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was a strong palatal s, though in name it corresponds to

50 m. north-west of Ava. Of humble origin, he had risen to be

relics found in these places are material records of language,

the French revolutionary war an aeronautic school was founded

substitution of an all-powerful Russia for an all-powerful

mid-September, and commencing in the north moves southward.

of the 3rd century, was probably born in Libya, and may have

Akbar, being an account of the religious and political

new-born public spirit, anxious to assist it in any work of

not be attempted at all. It is hardly necessary to say

9 Tomaschek, ``Topographische Erlauterung der Kustenfahrt Nearchs''

emperor Francis Joseph of Austria in 1857; the general amnesty

ACCIDENT (from Lat. accidere, to happen), a word of widely

hornblende. Among other accessory minerals biotite, chlorite,

D. Nave. of superior rank

about 1190, or according to the recommendation of the maker.

in its design, consisting of detached residences in gardens,

which, acting equally on every point of the surface, would tend

was not the sort of ability that his father could make use

the productive interests are looked after by the Department of

been carefully studied by Cushing, Stevenson and Fewkes.

above 0.15%, and it is often not one-fifth of that amount.

space. The problem is whether we can represent the facts more

fruit). The best hypothesis in the writer's opinion is that

Smith's Indians had a fleet of dugouts. The same may be said

of minium with lime, Dioscorides of that of opium with other

government's help enabled the railway to be completed to

Passo di Valles (Paneveggio to Cencenighe), foot path. . . . . . . . . . .6,667

closely akin to Latin, and since the Hernici (q.v.), their

f, then (1) df/f = dn/(n-1) = 1/n; dn is called

ALEXANDRETTA, or ISKANDERUN (med. Scanderoon), a town

or 17th of March 1072, and was buried in the cathedral which

of elastic solid medium have thus been invented to represent

Europe, &c. (28 vols.)---are the best known of his writings,

officials to a learned body: ``The academy shall concern

solution, and at still lower temperatures the solid solution

than it had been in England in the time of Fitzherbert. Farms

Na2SO4. The gaseous hydrochloric acid evolved during

and to the Asoka inscriptions of the 3rd century B.C. When

other nations to the Guinea coast. English mariners went

mirror. The instrument can be calibrated by a continuous

a representative House of Commons committee:10 ``that all

contested by the veterans of both sides, and in which

wrote notes on John Bale's De Scriptoribus M. Britanniae.

in South Africa some time after the 3rd of February 1488, and

11 Apercu des idees de l'Empereur, Martens IV. part i. p. 269.

On the very day on which this ukaz was signed--13th of March

upon the sugar. At the present time all Demerara sugar,

more restricted meaning than domicile, being used to indicate

winter months and back again in the summer, but more attention

rather to fear it. It marked the deepening of a hatred which

from the generator passes through the solenoid and causes

century. Interesting too are the magnificent west doors,

opinions of the master. His principal theological works are a

or misbranded within the meaning of the act.'' Contravention

higher than the sixth cervical nerve. It is important that

British chamber of commerce and of most of the merchants and

Wack and DeWitz, 1889.) Orosius: Thorpe (in his translation of

cricketers, for example, preserve their amateur status

energy. Although his father, Afzul Khan, who had none of

is to be integrable explicitly, where now (u',v',w') is

birds have been found suffering from a disease which attacks

AMBROSE, ISAAC (1604-1663/4), English Puritan divine,

like copal and kauri, as well as by celluloid and even

abiogenesis, have stated their belief in a primordial

and games; in Sparta, Elis, and especially Sigeum on

first made acetylene in 1836 from a compound produced during

roof. The repression of crime and the demand of taxation

or dyke of the Amstel'', is so called from the Amstel, the

and longitude to the intersection of the Blue Nile with 35 deg. E.

under President Jefferson Davis. Hostilities began with the

the discovery by P. A. Hansen of two new inequalities in the

Researches, ed. 1856, i. p. 443), that it must have been close

Ras Alula, his chief general, had succeeded in inflicting

mosque. Ghazni was reached 21st July; a gate of the city was

wood of a tree, through which the sap rises. It is distinguished

himself with whichever power promised at the moment most

organ family, invented in 1829 by Damian, in Vienna.

resulting change in the substance's temperature at each of the

Burgundy. In 1477 it was annexed by Louis XI., king of France,

of two yards) and ``streit'' or ``strait'' (narrowcloth of one

provided that the land is sufficiently clean. Experiments

It was again put down in 1559, and was finally forbidden to

``Agriculture'' in J. A. Parral's Dictionnaire d'Agriculture

named the Freie Amter or ``free bailiwicks'' (Mellingen,

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