Book Homework Unit 7

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A. Write each word or phrase from the box in the correct category above.
Precious metals: silver, gold
Handmade jewelry: pearl necklace, diamonds
Luxury clothing: silk shirt, fur coat
Precious stories: expensive watch, emeralds
B. Write three things your country imports and three things your country
exports in your notebook.
Imports: Emeralds, expensive watch, Fur coat
Exports: Gold, silver, silk shirt
A. Complete the sentences in the paragraph with the passive from of the
verbs in parentheses
Luxury items expensive for a reason. Expensive watches, for example, made
from precious metals such as silver or platinum. Beautiful jewelry produced by
people, not by machines. Precious stones such as diamonds and opals
separated from tons of rock, and that requires expensive machinery. Imported
luxury items brought in from distant countries, so the of transportation adds to
their expense. Finally, a luxury item such as perfume made from special
ingredients that can only be found in a few places in the word.
B. Match the luxury items to the actions

1. Pearls D. are found inside oysters

2. Animal skins E. are used to make fur coats
3. Silk B. is exported from East Asian countries
4. Diamonds A. are mined in several countries
5. Perfume C. is sold in bottles


A. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
1. Many kinds of precious stones can be found in brazil
2. Fresh seafood can be sent by plane to anywhere in the world
3. The seafood is frozen so that it stays cold until it arrives
4. Iran is known for its beautiful handmade rugs
5. Smartphone are lost every day when they fall out of a pocket or
6. Gifts are often given to people on their birthday
7. Ferrari cars are built by hand, so it takes longer to make them
8. The watches are put into boxes to protect them

A. Read the sentences and cross out the unimportant by phrases.

1. The Mercedes-Benz is made in Germany by people
2. This necklace was given to me by my grandmother
3. King Tut´s tomb was discovered by Howard Carter
4. My car was stolen on April 19 by someone
5. The company was founded by the owner´s grandfather
6. Even during the winter, daisies can be grown in greenhouses by workers.


B. Re-write each sentence as a question in the passive voice

1. Children need to be taught good manners

Why do children need to be taught good manners?
2. Money should be kept in bank
Why does money should be kept in a bank?
3. Good jobs are often given to people with a good education
Why do good jobs are often given to people with good
4. Hard work is valued as much as education by some employers
Why does hard work valued as much as education by
some employers?


The essence of illusion
El perfume, dice Sophia Grojsman de Internation Flavours Fragrances, es una
promesa en una botella. Queremos ser más pequeños, más ricos y más felices
de lo que somos. Considere los nombres de las fragancias que compramos:
Joy, Dolce Vita, Pleasures, White diamonds, Beautiful. Vendemos esperanza,
dijo Charles, fundador de la compañía de cosméticos Revlon.
En términos de química, las fragancias son una mezcla de aceites aromáticos y
alcohol. Los fijadores, o aceites, que hacen que una fragancia dure mucho
tiempo, tradicionalmente provenían de animales. Estos han sido reemplazados
en su mayoría por productos químicos sintéticos. Los demás ingredientes
provienen de las plantas, especialmente de las flores.
El área alrededor de Grasse, Francia, es famosa por el cultivo de flores.
Agricultores como Joseph Mul han estado produciendo flores, incluidas rosas,
jazmines y lavanda durante siglos. El absoluto de rosa de Mul, el líquido
fragante que obtiene de sus rosas, se vende a 3.650 la libra. La recolección de
rosas nunca se hará a máquina, explica Mul. Las rosas se recogen
cuidadosamente a mano durante la madrugada. A las diez en punto, el calor
del sol comienza a afectar las flores, y los trabajadores han terminado el día. La
mano de obra es el 60 por ciento del costo, dice Mul.
El alto costo de los ingredientes naturales es solo una de las razones por las
que los perfumistas de hoy también usan ingredientes artificiales en sus
fragancias. Además, los sintéticos permiten a los perfumistas utilizar aromas
que no se pueden obtener de forma natural, por ejemplo, el aroma de la flor de
lila. Permiten el uso de esencias de flores raras o en peligro de extinción, y
evitan que los animales salvajes sean utilizados por su almizcle como una
especie de fijador. Según el perfumista Harry Fremont, una buena fragancia es
un equilibrio entre lo natural y lo sintético.
Una vez que los perfumistas han creado una fragancia encantadora, es hora de
que el departamento de marketing haga su magia. La industria gasta cientos de
millones de dólares cada año para convencer a la gente de que compre algo
que realmente no necesita. La tasa de éxito de los nuevos perfumes es baja,
solo uno de cada diez tiene éxito, por lo que gastar dinero en publicidad es un
gran riesgo. También es la única manera de dar a conocer al mundo una
fragancia tan encantadora que puede hacernos creer que nuestros sueños se
harán realidad.
• Make ten sentences form active to passive voice in simple present.
1. Maria washes the dishes – The dishes are washed by Maria
2. Peter cleans the office – The office is cleaned by Pedro
3. Juana cooks dinner – The dinner is cooked by Juana
4. Children are plucking flowers in the park – Flowers are being pulcked in
the park by children
5. She plays volleyball – Volleyball is played by her
6. I do my homework every day – My homework is done by me
7. They help the poor – The poor are helped by them
8. Maria writes the magazine – The magazine is written by Maria
9. Angel eats cookies – The cookies is eaten by Angel
10. She sings the song – The song is sung by her

 Make ten sentences form active to passive voice in simple past.

1. I played basketball – Basketball was played by me
2. Maria sang a song – A song was sung by Maria
3. She chose the shirt – The shirt was chosen by her
4. They saw a movie – The movie were seen by them
5. Maria drank the beer – The beer was drunk by Maria
6. I bought the wallet – The wallet was bought by me
7. Pedro broke the bicycle – The bicycle was broken by Pedro
8. He wrote a letter – The letter was written by him
9. She saw the picture – The picture was seen by her
10. We ate sushi – The sushi were eaten by us

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