea said that Section which excludes female family the word ‘male in the section, morning after convening a
"It is an enormous tragedy into acts of criminal wrongdo- compensation given to the vic- cannot, by the exercise of due 64 Cr.P.C. essentially fails to members to receive summons doesn’t have any reasonable general body meeting in
and this will require a weekly ing, the need to affix responsi- tims’ families was not ade- diligence, be found, the sum- account for — When the per- on behalf of the summoned nexus with the object of the Ahmedabad. The CJI agreed
monitoring to see award of bility against officials of nagar quate. The apex court also mons may be served by leaving son summoned resides only person as violative of Articles section, therefore, the same is to examine and take an appro-
contract, credential of party palika and the need to ensure asked the petitioners to move one of the duplicates of him with the female family mem- 14, 15, 19, and 21 of the blatantly violative of Articles 14 priate decision, said associa-
awarded the contract, attribu- that the agency entrusted to the High Court. with some adult male member bers or when the only person Constitution,” the plea stated. and 15,” the petition added. tion leaders. PNS

B2XbbdTb]^cXRTc^2WX]cT[b8]SXP 8UbT[UaTVd[PcX^]XbThTfPbWfWhbW^d[S DB[PdSb?<<^SXU^aQTX]V
?aXePcT;cSbTTZbaT_[h^eTa?8; fT]^cSXbQP]Sh^d)72PbZb=130 X]bcad\T]cP[X]U^aVX]V
<PWPaPbWcaPV^eTa]\T]cc^ New Delhi: The Supreme of Gurugram, submitted that ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q Association (NBDA) a party to news broadcasting authority to
fXcWSaPfP]P__TP[UX[TSQhcWT Court on Monday agreed to the audit of the structures =4F34;78 the proceedings, was passed on duly examine the broadcast and
bcPcTSdaX]VcWT_aTeX^dbDSSWPe hear the plea of residents of reveals that the building in a petition by businessman Vijay place a report as to whether
CWPRZTaPhSXb_T]bPcX^]PVPX]bcP Gurugram's Chintels Paradiso unsafe. He said the residents he Delhi High Court on Nair, an accused in the cases they would be compliant with ?8>=44A=4FB
society, a part of which col-
lapsed in February killing two
have been asked to vacate all
the towers so the builder
T Monday told five TV chan-
nels to ensure that their broad-
related to the alleged excise pol-
icy scam being probed by the
the applicable guidelines.
“Pending further consid-
B4AE824064=284BQ =4F
58AbUX[TSPVPX]bcAT_dQ[XRCE women, seeking compensation should pay the rent. The coun- cast on the Delhi excise policy CBI nd the Enforcement eration, the court directs
TSXc^aX]RWXTU0a]PQ6^bfP\X and action against the devel- sel appearing for the builder scam cases is "in tune with offi- Directorate (ED). NBDA is an respondents 5 to 9 (media ith India playing a cru-
oper. A bench of Justices KM
Jospeh and Hrishikesh Roy
told the court that an inspec-
tion by IIT is going on and the
cial press releases" by the CBI
and the ED and comply with
industrial body formed by pri-
vate TV channels.
organisations) to ensure that all
the broadcast that are carried
W cial role in forging a
consensus among the partici-
issued notice to Chintels India expenses are being borne by it. guidelines, after one of the Nair had moved the court in respect to (the case) are in pants in the G-20 summit last
?<C>68E4&  Private Limited and sought its The matter will now be con- accused Vijay Nair objected to earlier this month claiming tune with any official press week in Bali, Indonesia regard-
0??>8=C<4=C;4CC4AB reply on the plea filed by the sidered by the bench on alleged news leaks. that sensitive information in releases that may be issued ing the ongoing Ukraine con-
=Tf3T[WX)0b_Pac^UcWT residents. January 6, 2023. Notices were issued to relation to the case was being either by the CBI or ED and flict and risk related to nuclear
V^eTa]\T]cbA^iVPa<T[P "If you look at your adver- Earlier in February, ceil- Republic TV, India Today, Zee leaked to the media by the comply with the directives issues, the US has lauded
T\_[^h\T]cUPXa?aX\T tisement, it says it is a lush ings of several flats in one of the News and Times Now. The investigating agencies, which which govern,” the court said. Prime Minister Narendra
<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfX[[ green and beautiful apartment. towers in the complex col- court also pulled up the News was adversely impacting his “In the meanwhile, the Modi for being instrumental
SXbcaXQdcTPQ^dc&  But it's beautiful only in the pic- lapsed resulting in the death of Broadcasting & Digital right as an accused. court directs respondent no 4 for it and said the ties between
P__^X]c\T]c[TccTabc^]Tf ture, not in reality. How come two. After the partial collapse Standards Authority (NBDA) Justice Varma on Monday (NBDSA) to duly examine the the two countries will be even
aTRadXcb^]CdTbSPheXPeXST^ a structure which was built so in Tower D, the Department of after it submitted that it has no issued notice to the media broadcast in question and place “bigger” next year.
R^]UTaT]RX]VP]SP[b^PSSaTbb recently came down collapsing Town and Country Planning power to restrain news chan- organisations named by the a report in these proceedings as Modi’s recent appeal
cWT\?WhbXRP[R^_XTb^U like this? It is a very serious (DTCP) had ordered a struc- nels. “If self-regulation is a petitioner while noting that the to whether they would be com- regarding the Ukraine conflict who have met more than 15
P__^X]c\T]c[TccTabfX[[QT issue. We will issue notice," the tural audit of the affected tow- mere eyewash, why should we content in question was not pliant with the guidelines in that “today’s era must not be of times, the latest one being in
WP]STS^eTaPc#$[^RPcX^]b bench said. Advocate Prashant ers. A Special Investigation not disband you,” Justice based on any press releases stat- respect of broadcasting,” it war” resonated in the joint dec- Bali last week, said India's
PRa^bbcWTR^d]cah Bhushan, appearing for the Team headed by the addition- Yashwant Varma said. The ed to have been issued by added. The court listed the laration or communiqué issued Ambassador to the US Taranjit
resident petitioners of Chintels al deputy commissioner was order, which made the News investigating agencies. case for further consideration after the G-20 summit. Singh Sandhu, addressing the
B20B:B24=CA4C>A4?;H Paradiso society in Sector 109 also formed to probe incident. Broadcasters & Digital The judge thus asked the in February. Modi also held bilateral gathering at a lunch reception
>=2>=<0=BD:4B7?;40 meetings with President Joe hosted by him to celebrate the
=Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac Biden, British Prime Minister 'Festival Season'.
=Pc´[2aTSXc5aP\Tf^aZc^PRRT[TaPcT8]SXPb\PaRW Rishi Sunak and some other
heads of states on the sidelines
The unique event organ-
ised by the Embassy of India

of the G-20 summit. showcased the syncretic nature
BdZTbW2WP]SaPbWTZWPabTTZX]V Elaborating upon growing of Indian culture.
cWPcWTQTbWXUcTSUa^\cWT India-US relations, Principal The event saw festivals of
<P]S^[XYPX[WTaTc^P]h^cWTa Deputy National Security different faiths - from Diwali
_aXb^]X]cWTR^d]cah New Delhi: The Centre on framework for removing bar- India to lead this century," he Advisor (NSA) Jonathan Finer to Hanukkah, Eid to Bodhi
Monday said the National riers between knowledge, skills added. Under NCrF, school said in the history of India-US day, and from Gurpurab to
?A4B834=C7>DB4F8;;14 Credit Framework (NCrF) will and employability, establishing students will be able to earn ties, 2022 has been a huge year. Christmas celebrated with
>?4=$30HB0F44: be instrumental in enhancing a credit accumulation and credits from academic and He said the Biden admin- aplomb.
=Tf3T[WX)APbWcaP_PcX1WPeP] economic convertibility of edu- transfer system for all kinds of non-academic activities, which istration sees this alliance as Attended by top officials of
fX[[QT^_T]U^a_dQ[XReXTfX]V cation by bringing a vast major- learning for ensuring seamless will be stored in the Academic among the most consequential the Biden administration,
U^aUXeTSPhbPfTTZUa^\ ity of population under the fold mobility between learning and Bank of Credit (ABC), just like relationships for America any- including Senior Advisor to
3TRT\QTa P]^UUXRXP[ of formal education and skilling pathways," he said. in higher education. The NCrF where in the world. the President Neera Tanden
bcPcT\T]cbPXS^]<^]SPh skilling, NCrF is an umbrella Pradhan noted that in has been jointly developed by Modi was among the lead- and Surgeon General Dr Vivek
framework for skilling, re- order to reap India's demo- the University Grants ers President Joe Biden looked Murthy, the event demon-
5>A486=B42H2>=2;D34B skilling, up-skilling, accredita- graphic dividend, a level play- Commission, All India Council to take forward global agenda strated amply India's unique
!30H<H0=<0AE8B8C tion and evaluation in educa- ing field has to be provided to for Technical Education, and share the burden with, the stature as the embodiment of
=Tf3T[WX)8]SXPb5^aTXV] tional and skilling institutions. the people. National Council for Deputy NSA said. 'Unity in Diversity' - a land
BTRaTcPahEX]Ph<^WP]:fPcaP Speaking at a stakeholders' "This can only be achieved Vocational Education and "Looking around the where various faiths have not
^]<^]SPhR^]R[dSTSPcf^SPh consultation on the framework by recognising, accounting and Training, National Institute of world when the United States only coexisted but flourished.
eXbXcc^<hP]\PaSdaX]VfWXRW at the Indian Institute of formalising all kinds of con- Open Schooling, CBSE, and (its) President (Joe) Biden "This event really demon-
WTSXbRdbbTSXbbdTbaT[PcX]Vc^ Technology (IIT), Delhi, Union ventional, unconventional and NCERT, Ministry of Education look for partners that can strates so much about what
Q^aSTa\P]PVT\T]cP]S Education Minister experiential knowledge repos- (MoE), Directorate General of truly help carry the load, truly President Biden is talking
bTRdaXch:fPcaPbeXbXcRP\T Dharmendra Pradhan said the itories. NCrF will provide us Training, and Ministry of Skill helped move forward a global about when he talks about an
P\XSTbRP[PcX]VeX^[T]RTQTcfTT] NCrF will also help achieve the with an opportunity to recog- Development. agenda, India and Prime inclusive country, a country
TcW]XRPa\TS^aVP]XbPcX^]bP]S Gross Enrolment Ratio tar- nise applied aspects of knowl- The MoE had last year Minister Modi are very high that celebrates our diversity
cWT<hP]\PaPa\hcWPcR^d[S gets and accelerate India's edge and skills. The framework approved the formation of a on that list," Finer told a gath- and our strength in diversity,"
WPeTb^\TX\_PRc^]Q^aSTa march towards becoming a $ 5 will create new possibilities high-level committee to devel- ering of several hundred Tanden said.
aTVX^]bX]8]SXPb]^acWTPbcTa] trillion economy. for lifelong learning and op a National Credit Indian-Americans in "I'm grateful for this part-
bcPcTb "The National Education skilling. It will boost per capi- Accumulation and Transfer Washington late Sunday. nership between the US and
Policy (NEP), 2020, envisages ta productivity, empower all Framework for both vocation- 5^a\TaQdaTPdRaPc0ad]6^T[Pbbd\TbRWPaVTPbcWT4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^]TaPc "We just saw this in real- India. I think it has been
"9D36414=27B4CD?C> universalisation of credit and lay a strong foundation for al and general education. PNS =XaePRWP]BPSP]X]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh ?C8?W^c^ time at the G-20 where the important in the past, but it
740A43CA0=B54A?;40 prime minister was instru- will be even more important

mental in forging a consensus going forward," Murthy said.
^]<^]SPhbPXScWPcPcWaTT around a joint statement Reflecting on his views
YdSVTQT]RWWTPSTSQh2983H among a far-flung group of on the India-US relationship,
2WP]SaPRWdSf^d[SWTPaP_[TP countries and in the com- Finer said: "The year 2022

^UcWT4]U^aRT\T]c3XaTRc^aPcT ments and work that the prime was huge in US-India relations.
bTTZX]VcaP]bUTa^UPR^aad_cX^] minister has done and others We think we have an even big-
RPbTaT[PcTSc^cWT²=PVaXZ0_dacX in the Indian government have ger year ahead in 2023. We
=XVP\^acWT?3BbRP\^dcbXST done to highlight the increas- have the Quad summit on the
2WWPccXbVPaW ing risk related to nuclear agenda coming up.
ulations for the trade of the implementing rules of the con- CITES should regulate the issues," he said. We have India's G20 pres-
6D9729D364CA0=B54AA43 species. As of now every con- vention said. trade of individual species This relationship is being idency, which I know we're all
C>?0C=078672>DAC signment of weight above 10 kg After sustained delibera- based on their conservation steered by Prime Minister looking forward to, including
=Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac requires a CITES permit. tions by Indian representa- status. Since then India along Modi and President Biden Prime Minister Modi."
2^[[TVXd\WPbaTR^\\T]STScWT “Due to this restriction tives, it was agreed upon that with Nepal, Bhutan and
caP]bUTa^U6dYPaPc7XVW2^dac exports of furniture and hand- any number of Dalbergia sissoo Bangladesh have been jointly
icrafts made of Dalbergia sis-
soo from India have been con-
tinuously falling from an esti-
timber-based items can be
exported as a single consign-
ment in a shipment without
demanding removal of trade
restrictions on the Dalbergia
sissoo, one of the Dalbergia
mated Rs 1000 crore per
annum to Rs 500- Rs 600 crore
per annum after the restriction.
CITES permits if the weight of
each individual item of this
consignment is less than 10 kg.
genus species.
India had also argued that
listing of Dalbergia genus may
WT[S^]BT_cT\QTa!( “The decrease in exports of It was in 2016 that the create unnecessary complica- ?=BQ =4F34;78 well as global issues of mutual
0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 19th meeting said that relief for Dalbergia sissoo products has Dalbergia genus species was tions in the trade of common interest," a statement by the
F0=C43C4AA>A8BC trade will be applicable for affected the livelihoods of brought under the Appendix- species like D sissoo, which are
=Tf3T[WX)CWT=80^]<^]SPh T wo years after rejecting
India’s demand to lift glob-
certain weight categories of
such timber-based furniture
around 50,000 artisans who
work with the species,” India
II of the CITES after several
African and Latin American
being managed and monitored
through the management plans
Ithendia and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) will review
entire gamut of their bilat-
External Affairs Minister said.
The visiting Minister is accom-
panied by a senior level dele-
bPXSXcWPbPaaTbcTSPfP]cTS al trade restriction on rose- and handicrafts. argued. countries had raised concerns of forest areas and are protect- eral ties during the two-day gation.
cTaa^aXbc:d[fX]STaYXcBX]VWP[XPb wood sheesham timber India during the ongoing India also cited non-detri- over a "considerable rise in ed under the forest laws of visit of UAE Foreign Minister Prime Minister Narendra
:WP]_daXPfW^fPbRPaahX]VP (Dalbergia sissoo) products, 19th meeting of the mental finding (NDF) study interest in the wood of India, said the Ministry. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Modi visited the UAE on June
aTfPaS^UAbUXeT[PZW^]WXb the Conference of Parties to Convention pointed out that carried out by Botanical Survey Dalbergia in international mar- “Further, it was agreed that Nahyan visit here beginning on 28 and met President Sheikh
WTPSP]SPQbR^]SX]VbX]RT Convention on International the species Dalbergia sissoo is of India stating that Dalbergia kets, primarily in China". for the net weight of each item Monday. Mohammed bin Zayed Al
! (7TWPSQTT]Pbb^RXPcTS Trade in Endangered Species of found in abundance in the sissoo does not fall into any According to them, this only timber will be considered He will hold wide-ranging Nahyan. Jaishankar had visit-
fXcWcTaa^aXbc^dcUXcb[XZT1PQQPa wild Fauna and flora (CITES) country and is not treated as an threatened category and is was fuelling an illegal trade, and any other item used in the talks with External Affairs ed the UAE in August-
:WP[bP8]cTa]PcX^]P[P]S has eased the rules for the endangered species. available in abundance both in which was decimating product like metal etc. will be Minister S Jaishankar to further September to co-chair the 14th
:WP[XbcP];XQTaPcX^]5^aRTP]S species at its ongoing meet at “Sheesham (Dalbergia sis- wild and cultivated popula- Dalbergia populations. ignored. This is a great relief for strengthen ties with India. Joint Commission Meeting and
fPb]PQQTSUa^\8680Xa_^ac Panama. In what is being seen soo) is included in Appendix II tions, a source in CITES However, since all species of the Indian artisans and furni- "The visit will be part of regu- the third Strategic Dialogue
WTaT^]5aXSPhfWT]WTPaaXeTS as a relief for Indian handicraft of the convention, thereby Management Authority for Dalbergia are not threatened, ture industry,” summed up the lar consultations between the with UAE Foreign Minister
Ua^\1P]VZ^Z exporters, the global body at its required to follow CITES reg- India, the body responsible for India had submitted that official. two countries on bilateral as Sheikh Abdullah.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!! ]PcX^]$



B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0
?C8Q :>278 riage, offences under the
POCSO Act will apply," Justice fter December will come the

M uslim marriages under

personal law are not
Thomas said in an order issued
on November 18.
A deluge. That is what Bengal
Opposition Leader Suvendu
excluded from the POCSO The high court was hear- Adhikari said on Monday hold-
Act and sexual intercourse ing a bail plea filed by a West ing out once again the ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q
with a minor, even if it is under Bengal native, Khaledur December deadline for the rul- :>;:0C0
the guise of marriage, is an Rahman, who claimed that ing Trinamool Congress.
offence, the Kerala High Court the girl was his wife whom he Mamata Banerjee pparently walking in the
has said.
The court denied bail to a
married on March 14, 2021 as
per Mohammedan law. He
Government will also fall like the
Uddhav Thakery Government,
A footsteps of her Uttar
Pradesh counterpart Yogi
31-year-old man charged claimed that he cannot be Adhikari iterated. “They will go Adityanath Bengal Chief
under the Act for allegedly prosecuted under the … they will have to go … will … Sharada chit fund case is Kunal Ghosh said it was Minister Mamata Banerjee on
abducting and impregnating a Protection of Children from have to go … it is just a matter again coming up … don’t think Adhikari who was sunk neck- Monday directed Kolkata
15-year old minor girl whom Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act is not excluded from the sweep reflection of the will of the of time … I had told you after that files have been forgotten … deep in the Sharada chit fund Mayor Firhad Hakim to make
he claims he had married. as Mohammedan law permits of the statute," the court said. people," the court said. Maharashtra it will be the turn they will be revived soon and case. “Sudipto Sen has already arrangements for Ganga Aarti
Justice Bechu Kurian marriage of girls below 18 The court noted that the It observed that when the of Jharknand and then Bengal this time not only the Bhatija but written in a letter how crores in the City of Joy too.
Thomas, in his order dismiss- years. advances and progress provisions of a statute are … things will take place in that also the Bua will be hauled up.” Suvendu Adhikari took him to During an administrative
ing the bail, said child marriage The matter came to light achieved in societal thinking repugnant to, or contrary to sequence,” Adhikari said. Once again not naming the East Midnapore and extracted meeting at State secretariat
is a bane of the society and the after a Family Health Centre at have resulted in the enactment the customary law or person- Not only Mamata Banerjee Chief Minister he said, “no one crores out of him … Sharada Nabanna the Chief Minister
POCSO Act is to prohibit Kaviyoor in Pathanamthitta of the POCSO Act. al law, in the absence of any Government would not last has forgotten whose paintings was promoted by Suvendu said, “Ganga Aarti is done in
physical relationships with a district informed the police "A child marriage com- specific exclusion of the said beyond December but also the were worth crores were pur- Adhikari … I will prove it and Uttar Pradesh and other parts of
child, even under the cover of when the victim had gone promises the growth of the customary or personal law famous Bua and Bhaipo (aunt chased by industrialists like I promise to take him to the India … I am instructing the
marriage. there for an injection for her child to her full potential. It is from the statutory provisions, and the nephew) would go to jail Sanjay Budhia, Harsh Neotia dock under Section 311 … he Kolkata Municipal Corporation
"I am of the considered pregnancy. On noticing the the bane of society. The leg- the statute will prevail, and the as the central investigating agen- and Sudipto Sen (the jailed will have to go to jail,” Ghosh to organise Ganga Aarti in
view that marriage between victim's age as 16 from her islative intent reflected through personal law or the customary cies would once again dig up the Sharada boss) … those will be who himself was in jail for sev- Kolkata too … I want a proper
Muslims under personal law is Aadhaar Card, the Medical the POCSO Act is to prohibit law shall stand abrogated. multi-crore Sharada chit fund dug up again … whose paintings eral years in the same case said. place should be identified for the
not excluded from the sweep of Officer informed the police on physical relationships with a The court noted that as per files, he said. were these … were they made by Ghosh had however, gone same in Kolkata Corporation
the POCSO Act. If one of the August 31, 2022. child, even under the cover of the prosecution, she was Stopping short of naming Leonardo da Vinci … explana- on record telling the media at area too … the place should be
parties to the marriage is a "Sexual exploitation of marriage. This is the intent of brought to Kerala from West the Chief Minister or his nephew tions will have to be given.” that time that Mamata Banerjee neet and clean and peaceful …
minor, irrespective of the valid- every nature against a child is society, too, for a statute is, as Bengal, allegedly behind the Abhishek Banerjee he said, “just Strongly reacting to his was the “biggest beneficiary in there should be Shanti (peace)
ity or otherwise of the mar- treated as an offence. Marriage is often said, the expression or back of her parents. wait and see what unfolds next statement, TMC spokesperson the Sharada chit fund case.” in the area,” she said.


?=BQ ;D2:=>F fered by the SP since 2014, the known as pocket borough of the
?C8Q 08I0F; election results of Rampur Yadav clan, has elected Yadav
he results of the by-elections assembly seat and Manipuri candidates in the last seven

O ver 200 people from

Bangladesh have fled to Saturday.
T to Rampur assembly seat
and Mainpuri Lok Sabha con-
Lok Sabha constituency are
keenly awaited.
Lok Sabha elections since 1996.
The defeat of the SP in the
Mizoram's southernmost ?=BQ =4F34;78 Mohammed Shariq, the stituency will decide the fate of Though SP claims it is win- bypoll to Azamgarh parlia-
Lawngtlai district due to an alleged bomber who was in the the politics of Samajwadi Party ning both Rampur assembly mentary constituency in June,
armed conflict between the he National Investigation autorickshaw blast in Mangaluru which banks on the social coali- and Manipuri Lok Sabha seats was a major blow to the party.
Bangladesh Army and Kuki-
Chin National Army (KNA),
T Agency (NIA) is likely to
take over the investigation of the
and his CCTV footage have
been secured by the police.
tion of Muslims and Yadav --
the M-Y combination.
with comfortable margins,
reports emanating from both
The by-election was held as SP
president Akhilesh Yadav had
an official said on Monday. autorickshaw blast case in The prime accused in the This combination repre- the constituencies are not vacated this seat following his
KNA is the armed wing of Mangaluru in Dakshina blast case, Mohammed Shariq, sented by Akhilesh Yadav- encouraging for the party. election to UP assembly in
the Kuki-Chin National Front villages in Bangladesh and take shelter in the northeastern Kannada district of Karnataka. 24, is a terror suspect on the run Mohammad Azam Khan is Akhilesh Yadav has left no March this year from Karhal
(KNF), a political front formed entered Siminasora in state, he said. The district The Karnataka police sus- since September. already under strain as the SP stone unturned to win over his assembly constituency in
by the ethnic Kuki-Chin-Mizo Lawngtlai district on Sunday administration and NGOs are pects the incident to be an act of Hailing from Tirthahalli in has lost the by-election to estranged uncle Shivpal Singh Mainpuri district.
community in Bangladesh, that evening due to a recent providing relief to them on terror. Shivamogga district, Shariq Rampur and Azamgarh Lok Yadav, who is MLA from The SP also lost from
demands a separate state and encounter between Bangladesh humanitarian grounds, he A moving autorickshaw working his father’s readymade Sabha seats in June last. The two Jaswantnagar, one of the assem- Rampur Lok Sabha seat, its
safeguard for the community in Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) added. Meanwhile, Zo caught fire at Padil-Pumpwell garments shop first came on the seats were won by Azam Khan bly segments of Mainpuri Lok bastion, in June last where
the neighbouring country. and KNA. The Bangladeshi Reunification Organisation has Main Road in Mangaluru after radar of the State police when he and Akhilesh Yadav respective- Sabha constituency. Rampur bypoll was held as SP MP Azam
The official said that 274 nationals, belonging to the condemned the attack on the a minor blast reportedly was arrested for pro-terror graf- ly in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. assembly seat has elected Azam Khan had resigned following his
Bangladeshis, including 125 Kuki-Chin-Mizo community, Kuki-Chin-Mizo community occurred from a bag being car- fiti in Mangaluru city in Against the backdrop of the Khan for ten terms while election to UP assembly from
women and children, fled their came from seven villages to by the Bangladesh army. ried by the passenger on November 2020. series of electoral setbacks suf- Mainpuri Lok Sabha seat, Rampur assembly seat.

8558!!!)CWPZdaUT[XRXcPcTb³&$2aTPcXeT<X]Sb^UC^\^aa^f CWTaT´bSXUUTaT]RTX]fWPc
?C8Q ?0=098 of 75 Creative Minds of The young film profes- economy', mentor outstanding ?=BQ ;D2:=>F does.
Tomorrow and we have already sionals were discovered across artists and encourage young- He said this was
nion Minister for made a community of 150 19 states, including Andhra sters just to achieve cinematic aking a jibe at visible even during
U Information and
Broadcasting on Monday hon-
strong individuals connected
through their shared love for
Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Goa,
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya
"The IFFI is your platform
T Congress, Uttar
Pradesh Chief
the Congress’
Bharat Jodo Yatra
oured 75 young creative talents cinema, creativity and culture," Pradesh, Manipur, Bihar, Tamil to network, explore, collaborate Minister Yogi when the party pre-
participating in various fields of Thakur said at the felicitation Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and be inspired along the way. Adityanath said that tended to play the
filmmaking at a ceremony here ceremony. Jharkhand and West Bengal. Who knows, some of you will there was a difference in what national song and instead
on the second day of the 53rd The '75 Creative Minds of The highest number of the go on to win National Film the Congress said and what it played a film song on the stage.
International Film Festival of Tomorrow' have been chosen selected participants are from Awards, Grammys, Oscars and
India (IFFI). based on their excellence in dif- Maharashtra, followed by Tamil much more?" he said.
The youngsters were select- ferent areas of filmmaking, Nadu, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh Thakur also launched the
ed as part of the '75 Creative namely direction, acting, cin- and West Bengal. '53-Hour Challenge' during
Minds of Tomorrow', an ini- ematography, editing, The youngest candidates which the participants will be
tiative started by the IFFI last scriptwriting, playback singing, are 18-year-olds -- Nitish divided into groups of 15 and flung corners and provide them been curated as the converging
year to mark the 75 years of music composition, costume- Verma from Haryana and will have to produce a short with unparalleled opportunities point for film buyers and sell-
India's Independence. and-makeup, art design and Toufique Mandal from film on their idea of India@100 in the realm of media and ers from all over the world. The
Nearly 1,000 entries were animation, visual effects (VFX), Maharashtra. Both have been in the time frame of 53 hours. entertainment," he added. focus is on discovering, sup-
received from across the coun- augmented reality (AR) and selected for their talent in In his message, the minis- Day two of the IFFI also porting and showcasing South
try for the second edition. virtual reality (VR). music composition. ter urged young filmmakers to marked the beginning of Film Asian content and talent in
"It was last year that we The grand jury for the ini- The I&B minister said the tell stories of aspirational new Bazaar, the largest South Asian filmmaking, production and
embarked on this journey, led tiative includes Prasoon Joshi, government is making efforts India. film market. Created and distribution.
by the vision of PM Narendra Resul Pookutty, R Balki, Rickey to generate employment and "My young friends, your organised by the National Film The Film Bazaar will also
Modi to engage, encourage Kej, Mala Dey Banthia, boost the creative economy of selection also strengthens the Development Corporation facilitate the sale of world con-
and explore the potential of our Gautami Tadimalla, Ballu India. culture of meritocracy in the (NFDC), the market event was tent in the South Asian region.
youth by providing them a plat- Saluja, Munjal Shroff, Narendra "Our government is mak- country, and this is our effort inaugurated by the I&B minis- The 53rd edition of the
form at the IFFI. Rahurikar and Ravi K ing an effort to generate to encourage, mould and men- ter. IFFI will conclude on
"This is the second edition Chandran. employment, boost the 'creative tor young minds from far- The five-day event has November 28.

@69XQcgU\\cdbeSdebUT_bWQ^YcUT ²2^\_TcT]RT
`bUcU^SUY^7e\Vd_bQYcUVe^Tc*54 bdRRTbbX][XUT³
?=BQ =4F34;78 State police units. ?=BQ =4F34;78
"PFI has a well-structured
he Popular Front of India and organised presence in the hairman and Managing
T (PFI), banned recently by
the government for alleged
Gulf countries for raising and
mobilizing funds as part of
C Director of Nestlé India
Ltd, Suresh Narayanan, has
terrorist links and spreading criminal conspiracy," the ED shared his “C” mantras for
communal hatred, has a "well- said in a statement. success in career and life with
structured and organised" pres- It said Ahmad was the the students of Indian Institute
ence in the Gulf countries for president of PFI Delhi unit and of Management, Sirmaur, while
raising and mobilising funds, he "supervised the fund raising addressing their sixth convo-
the Enforcement Directorate activities of PFI and managed cation a couple of days ago.
(ED) said on Monday after a its public relations." Narayanan’s mantras
local court took cognisance of "Md. Ilias, the general sec- include Clarity, Competence,
its latest charge sheet filed retary of Delhi PFI, was active Courage, Creativity,
against three PFI office bearers. in mobilisation of funds for PFI ED said. ers/members," the agency said. Constraints, Compassion,
The agency had filed the and related organisations in the "PFI generated proceeds As many as 106 suspects Contentment and Continuous
prosecution complaint or Delhi-NCR region. He also of crime, both in India and linked to PFI were arrested by learning.
charge sheet last week before a contested Delhi assembly elec- abroad, by way of criminal con- the agencies in synchronized He emphasised that an
special Prevention of Money tions of 2020 from Karawal spiracy (an offence under sec- pan-India searches in MBA degree is just a boarding
Laundering Act (PMLA) court Nagar as an Social Democratic tion 120B of IPC), in active col- September. At present, the pass. However, competence
here. Party of India (SDPI) candi- lusion with its associated indi- three are under judicial custody will define success in life and
On Saturday, the ED filed date." viduals and entities as a part of in Tihar Jail. ultimately happiness is the
the chargesheet to press money "Both Perwez Ahmad and a larger conspiracy to raise A week after this action, greatest goal in life.
laundering charges and begin Md. Ilias were arrested by funds for its unlawful and anti- the Centre banned the PFI for In his welcome address at
trial against Perwez Ahmad, Delhi Police in the case relat- national activities, prejudicial to five years under the stringent the Convocation on Saturday ,
Mohammad Ilias and Abdul ed to North East Delhi riots of the unity, integrity and securi- anti-terror law, Unlawful the Chairman, Board of
Muqueet who were arrested by February, 2020," the ED said. ty of the state. Activities Prevention Act Governors, Ajay S Shriram
the agency on September 22 Abdul Muqeet, it said, was "Proceeds of crime (UAPA), accusing the Islamic shared his vision of making
following nation-wide search- the office secretary of Delhi PFI mobilised and remitted in the outfit of having "links" with IIM Sirmaur an institution of
es against the PFI by the and was also "actively" involved form of cash have been deposit- global terror groups such as the excellence by taking various
National Investigation Agency in the fund raising activities of ed in PFI's bank accounts by ISIS and trying to spread new initiatives, emphasising
(NIA), Enforcement PFI and in the preparation of falsely projecting them as cash communal hatred in the coun- on innovation and entrepre-
Directorate (ED) and various "bogus" cash donation slips, the donations from its sympathis- try. neurship among the students.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!!


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


fficially, the

Unofficially, it has been under the
LQJ300RGLEHVHHFKLQJDUHEHO%-3OHDGHUWRVWDQG boots since 1958, barring the
ZDVVRGHVSHUDWHWKDWWKH30KDGWRLQWHUYHQH:KDW hour’ till the return of the ‘estab-
lishment’ (read, Pakistani
over the Pakistani leadership,
KLV%KDUDW-RGR<DWUD7KHQKHUDNHVXSDQXQQHF sible for their ascendancy to
HVVDU\FRQWURYHUV\RQ9'6DYDUNDUDQQR\LQJKLVDOO\ Generalship. Biting the same and banished the hapless ‘handpicked’ – first Gen certainly not be from Imran’s
hand that feeds, is a consistently Nawaz to Saudi Arabia! Waheed Kakar forced Nawaz preference e.g., Lt Gen Faiz
LQ0DKDUDVKWUDWKH8GGKDY6KLY6HQD6RRQDIWHU repeated phenomenon. The trend Interestingly each of the to resign, next was Gen Hameed (previous DG-ISI,
0HGKD3DWNDU·VMRLQLQJWKH\DWUDDWWUDFWVFULWLFLVPIURP started with the then Defence three civilian governments Jehangir Karamat who was believed to be close to Imran).
WKH %-3 :LWKRXW QDPLQJ 5DKXO DQG 3DWNDU 0RGL Secretary Iskandar Mirza lobby- that were dethroned in the forced into premature retire- It is also clear that the Sharif
DWWDFNHGWKH&RQJUHVVOHDGHUTXHVWLRQLQJKLV 5DKXO·V SUR[LPLW\ZLWK´WKRVHZKR ing for the junior-most Maj Gen coup d’états represented the 3 ment, third was Gen Pervez brothers, though in a coalition
Ayub Khan to become the first varied persuasions of Pakistani Musharaf whose revenge with PPP may not take to
ZHUHDJDLQVW1DUPDGDGDPµ,WVHHPVWKDW5DKXOLVWU\LQJWREXLOGDFRXQWHUQDUUD native Commander-in-Chief of politics – Musharaf had needs no reiteration, fourth kindly to a perceived PPP loy-
WLYHWRWKDWRIWKH%-3·VK\SHUQDWLRQDOLVW+LQGXFHQWULFRQH+HQFHWKHQDPH%KDUDW Pakistani Army (despite Ayub’s removed PML-N dispensa- was Gen Pervez Kayani who alist like Lt Gen Mohammad
-RGRDQGKHQFH3DWNDU·VSXEOLFLVHGSUHVHQFHDWWKH\DWUD7KHFRXQWHUQDUUDWLYHPD\ name not even figuring in the tion, Zia had removed the PPP unilaterally gave himself a sec- Amir (once the Military
EHWKHWKUHDGWKDWZRXOGKHOSKLVSDUW\KDYHVRPHVRUWRIXQGHUVWDQGLQJZLWK1*2V nomination list). Later as dispensation and Ayub had ond term, fifth was Gen Raheel Secretary to Asif Zardari). It
President, Iskandar Mirza, abro- removed an illiberal-authori- Sharif who gave Nawaz sleep- will also stay away from
gated the constitution and
declared Martial Law with
tarian strain (closest in instinct
to Imran Khan’s PTI) in bump-
7>F4E4A4E4= less nights with his populari-
ty and talks of an extension
appointing anyone with
known religious conservatism
ZKLFKUHVXOWHGLQWKHUHWXUQRIWKH&RQJUHVVWRSRZHUDIWHUHLJKW\HDUVLQWKH General Ayub Khan as the Chief ing-off Iskander Mirza. Also, F74=C74 (though didn’t take) and the as the ‘establishment’ fears a
(CMLA) – within 20 days of the
each of these Military usurpers
were from the so-called 28E8;80= sixth, is the current Gen
Qamar Bajwa who in 2018 was
redux to Zia’s ‘shariaization’.
Even suggestions of manipu-
move, General Ayub bumped
Iskandar Mirza and banished
‘minority/safe’ ethnic denom-
inations as Ayub was a Hazara
?>;8C8280=B singularly responsible for
dumping Nawaz and ‘selecting’
lating the system to accommo-
date any contender would be
EHORVWVLJKWRIEXWUHDOSROLWLNWRRFDQQRWEHLJQRUHG$QGLWLVKHUHWKDW5DKXO·VOHDG him to England! Decades later, from Haripur (and not a >BC4=B81;H Imran Khan as Prime avoided, and that may cost Lt
seven senior Generals to appoint
Pathan as popularly postured),
while both Zia-ul-Haq and AD;43C74 Minister!
Today, ironically it is the
Gen Asim Munir to be left out.
The law of elimination leaves
the junior-most Lt Gen in senior-
ity, Zia-ul-Haq, as the Army
Pervez Musharaf were
Mohajirs (immigrants from
A>>BCC74 same Gen Qamar Bajwa who
has done a complete 360
the field to the likes of Lt Gen
Sahir Shamshad Mirza, Lt
PXVWJHWVHULRXVDERXWILJKWLQJHOHFWLRQVDQGDFWDFFRUGLQJO\ Chief. Despite his junior-most India). These ultra-ambitious 3428B8E48<?A8=C degree turn by flirting with Gen Azhar Abbas and Lt Gen
status, Zia also had a dodgy
track record, creepy nature and
Generals were not from the
traditional Punjabi (Rajput/Jat) >5C74²0A<H Imran’s PTI (till Imran got too
big for his own boots) and then
Nauman Mehmood to fill the
posts of the Chief of Army
?82D1<; above all, and reputation of being
overtly obsequious and beholden
or Pathan ethnicity that makes
the bulk of Pakistani soldering
7>DB4³8= returned to the coalition of
PML-N and PPP. The
Staff and the nominally more
senior, Chief Joint Chiefs of
to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – in less stock, yet their institution- >E4AAD;8=6C74 Pakistani ‘establishment’ or Staff Committee. All three are
than a year of becoming the Army
Chief, General Zia declared
alised bearing allowed them to
roughshod the well- ?>;8C8280=BF7> Military has always been its
own entity with no permanent
supposedly experienced pro-
fessionals with no known par-
Martial Law and a couple of years
thereafter, sent his initial benefac-
entrenched politicos.
However even when the
F4A48=502C loyalty to any political leader,
partisan flag or ideology – it
tisan loyalty or overt religios-
ity — thus affording farcical
tor to the gallows! A couple of civilian politicians ostensibly A4B?>=B81;45>A has sided tactically with PML- optics of the ‘final word’ to the
decades later, General Zia’s polit-
ical protégé Nawaz Sharif, too
ruled the roost, the decisive
imprint of the ‘Army House’ in C748A N, PPP or even PTI as it
deemed topically necessary,
civilian politicos in Islamabad,
whilst having the institution-
sprung a similar surprise when he
appointed an ostensible ‘safe’
overruling the politicians, who
were in fact responsible for
0??>8=C<4=C0B but never subscribed or root-
ed itself into any partisan pref-
alised clearance from the
‘establishment’ in Rawalpindi
Pakistani Army Chief in General their appointment as Chief of 27845>5 erence, for long. GHQ.
Pervez Musharaf, superseding
two seniors. History was to repeat
Pakistan Army, is consistent.
Nawaz Sharif has the dubious ?0:8BC0=0A<H With this backdrop, topi-
cality suggests that the next
(The writer, a military veter-
an, is a former Lt Governor
for the third time with General
Pervez Musharaf deposing the
record of having rocky rela-
tions and getting outwitted by
8B2>=B8BC4=C Chief (as confirmed by Gen
Qamar Bajwa in Washington
of Andaman & Nicobar
Islands and Puducherry. The
man who made him the COAS all six Chiefs that he had DC, hence believable) will views expressed are personal)

0aVT]cX]Pbb^RRTaUP]bfXcWcWT_^bcTa^U;X^]T[<TbbX^]cWTTeT^UcWTF^a[S2d_\PcRWX]3^WP ?C8
4?>D2<1=5=9>?B9D95C 8fP]ch^dc^\PZT
Sir — If a particular religious communi- bdaTcWT19?fX]b
ty gets constantly targeted and maligned TPRWP]STeTah
for indulging in a "conspiracy" of ensur- Pbd_TaWXcBWTf^aZTSPbcWTcT[TeXbX^]W^bc^U Q^^cWWTaTFX[[
ing a "population explosion" to "change the cWTUXabcCEcP[ZbW^f^U8]SXP]cT[TeXbX^]?W^^[ h^dS^XcU^a\T.
µ$DFKDU\D'HYR%KDYD $WKLGKL'HYR%KDYD¶DUH demography" of the country; why should :WX[T7PX]6d[bWP]6d[bWP] (&! ("\P]hQXV
certain states of the Union be spared from ]P\Tb^UcWTX]SdbcahWPSVaPRTScWTbW^fBWT
WHQHWVRIRXUFXOWXUHWKDW6),KDVIRUJRWWHQ rebuke for its ever-increasing "contribu- fX[[P[fPhbPbZcWTVdTbcbcWT`dTbcX^]bfWTaT
¯ =PaT]SaP<^SX

tion" in Indian population! Also, why cWThfX[[QTR^\U^acPQ[T3daX]VcWPc_TaX^S8cfPb
shouldn't those states be accused of hatch- Pb\dRW^UPRaPiTPbb^RXP[\TSXPXbc^SPh
HTXLYDOHQWWR*RG$VWKHILJKWEHWZHHQWKH.HUDOD*RYHUQRUDQGWKH&3, 0 ing a "conspiracy" to increase the number CPQPbbd\fXcWcWTRWP]VX]Vf^a[SP]SfXcW 8fT[R^\TcWT
tation exercise? If many states can either WTSTPcW^UCPQQPbbd\cWT[TVT]SPahPRc^a QTX]VPeTcTaP]^UcWT7X]SXUX[\8]SdbcahPbW^bc

adopt or propose punishable measures to ^UcWThTbcTaSPhhTPabP]ScWTaTb_TRcTSRWPc bWTfX[[SXbRdbbcWT[XeTb^U\P]hRX]T\PcXRUXV R^\_[PRT]Rh<^aT
ZLQJRIWKH&3, 0 DFURVV.HUDODWRFRQGHPQWKHDFWLRQRIWKH*RYHUQRUZKRPWKH rein in "population explosion" through bW^fW^bcXbPVaTPc[^bbc^cWTf^a[S^URX] daTbP]S\^eXTb^UcWTQhV^]TTaPX]WTabW^fb \dbcQTS^]T
increments in offices; why shouldn't the bcPaaTS X] \^eXTb bdRW Pb <TaP BdWPPV CPQPbbd\8]SXP³b^aXVX]P[RT[TQaXchcP[ZbW^fW^bc
states, making a mockery of family plan- <P]YWSWPaP]S1PaX1TWT]PUcTafWXRWbWTfPb [TPeTb QTWX]S P [TVPRh ^U WTa _^_d[Pa bW^f
antees a "reward" to the population- QTRP\TP_^_d[PacP[ZbW^fW^bcfWXRWQTRP\T AP\TbW69TcWfP]Xk1T]VP[dad
increasing states through an increased caPeT[[TSc^VTcWTa
WKHDSSRLQWPHQWRIWKHYLFHFKDQFHOORURI.8)26IRU number of seats or MPs; the message gets X]cWTcaPX]Ua^\
WKHVDPHUHDVRQ7XHVGD\VDZWKH&3, 0 OD\LQJ transmitted to the sane states that they other applications? When development is and beg for votes on the performance <d\QPXc^3T[WXFTfTaTaTYTRc
VLHJHWR5DM%KDYDQGHPDQGLQJWKHGLVPLVVDORI$ULI have committed a "national crime" of sorts displayed it is not only the infrastructure instead of flushing out unmeasured money, TSc^VTcWTa
0RKDPPHG.KDQ7KHUHDOILJKWLVEHWZHHQWKH%-3 by getting enlightened and responsible or companies but it should include edu- it harms the people even more. 0Rc^a
enough to practically ensure family plan- cation, health care, and malnutrition. RK Arya | Faridabad ¯ 0hdbW\P]]:WdaP]P
UXOHG&HQWUHDQGWKH0DU[LVWVLQFRQWURORI.HUDOD ning! So all power clout monetary funds Secondly, there is a myth about the devel-
/DVW ZHHN VDZ DOO FRQVWLWXHQWV LQ WKH /HIW should flow towards the laggard states at opment made in a single State. CEBI1C89>5C2B978D
'HPRFUDWLF )URQW VWDJLQJ D UDOO\ DGGUHVVHG E\ the expense of the forward-looking ones! In a federal structure, the development Sir — Surya's shining 49-Ball Ton vs New
What justice to be rendered to the progres- would be durable in case all the States Zealand, enlightened Bay Oval, in Mount =d\Ta^D]^
sive states! With the loss of strength of MPs develop in unison. The fact is that whether Maunganui, New Zealand. To put it aptly,
7KRXVDQGVRISDUW\FDGUHVWRRNSDUWLQWKHGHPRQ from the progressive states coupled with Prime Minister when he was the Chief Surya-Express invaded Bay Oval. Surya cWTQTbcX]cWT
VWUDWLRQZKLFKLVEHLQJWHUPHGDVWKHEXJOHIRUWKH an increase of representatives from the lag- Minister has done marvelous work or not Juggernaut continued unabated. This is f^a[S3XS]³cfPcRW
/RN6DEKDHOHFWLRQ7KHDQJXLVKRIWKH&3, gard ones, India is destined to immerse in but for the last 8 years no Chief minister Surya Kumar Yadav's second T-20 cen-
0 DJDLQVWWKH´KLJKKDQGHGEHKDYLRXUµRIWKH5DM increased orthodoxy bigotry, and moral is given free hand to work. The States have tury (the first was vs. England, earlier this
darkness very shortly. Lastly, it must be their agenda for the people's progress. year). He remained unbeaten on 111 off
%KDYDQZDVYLVLEOHDOORYHUWKH6WDWH7KHODUJHUWKDQOLIHVL]HIOH[ERDUGVLQVWDOOHG mentioned that the allegation of engineer- The state of education, health care, and just 51 balls [11 fours, 7 sixes i.e. just 8]SXP]RaXRZTcTa
¯ EXaPc:^W[X
E\WKHVWXGHQW·VZLQJRIWKH&3, 0 ZHUHDVKRFNHU7KH*RYHUQPHQW6DQVNULW&ROOHJH ing a "population explosion" by a partic- other people's necessities are dismal and (11+7 balls or) 18 balls fetched 86 runs].
DW7KLUXYDQDQWKDSXUDPHVWDEOLVKHGLQE\WKHWKHQ0DKDUDMDRI7UDYDQFRUHDQG ular religious community is nothing but therefore BJP cannot claim to have done Tim Southee's (NZ) hat-trick went in
ODEHOOHGRQFHDVDFHQWUHRIH[FHOOHQFHKDGWKHVORJDQ´5DM%KDYDQLVQRWWKHSURS a cleverly generated myth. the best in the development. BJP is facing vain as India posted 191/6 in 20 overs CWTaTPaT_a^cTbcb
Kajal Chatterjee | Kolkata a challenge for its failure to deliver the fruits and won the match comfortably by 65 Qh_T^_[TaTUdbX]V
HUW\RI$ULI0RKDPPHG.KDQ·VIDWKHUµDQGWKLVZDVMXVWLILHGE\QRQHRWKHUWKDQWKH to the people of Gujarat. It is the reason runs. Even in the T-20 world cup -2022 c^VXeTd_cWTXa
PLQLVWHUIRUKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQ1RWKLQJVXUSULVLQJDVWKH6),KDGKHOGDV\PEROLFIXQHU >?D1<<9CG5<<9>7E:1B1D money and muscle are excessively used in tournament (held in Australia), Surya- [P]SP]SPRRTbbc^
DORIWKH3ULQFLSDORI*RYHUQPHQW9LFWRULD&ROOHJHLQ3DODNNDGWKHGD\VKHUHWLUHG Sir — In case Gujarat was paid required the election. For a moment if anti-incum- Express hit three fast half-centuries. cWTXaaTb^daRTb
IURPVHUYLFH7KHMXQLRUFRPUDGHVEXUQWWKHFKDLURIWKHSULQFLSDORI0DKDUDMD·V&ROOHJH attention by Modi and BJP then why was bency will be countered with money and Vasudeva R Sreelekha | Bengaluru aTUdbX]Vc^QT[XTeT
there a need for camping of the senior lead- muscles, the backlash of it will continue to UP[bT_a^\XbTbP]h\^aT
(UQDNXODPZKHQVKHZDVWUDQVIHUUHGRXW,VWKLVKRZWRPRUURZ·VFLWL]HQVMXVWLI\WKH ers for such a long time and spending pri- haunt BJP in 2024. There is a clear lesson BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) 0dcW^a
GLFWXP$FKDU\D'HYR%KDYD"$UH\RXOLVWHQLQJ0U<HFKXU\" vate or exchequer money which has many for the BJP that it should go to the people [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯ 0ad]SWPcXA^h
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


C1>:55F 908= ujarat, an urbanised, pro-

G entrepreneurship state with
90 per cent Hindu population
has long been the saffron lab-
oratory for the Bharatiya
Janata Party’s social re-engineering strate-
gies. In polls due in December, the BJP,
which has ruled the state for 27 years and
FRPSOLDQFH Sabha elections, is expected to make a
VPHGLFDWLRQV are banking on.
government last year, perceived to be
enjoys among Gujrati voters. Even
GD\VWRPRQWKV NLGV WR\HDUV DQGWHHQDJHUV WR whether out of fear one doesn’t know.
Gujrat has pioneered many exemplary in most, getting fewer votes than question mark,” its state president 37 crore on advertisements. It is
initiatives, backed by efficient delivery. Its ?D=901³B even NOTA. CR Patil said. the worst managed economy in
Kanya Kelavani for girls’ education Congress, which is showing The BJP is yet to release its India today.
launched in 2003 has been replicated in 2><<8CC43 obvious signs of an advanced manifesto, for which it is seeking In contrast, Gujrat is in a
many states in India and its ecosystem of
innovation, start-ups, and incentives for
4G?4=38CDA4>= state of decay and bankruptcy of
ideas, could only promise to outdo
public suggestions through its
‘Agresar Gujarat’ campaign. One
much better position, through in
FY21, the growth rate of its gross
new industries is an envy of other states. ?4=B8>=B0;0AH the AAP in promising freebies. hopes the Gujarati voters will state domestic product (GSDP)
Gujaratis are known for their hard-work Rahul Gandhi said in a rally that give the correct feedback. The had plummetted to only 0.57 per
and business acumen. 0=38=C4A4BC8= his party will give all the “freebies” AAP’s reckless magnanimity has cent from 9.75 per cent a year ear-
Given the work ethic of Gujaratis,
they are more inclined towards social jus-
5H! F0B%&?4A offered by the AAP and more. So,
its manifesto released a few days
already sent the state of Punjab on
ventilator and it is well advanced
lier, a fallout from the pandemic.
Inadequacies in its public health-
tice being delivered through the market 24=C>58CB back promised implementation of on its way to coma from which it care deliver y were severely
or workplace rather than through govern- the old pension scheme, 10 lakh will be unlikely to return anytime exposed during the pandemic,
ment doles. A4E4=D4 government jobs (like the RJD soon. It can safely be predicted something that the AAP hopes to
The AAP is yet to release its manifesto 4G?4=38CDA4 promised in Bihar), free medical that the state of Punjab govern- gain from electorally. Since 2011-
:KLOHIRUJHWIXOQHVVLVWKHUHDVRQFLWHGE\SHUFHQWRIDGXOWVLQ but going by the promises it has made, it treatment of up to Rs 10 lakh, LPG ment will implode from the finan- 12, Gujrat has continuous surplus-
DUHFHQWVWXG\IRUPHGLFDOQRQFRPSOLDQFHWKHVLWXDWLRQLVGLIIHUHQWDPRQJ has no need for a formal manifesto. They A4F8C7 cylinder at Rs 500, 300 units of free cial pressures that are fast build- es in its revenue account, but in
are copying the Punjab model: 300 units electricity, unemployment ing up, with deadly social conse- FY21, the revenue account had a
of free electricity a month, Rs 3,000 for BD1B83H18;;>5 allowance of Rs 3,000, pension of quences. huge deficit of Rs 22,548 crore.
unemployed youth and Rs 1,000 for
every adult woman every month, 80 per
AB(&$'2A>A4 Rs 2,000 to Divyangs, widows,
senior citizens and needy women,
Punjab’s committed expendi-
ture on pension, salary and inter-
However, it still contained its fis-
cal deficit at 2.44 per cent, well
DQGFKLOGUHQ cent quota for local youth in private sec- 0338=60= waiver of Rs 3 lakh loans, Rs est in FY21 was 67 per cent of its within the limit of three per cent
6L]HLVDFUXFLDOIDFWRULQFRQVLGHULQJRUDOIRUPV6PDOOHUWDEOHWV tor jobs, Rs 40 per day for the upkeep of 20,000 scholarship to the needy revenue expenditure (RE), with prescribed by the Gujarat Fiscal
FDSOHWVDQGFDSVXOHVDUHPRUHDSSHDOLQJWRFKLOGUHQ1DWXUDOO\LWLVHDV each cow and reverting to old pension 0338C8>=0; & students, Rs 1,000 crore for upkeep subsidy bill of Rs 9,758 crore Responsibility Act (GFRA), 2005.
In response to Modi’s criticism of
?4A24=C of cow shelters, etc. Many of these
promises are borrowed from its
adding an additional 17 per cent,
leaving very little for anything else.
It could also manage its debt
ratio at 18 per cent of its GSDP,
‘revdi’ or freebies culture as opposed to ;40E8=6E4AH Rajasthan model where it wrest- In the current fiscal, its total well within the GFRA limit of 27
development – “those with revdi culture ed power from the BJP in 2018. power subsidy bill would be Rs per cent.
$QRWKHUIDFWRUWKDWUHTXLUHVFULWLFDODWWHQWLRQLVWKHIRUPRIWKHPHGLFD will never build new expressways, new ;8CC;45>A Gujarati voters ought to be 25000 crore, of which the freebie During FY21, Gujrat generat-
WLRQLWVHOI&KHZDEOHVGLVSHUVLEOHWDEOHWVJUDQXOHVSRZGHUVVSULQNOHV airports, or defence corridors”, Kejriwal 0=HC78=64;B4 thrilled, but the opinions polls of 300 units of power from July ed 63 per cent of its total revenues
DQGSHOOHWVDUHIRUPVWKDWPD\DSSHDOPRUHWRFKLOGUHQWKDQVROLGWDEOHWV told women voters, “Rs 1000 is not suggest otherwise. Perhaps the 2022 alone will cost Rs 16,000 from its own resources,
$GGLWLRQDOO\RURGLVSHUVLEOHWDEOHWV 2'7V FRPSRVHGRIVXSHUGLV revdi. This is your right. People’s money AAP will gain the votes lost by crore. The government has bor- compared to Punjab’s 50 per cent.
LQWHJUDQWVDUHKHOSIXO7KHVXSHUGLVLQWHJUDQWVKHOSWKHPWRGLVVROYHWKH should go to the people, not in the Swiss Congress, which has perfected the rowed Rs 8,000 crore in two But Gujrat’s own revenues have
bank.” game of giving doles, learning it months just to pay interest on old been stagnating in real terms
WDEOHWVZLWKLQDPLQXWHLQWKHPRXWKLQWKHSUHVHQFHRIVDOLYDZLWKRXW As election approaches, more freebies loans, and its debt ratio at 54 per even before the pandemic, while
from the Congress only. Walking
DQ\GLIILFXOW\RIVZDOORZLQJ,WRIIHUVVHYHUDODGYDQWDJHVZLWKUHVSHFW will surely be promised. In his lust for (The author, former a tightrope in the competitive pop- cent of its GSDP is the highest in its borrowing has been growing at
WRLWVVWDELOLW\DGPLQLVWUDWLRQZLWKRXWZDWHUDFFXUDWHGRVLQJHDV\PDQ power, Kejriwal will stop at nothing, even Director General at the ulism of promising revdis, the BJP India. 22 per cent and outstanding
XIDFWXULQJVPDOOSDFNDJLQJVL]HDQGKDQGOLQJ,WVHDVHRIDGPLQLVWUD if it means selling the whole state of Office of the Comptroller has so far maintained it was not in With a per capita debt of Rs 1 liabilities at 10 per cent at a
WLRQLQWKHSDHGLDWULFSRSXODWLRQPDNHVLWDYHU\SRSXODUGRVDJHIRUP Gujrat. In 2017 elections, the BJP got 99 & Auditor General of the race of “freebies” and advised lakh, it is in the throes of a compound average annual rate. If
,QUHFHQW\HDUVPDQXIDFWXUHUVKDYHDOVREHJXQLQWURGXFLQJSUHVHUYD of the total 182 seats, with 49 per cent vote India, is Professor at the voters to be wary of the AAP. vicious debt trap when borrowing AAP and Congress have their way,
share to Congress’s 72 seats, with 41 per Arun Jaitley National “Promises by a visitor (Kejriwal) is made just to repay the past loans Gujarat will be soon on its way
cent vote share. The AAP had contested Institute of Financial to Gujarat are like Chinese prod- and interests. Still, in its first two down the slippery slope of certain
ONRQLXPFKORULGH %.& 7KHJRDOZLWKWKHVHSUHVHUYDWLYHIUHHH\HGURSV 29 seats, but won none, and lost deposits Management) ucts. How long they will last is a months in power, it has spent Rs insolvency.
WFRPSURPLVH C7410;;F42>D;3=CCDA= C>C0;>5 %>A &8B0;8CC;418C40BH0C
A>78CB70A<0 0;4G70;4B

s after every climate and every year tens of thou- and oil-dependent coun- that will recompense poor aster... How on Earth can compensation. linked loss and damage

A summit, the air is filled

with shouts of rage and
despair. What was agreed was
sands of politicians, experts,
campaigners, and lobbyists
trek to a different location—
tries—and the short-term
interests of some (money and
rapid fossil-fueled economic
countries that suffer ‘loss and
damage’ from extreme climate
events. The money will come
one expect from us that we
will undertake this gigantic
task on our own?”
The biggest remaining
question by far is what about
China? It is still classed as a
inflicted on the poorest coun-
tries will continue, but at
least the next climate summit
unclear and inadequate, and Glasgow last year, Sharm-al- growth) clash with every- from the developed coun- “‘Loss and damage’ is not developing country and there- can also focus on other things.
what was left undecided or 7GI>>5 3H4A
Sheikh this year, the United body’s long-term interest in tries whose historic and cur- charity; it’s climate justice,” fore automatically a victim, Just as well, because stopping
simply ignored was vast and Arab Emirates next year—to not experiencing a huge pop- rent emissions are the reason said Pakistan’s climate envoy but actually it is a middle- at the ‘aspirational’ target of no
terrifying. For example, they debate and decide how to deal ulation die-back and civilisa- for the damage. Nabeel Munir, and this time income country and the more than a 1.5°C rise in aver-
still haven’t managed to agree with this literally existential tional collapse. Pakistan’s catastrophic the message got through. world’s single biggest emitter age global temperature is
that the world needs to stop threat. Oh, well. This is the price floods made it this year’s That’s about par for the of carbon dioxide. It’s bigger probably a lost cause by now.
burning fossil fuels. And in all those 27 years you pay for belonging to a poster boy. Prime Minister course: if you bring up the than all the rest of the devel- The ‘never-exceed’ hard
What? Isn’t that what this they haven’t even managed to species still emerging from a Shehbaz Sharif told the con- same obvious injustice at the oped countries together, and target is no more than +2.0°C,
whole traveling circus is mention the name of the long tribal past that has devel- ference: “Despite seven times climate summits every year almost three times bigger because after that we lose con-
about? The climate is getting threat? No, they haven’t. Last oped a high-tech, high-ener- the average of extreme rain in for a decade or so, eventual- than the United States. trol. The heating we have
hotter because we’re burning year, for the first time, they gy civilisation before it was the south, we struggled on as ly those who did the harm Should it be paying into already caused will trigger
fossil fuels for energy, soon actually inserted the word culturally equipped to manage raging torrents ripped out and should pay the price will the ‘loss and damage ‘fund, warming ‘feedbacks’ in the
people will be dying in large ‘coal’ into the final report—we it. Do the best you can, and 8,000 km. of [paved] roads, admit that you have a case. rather than claiming money system that we cannot turn
numbers, in twenty or thirty will eventually ‘phase it down’ hope that it will be enough. damaged over 3,000 km. of It should now take only from it? And how about off, and away we go into the
years entire countries will (not ‘out’), they said—but the So much for the philoso- railway track, and washed two or three more years to set India? It’s only third in total nightmare future.
become uninhabitable, so words ‘gas’ and ‘oil’ are still phy. What actually happened away standing crops on four up the new ‘loss and damage emissions now, after the So it’s good to see them
stop! Alternative energy taboo. at Sharm-al-Sheikh? million acres. ‘ agency and agree on the rules United States, but it will also getting a little more reason-
sources are available! Act This is what you get when After the inevitable all- “We became a victim of for who pays how much probably overtake America in able each year at these sum-
now, or global disaster will a global institution is ruled by night negotiations (two all- something with which we into it each year, and exactly the next ten years. mits. There’s still a very long
happen! (Gwynne Dyer’s new book is consensus. Everybody has a nighters, in fact), they man- had nothing to do, and of what qualifies as climate- So the titanic struggle way to go, but at least we’re
Yes, that’s what it’s about, The Shortest History of War) veto, including the coal-, gas- aged to agree on a new fund course it was a man-made dis- related damage eligible for over who pays for the climate- moving in the right direction.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!! f^a[S'


0?Q :H8E Russian shelling of its power according to Volodymyr least four civilians were killed an oil depot was hit with “an
infrastructure as winter weath- Kudrytsky, the head of Ukraine's and eight more were wounded explosive object” and caught fire,
krainian authorities have er sets in. state grid operator, Ukrenergo. in Ukraine over the past 24 local Moscow-installed author-

U started evacuating civil-

ians from the recently-
liberated areas of the Kherson
Russian-installed authori-
ties in the Kherson region on
Monday also reiterated their
More than 40 per cent of the
country's energy facilities were
damaged by Russian missile
hours, deputy head of the coun-
try's presidential office Kyrylo
Tymoshenko said on Monday.
ities said.
Russian-installed authori-
ties later said that more than
region and the neighbouring call to people to evacuate an area strikes in recent weeks. A Russian missile strike in 105,000 consumers in the
province of Mykolaiv, fearing on the eastern bank of the On Sunday, powerful explo- the northeast Kharkiv region on province's capital, Donetsk, were
that damage to the infrastructure Dnieper River, which Moscow sions from shelling shook Sunday night killed one person left without electricity on
is too severe for people to now controls. Officials cited a Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia region, and left two more wounded, Monday after Ukrainian shelling
endure the upcoming winter, “high level of military treat" in the site of Europe's largest according to Kharkiv Gov. Oleh damaged power lines. One per-
officials said on Monday. the Kakhovskiy district as they nuclear power plant. The IAEA, Syniehubov. The strike hit a res- son was killed by the shelling,
Residents of the two south- asked residents to go to evacu- the global nuclear watchdog, idential building in the Shev- officials said, and 59 miners were
ern regions, regularly shelled in ation points. called for “urgent measures to chenkove village, Syniehubov trapped underground after
the past months by Russian Russia has set up defence help prevent a nuclear acci- said, killing a 38-year-old power was cut off in four coal
forces, have been advised to lines along the eastern bank of dent” in the Russian-occupied woman. mines in the city.
move to safer areas in the cen- the Dnieper River, fearing that facility. One person was wounded In the neighbouring Luh-
tral and and western parts of the Ukrainian forces would push Kyiv and Moscow blamed overnight in the Dnipropetrovsk ansk region, most of which is
country, said Ukraine's Deputy deeper into the region. each other for the shelling that region, where Russian forces under Russian control, the
Prime Minister Iryna Veresh- Since Ukraine retook the came after weeks of relative shelled the city of Nikopol and Ukrainian army is advancing
chuk. Kherson city just over a week calm in the area. areas around it, Gov. Valentyn towards the key cities of Kre-
The government will pro- ago, Russia has stepped up The area has been the site Reznichenko said. minna and Svatove, where the
vide “transportation, accom- pounding Ukraine's power grid of fighting ever since Russian In the eastern Donetsk Russians have set up a line of
modation, medical care," she and other infrastructure from forces occupied the plant soon region, which is partially con- defence, according to Luhansk's
said. the air, causing widespread after their invasion of Ukraine, trolled by Moscow, Russian Ukrainian Governor Serhiy
The evacuations come more blackouts and leaving millions of sparking fears of a nuclear acci- forces shelled 14 towns and vil- Haidai.
than a week after Ukraine retook Ukrainians without heat, power dent. lages, the region's Ukrainian “There are successes and the
the city of Kherson and areas or water as frigid cold and snow On Monday, Russia's company held talks with the thing must be done so that no ments of Likhachyov, who was Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said. Ukrainian army is moving very
around it. The liberation of the blankets the capital, Kyiv, and nuclear plant operator, Rosatom, IAEA overnight, and again one even thinks about encroach- repeating unfounded Russian Heavy fighting was ongoing slowly, but it will be much more
area marked a major battlefield other cities. conceded that there is a risk of blamed Kyiv for the situation. ing on the safety of the nuclear claims that Ukraine was plan- in the region near the city Bakh- difficult for Russians to defend
gain, while the evacuations now In 15 Ukrainian regions, a nuclear accident at the Zapo- “Apparently, Kyiv considers power plant." ning some kind of nuclear inci- mut, where a school was dam- themselves after Svatove and
highlight the difficulties the four-hour or longer power out- rizhzhia power plant. Rosatom a small nuclear incident accept- There was no immediate dent to blame Russia for it. aged by shelling. In Makiivka, Kreminna (are retaken)," Haidai
country is facing following heavy ages were expected on Monday, head Alexei Likhachyov said the able," said Likhachyov, “Every- Ukrainian reaction to the com- In fighting elsewhere, at which is under Russian control, told Ukrainian television.

0?Q C>:H> been pushing for a return to
nuclear power amid worries of
apanese nuclear regulators are energy shortages following
considering revising a safety Russia's invasion of Ukraine
system to allow aging
reactors to operate beyond the
current 60-year limit, but the
and a global push to reduce
greenhouse gases. Japan has
faced criticism for saying it will
move is aimed at preventing
safety lapses and is not moti-
phase out fossil fuel use by
2050 without giving a clear QhfPaX]]TgcS^^aDZaPX]T
2^[SP]SSPaZ):hXeaTPSXTb vated by government efforts to
increase use of nuclear power, an
official said on Monday.
While maintaining a 20-22
per cent target for nuclear ener-
0?Q ?0A8B

iplomats are drumming up

Moldova is currently facing an
unprecedented energy crisis
which, with the approach of
The Nuclear Regulation gy as part of its energy mix for money and other support winter, poses a risk of a human-
Authority Commission, at the 2030, Japan's government pre- on Monday for Europe's poor- itarian crisis for the Moldovan
request of the Economy and viously insisted it was not con- est country, Moldova, which is population,” the ministry said.
0?Q :H8E the AP on Friday. Industry Ministry, has drafted a mixed reactions from the pub- change and was responding to sidering building new nuclear suffering massive blackouts, Broad blackouts temporar-
Ukrenergo said in a state- plan to scrap the 60-year limit lic. Nuclear Regulation the government's request in plants or replacing aged reactors, heavy refugee flows and poten- ily hit more than a half-dozen
hen the power is out, as it ment that “thousands of kilo- and replace it with a system of Authority Commissioner order to ensure safety. apparently to avoid triggering tial security threats from the war Moldovan cities last week as the
W so often is, the high-rise
apartment overlooking
metres of key high-voltage lines
are not working,” affecting the
potential extensions granted
every 10 years after 30 years of
Shinsuke Yamanaka denied crit-
icism that the watchdog may
Prime Minister Fumio
Kishida said in August that
criticism from a still wary pub-
in neighbouring Ukraine.
Monday's international aid
Russian military pounded infra-
structure targets across Ukraine.
Ukraine's war-torn capital feels entire country. operation. have yielded to government Japan needs to consider all Kishida, in a major shift conference in Paris is aimed at Moldova's Soviet-era ener-
like a deathtrap. No lights, no It published a picture of a That would be a major pressure to prolong the opera- options in its energy mix, includ- toward a greater use of nuclear “concrete and immediate assis- gy systems remain intercon-
water, no way to cook food. And transformer station that was change from the current 40-year tional lifespan of reactors. ing nuclear, to bolster its “green energy, asked a government tance” for the land-locked for- nected Ukraine, which is why
no elevator by which to escape destroyed by a Russian missile, limit with a possible one-time “Our judgment in our safe- transformation” to curb emis- panel to decide by the end of this mer Soviet republic, according the Russian missile barrage trig-
from the 21st floor should a leaving around 400,000 people extension of up to 20 years, a ty inspections is not affected, no sions of greenhouse gases and year on a proposal for develop- to the French Foreign Ministry. gered the automatic shutdown of
Russian missile strike. Even without power. According to the rule that was adopted under matter what the government secure a stable energy supply. ment and construction of “new Two previous conferences a supply line.
when electricity comes back, it's report, “there are dozens of stricter safety standards set after policy may be,” Yamanaka said. Japan has pledged to reach innovative reactors,” such as for Moldova this year raised Earlier this month, the
never on for long. such transformers in the power the 2011 Fukushima nuclear “We have no intention of mak- carbon neutrality by 2050. small modular nuclear reac- hundreds of millions of euros, European Union pledged 250
“Russian strikes are plung- system now. This equipment power plant disaster. ing any compromise in our Anti-nuclear sentiment and tors, while also asking nuclear but as the war drags on, its needs million euros (nearly USD 260
ing Ukraine into the Stone Age,” cannot be replaced quickly.” The draft plan still has to be strict safety checks.” safety concerns rose sharply in officials and experts to consid- are growing. million) to help Moldova after
says Anastasia Pyrozhenko. In a President Volodymyr formally approved. Yamanaka stressed that his Japan after the Fukushima dis- er extending the operational “This international support Russia halved its natural gas sup-
recent 24-hour spell, her 26- Zelenskyy said after last week's The move has prompted agency had not initiated the aster, but the government has lifespan of aging reactors. is all the more important as ply.
story high-rise only had power strikes that more than 10 million
for half an hour. She says the Ukrainians were left without
“military living conditions” have
driven her and husband from
electricity; by Sunday, he said
some areas had seen improve- 7Ub]Q^i_VVUbc 7d]VPahb5^aTXV]<X]XbcTa
@_\Q^T@QdbY_d]YccY\Uc caPeT[bc^AdbbXPU^aT]TaVhTg_^
their apartment. ments.
“Our building is the highest “The restoration of net-
in the area and is a great target works and technical supply
for Russian missiles, so we left capabilities, the de-mining of 0?Q 1D30?4BC were “people who are on a
our apartment for our parents'
place and are preparing for the
worst winter of our lives,” said
power transmission lines, repairs
— everything goes on round the
clock,” Zelenskyy said in his
d_TUVU^TQYbc`QSU H ungary's top diplomat trav-
elled to Russia on Monday
(European Union) sanctions
Hungary's government
the 25-year-old. nightly address. 0?Q F0AB0F?>;0=3 to take part in an international under populist Prime Minister
The situation in Ukraine's Blackouts were scheduled forum on nuclear energy, under- Viktor Orban has pursued close
capital, Kyiv, and other major Sunday night in 15 regions and ermany has offered scoring his country's persis- diplomatic and economic ties
cities has deteriorated drastical-
ly following the largest missile
the city of Kyiv, he said.
Ukrenergo said there would be
G Eurofighters and Patriot
defence systems to Poland to
tently close ties with Moscow
amid the war in Ukraine.
with Moscow, and sought to
protect its supply of Russian oil
attack on the country's power scheduled outages in every help it defend its airspace, Foreign Minister Peter and gas — on which it is heav-
grid on Tuesday. Ukrainian region on Monday. Defence Minister Christine Szijjarto gave a speech at the ily dependent — as other
state-owned grid operator A sharp cold snap and the Lambrecht told German news- opening plenary session of the European countries have aimed
Ukrenergo reported that 40 per
cent of Ukrainians were experi-
first snow have significantly
complicated the situation in
papers in comments published
on Monday.
two-day ATOMEXPO interna-
tional forum in the Black Sea
national security interests.”
“The global energy crisis
to cut off their Russian energy
imports to punish the Kremlin
encing difficulties, due to dam-
age to at least 15 major energy
Kyiv. The cold forces people to
turn on their heaters, which
"We have to position our-
selves in the alliance even bet-
resort city of Sochi, according to
the event's website.
means that it is of unprecedent-
ed importance for a country to
for its war in Ukraine.
Orban, considered Russian
hubs across the country.
Warning that electricity out-
drastically increases the load on
the grid and makes power out-
ter in terms of air defence,” and
that that goes particularly for with Ukraine.
The forum, titled “Nuclear
Spring”, is aimed at the global
be able to produce the energy it
needs. The Paks nuclear power
President Vladimir Putin's clos-
est ally in the EU, has lobbied
ages could last anywhere from
several hours to several days, the
ages longer. In light of the drop-
ping temperatures, the Kyiv
Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic
countries, she told the
He tweeted that during a
phone conversation on Monday
nuclear industry and serves as a
“business platform for discussing
plant plays a key role in our
energy security,” Szijjarto wrote.
vigorously against EU sanctions
on Moscow, arguing they have
network said that “resilience authorities announced they were Rheinische Post and General- with the German side, he will the current state of the nuclear The trip was the latest sign led to skyrocketing energy prices 0?Q B4>D;
and courage are what we need setting up communal heating Anzeiger newspapers. suggest the location for the industry and setting future of Hungary's continuing diplo- that are hurting European
this winter.” points. Lambrecht said Germany is Patriot missile reinforcement. trends,” the website says. matic and trade ties with Russia economies more than they are orth Korea's foreign minis-
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko,
too, stressed the need to be ready
In the city of 3 million peo-
ple, 528 emergency points have
present with these air defence
weapons in Slovakia already
Poland already has a deployment
of US Patriot missiles.
In a post on Facebook early
Monday, Szijjarto said his appea-
which have confounded some
European leaders as the war in
On Monday, Szijjarto insist-
N ter called UN Secretary-
General Antonio Guterres "a
and resilient in the face of a been identified. Here, residents and wants to extend that On Tuesday, two Poles were rance at the expo would include Ukraine nears nine months. ed that “no sanctions of any kind puppet of the United States" as
potential blackout: “Worst case will be able to keep warm, drink through 2023 or even beyond. killed when a missile hit a grain talks with the head of Russia's Szijjarto was last in Russia in can limit Hungary's energy sup- she slammed the UN chief for
scenario. Actually, I don't like to tea, recharge their phones and Polish Defence Minister depot in the village of state atomic energy company, October for natural gas negoti- ply, since one of the basic prin- joining US-led condemnation of
talk about that, but I have to be get any necessary help. The Mariusz Blaszczak said he Przewodow, just six kilometres Rosatom, over a planned Russia- ations with Russian state ener- ciples of our country's energy the North's recent interconti-
prepared if we (do not) have heating points will be equipped received Germany's offer of from the border with Ukraine, backed expansion of Hungary's gy company Gazprom, a visit strategy is that the energy mix nental ballistic missile test.
electricity, blackout, no water, no with autonomous power additional Patriot missiles “with which came under heavy only nuclear power plant. He Czech Foreign Minister Jan is an exclusive national compe- UN Secretary-General
heating, no services and no sources, as well as special boil- satisfaction” and will have them Russian missile barrage that said the project was “in Lipavsky called “scandalous” tence,” according to Hungarian Antonio Guterres earlier issued
communication,” Klitschko told er rooms. deployed close to the border day. Hungary's national strategic and since some of those present state news agency MTI. a statement strongly condemn-
ing North Korea's ICBM launch

on Friday and reiterating his call
on the North to "to immediate-
ly desist from taking any further

provocative actions." Guterres's
statement came after the United
States and other countries issued
similar criticism of the North's
0?Q 94ADB0;4< ICBM test that showed an
potential to strike anywhere in
he Palestinian Health Ministry said the continental US.
T on Monday that Israeli forces shot and
killed a young man near the occupied
"I often take the UN secre-
tary-general for a member of the
West Bank city of Jenin. The ministry said US White House or its State
in a statement that the man died of a gun- Department," North Korean
shot wound to the abdomen. Palestinian Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui
media identified the man as 18-year-old said in a statement carried by
Mahmoud al-Saadi. after Palestinian attacks killed 19 Israelis state media. "I express my strong
The Israeli army said it carried out last spring — are needed to dismantle regret over the fact that the UN
arrest raids across the West Bank on militant networks at a time when secretary-general has taken a
Monday. It said its soldiers apprehend- Palestinian security forces are unable or very deplorable attitude, obliv-
ed three suspects. During an arrest in unwilling to do so. ious of the purpose and princi-
Burqin, a town near Jenin, it said its The Palestinians say the raids under- ples of the UN Charter and its
troops came under fire, and shot back. It mine their security forces and are aimed proper mission which is to
said its troops confirmed a hit. at cementing Israel's open-ended 55-year maintain impartiality, objectiv-
The violence was the latest in a wave occupation of lands they want for their ity and equity in all matters."
of Israeli-Palestinian fighting in the West hoped-for state. Choe accused Guterres of
Bank and east Jerusalem that has killed Hundreds of Palestinians have been overlooking the US and its allies
more than 130 Palestinians this year, rounded up in such raids, with many taking the North's ICBM test to
making 2022 the deadliest since 2006. placed in so-called administrative deten- the UN Security Council, saying
Israel says its almost nightly arrest tion, which allows Israel to hold them that “This clearly proves that he
raids in the West Bank — which began without trial or charge. is a puppet of the US."
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!! f^a[S(


0?Q 280=9DA8=3>=4B80
S Defence Secretary Lloyd ?C8Q :0C7<0=3D
strong, shallow earth- U J. Austin met his Indonesian

A quake toppled buildings

and walls on Indonesia's
densely populated main island
counterpart on Monday to push
stronger defence ties amid grow-
ing Chinese naval activity in the
T he Rastriya Swatantra Party,
floated by a former television
personality, has emerged as the
on Monday, killing at least 162 Indo-Pacific region. dark horse in the Nepal elec-
people and injuring hundreds of Austin, at a joint news con- tions, coming third behind
others as residents fled into the ference after meeting with heavyweights like the Nepali
street, some covered in blood Indonesian Defence Minister Congress and the CPN-UML,
and debris. Prabowo Subianto, said they and leading in seven con-
Officials were gathering discussed ways to deepen the stituencies.
information on the toll of those two countries' partnership, The counting of votes start-
injured and killed by the quake including through expanding ed at 7 am local time on Monday
in the remote area. interoperability and increasing and continued till 5 pm, a day
West Java Governor Ridwan investments in defence educa- His visit to Indonesia demning Russia's aggression in after about 61 per cent polling
Kamil said the number of con- hours drive from the capital, Rescue teams and civilians tion. comes less than a week after Ukraine. was recorded across the
firmed dead had risen to 162. Java. The injured, including in Cianjur were looking for “The United States is proud leaders of the Group of 20 While Indonesia and China Himalayan nation.
“The majority of those who children, were given oxygen people buried in collapsed brick to partner with you as we work economies met on Indonesia's enjoy generally positive ties, The Rastriya Swatantra
died were children," he said. masks and IV lines and were homes. In many homes, chunks together to advance our shared resort island of Bali. In a dec- Jakarta has expressed concern Party (RSP) is floated by Rabi
Many were public school being resuscitated. of concrete and roof tiles fell vision of a free and open Indo- laration, most strongly con- about Chinese encroachment on Lamichhane, a 48-year-old for- Prajatantra Party has the lead in
students who had finished their “I fainted. It was very inside bedrooms. Pacific,” Austin said. demned the war in Ukraine and its exclusive economic zone in mer television personality, who 5 constituencies and CPN-
regular classes for the day and strong," said Hasan, a construc- Shopkeeper Dewi Risma But Subianto stressed warned that the conflict is the South China Sea, which shot to fame while attempting to Maoist Centre in 4 constituen-
were taking extra lessons at tion worker who, like many was working with customers Indonesia's neutral stance. making an already delicate China claims virtually in its set the Guinness world record cies respectively.
Islamic schools, he said. Indonesians, uses one name. when the quake hit, and she ran “I like to emphasise that world economy worse. entirety. for hosting the longest-ever Similarly, CPN-Unified
Cianjur is known for having “I saw my friends running for the exit. “The vehicles on the Indonesia always takes the posi- “We are meeting as the Subianto said Indonesia sees marathon talk show in 2013. Socialist is leading in 4 con-
a large number of Islamic board- to escape from the building. But road stopped because the quake tion of trying to maintain the world is grappling with assaults China as a friendly nation, and The RSP is currently lead- stituencies, followed by Janamat
ing schools and mosques. "So it was too late to get out and I was very strong," she said. "I felt best relationships with all on the rules-based internation- the two countries have ways to ing in three constituencies in Party in 2 constituencies and
many incidents occurred at sev- was hit by the wall.” it shook three times, but the first nations, especially all the major al order, especially Russia's manage possible misunder- Kathmandu and one in Lalitpur Lokatantrik Samajwadi Party
eral Islamic schools,” Kamil said. Residents, some crying and one was the strongest one for powers,” Subianto said. unprovoked invasion against standings and differences of district. and Hamro Nepal Party in one
He said more than 13,000 holding children, fled damaged around 10 seconds. The roof of Austin arrived in Jakarta late Ukraine,” Austin said, “And it's opinion in disputes over terri- The ruling Nepali Congress constituency each.
people whose homes had been homes after the magnitude 5.6 the shop next to the store I work Sunday from a visit to Canada's especially vital now that more torial waters. (NC), which has so far won in “The bell is ringing against
heavily damaged were being quake shook the region in West in had collapsed, and people said Halifax city where he spoke like-minded countries come “We consider that we will be one constituency, is leading in 32 larger parties,” read a social
taken to evacuation centres. Java province in the late after- two had been hit.”The National about US efforts to build a together to uphold our shared able to resolve them with dia- constituencies, while CPN-UML media post, in reference to the
Emergency workers treated noon, at a depth of 10 kilome- Disaster Mitigation Agency said more resilient security architec- principles, including the rule of logue,” Subianto said, “However, led by former prime minister K bell, which is RSP's election
the injured on stretchers and ters. It also caused panic in the that the death toll reached 62 ture with allies and partners law.” we do emphasise that Indonesia P Sharma Oli is leading in 17 symbol. The RSP's impressive
blankets outside hospitals, on greater Jakarta area, where high- and hundreds were injured. across the Indo-Pacific and He applauded Indonesia for will defend its sovereignty and constituencies. performance is a wake-up call
terraces and in parking lots in rises swayed and some people More than 5,000 people are Europe at the Halifax Inter- its vote at the UN General we will defend our indepen- RSP is leading in 7 con- for larger parties like NC and the
the Cianjur region, about three evacuated. being evacuated. national Security Forum. Assembly earlier this year con- dence.” stituencies, while the Rastriya CPN-UML, observers said.

0?Q <0=8;0 China denied there was a another nation's military con- a statement.
forcible seizure and said the stitutes a more brazen act. The Chinese coast guard
hina's coast guard forcibly debris, which it confirmed was Carlos said the Filipino vessel then deployed an inflat-
C seized apparent Chinese
rocket debris that was being
from a Chinese rocket launch,
was handed over by Philippine
sailors, using a long-range cam-
era on Thitu island, spotted the
able boat with personnel who
“forcefully retrieved said float-
towed by the Philippine navy, in forces after a “friendly consul- debris drifting in strong waves ing object by cutting the towing
the latest confrontation in the tation.” It was the latest flareup near a sandbar about 800 yards line" attached to the Filipino
disputed South China Sea, a in long-seething territorial dis- (540 metres) off shore. They set sailors' rubber boat. The sailors
Philippine military commander putes in the strategic waterway out on a boat and retrieved the decided to return to their island,
said on Monday. involving China, the Philippines, floating object and started to tow Carlos said, without detailing
The Chinese vessel twice Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and it back to the island. what happened. Maj. Cherryl
:daSXbW\X[XcP]cbUXaTPc blocked the Philippine naval
boat before seizing the debris it
Chinese coast guard ships
As they were travelling back
to the island, “they noticed that
Tindog, spokesperson of the
military's Western Command,

was towing on Sunday off Phili- have blocked Philippine supply a China coast guard vessel with said the floating metal object
ppine-occupied Thitu island, boats delivering supplies to bow number 5203 was approa- appeared similar to a number of
Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos Filipino forces in the disputed ching their location and subse- other pieces of Chinese rocket
0?Q 0=:0A0CDA:4H town of Kobani, according to said. He said no one was injured waters in the past but seizing quently blocked their pre-plot- debris recently found in
Rami Abdurrahman, who heads in the incident. objects in the possession of ted course twice,” Carlos said in Philippine waters.
uspected Kurdish militants in the Britain-based Syrian
Syria fired rockets across the Observatory for Human Rights,
into Turkey on Monday,
killing at least three people and
wounding 10 others, officials
an opposition war monitor. He
added that Turkish troops retal-
iated by firing toward SDF posi-
said. The attack followed dead-
ly airstrikes by Turkey on
suspected militants targets in
tions on the Syrian side of the
border but there was no word on
casualties yet.
Syria and Iraq. While Kurdish-led forces in 0?Q 0BC0=0 When Tokayev became
The rockets struck a high Syria have not commented nor president in 2019 following the
school and two houses in the claimed responsibility for the azakh President Kassym- resignation of Nursultan
town of Karkamis, in Gaziantep
province, as well as a truck
attacks, the Syrian Democratic
Forces in a statement on
K Jomart Tokayev easily won
a new seven-year term in a snap
Nazarbayev, he was widely
expected to continue the
near a Turkish-Syria border Monday vowed to respond to election in which the second authoritarian course of the man
gate, the state-run Anadolu Turkish airstrikes “effectively biggest choice by voters was to who had led the resource-rich
Agency reported. and efficiently at the right time reject all six candidates, the country since it gained inde-
Interior Minister Suleyman and place." country's central elections com- pendence from the Soviet
Soylu said the dead include a The rocket attacks came mission said on Monday. Union.
teacher and a child. One of the days after Turkey launched Tokayev received more than Nazarbayev remained high-
rockets landed on the grounds deadly airstrikes over northern 81 per cent of the votes in ly influential as head of the
of a high school but there were regions of Syria and Iraq, tar- Sunday's election, according to national security council, and
no fatalities there. geting Kurdish groups that elections commission chair- the capital was renamed Nur-
A soldier and seven police Ankara holds responsible for a man Nurlan Abdirov. Five can- Sultan in his honour.
officers were wounded overnight November 13 bomb attack in didates were on the ballot nant regional power Russia. Then a wave of violence
in separate shelling by suspect- Istanbul. against Tokayev. Nearly 6 per He pointedly said the coun- arose in January, when provin-
ed Kurdish militants that tar- The bomb rocked a bustling cent of voters chose the “against try did not recognise the cial protests initially sparked by
geted a border area in nearby avenue in the heart of Istanbul all” option. Ukrainian regions that Russia a fuel price hike engulfed other
Kilis, Soylu said. on November 13, killing six peo- With a short campaign declared to be sovereign states cities, notably the commercial
Turkey would respond to ple and wounding over 80 oth- period that began in late at the outset of the conflict that capital, Almaty, and became
the attacks “in the strongest way ers. October, candidates had little began in February. Kazakhstan overtly political as demonstra-
possible,” the minister said. Turkish authorities blamed opportunity to mount signifi- has also taken in hundreds of tors shouted “Old man out!” in
The Kurdish-led Syrian the attack on the PKK and its cant challenges. thousands of Russians who fled reference to Nazarbayev.
Democratic Forces opened fire Syrian affiliate the YPG. The Tokayev has taken steps to after President Vladimir Putin More than 220 people,
toward Karkamis from its posi- Kurdish militant groups have, keep Kazakhstan's distance issued a conscription order in mostly protesters, died as police
tions near the Syrian border however, denied involvement. from longtime ally and domi- September. harshly put down the unrest.

5^da=T_P[TbT 7e^]U^QddQS[ ?PZ´bB2^aSTabaT[TPbT

_^[XRT\T]^] =UhYS_`_\YSU ^U\P]fW^X]!"caXTS
T[TRcX^]Sdch cdQdY_^+cUfUbQ\
ZX[[TSX]PRRXST]c 8B;0<0103

?C8Q :0C7<0=3D akistan's Supreme Court on Monday

our Nepal police personnel

P ordered the release of a man, who tried
to assassinate the then military ruler General
F who were on election duty
were killed and eight others
(retd) Pervez Musharraf in 2003, after the
convict spent 20 years in jail — six years more
injured on Monday when a jeep
carrying them skidded off the
than the original sentencing of 14-years.
Rana Tanveer was sentenced to life
road in Sudurpashchim pro- imprisonment in 2005 by a military court in 0?Q 4A18;8A0@
vince, police said. 0?Q <4G82>28CH connection with the 2003 Rawalpindi pump
The jeep fell some 300 attack case, Geo News reported. ran said Monday that its latest strikes on
metres down the hilly road at
Ningladi stream in Baitadi dis- G unmen opened fire on a
police station in the north-
Tanveer was arrested on December 31,
2003 in connection with the assassination
Kurdish opposition bases in northern Iraq were
to protect the country's borders, while
trict when it was returning to central state of Guanajuato attempt on Musharraf, who narrowly Kurdish officials condemned the missile and
duty after handing over ballot Sunday, and several people were escaped two back-to-back bomb and gun drone attacks as unprovoked aggression.
boxes to the district headquar- killed when police returned fire. attacks on his convoy in the garrison city of Iran's strike late Sunday killed a member of the
ters, according to the police. Police in the city of Celaya Rawalpindi. Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, said
Three policemen died on said that several attackers had A three-member bench headed by Justice Mohammed Nazif Qaderi, a senior official in the
the spot while another one suc- been killed, but did not give an Sardar Tariq Masood ordered Tanveer's Kurdish Iranian group exiled in Iraq.
cumbed to injuries while under- exact number. The attack occur- release while hearing the case of the non- The group said Iranian surface-to-surface mis-
going treatment, the police said. red in a town on the outskirts of release of the convict despite the completion siles and drones hit its bases and adjacent refugee
Eight other policemen were the city. of his sentence, Geo TV reported. camps in Koya and Jejnikan. The group also assert-
injured, with two of them still in Celaya police chief Jesús During the hearing, Tanveer's lawyer ed that the strikes had hit a hospital in Koya.
critical condition. Rivera said three police officers Hashmat Habib said his client was still not The Iranian strikes come in the wake of a visit
Chief District Officer Suresh had been wounded, but their being released even after the completion of to Baghdad last week by Iran's Quds Force com-
Panthi said a helicopter of the injuries did not appear to be life- his sentence. "The term of life imprisonment mander Esmail Ghaani. During the visit, Ghaani
Nepal Army airlifted the injured threatening. is 14 years and my client has been in prison threatened Iraq with a ground military operation
personnel to Kohalpur for treat- Guanajuato has the highest for almost 20 years," said Habib. in the country's north if the Iraqi army does not
ment. number of homicides of any of The top court also rejected the federal fortify the countries' shared border against Kurdish
Panthi added that the acci- Mexico's 32 states. The state has and Punjab governments' pleas against opposition groups, Iraqi and Kurdish officials said.
dent might have occurred due to been the scene of a years-long Tanveer's release and ordered the jail author- Some Kurdish groups have been engaged in a
sleepy driver busy in ferrying turf battle between the Jalisco ities to set him free. low-intensity conflict with Tehran since the 1979
ballot boxes throughout the cartel, and local gangs support- Habib said he hoped Tanveer would be Iranian Islamic Revolution, with many members
night, the Himalayan Times ed by its arch-rival, the Sinaloa freed under Monday's order from the seeking political exile in neighbouring Iraq where
reported. cartel. Supreme Court. they have established bases.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!!

3fUXVe^fdeW`Tfd`_[`S 0DUNHWVIDOOIRUUG 0SP]XVa^d_´bC#("Ra^_T]^UUTa

GD\6HQVH[1LIW\ U^a=3CEc^bcPacUa^\c^\^aa^f
TcVReZ`_+:_UZR:_Te`7> GHFOLQHQHDUO\ ?C8Q =4F34;78 Media Networks and Adani
Enterprises Ltd had proposed
?C8 Q =4F34;78 dani group’s open offer to to acquire an additional 26 per

he Budget should focus on

?C8Q <D<108 A acquire an additional 26
per cent stake in the media firm
cent or 1.67 crore equity shares
at an offer price of Rs 294 per
T measures to accelerate job
creation and broaden the tax M arket benchmarks fell for
the third day running on
New Delhi Television (NDTV)
from the market would start
If fully subscribed, the
base by rationalising GST and Monday and ended nearly 1 from Tuesday. open offer will amount to Rs
personal income tax slabs to per cent lower amid weak The offer, for which a price 492.81 crore at a price of Rs 294
boost consumption, industry trend in global equities. band of Rs 294 per share has per share.
bodies said in their pre-Budget The 30-share BSE Sensex been fixed, will open on ago in exchange for warrants “The decision to acquire
meeting with finance minister declined 518.64 points or 0.84 November 22 and closes on that allowed the company to NDTV was arrived at in fur-
Nirmala Sitharaman on per cent to settle at 61,144.84. December 5, said a notice by acquire a stake of 29.18 per cent therance of the Adani Group’s
Monday. During the day, it tumbled JM Financial, the firm manag- in the newsgroup at any time. objective to set up a credible
“The external scenario is 604.15 points or 0.97 per cent ing the offer on behalf of Adani Post that, VCPL - the firm next-generation media plat-
likely to continue to be to 61,059.33. Group firms. that the Adani group bought form with an emphasis on dig-
unfavourable for some time. 5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa=Xa\P[PBXcWPaP\P]RWPXabWTaUXabc_aTQdSVTc!!"R^]bd[cPcX^] The broader NSE Nifty fell Markets regulator Sebi on out - announced that it would ital and broadcast segments,
Hence, we must broad-base our fXcWcWTUXabcVa^d_^URP_cPX]bUa^\X]SdbcahP]STg_Tacb^UX]UaPbcadRcdaTP]S 147.70 points or 0.81 per cent November 7 granted its launch an open offer on and that NDTV is a suitable
domestic economy by creating R[X\PcTRWP]VTX]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh ?C8 to end at 18,159.95. approval to the proposed Rs October 17 to buy an addi- broadcast and digital platform
new sectors of growth and dri- From the Sensex pack, 492.81 crore-open offer. tional 26 per cent stake from to deliver on this vision,” Adani
ving employment generation to employment guarantee scheme to enhance consumption, Reliance Industries, HDFC, “The sharp decline in The conglomerate, run by minority shareholders of Enterprises had said in a reg-
boost domestic demand, inclu- and initiate a pilot in metro increase capacity utilisation in Tata Consultancy Services, crude prices is a huge positive India’s richest man Gautam NDTV. However, the offer was ulatory filing in October.
sion, and growth,” CII president cities first in this Budget. factories, boost job creation, Tech Mahindra, Infosys, Bajaj for the domestic economy. Adani, in August acquired a lit- delayed since Sebi had not On Monday, shares of
Sanjiv Bajaj said. “Going forward, to provide improve quality of social infra- Finance, Wipro and Tata Steel However, the market did not tle-known company that lent given its approval to the open NDTV closed at Rs 382.20 on
The Confederation of tax certainty to businesses, the structure, and accelerate India’s were the major laggards. respond favourably due to over Rs 400 crore to NDTV’s offer. BSE, down 5 per cent, touch-
Indian Industry (CII) was part corporate tax rates should be economic growth. Bharti Airtel, Axis Bank, stronger headwinds from the founders more than a decade VCPL along with AMG ing a lower circuit.
of the virtual pre-Budget meet- maintained at the current lev- “The Union Budget 2023- IndusInd Bank, Hindustan global market. The prospect of
ing which was called for an els. 24 is being presented at a cru- Unilever and Power Grid were a prolonged tightening cycle by
aggressive focus on privatisa-
tion of public sector units and
“Further simplification,
rationalisation, ease of paying
cial juncture of geo-political
uncertainties, high inflation
among the winners.
Elsewhere in Asia, markets
the US Federal Reserve and the
Chinese Covid restrictions 2aXbX[[^fTab5H!"Va^fcWQh" DZeYRcR^R_e`
increasing allocation to capital
expenditure with focus on an
taxes, and reducing tax litiga-
tion should be key priorities,”
and slowing world economic
growth. At this juncture, cali-
in Seoul, Shanghai and Hong
Kong ended lower, while Tokyo
affected the world market,”
said Vinod Nair, Head of Q_bc^&*8RaPb[PbWTb@!63? ^VVeDeReV7>d
investment led growth strategy
to pump India’s economy
the CII president said.
Industry body PHDCCI
brated steps to enhance domes-
tic sources of growth would be
settled higher.
Equity exchanges in
Research at Geojit Financial
Services. c^WP[U^U[PbcUXbRP[Pc%$ W`cacVSfUXVe
amidst the global uncertainty. also submitted its suggestions crucial to maintain the steady Europe were trading in the neg- “Nifty continued its down
To boost job creation, CII
suggested that an employment
for the Budget to the finance
minister virtually on Monday.
economic growth trajectory,”
said Saket Dalmia, president,
ative territory in the afternoon
trade. Wall Street had ended
move for the third consecutive
day. Investors globally fretted
?C8 Q <D<108
linked incentive scheme be
introduced and the govern-
It suggested a five-pronged
strategy to revitalise the private
PHD Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (PHDCCI), in a
higher on Friday.
International oil bench-
about the economic fallout
from fresh COVID-19 restric- R ating agencies Crisil and
Icra on Monday revised 7cZURj
ment could consider an urban investments through measures statement. mark Brent crude was trading tions in China...,” said Deepak down their India growth pro-
0.91 per cent lower at USD Jasani, Head of Retail Research, jections for the current fiscal ?C8Q =4F34;78
86.82 per barrel. HDFC Securities. and the second quarter main-

³8]SXP´bU^^SbTaeXRT 8`]UUVT]Z_Vd
Foreign Institutional
Investors (FIIs) offloaded
shares worth Rs 751.20 crore
In the broader market, the
BSE midcap gauge dipped 0.15
per cent and smallcap index
ly due to the ripple effect of
slowdown in global growth
and mixed crop output.
F inance Minister Nirmala
Sitharaman will hold pre-
budget consultations with her

on Friday, as per exchange climbed marginally by 0.01 Crisil downgraded the state counterparts on Friday.
data. per cent. India growth forecast by 30 bps oil merchandise exports, which The meeting is part of the
Uc`adC&*% to 7 per cent while Icra pegged
the economic expansion at 6.5
whittled down the gains from
robust demand for contact-
customary meetings that the
minister undertakes with stake-

&(%$Q]Qh!!'´ ?C8Q
Be`UUVQ\\c'`QYcU per cent for the second quar-
ter of FY2022-23.
“We have revised down
intensive services, healthy cap-
ital spending by government
and pre-festive season stocking
holders before the presentation
of the Union Budget on
February 1.

?C8 Q =4F34;78 CAGR of 11.19 per cent and G o l d

d_S\_cUQd(!(! our forecast for real gross
domestic product growth to 7
per cent for fiscal 2023 from 7.3
of goods.
She also said, however,
GDP growth over the pre-
The pre-budget meeting
with state finance ministers will
be held in New Delhi on

reach USD 79.65 billion by in the per cent, primarily because of Covid levels is expected to November 25, an official said.
ndia’s food service market is 2028,” it said. national the slowdown in global growth double to around 8 per cent in Sitharaman on Monday
expected to reach USD 79.65
by 2028, growing at a
It further said that the
country’s quick service restau-
declined Rs 408 to Rs 52,847
that has started to impact our
exports and industrial activity.
Q2 relative to 3.8 per cent seen
in the previous quarter. The
began consultation to seek sug-
gestions for the Budget 2023-
CAGR of 11.19 per cent from rants (QSR) market is estimat- per 10 grams on Monday amid ?C8Q <D<108 This will test the resilience of agency estimates the sectoral 24 with industry captains and
USD 41.1 billion in 2022, ed to be USD 690.21 million in a fall in prices of precious domestic demand,” Crisil chief growth in Q2 to be driven by experts from infrastructure
according to a report. 2022 and is expected to reach metal in overseas markets, he rupee depreciated 7 paise to close at 81.81 (provisional) economist Dharmakirti Joshi the services sector (9.4 per and climate change.
Despite over 20 lakh jobs
lost during the peak of the
USD 1069.3 million by 2027,
growing at a CAGR of 9.15 per
according to HDFC Securities.
In the previous trade, the
T against the US dollar on Monday, tracking the strength of
the American currency in the overseas markets and a muted trend
said in a note.
Aditi Nayar, his counter-
cent), with a subdued trend
foreseen for the industry (2 per
On November 22, the min-
ister will meet the agriculture
COVID-19 pandemic, the cent. Over FY20-25, the QSR yellow metal had settled at Rs in domestic equities. At the interbank foreign exchange market, part at Icra, in her report pen- cent), and agriculture, forestry and agro-processing industry,
industry is expected to reach chain market is estimated to be 53,255 per 10 grams. the local unit opened at 81.84 and later witnessed an intraday cilled a 6.5 per cent growth in and fishing (2.5 per cent). representatives from the finan-
employment figures of 1 crore the highest-growing sub-seg- Silver also dropped by Rs high of 81.74 and a low of 81.91 during the session. Q2 of the current fiscal, near- Joshi said he is paring cial sector and capital market.
by 2025, as per the Food ment -- at 23 per cent CAGR - 594 to Rs 61,075 per kilo- The domestic unit finally settled at 81.81 against the American ly half of the year-ago quarter growth forecast only by 30 bps She will also be meeting the
Ser vice and Restaurant - in the entire food service mar- gram. In the international mar- currency, registering a fall of 7 paise over its last close. when the economy had clipped as domestic demand still representatives of the services
Business Report 2022-23, by ket, not just the chain market. ket, gold was trading in red at On Friday, the rupee depreciated 10 paise to close at 81.74 at 12.7 per cent, but which is remains supportive, helped by sector and trade bodies, besides
Francorp and restauranti- This will be on the back of USD 1,745.5 per ounce while against the US currency. The rupee depreciated on weak domes- still a tad higher than the mon- a catch-up in contact-based experts from the social sector,
ndia.In. large food service chains such silver was down at USD 20.83 tic markets and a strong dollar. FII outflows put downside pres- etar y policy committee’s services, government capex, including health, education,
The restaurants and food as McDonald’s, Burger King, per ounce. sure on the rupee, said Anuj Choudhary - Research Analyst at September forecast of 6.3 per relatively accommodative water and sanitation, on
service market in the country and Domino’s, among others, “COMEX gold edged Sharekhan by BNP Paribas. The US dollar gained amid hawk- cent and at 6.5 per cent in gross financial conditions, and over- November 24, in virtual mode.
is divided into two segments deepening their reach in India’s lower in Asia as a gauge of the ish tone by most Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) mem- value added (GVA) less than all normal monsoons for the The budget for the next
with the unorganised segment smaller cities and benefiting dollar index gained. Market bers and concerns over rising COVID-19 cases in China, which half of 13.5 per cent a year ago. fourth time in a row. year will have to address criti-
accounting for the major share, from a younger demographic. participants are waiting for dimmed hopes of reopening in China. Economic data from the She attributed the lower But Joshi warned that the cal issues of high inflation,
the report said, adding that the The report pointed out fresh clues about the course of US remained mixed. The US existing home sales declined to 4.43 numbers to the mixed crop ripple effect of the global slow- boosting demand, job creation
organised sector also grew at a that the annual spending of the Federal Reserve’s monetary million in October from 4.71 million in September but topped output trends revealed by the down will be felt more next fis- and putting the economy on a
strong rate between 2014 and middle class households on policy tightening path after estimates of 4.41 million. “We expect the rupee to trade with a advance estimates of kharif cal, which will put domestic sustained 8 per cent-plus
2020. fast food restaurants in India’s the previous week’s hawkish negative bias on strength in the US Dollar amid risk aversion in production, adverse input cost demand under pressure as growth path.
“India’s food service mar- Tier II and III cities has grown comment from Fed members,” global markets. However, weak crude oil prices may support the movements for certain sectors interest rate hikes get trans- It will be the fifth budget of
ket is anticipated to project by 108 per cent in the last two said Dilip Parmar, Research rupee at lower levels. Traders may remain cautious ahead of the with a higher fuel intensity, as mitted more to consumers, Sitharaman and the last full
robust growth in the forecast years, from Rs 2,500 to Rs Analyst at HDFC Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting minutes later well as the impact of the flag- and the catch-up in contact- budget before the general elec-
period with an impressive 5,400. Securities. this week,” Choudhary said. ging external demand on non- based services fades. tions slated for April-May 2024.

3^20XbbdTbVdXST[X]Tbc^RdaQUPZTaTeXTfb :Y_WUdc>3<DQ``b_fQ\d_ $(!T`de`eR\V ²AT\^eP[^UTg_^ac

aRceZ_µA`f]ecj SdchfX[[[TPSc^
QSaeYbUBU\YQ^SU9^VbQdU\ :_UZR6ia`¶ ]TfTaP^UVa^fcW
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q formulated a new standard ‘IS standards. Industry bodies like tinues on the online
=4F34;78 19000:2022’ for Online
Consumer Reviews —
CII, FICCI, Assocham,
Nasscom, ASCI, NRAI and
The standards will be
?C8Q <D<108
Wc`^?`g#$ U^abcTT[X]Sdbcah³
he Department of Principles and Requirement CAIT were also consulted applicable to any organisation he National Company Law
T Consumer Affairs (DoCA),
under the Ministr y of
for their Collection,
Moderation and Publication’.
while formulating the stan-
which publishes consumer
reviews online, including sup-
T Tribunal (NCLT) on
Monday gave its approval to Jio
?C8 Q 7H34A0103

Consumer Affairs, on Monday Consumers should not be Under the guidelines, plat- pliers of products and services for the acquisition of Reliance round 370 companies,
issued guidelines to curb fake
and deceptive reviews on e-
allowed to edit their reviews
and use foul language.
forms will be required to set up
review administrators to mod-
that collect reviews from their
own customers, a third party
Infratel (RITL).
The tribunal asked Jio to
A including 50 foreign firms,
will participate in ‘Poultry
commerce platforms. However, the government erate reviews using automated contracted by the supplier or an deposit Rs 3,720 crore in the India Expo’, touted as South
As per the guidelines, e- has barred publication of tools or manually to filter out independent third party. State Bank of India (SBI) Asia’s biggest poultry event, to
commerce players like Amazon reviews that “have been pur- biases and restrict fraudulent Singh said the BIS will escrow account to complete the be held here for three days from
and Flipkart will have to vol- chased and/or written by indi- reviews. The reviews should come out with a certification acquisition of RCOM’s tower November 23.
untarily disclose all paid con- viduals employed for that pur- also include the publishing process within the next 15 and fibre assets. in November 2019 to acquire Indian Poultry Equipment ?C8 Q =4F34;78
sumer reviews of products and pose by the supplier or third date and star rating, the guide- days to check whether an On November 6, Jio had tower and fibre asset of debt- Manufacturers Association
services offered on their plat- party concerned”. lines said organisation is complying with proposed to deposit Rs 3,720 ridden subsidiar y of his (IPEMA) president emoval of export duty on
forms, with the government
bringing in new norms to curb
The secretary said that
companies like Zomato,
The BIS standards, pre-
pared after extensive stake-
these standards. E-commerce
players can apply for the certi-
crore in an escrow account to
complete the acquisition of
younger brother Anil Ambani-
managed firm Reliance
Chakradhar Rao Potluri on
Monday said the companies
R steel products will lead to a
new era of growth for the
fake reviews and help buyers Swiggy, Reliance Retail, Tata holder consultations and to be fication of this standard with Reliance Infratel which is Communications. would showcase their products, domestic steel industry which
make informed decisions. Sons, Amazon, Flipkart, effective from November 25, the BSI. undergoing an insolvency res- The Committee of including feed, medicine, has gained footprint interna-
Union Consumer Affairs Google, Meta, Mesho, Blinkit will be voluntary but the gov- “We are probably the first olution process. Creditors has already approved equipment and their best farm- tionally, Union minister
Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh and Zepto were part of the con- ernment will consider making country in the world to for- Billionaire Mukesh the resolution plan by Jio on ing practices during the event Jyotiraditya Scindia said on
on Monday said the Bureau of sultation process and they have them mandatory in case the mulate standard for online Dhirubhai Ambani-led Jio March 4, 2020 with a 100 per which is being held after a gap Monday.
Indian Standards (BIS) has assured compliance with these menace of fake reviews con- reviews,” Singh said. placed a bid of Rs 3,720 crore cent vote. of three years. It has taken years for the
domestic steel industry to gain
footprint in the international
1DB8=4BB1A845 9^TYQY]`_bdc"#$\Q[X ³0eTaPVTW^dbX]V_aXRTbd_Qh$X]' markets, the steel minister said
at the 3rd Indian Steel
Association (ISA) conference
=Tf3T[WX) 885;5X]P]RT^]T^U here.
8]SXP³b[PaVTbc]^]QP]ZX]VUX]P]RXP[ The government has cut
R^\_P]XTbWPb[Pd]RWTS²6^[S;^P] ?C8Q =4F34;78 the export duty on steel prod-
<T[P1d\_Ta3WP\PZP³Ua^\ ?C8Q =4F34;78 ±C74F4867C430E4A064?A824B>5 ucts and iron ore to nil with
=^eT\QTa $!!!c^3TRT\QTa"  verage housing prices appreciated nearly 5 A4B834=C80;?A>?4AC84B8=?A8<0AH effect from November 19, 2022
QXZTbb\Pac_W^]TP]SPbbdaTSVXUcbU^aTPRWRdbc^\TafW^cPZTb T he country imported 23.4
lakh tonne of fertilisers,
A per cent across eight major cities in the first
nine months of this year on account of rise in
-- six months after imposition
of the levy on May 21.
V^[S[^P]Ua^\885;5X]P]RT³b!#QaP]RWTbPRa^bb8]SXPBPdaPQW including urea and Di-ammo- input costs and a strong revival in demand, C744=3>5B4?C4<14A@D0AC4A0B “It has taken if not months
:d\Pa1dbX]Tbb7TPS6^[S;^P]b885;5X]P]RTbPXS°885;6^[S nium Phosphate (DAP), in according to property brokerage firm 0608=BCC%"%$?4AB@D0A4 then years for our industry to
;^P]aT\PX]b^]T^UcWT\^bc_aTUTaaTSV^[S[^P]QaP]SbX]8]SXP October this year, according to production of fertilisers was PropTiger.Com. 544C0CC744=3>5C743424<14A be able to to firmly plant its
fXcWeTahWXVWRdbc^\Ta[^hP[chC^bW^f^daVaPcXcdSTfTWPeT official data. 36.19 lakh tonne in October, The weighted average prices of residential @D0AC4A² footprint internationally... (On)
[Pd]RWTS²6^[S;^P]3WP\PZP³^UUTabfWTaTVXUcbf^acWRa^aTbPaT Out of the total fertiliser lower than the target of 41.54 properties in primary markets across eight cities steel product, the duty has
d_U^aVaPQb± imports, DAP was maximum at lakh tonne set for the month. stood at Rs 6,600-6,800 per square feet at the end “We are witnessing a modest price increase been removed completely from
14.70 lakh tonne, followed by Against the assessed of September quarter, as against Rs 6,300-6,500 in the primary housing market. This is mainly Friday evening enabling a new
4E48D<C>B4CD?>E4A B7>FA>><B8=8=380 urea at 4.60 lakh tonne, Muriate requirement of 71.47 lakh per square feet at the end of the December quar- because of the sharp rise in prices of key raw era for the steel industry to
<d\QPX) 4[TRcaXRcf^fWTT[Ta\PZTa4ETXd\bPXS^]<^]SPhXc_[P]b of Potash (MoP) at 2.36 lakh tonne fertilisers for October, ter, PropTiger.Com said in a statement. materials like cement and steel,” the company’s grow,” he said.
c^bTcd_\^aTcWP] bW^fa^^\bX]cWTR^d]cahQh3TRT\QTa tonne and complexes at 1.70 the availability was less at 64.28 REA India, part of Australia’s REA Group Group CFO Vikas Wadhawan said. Apart from The decision was taken
]TgchTPaCWTR^\_P]hRdaaT]c[hWPb STP[TabWX_bPRa^bb lakh tonne in the said month, lakh tonne, and sales stood at and US-based News Corp, owns three real estate rising input costs, he said a strong revival in very judiciously after taking all
<PWPaPbWcaP0]SWaP?aPSTbW:TaP[PCT[P]VP]PP]S:Pa]PcPZP the data showed. 53.34 lakh tonne during the portals -- Housing.Com, PropTiger and demand after the second wave of the Covid pan- stakeholders’ concerns into
P\^]V^cWTa[^RPcX^]b Meanwhile, the domestic period, as per the data. Makaan.Com. demic has put an upward pressure on prices. account.

0?Q 3>70
ngland made a scintillating

E start to their World Cup

campaign as Bukayo Saka
and Jude Bellingham inspired a
6-2 rout of outclassed Iran in
Monday's Group B opener in
Saka and Bellingham were
England's driving forces with
dynamic displays that under-
lined their emergence as two of
the game's brightest young stars.
Bellingham, 19, shattered
Iran's hopes of frustrating
England when he rose to head
his maiden senior internation-
al goal in the first half. 0?Q 3>70 what I said. And then it became
Gareth Southgate's side were another controversy at your
in sparkling form at the Khalifa ristiano Ronaldo insisted end.
International Stadium and goals
from Saka and Raheem Sterling
C on Monday that his explo-
sive row with Manchester Uni-
"The whole atmosphere is
excellent, it's bulletproof and
put them in control before half ted would not impact Portugal's iron clad. The next player who
time. chances at the World Cup as comes here, you don't have to
Saka , netted again after the they prepare for their opening ask about that, don't talk about
interval and, although Mehdi match in Qatar with Ghana. me, you don't have to talk about
Taremi struck twice for Iran, Last week superstar Ron- Cristiano Ronaldo... help them
Marcus Rashford and Jack aldo lashed out at Premier Lea- out, ask them about the World
Grealish completed the demo- gue club United and the team's Cup."
lition. coach Erik ten Hag in a TV Portugal open their Group
There will be far sterner tests interview after being relegated to H campaign against Ghana on
to come for England as they bid a peripheral role this season. Thursday before facing Uruguay
to win their first major trophy on Friday and conclude their England were apparently unwill- Cup semi-finals in 2018 before finally being substituted. Owen. "I have no doubt that this and South Korea.
since the 1966 World Cup. Group B fixtures against Wales ing to take. losing to Italy in the Euro 2020 England eventually penned Eight minutes later another recent episode, that interview, After missing a friendly
But this was a welcome on November 29. The match also took place final, England are desperate to Iran deep inside their own half of England's gifted prodigies and other episodes with other with a stomach bug last week,
step in the right direction for Just hours before kick-off, against the background of tur- take the last step to silverware in and Bellingham delivered in doubled the lead. players that happen sometimes, Ronaldo says he is in perfect
Southgate, whose team arrived England revealed captain Harry moil in Iran after months of Doha. the 35th minute. Maguire headed down a can sometimes shake the play- shape to play.
in Qatar on a six-match winless Kane would not wear a rainbow- female-led demonstrations Southgate had urged his Sterling found Luke Shaw corner and Arsenal forward er but won't shake the team," "I feel great, I have recovered
run that triggered scathing criti- themed 'One Love' armband sparked by the death in custody team "play on the front foot" and on the left flank and his cross Saka swivelled to lash a superb Ronaldo said at a press confer- my best shape, we've had good
cism of the Three Lions boss and after the Football Association of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old they responded in style, after ini- was perfectly weighted for left-foot finish into the top cor- ence at the Portugal camp. training sessions, the team and
his perceived negative tactics. and several other European woman of Kurdish origin who tially finding their rhythm dis- Bellingham, who looped a fine ner. Sterling put the result Ronaldo, who is set to start myself, I'm ready to start the
The only concern for countries dropped their cam- was arrested by the morality rupted by a long delay when Iran header into the far corner. beyond doubt with his first goal his fifth and likely final World World Cup in the best possible
Southgate was the sight of Harry paign in support of LGBTQ police in Tehran. goalkeeper Alireza Beiranvand Playing for Birmingham in at a World Cup in first-half stop- Cup, was suspended for the way," Ronaldo added.
Maguire being replaced in the rights. Iran's players refused to smashed into team-mate Majid the Championship just two years page time. Premier League club's 1-1 draw
second half after being checked Because the armband was sing their national anthem in Hosseini. Despite being in no ago, the Borussia Dortmund Bellingham fed Kane, whose at Chelsea after refusing to <4BB83410C4
for a potential head injury. not a FIFA-approved piece of kit, apparent support for anti-gov- state to continue amid fears of star's goal made him England's pin-point cross was volleyed come on as a substitute against Ronaldo, who made his
England play their second it was reported any player wear- ernment protesters. a concussion, the bloodied second youngest scorer at a home by Sterling with the out- Tottenham last month. Portugal debut in 2003, is poised
match against the United States ing it would be booked — a risk Having reached the World Beiranvand played on before World Cup behind Michael side of his boot. The 37-year-old claimed to appear at his fifth World Cup.
during the interview that he felt He is the all-time top goalscor-
"provoked" into that reaction by er in men's international football

;TfP]S^fbZX?^[P]S Ten Hag and on Monday was

unrepentant about giving the
with 117 strikes in 191 games.
The forward recently
appeared in a Louis Vuitton

aTPShc^UPRT<TgXR^ "I don't have to worry about

what others think, I talk when
I want to," he said.
advert alongside long-time rival,
Argentina striker Lionel Messi,
where the pair were pictured
0?Q 3>70 world, didn't even make the "Everybody in the team playing a game of chess.
2010 or 2014 World Cups and knows who I am, what I believe "I would like to be the play-
s Poland's all-time leading the team hasn't advanced to the in." er to checkmate Messi, it hap-
A scorer, Robert Lewando-
wski is still missing something
knockout round since 1986.
Poland's best finish was third
Ronaldo said frosty interac-
tion with his team-mate for
pened in the chess game and in
football it would be magic,"
from his collection: A goal at the place in West Germany in 1974 club and country Bruno Fernan- Ronaldo said with a smile.
World Cup. and in Spain in 1982. des, along with images of him Paris Saint-Germain for-
That could change on Lewandowski scored in the grabbing Manchester City's Joao ward Messi has won seven
Tuesday against Mexico, Pol- 2-0 playoff victory over Sweden Cancelo by the head, had been Ballon d'Or awards and many
and's opening opponent in in March, giving Poland a spot being overblown by the media. consider him to be the best play-
Group C. at the World Cup. He finished "In these final stages of er of all-time.
A prolific scorer who moved with nine goals in the qualifica- competitions there's always "Even if I win the World
to Barcelona after a successful tion campaign. those type of moments," said Cup that debate will continue,"
stint with Bayern Munich, Poland is coming off a 1-0 Ronaldo. said Ronaldo.
Lewandowski has 18 goals in all victory over Chile last week in "We were just playing "Some people like me more,

competitions this season. For a final warmup match before the around, I have a great relation- some people like me less, like in
Poland, he's scored 76 goals from opener against Mexico at ship with him. I was asking him, life, some like blondes, some like
134 appearances. Stadium 974. While third- because his plane was late, I brunettes. The World Cup will

At 34, the World Cup in from Jan Bednarek and Grze- ranked Argentina is the favorite asked him if he came by boat. always be a showcase.
Qatar may be Lewandowski's gorz Krychowiak, and the team to win Group C, which also "The same thing happened "But if you tell me you
last chance for a coveted goal in was eliminated from the group includes Saudi Arabia, Tuesday's with Cancelo, he was a bit sad won't win any more tourna-
football's biggest event. stage with losses to Senegal and match could be a good indica- during training and I grabbed ments in your career, I would
0?Q 3>70 Messi trained individually is eager to avoid again. Poland managed only two Colombia. tion of the second team that him by the neck and told him still be happy, given all I have
on Friday and Saturday because It's unlikely the Argentines goals four years ago in Russia, Poland, ranked No. 26 in the moves on to the knockout stage. 'Come on, you've got this', that's achieved."
ionel Messi begins his lega- of what the Argentina football will trip up this time. Copa
cy-defining World Cup with federation described as “mus- America champions in 2021 for
a game against likely the weak- cle overload.” That raises doubts their first major title in 28 years,
est opponent the Argentina over whether Messi will play a national-record unbeaten run
star will face in Qatar. the full 90 minutes against — one short of tying the world
On a 36-match unbeaten Saudi Arabia. record set by Italy from 2018- 0?Q 3>70 France struggled to beat enced player is Adrien Rabiot —
run, Argentina opens the group Not that he should be 21. Australia 2-1 when the teams Pogba's teammate at Italian club
stage on Tuesday against Saudi needed that long. Scaloni, Argentina's some- ven without the injured met in their World Cup opener Juventus — with 29 appearances.
Arabia — the second lowest-
ranked team at the tournament.
The Saudis might have
come through Asian qualifying
what accidental coach, has
turned his team into an
E Karim Benzema, defending
World Cup champion France
four years ago, and that was with
a full-strength midfield.
The 27-year-old Rabiot
finally feels ready to emerge as
It seems like an ideal relatively comfortably, but they extremely well-balanced unit has plenty of attacking power. France coach Didier Des- France's new midfield leader.
chance for Messi to push his tend to struggle on football's and back to being a major force Most teams would love to champs is missing the injured That's some turnaround for
international goals tally toward highest stage, reaching the last in world football. Where, many have either Kylian Mbappe, N'Golo Kante and Paul Pogba — Rabiot, who four years ago actu-
a century — he currently has 91 16 only once in their five believe, it belongs. Antoine Griezmann or Olivier his dynamic engine room from ally asked to be taken off the list
— in what's surely a forlorn appearances at the World Cup. Messi is obviously the star Giroud in their forward line, let 2018. Pogba has played 91 times of reserve players for the 2018
attempt to catch the leading They started the 2018 tour- at the center of everything and alone all three. They have 119 for France and one of his 11 World Cup. He was dropped for
men's mark of 117, owned by nament with a 5-0 loss to is looking to finally win the international goals between goals came in the 4-2 win over more than two years by
great rival Cristiano Ronaldo. Russia, the host nation. World Cup to boost his stand- them, plus an abundance of Croatia in the 2018 final. Deschamps, who called his deci-
How Argentina coach Then again, Argentina ing as arguably football's great- speed, craft, experience and While Pogba's form has sion "a huge mistake."
Lionel Scaloni treats Messi for opened that World Cup with a est ever player. skill. been up and down since then, Now Rabiot will likely line
this game in particular, being disappointing 1-1 draw with By playing against Saudi But France does not have Kante's consistency rarely ever up on the left of a midfield three
staged in the 80,000-seat Lusail tiny Iceland — in a match Arabia, Messi will become the the same assurances in midfield, dropped and he's arguably an win the ball and then release it and won't add to his 53 interna- at Al Janoub Stadium with 22-
Iconic Stadium, might be which saw Messi have a penal- first Argentine player to play in and that is where Australia even bigger loss. cleanly, Kante is one of the best tional appearances. year-old Aurelien Tchouameni
instructive given the captain's ty saved — that immediately five World Cups — one more could trouble Les Bleus on A tireless runner with an defensive midfielders in world So Deschamps faces in the center, and either Eduardo
fitness has been managed head- put pressure on the Albiceleste. than Diego Maradona and Tuesday in their opening Group incredible ability to close down football. But he's recovering Australia with a revamped mid- Camavainga or 23-year-old
ing into the World Cup. That's something the team Javier Mascherano. D match. space, surface from anywhere to from a hamstring operation field where the most experi- Matteo Guendouzi on the right.

4da^_TP]cTP\bbPhf^]cfTPa²>]T;^eTF2Pa\QP]S 4U^]Qb[]UUd1bQR^QdY_^De^YcYQ
0?Q 3>70 and Germany counterpart said he was "honoured" to join 0?Q 3>70 mourn migrant workers who
Manuel Neuer is designed as fellow World Cup captains in died building infrastructure for
ngland, Germany and five part of a campaign to promote donning the armband. hen Denmark meets the tournament.
E other European teams at the
World Cup on Monday aban-
The armbands had widely
"As captains we may all be
competing against each other on
W Tunisia in the World Cup
on Tuesday it will pit one of the
Denmark was also planning
on wearing the “One Love”
doned plans to wear a rainbow- been viewed as a symbolic the pitch, but we stand togeth- most outspoken critics of the anti-discrimination armband
themed armband in support of protest against laws in the World er against all forms of discrim- tournament being hosted by along with other European
LGBTQ rights, citing the threat Cup host nation Qatar, where ination," Kane said. Qatar against one of the four teams before the campaign was
of disciplinary action from FIFA. homosexuality is illegal. "This is even more relevant Arab nations competing. dropped when FIFA threatened
"FIFA has been very clear "As national federations, we at a time when division is com- The game at Education City to hand out yellow cards.
that it will impose sporting can't put our players in a posi- mon in society. Wearing the Stadium will also mark Christian “Imagine going on the pitch
sanctions if our captains wear tion where they could face armband together on behalf of Eriksen's return to a major tour- with a clear yellow card to start
the armbands on the field of sporting sanctions including our teams will send a clear nament after his cardiac arrest with. That is not possible and we
play," the seven teams said in a bookings, so we have asked the message when the world is at last year's European Cham- have to make sure that it's not up
joint statement. captains not to attempt to wear watching." Qatar's laws against pionship. to the players to make that
Under FIFA rules, players the armbands in FIFA World homosexuality have been long- Denmark has lofty goals fol- decision,” Denmark coach
wearing kit that is not authorised Cup games," the federations of running controversy in the lowing a semifinal appearance at Kasper Hjulmand said.
by football's world governing England, Wales, Belgium, build-up to the World Cup. Euro 2020 followed by a near- Tunisia coach Jalal Kadri
body could be shown a yellow Denmark, Germany, the Nether- against Senegal. Wales are also of the threat of sanction. Former Qatari internation- perfect qualifying campaign, also addressed the armband
card. If that player was then lands and Switzerland said. playing later Monday against the "We have the complete al and World Cup ambassador while Tunisia is seeking to issue.
shown a second yellow card, Monday's decision came United States. backing of the (German Football Khalid Salman sparked outrage advance from the group stage for “We are in an Arab country
they would be sent off. just hours before England were On Saturday, Germany's Association), we have no fear," earlier this month after calling the first time in its sixth World with Islam tradition. We have to
The "OneLove" armband due to kick off their World Cup veteran skipper Neuer insisted Neuer remarked. When the homosexuality "damage in the Cup appearance. Since arrival in respect the culture of other peo-
due to be worn by the likes of campaign Iran and the Nether- he planned to wear the "OneLove" initiative was mind" in an interview with Qatar, Denmark has been train- ple,” Kadri said in Arabic
England captain Harry Kane lands opened their tournament "OneLove" armband regardless announced in September, Kane German television. ing in kits that are all black to through an interpreter.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k=>E4<14A!!!!!
b_^acb !


?C8Q =0?84A chances only in the ODI series
to follow. Pandya is keen on hav-
spinner Kuldeep Yadav might
only get to play the ODIs.
cussions already and we will
have few more tomorrow before
drastic change in appro- ing more batters who can bowl Facing a must win scenario, the game around how to com-

A ach is need of the hour

for India but question
remains if the likes of Umran
in the playing eleven and
Deepak Hooda has given him
one option.
New Zealand will take the field
without their skipper Kane
Williamson who will miss the
bat him," said New Zealand head
coach Gary Stead.

Malik and Sanju Samson will be However, the biggest disap- game to due to a pre-arranged B@D03B
tested in third and final T20 pointment was the non-inclu- medical appointment. New Zealand: Finn Allen,
against New Zealand here on sion of Umran Malik in the first In his absence, the team will Michael Bracewell, Devon
Tuesday. game. It has been proved that rely even more on opener Finn Conway (wk), Lockie Ferguson,
India were expected to try there is a pressing needed for an Allen and Glenn Phillips down Daryl Mitchell, Adam Milne,
out a bunch of players after out and out pace bowler in T20 the order to put the opposition Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips,
another World Cup debacle but
if the team combination for the
second T20 was any indication,
cricket and the New Zealand
series is crucial to the develop-
ment of the Jammu and Kash-
under pressure.
The home bowlers leaked
way too many runs in the death
Mitchell Santner, Tim Southee
(c), Ish Sodhi, Blair Tickner,
Mark Chapman.
they seemed reluctant to start
with a clean slate.
Take out the individual bril-
mir-based tearaway pacer.
In Jasprit Bumrah's absence,
Malik, who played three T20s
overs and they will be looking to
correct that. New Zealand will
also have to find a way to stop
India: Hardik Pandya (c),
Rishabh Pant, Ishan Kishan,
Shubman Gill, Deepak Hooda,
liance of Suryakumar Yadav, earlier this year, should be expo- Surya, who is in the form of his Suryakumar Yadav, Shreyas Iyer, 0?Q 8B;0<0103 sistency," chief selector Moham-
the team would have struggled sed to the pressure of playing a life. Sanju Samson, Washington mad Wasim said on Monday.
to post 160 on Sunday, a grim top team and given a long run. "Suryakumar played an in Sundar, Yuzvendra Chahal, akistan has named uncapped "Abrar is in outstanding
reminder of its travails in the
World Cup Down Under.
Playing his first game in a
while, Yuzvendra Chahal
incredible innings out there.
Everyone watched in amaze-
Kuldeep Yadav, Harshal Patel,
Mohammed Siraj, Bhuvneshwar
P mystery spinner Abrar
Ahmed and fast bowler
form this season, so it does make
sense to make him available to
India's powerplay approach showed why he should be a reg- ment, some of the shots be Kumar, Arshdeep Singh, Umran Mohammad Ali in its 18-mem- (captain) Babar Azam so he can
has been a major concern. ular in the team but fellow wrist played. We have had a few dis- Malik. ber squad for next month's use the confidence and talent of
Rishabh Pant was tried at the top three-Test home series against this youngster in the upcoming

with Ishan Kishan in the second England. series."
game but the move did not The 24-year-old Ahmed is England will be arriving
work. Considering Pant's class, in top form in the ongoing later this week and will kick-off
one can expect him to fire in the domestic first-class tournament, the tour with the first Test at
series-decider. ?C8Q =0?84A where he has picked up 43 Rawalpindi from December 1.
Samson is another batter wickets at an impressive average Multan will host the second Test
who can make instant impact New Zealand skipper Kane of 21.95. from December 9-13 before
but the team did not start with Williamson will miss the third Ali has made his way into Karachi hosts the final Test
him. and final T20 against India to the Test squad after grabbing 56 from December 17-21.
Going by skipper Hardik attend a pre-arrange medical wickets in the last two domes- Two more uncapped
Pandya's post match comments, appointment. tic seasons and his tally of 24 bowlers — fast bowler Moham-
the management is unlikely to Mark Chapman has been wickets this season are the most mad Wasim and leg-spinner
make too many changes for the named as Williamson's replace- by any fast bowler in the tour- Zahid Mehmood – are also
third T20. India lead the series ment in the squad. Senior nament. part of the squad. Both players
1-0 with the series opener pacer Tim Southee will lead the England will play a Test were part of the squad for the
washed out. side in his absence. series in Pakistan 17 years after home series against Australia but
"I don't know (about chan- Williamson will rejoin the last touring the country in 2005. were not used.
ges for the next game). I'd like squad on Wednesday when the Pakistan has twice hosted Pakistan will be without
to give everyone in the squad a ODI squad assembles in England during this period in key fast bowler Shaheen Afridi
chance but it's just one more Auckland ahead of the series the United Arab Emirates. after the left-arm paceman
game, so it's a bit tough," said opener at Eden Park on Friday. able to fit into our schedule," ing in the recent T20 World England toured Pakistan before underwent appendicitis surgery
Hardik, who is seen as the next New Zealand head coach Stead said in a statement issued Cup and Tri Series in the T20 World Cup in Australia on Sunday. The selectors have
full captain in the shortest for- Gary Stead said the medical by New Zealand Cricket. Christchurch. for a seven-match T20 series and also dropped seasoned leg-spin-
mat. appointment had nothing to do "The health and well-being "He's a quality player who went onto beat Pakistan in the ner Yasir Shah, middle order
Shubman Gill was in the with Williamson's recurring of our players and staff is para- offers good versatility in the T20 World Cup final at the batter Fawad Alam and fast
running for opening too in the elbow issue. mount, and we look forward to order," he added. Melbourne Cricket Ground. bowler Hasan Ali after below par
absence of senior players but the "Kane's been trying to get seeing him in Auckland." The Hong Kong-born "Mohammad Ali has shown performances in Pakistan's two
team went ahead with two left- this booked in for a while now, Stead said Chapman was cricketer has played seven ODIs great patience and control, and test series, against Australia and
handers. He is likely to get his but unfortunately it hasn't been excited to be back after featur- and 40 T20s for New Zealand. his numbers speak for his con- Sri Lanka.

?aTTcXRadXbT ?C8Q 14=60;DAD et, bettering the previous best of
498 for four by England against
one of these teams gets rained century.
off! Can't they have a separate Besides, he went past
Kerala against Goa in 2019.
On Saturday, he had joined
X]c^`dPacTab T amil Nadu batter Narayan the Netherlands earlier this
Jagadeesan on Monday year.
shattered the world record for The previous highest List A
group and then qualify?" Prithvi Shaw (227 vs Kumar Sangakkara, Alviro
Arunachal was among the Puducherry in 2021) for the Petersen and Devdutt Padikkal
nine teams that joined the highest score ever in Vijay by scoring his fourth consecu-
?C8Q =4F34;78 the highest ever individual score total in India was 457 for four domestic circuit from the 2018- Hazare Trophy. tive hundreds in List A cricket.
in men's List A cricket by ham- by Mumbai against Puducherry 19 season. The Tamil Nadu wicket- Jagadeesan's tons in the
ndia's Devika Ghorpade and mering a 141-ball 277 against in Jaipur in 2021. It rained records as keeper also became the sixth ongoing Hazare Trophy tourna-
Preeti Dahiya posted
victories to enter
Arunachal Pradesh in the Vijay
Hazare Trophy here.
Veteran India cricketer and
Jagadeesan's TN teammate
Jagadeesan went on the ram-
page against the hapless
batter to hit a double ton in
India's premier one-day compe-
ment have come against
Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Andhra
the quarterfinals of IBA Youth Tamil Nadu won the Group Dinesh Karthik congratulated Arunachal bowling attack. tition. and Goa, apart from Monday's
Men's and Women's World C match by 435 runs, making it him and said in a tweet: By reaching 200 in 114 Jagadeesan's opening wick- monumental knock against
Boxing Championships in La the biggest victory margin in a "WORLD RECORD alert. What balls, he made the joint fastest et partnership of 416 with B Sai Arunachal.
Nucia, Spain on Monday. List A match. The previous an amazing effort by ever double ton in List A histo- Sudharsan, who made 154 (102 By scoring his fifth ton in
The Pune-based Devika record was Somerset's 346-run @Jagadeesan_200 Couldn't be ry. Travis Head had taken 114 balls, 19 fours, 2 six), is also a the ongoing tournament,
made light work of Ireland's win over Devon in 1990. happier for him. Big things balls to score his double centu- record for the highest partner- Jagadeesan went past the record
Margaret Lambe in the 52kg The 26-year-old Jagadeesan await. Sai Sudarshan what an ry for South Australia against ship for any wicket in List 'A' of four in a single edition. Virat
bout. Her impressive attacking bettered the record of Alistair amazing tournament so far. Queensland in Australia's cricket. Kohli, Devdutt Padikkal, Prithvi
display right from the word go Brown's previous high of 268 for This opening combo is killing Marsh Cup last year. The previous highest part- Shaw and Ruturaj Gaikwad had
forced the referees to stop the Surrey against Glamorgan in it. Well done boys." Jagadeesan's 15 sixes made nership was 372 between Chris hit four hundreds each in pre-
contest in the third round and 2002. The Indian record for Hinting at the gulf in stan- it the highest by a batter in an Gayle and Marlon Samuels for vious years.
declare the Indian the winner highest List A score of 264 by dards, he said in another tweet: innings in Vijay Hazare Trophy, the second wicket for West Jagadeesan was recently
by an RSC verdict. Rohit Sharma in an ODI against "Also on another side note improving on the 12 by Yashasvi Indies against Zimbabwe in an released by Chennai Super
Preeti, who hails from Sri Lanka was also obliterated in Does it make sense to have the Jaiswal during his knock of 203 ODI in 2015. Kings ahead of the IPL auction
Haryana, also put up an equal- the process. north east teams play the elite in the 2019-20 season. The previous highest part- next month.
ly dominant show in the 57kg Tamil Nadu's 506 for two in teams in the league phase. It just The right-handed batter nership in Indian domestic Meanwhile, Arunachal's
bout and hardly allowed her the match is also the highest topples the run rates of teams also made a new mark by scor- cricket was 338 by Sanju Chetan Anand leaked as many
opponent Benedicta Maekinen team total in men's List A crick- and imagine if a match against ing his fifth consecutive List A Samson and Sachin Baby for as 114 runs in his 10 overs.
of Finland to score any point
before winning it comprehen-
sively by a unanimous deci-
sion. 0[RPaPi=PSP[X]WXbc^aXR BQ^WUbccQS[FQ^2b_^S[X_bcd
However, it was heart-
break for Mahak Sharma 0?Q 6;0B6>F Rangers chairman Douglas
(66kg), Sahil Chauhan (71kg) Park in a statement.
and Bharat Joon (92kg) — 0?Q ?0A8B angers sacked manager "Unfortunately, recent
whose challenge ended with
losses in their respective bouts. arlos Alcaraz and Rafael
R Giovanni van Bronckhorst
on Monday after just a year in
results have not met neither our
nor Gio's expectations, and we
The seventh day of the
prestigious tournament will
C Nadal end the year first
and second in the ATP rankings,
charge at Ibrox.
The former Netherlands
have taken this difficult deci-
sion today. Everyone at Rangers
see 10 Indians, including five the first time Spain has had the captain led the Glasgow giants wishes Gio every success in the
women, fighting in the quar- top two in the final standings. to the Europa League final in future."
ter-finals. The Spanish duo captured May, but failed to win the Van Bronckhorst, who
Kunjarani Devi Thongam three of the four Grand Slam finished the year fifth in the Scottish Premiership last sea- played for Rangers between
(60kg), Lashu Yadav (70kg), titles. Teenager Alcaraz won rankings but ended with a flour- son and leaves with Rangers 1998 and 2001, replaced Steven
Griviya Devi Huidrom (54kg), the US Open and Nadal took the ish beating Norway's Casper nine points behind Celtic in the Gerrard in November last year

Ravina (63kg) and Bhawna Australian and French crowns. Ruud to win a record-equalling title race. when the latter departed Ibrox
Sharma (48kg) will battle in Nadal will enter 2023 seek- sixth ATP Finals trophy. "I want to thank Gio for the to take charge of Aston Villa.
the women's section whereas ing to add to his record 22 Ruud finishes the year third hard work he has put in over Despite a positive start,

Vanshaj (63.5kg), Deepak Grand Slam titles though hotly — displacing Greek Stefanos the last 12 months and, espe- Rangers let a six-point lead
(75kg), Mohit (86kg), Vish- pursued by Wimbledon cham- Tsitsipas — after a highly suc- cially, the achievements of tak- over Celtic slip away as Ange
wanath Suresh (48kg) and pion Novak Djokovic, who is cessful, if frustrating campaign, ing the club to the Europa Postecoglou claimed the title in
Ashish (54kg) will fight it out just one behind his great rival. in which he reached the French League final and winning the his first season in charge of the
in the men's category. The 35-year-old Serbian and US Open finals. Scottish Cup last season," said Hoops. 0?Q BH3=4H edges that players and player
support personnel are capable of

ricket Australia amended genuine reform or rehabilita-
C its player code of conduct
policy on Monday, paving the
"It is intended to provide the
way for David Warner to apply player or player support person-
0?Q CDA8= In January, Djokovic was came seven years after his last ATP the finals that I've played, at the to have his lifetime leadership nel with an opportunity to re-
detained and deported from Finals victory and will lift him first of January this year, I would ban lifted. sume their previously held posi-
ovak Djokovic said winning Australia over his Covid non-vac- from eighth to fifth in Monday's probably sign the contract right The dynamic opener and tions or responsibilities in spe-
N a record-equalling sixth ATP
Tour Finals title on Sunday was a
cinated status and missed the
Australian Open.
new rankings at the end of a sea-
son in which he also won
"I've overachieved compared
former Test vice-captain was
banned from any leadership
cific circumstances," CA added.
Under the previous code of
"deeply satisfying" ending to his "That had an effect obviously Wimbledon. Carlos Alcaraz, who to my own mind, so I'm very role in Australia over his part in conduct, players had no right to
troubled and truncated year. on my start of the year. For the first missed the finals injured, is num- happy about that." the Cape Town ball tampering review a sanction once it had
The Serb beat Norwegian several months, I was trying to find ber one. Ruud has never taken a set affair in 2018. been accepted.
Casper Ruud 7-5, 6-3 in Turin to that balance game-wise but also "In my mind I always see from either Djokovic or his French He was also slapped with a Pat Cummins is currently
match Roger Federer's record of six mentally in order to be able to myself as the best player in the Open final conqueror Rafael one-year playing suspension, Australia's Test and ODI captain
titles in the year-ending tourna- come back to the court and find world, of course," he said. Nadal. but bounced back to reclaim his and Aaron Finch skipper of the
ment for the top-ranked players. that tennis level that I need." "I'm not. I'm fifth. This week "They have this sort of ability place in the national side across T20 side.
The 35-year-old Serb, the old- Djokovic was initially barred I probably am. Overall the rank- in them to step up when they real- all three formats of the game. A lifting of Warner's ban
est player to win the Finals, ended from returning to Australia before ings are showing who had the best ly have to that I don't have," Ruud Under Cricket Australia's would make him a prime can-
in style after a season in which he 2025 but earlier in the week the year, and Alcaraz is the No. 1 in the said. "They always seem to win the amended policy, Warner will didate to take over the T20 cap-
missed two majors because of his new government in Canberra said world." close points, the close sets." now be able to request a review taincy should Finch step down,
vaccine status. the nine-time Australian Open For the 23-year-old Ruud it The American Rajeev Ram of his captaincy ban before a as he recently did from the 50-
"It feels deeply satisfying and, champion would be free to com- was a third near-miss of the year. and Britain's Joe Salisbury took the panel of three code of conduct over format.
at the same time, a huge relief pete in January's tournament. He also lost the finals of the doubles title with a 7-6 (7/4), 6-4 commissioners. The 36-year- Warner would also be in the
because of the circumstances that “I don't know what the future French and US Opens. win over the Croatian pair of old must show that "exception- mix, alongside Steve Smith, Josh
I have been through this year, sit- holds but I know that what I hold "In the end it's been disap- Nikola Mektic and Mate Pavic. al circumstances exist to justify Hazlewood and Alex Carey, to
uations earlier this year, of course, in my mind is a huge hunger still pointing to end up losing these big Ram and Salisbury lost in last modifying a sanction", including deputise for Cummins or act as
with Australia," he said. to win trophies,” said Djokovic. finals," he said. year's final to French pair Nicolas demonstrating remorse and evi- his vice-captain. It could also
"We don't need to go back. We The win in Turin, which also "Overall if you gave me an Mahut and Pierre-Hugues dence of improved behaviour. allow him to lead his Big Bash
know what happened." brings a cheque for $4.7 million, offer to end the year at No. 3, play Herber. The new rule "acknowl- League side Sydney Thunder.

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