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Food production is critical in the development of a sustainable environment, allowing

for the development of a more stable community. As such, it is critical to work towards the

attainment of a higher food production capacity, allowing for change to occur with ease. As

such the investment into GMO technology has pioneered a new approach into growth into the

community. GMO technology involves the bioengineering of plants to allow for the

augmentation of the features that are desired in the plant species. For example, the genetic

composition of plants can be altered to reduce the occurrence of individual diseases. Ideally,

the augmentation of the plant species has allowed for the growth of performance in the

region. As such, GMOs allowed for the use of the present capacity of land to allow for the

expansive growth of food in a region (Landrigan, 2015). As such, limited resources can be

used in acquiring the carrying capacity of the region. GMOs have allowed for the growth of

food capacity in a region. Moreover, it allows for the removal of factors that may have drastic

effects on the development of food production (Landrigan, 2015).

Taking on a case study of corn, it is a crucial element in the development of food

production in the United States of America. Moreover, ethanol production as a possible

substitute of fuel production in the region. As such, it has necessitated the increased capacity

of corn production in the region. Through the use of GMO based approaches, it allows for the

improvement of performance in the region, boosting the overall growth of performance in the

region. The use of GMO production allows for the attainment of the needed demands in the

community. As such, it has paved way for the development of a substitute form of power

acquisition, further expanding the reach of GMO in the industry. As such, the use of GMO

techniques allows for the removal of particular issues with crop production. For example, the

issues with insect development in the community on plant species can be altered through the

use of GMOs. The use of GMO based approaches in the improvement of agricultural

production allows for the creation of ideal production and an improvement of performance in

the region.


Hicks, D., & Millstein, R. L. (2016). GMOs: Non-health issues. Encyclopedia of Food and

Agricultural Ethics.

Landrigan, P. J., & Benbrook, C. (2015). GMOs, herbicides, and public health. N Engl J

Med, 373(8), 693-695.

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