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Have got – verbul “a avea”

Verbul a avea are doua forme – have si have got.

Nu exista o diferenta de sens intre cele doua forme, dar in engleza britanica se utilizeaza, in
general, forma have got cand discutam despre trasaturile fizice ale unei persoane sau cand
vorbim despre dureri, simptome, traume si afectiuni.

Have got - Forma afirmativa

I (eu) have got

You (tu/ voi)
We (noi)
They (ei/ ele)
He / She/ It has got
(el/ ea)

I haven’t (have not) got

He / hasn’t (has not) got
She/ It

Have I got?
Has he / she / it got?

Short answers:
Have you got …?Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Has he (she) got …? Yes, he (she) has / No, he (she) hasn’t.

Have got se prescurteaza ‘ve got. E.g.: I’ve got = I have got (eu am)
Has got se prescurteaza ‘s got. E.g: He’s got = He has got (el are)

Have got for physical appearance. Examples:

I have got (I’ve got) blue eyes and short brown hair. (Eu am ochi albastri si parul scurt, saten)
He has got (He’s got) green eyes and long dark hair.
I haven’t got curly red hair
She hasn’t got black eyes
Observati ca adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor si ca, atunci cand avem mai multe
adjective, intai exprimam marimea, apoi culoarea. De ex: short brown hair. (Nu punem
virgula intre adjectivele care exprima marimea si cele care exprima culoarea).

Hair: - long, short, medium;

- curly, straight, wavy
- dark, fair (blond, deschis la culoare), blonde, brown, red
Eyes: green, blue, brown, black
Exercise 1 – physical appearance
Translate into English:
a) El are ochii negri si parul scurt, blond
b) Eu am ochii verzi si parul lung, saten
c) Ea nu are ochii albastri si parul de marime medie (medium), roscat
d) Tu nu ai ochii caprui (brown) si parul carliontat, negru (dark)
e) Ei au ochii negri si parul scurt, saten

Have got for aches and pains

In limba engleza folosim doua substantive pentru a exprima durerea: ache si pain. Nu avem o
diferenta de sens intre ele, ci de locatie.
Il folosim pe ache pentru durerile de cap, stomac, spate, ureche si dinti, iar pe pain pentru
toate celelalte. Substantivul back (spate), accepta si ache, si pain.

1. Ache: - a headache (durere de cap): I’ve got a headache;

- a stomachache (durere de stomac): He’s got a stomachache;
- toothache (durere de dinti): She’s got toothache
- backache (durere de spate): You’ve got backache. (=You’ve got a back pain)
- earache (durere de urechi): I haven’t got earache.

Observati ca substantivele compuse toothache, backache si earache nu primesc articolul

“a”, iar earache si toothache folosesc partea corpului la singular (tooth, ear).

2. Pain: I’ve got a pain in my leg

You’ve got a pain in your chest
He’s got a pain in his arm
She’s got a pain in her knee
I haven’t got a pain in my chest
He hasn’t got a pain in his leg

Observati ca folosim adjectivul posesiv (in my leg; in your chest) cand mentionam locatia

Symptoms for a cold / flu/ hay fever

-flu = gripa
-a cold = raceala
-hay fever = rinita alergica
a runny nose (nas care curge)
a stuffy nose (nas infundat)
a headache (durere de cap)
a sore throat (durere in gat / gat inflamat)
high temperature (temperature ridicata)
a cough (tuse)
aching muscles / muscle pains (dureri musculare)
red / sore eyes (ochi inrositi / inflamati)
sneezing (+ vb. to be) - stranut

E.g. I’ve got a runny nose

You’ve got a sore throat
He’s got high temperature
I’m / You’re/ He’s sneezing

Physical trauma (Trauma fizica)

A fracture (subst.) = fractura (a finger fracture)
Fractured (adj)= fracturat (a fractured finger)
A broken leg / arm = picior / brat rupt
A bruise (on my arm) = vanataie
Bruised (adj.) = invinetit (a bruised leg)
A cut (in my finger) = taietura
A burn = arsura
A black eye = ochi invinetit
A head injury = traumatism cranian
A sprain = entorsa
Sprained (adj) = sucit, luxat (a sprained ankle)
Twisted = sprained
A dislocated shoulder = umar dislocat

I’ve got a broken leg

She hasn’t got a dislocated shoulder

Exercise 2 – aches, pains, common symptoms

a) I’ve got a terrible stomachache
b) He’s got a bad headache
c) She hasn’t got a pain in her knee
d) They’ve got high temperature
e) You haven’t got a sore throat

f) El nu are o durere de dinti

g) Tu ai o durere la picior
h) Eu nu am o durere in piept
i) Noi avem o tuse rea / groaznica
j) Ea stranuta

Exercise 3 – physical trauma

a) She’s got a broken arm
b) You haven’t got a sprained wrist
c) He hasn’t got a bruise on his leg
d) I’ve got a rib fracture
e) You’ve got a black eye

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