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Philippine Airport Conceptualization

Design Strategies
Airport Design Based

1. It should be considered that airports are universal building types because they deal with
different people from different places, with different cultures and understanding. As far as
passenger convenience, terminal design and processing procedures are concerned, the project
would aim to avoid confusion within the users so as to speed up passenger processing. In order
to meet the desire of continuous flow within the terminal, the plan is to strategize the planning
in a manner that is easily understandable to everyone, and direct as well; avoiding unnecessary
dead ends and turns within the complex. This is portrayed in the planning aspect of the
terminal wherein each process comes right after the previous one with no obstruction and
unnecessary areas in between. The configuration of the gates and concourse are also
straightforward and open enough for passenger direction.

2. In addition to the planning, state of the art technology and other recreational spaces found in
other international airports around the world are also provided to ensure passenger
satisfaction and service. Some spaces include supplemental VIP and first class lounges, a sleep
box hotel, locker rooms, dining halls, adequate retail and shopping space, amongst many others.

3. Impressions are always the most important factor to consider when designing and airport as
airports are all about impressions; the first and the last impression that each traveler would
make of not just the terminal itself, but more importantly, the nation it embodies. In order to
acquire a good impression from travelers; the airport aims to be a catalyst of rediscovery in
hopes to bring out the better side of the Philippines; rather than what it’s more known to be.
Elements within the structure such as the skylight, interior landscapes and other cultural
motives would be shown within the complex. Colorful glass glazing through the photo chromic
smart glass technology would brighten the interior of the concourse and curbside, while part of
the recreational spaces would showcase galleries and cultural murals depicting Philippine
Culture. national impression

4. The idea of anticipation towards travel would also be greatly showcased in the terminal, as
Bridgeway-tubes and open-to-below geodesic spheres would be situated within the
concourse and check-in lobbies of the airport. The purpose for this is to encourage travel within
the users, as they haven visual access to the processes and happenings on their next trip to the

5. As airports are generally welcoming landmarks to visiting travelers, the preferred atmosphere
imposed by the terminal would be a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere, rather than
monumental and massive. In lieu of this idea, the main exterior was designed as if sprouting
from the ground, and pushing the attention of the users towards the “eagle’s heart”; the focal
point of the complex portrayed by the control tower. The imposed “concentration” of the
structure would portray it as a modest and light-character design, making it more pleasing and
welcoming to the users; rather than a heavier and a more overwhelming approach that could be
too much for some. Emphasizing Focal Point

6. As far as the interior is concerned, high ceilings, open plans and mezzanines are within most
areas of the terminal including the arrival and departing concourse. The idea is to give an open
atmosphere that won’t make the users feel suffocated and cramped within the walkways of the

Design Considerations
For Airport

● Aesthetics. As an airport is the first and last landmark a traveler would visit before and after
leaving a country, it is no surprise that the airport should make a good lasting impression. This
could be achieved through pleasing and appealing designs of both the exterior and interior.

● Culture. As the concept of the project directly relates to the identity of the Philippines, special
consideration with regards to culture must be given in order to better incorporate the ideas for
the complex.

● Security. Airports are usually a prime target for terrorism and attacks, due to its diverse and
huge nature. Airports require a good and tight security as well as a good emergency plan in
unfortunate situations. A good fire exit layout is also to be considered for this project as this is a
huge complex which entails thousands of people per hour. Securing the safety of staff and
passengers alike should be of utmost importance. Natural calamities such as storm surge and
tsunamis should also be considered for the project, as the site is located within coastal waters.

● Access. Different users are catered by the airport complex, whether it is departing passengers,
arrival passengers, greeters and also services and staff; different access and spaces are
provided for these people. These accesses should be considered in order to maintain hierarchy
and order within the complex; as well as not to compromise security. As the airport have long
span wings for the boarding gates, it should also be considered that people movers and
machines should be equipped all throughout the boarding gates to minimize passenger
discomfort and probable delay.

● Future Expansion. Airport growth is a constant and undeniable thing. The annual passenger
and air traffic volume gradually increases as the years go, as such, proper area for development
must be provided by the designer for future expansions.

● Forecast. One of the most crucial and complicated aspects to consider when designing an
airport is the demand forecast of the whole complex. This would be the basis for facilities, area
requirement and airplane gates. Proper consideration should be given when calculating for the
forecast and demand of an airport.

● Anticipation. One of the joys of travel is the excitement brought about by the anticipation of
getting to the destination. Airports are often a catalyst to this so-called feeling, as airports are
the gateway for travel. This project should be able to set a good tone and vibe for traveling so
that the users could maximize the experience of their adventures.

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