Mullerian Malformations

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Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (2020) 183e188

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Review Article

Diagnosis and treatment of müllerian malformations

Itana de Mattos Pinto e Passos a, *, Renata Lopes Britto a, b
Center for Women's Health, University Hospital Professor Edgard Santos, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Anomalies in the müllerian ducts are congenital alterations with more prevalence than it is imagined,
Accepted 5 December 2019 varying from 0.5 to 6.7% in the general population and up to 16.7% in women with recurrent miscarriage.
The main findings are primary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, endometriosis, sexual difficulties
Keywords: and low self-esteem. The major impact on the quality of life in women stricken by these problems
Genital anomalies justifies this study, whose objective is to analyze their most important aspects such as etiopathogeny,
Müllerian malformations
classification, diagnostic methods and proposed treatments. The research was performed on the
Pelvic pain
Medline-PubMed database from 1904 to 2018. The American Fertility Society, European Society of Hu-
Primary amenorrhea
Vaginal agenesis
man Reproduction and Embryology, and the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy classify
malformations as: Class 1/U5bC4V4: agenesis or hypoplasia of uterus and vagina; Class 1/U5aC4V4:
cervical hypoplasia, associated with total or partial vaginal agenesis; Class 2/U4: unicornuate uterus;
Class 3/U3bC2V1 or Class3/U3bC2V2: uterus didelphys; Class 4/U3C0: bicornuate uterus; Class 5/U2:
septate uterus; Class 6: arcuate uterus; Class 7/U1: induced by diethylstilbestrol, represented by a T-
shaped uterus; and V3: transverse vaginal septum. The diagnostic methods are the two-dimensional or
three-dimensional ultrasound, MRI, hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography, X-ray hysterosalpingography,
hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Some müllerian malformations are healed with surgery and/or self-
dilatation. For vaginal agenesis, dilatation by Frank technique shows good results while malformations
with obstruction of the menstrual flow need to be rapidly treated by surgery.
© 2020 Taiwan Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Müllerian malformations are anomalies that are originated dur- septate uterus is the most common anomaly among the sterile
ing the development of the paramesonephric ducts and are char- women, while the arcuate uterus is the most common among those
acterized by failures in the fusion of these structures in the middle who have habitual abortion. In another revision, Nahum [3] found
line when they connect to the urogenital sinus. They occur due to uterine anomalies in 0.5% of the general population, 0.17% in fertile
alterations in the formation of the upper vaginal lumen and the women and 3.5% in infertile ones. The great diversity of müllerian
uterine lumen, and also because of the non-absorption of the malformations generates not only many diagnostic but also treat-
septum in the fusion of the ducts. The forms vary from the very light ment doubts and the majority of the publications refers to report of
ones, generally asymptomatic but that can cause serious obstetrical isolated cases or small series of cases, thus reflecting peculiarities in
disorders, to the most serious cases such as vaginal and uterine groups selected as emergencies due to obstruction of menstrual
agenesis, the Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome flow, obstetric complications or a history of sterility [4].
[1], or the vaginal obstructions caused by agenesis or septum, but A review of the literature was done by means of an electronic
with a functioning uterus, which signal an emergency and should search in the Medline-PubMed database in the website (www.ncbi.
have immediate intervention. Reviewing Saravelos et al. [2], a from 1904 to 2018 using the MeSH terms
prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies was found in 6.7% of the “amenorrhea” or “cervix uteri” or “congenital abnormalities” or
general population, 7.3% in sterile women and 16.7% in women who “diagnostic imaging” or “female genital diseases” or “müllerian
had recurrent miscarriage. Besides, it was also observed that the ducts” or “urogenital abnormalities” or “uterus” or “vagina”. The
chosen publications described some type of classification, etiopa-
thogeny, diagnostic method or treatment of the pathology pre-
* Corresponding author. Rua Augusto Viana, s/n, Canela, CEP, 40110-060, Salvador, sented. Due to the small number of randomized studies, the method
Bahia, Brazil. Fax: þ55 71 3283 8074. was not a criterion for choice, but still the relevance of the study.
E-mail address: (I.M.P. Passos).
1028-4559/© 2020 Taiwan Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
184 I.M.P. Passos, R.L. Britto / Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (2020) 183e188

Etiopathogeny uterine deformity, cervical and vaginal anomalies (Table 2). It is

possible that no classification of müllerian anomalies can encom-
Sexual differentiation is a continuous process that starts with pass all these types of malformations, which could present them-
the fertilization of the ovule by the sperm. In the female sex, in selves in many different ways. Based on AFS-ASRM [13] and ESHRE/
normal conditions, the absence of the müllerian inhibitory factor ESGE [14], the classification of anomalies is as follows (Fig. 1): Class
causes the degeneration of the mesonephric ducts and promotes 1 (AFS)/U5bC4V4 (ESHRE/ESGE): This class corresponds to agenesis
the development of paramesonephric ducts, which are originated or hypoplasia of uterus and vagina, which in its extreme form is
by the invagination of the coelom epithelium of the urogenital known as the MRKH syndrome. The failure occurs at the start of the
crest. These structures are bilateral, suffer from stretching in development of the müllerian ducts, whose caudal extremity is
around the 9th week of pregnancy, and remain open and separated destined to merge and to originate the superior part of the vagina
in the upper segment thus originating the fallopian tubes. In the and uterine cervix. It is a congenital anomaly, which presents itself
lower segment, they unite to form the uterus and the upper 2/3 of with agenesis or severe uterine hypoplasia and the absence of the
the vagina [1]. After the fusion, the septum between the para- upper 2/3 of the vagina in patients with normal female karyotype
mesonephric ducts starts to be absorbed to form the uterovaginal (46,XX) and development of secondary sexual characters compat-
canal. Around the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus assumes a ible with age [15]. The lower third of the vagina rarely passes 2 cm
normal shape and its development is complete in the 22nd week in depth. Its prevalence is of 1/4500e5000 women [1,16] and,
[5]. For the development of the vagina, it is necessary to have the despite being a rare disease, is considered the second most com-
fusion of the urogenital sinus with the müllerian structures, which mon cause of primary amenorrhea, right after hypogonadism [17].
gives the origin to the Müller tubercle. It induces the formation of MRKH syndrome is classified in two groups: typical (isolated ute-
the vaginal plaque, whose canalization is complete in the 20th rovaginal agenesis) and atypical (associated with extra genital
week. The upper 4/5 of the vagina are of müllerian origin and the malformations of the kidneys, skeleton, auditory system and heart)
lower 1/5 has its origin in the urogenital sinus. The epithelium of [15]. The patients present primary amenorrhea and incapacity for
the upper 1/3 of the vagina originates in the uterovaginal primor- vaginal coitus. The most present extra genital malformations are
dium, the lower 2/3 in the urogenital sinus and the hymen is a sign renal, varying from 15 to 34% among several authors.
of the endodermal membrane [6]. Since the development of the
ovaries is independent of the uterovaginal canal and the uterine Class 1/U5aC4V4 (ESHRE/ESGE)
tubes are developed from cells of a different origin from those of
the uterus and the vagina, these structures are not associated with Congenital cervical atresia occurs in 1/80,000-100,0000 women
müllerian anomalies [1,7]. Due to the same mesodermal origin of [18] and is associated with total or partial aplasia of the vagina and
the genital and urinary tracts, any paramesonephric anomaly could renal anomalies. The uterus and tubes can be severely distended by
be associated with renal anomaly, which should always be inves- the menstrual blood that has no way to flow out, and in extreme
tigated in these patients. Unilateral renal agenesis is a common cases can lead to an acute hemorrhagic abdomen. It should be
form. The congenital malformations of the female genital tract diagnosed and treated early due to its significant morbidity and
occur when there is a failure in some stage of the embryogenesis mortality.
and the majority of them still have unknown etiology. Some studies
show the association with gene mutations, and the most cited are Class 2 (AFS)/U4 (ESHRE/ESGE)
those of HOXA 13 (Hand-foot-genital syndrome) [8] and HOXA 10,
expressed in the embryonic paramesonephric ducts [9]. Genital Unicornuate uterus occurs when one of the müllerian ducts
anomalies induced by environmental agents such as diethylstil- does not migrate to its correct place and a failure in the unilateral
bestrol and thalidomide are also described in the literature. The development occurs. This uterine horn can be unique, when there is
moment in which the failure occurs determines the type of mal- complete agenesis of one of the müllerian ducts (U4b), or accom-
formation and the earlier in the pregnancy it is, the more serious it panied by another rudimentary uterine horn, which could be of
is. They vary from complete aplasia associated with urinary mal- three types: without cavity (U4b), cavitated or cavitated noncom-
functions, if they occur between the 6th and 9th week, up to the municating horn (U4a). The endometrium in the latter undergoes
total or partial septation, rarely associated with urinary malfor- hormonal stimulation and its cavity progressively increases in
mations if they occur between the 13th and 17th week.

Table 1
Classification of müllerian duct anomalies according to the AFS [13].

Several classifications have been proposed since the 19th cen- Class 1 Segmental Vaginal
Hypoplasia/agenesis Cervical
tury, based on embryology and on the development of müllerian
ducts, however, with imprecise terminology and failures in the Tubal
characterization of the anomalies. All of these intended to make the Combinated
diagnoses more accurate and enable comparisons between cases, Class 2 Unicornuate Rudimentary horn with endometrial tissue
but without consensus in relation to their use. Among those, the - Communicating with the main uterine cavity
- Not communicating with the main uterine
classification VCUAM (Vagina Cervix Uterus Adnex-associated cavity
Malformation) [10] can be cited as well as that one proposed by Rudimentary horn without endometrial tissue
Acien and Acien [11]. Currently, the most used was the proposed by No rudimentary horn
Buttram and Gibbons [12], accepted and modified in 1988 by the Class 3 Didelphys
Class 4 Bicornuate Complete
American Fertility Society (AFS), today the American Society of
Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) [13], which separates the anoma- Class 5 Septate Complete
lies into seven classes (Table 1). The European Society of Human Parcial
Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the European Society Class 6 Arcuate
of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) [14] developed another clas- Class 7 Diethylstilbestrol T-shaped
drug related
sification based on anatomy, embryological origin, degree of
I.M.P. Passos, R.L. Britto / Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (2020) 183e188 185

Table 2 only one cervix. Depending on the degree of deficiency of the

Classification of female genital tract anomalies according to the ESHRE/ESGE [14]. fusion, the bicornuate uterus can be complete, when the cavities
Uterine anomaly are separated up to the internal orifice of the cervix and are not
Main Class Sub-class
linked, or partial, when there is some linkage. It represents around
U0 e Normal uterus 10% of the müllerian malformations, is asymptomatic in the ma-
U1 e Dysmorphic T-shaped jority of cases and can cause miscarriage or premature birth [22].
uterus Infantilis
Class 5 (AFS)/U2 (ESHRE/ESGE)
U2 e Septate uterus Parcial
U3 e Bicorporeal Parcial Septate uterus is the result of the deficit in the reabsorption of
uterus Complete the median septum after the fusion of the müllerian structures.
Bicorporeal septate
Depending on the moment when the failure occurs, the septum can
U4 e Hemi-uterus With rudimentary cavity (communicating or
not horn)
be complete or partial and the external contour of the uterus is
Without rudimentary cavity (horn without always normal. The structure of the septum can be muscular or
cavity/no horn) fibrous and this diagnostic is extremely important for therapeutic
U5 e Aplastic With rudimentary cavity (bi- or unilateral horn) approach. It represents 55% of the malformations and is associated
Without rudimentary cavity (bi- or unilateral
with recurrent miscarriage and premature birth. It is one of the
uterine remnants/aplasia)
U6 e Unclassified malformations with the worst results in relation to reproduction
malformations [22,23].
anomaly Class 6 (AFS)
C0 e Normal cervix
C1 e Septate cervix Arcuate uterus is also considered a variant of the normal and it
C2 e Double normal only presents a discrete curvature on its bottom, with no clinical
cervix translation [13]. Eventually it can be the cause of reproductive
C3 e Unilateral cervical aplasia
alteration when no other problem is detected. It occurs due to the
C4 e Cervical aplasia
V0 e Normal vagina
failure in the final stage of reabsorption of the intermüllerian
V1 e Longitudinal non-obstructing vaginal septum septum and does not need intervention.
V2 e Longitudinal obstructing vaginal septum
V3 e Transverse vaginal septum and/or imperforate hymen Class 7 (AFS)/U1 (ESHRE/ESGE)
V4 e Vaginal aplasia

Induced by diethylstilbestrol, represented by a T-shaped uterus

detected in daughters of women who used this drug during preg-
volume due to the retention of menstrual blood, which has no way nancy. The uterine cavity is irregular and hypoplastic; there are
of flowing out. This causes pain and an increase in the abdominal poor chances for pregnancy and high risk of miscarriage or ectopic
volume. Patients with a unicornuate uterus have a bad reproductive pregnancy [24]. Diethylstilbestrol was discontinued in 1971, and,
prognosis and can have obstetrical complications such as mis- for this reason, this is an increasingly rare anomaly, which tends to
carriages, restriction of intrauterine growth, premature birth labor, disappear.
etc. The presence of only one uterine artery and the small contri-
bution of the contralateral arterioles compromises the blood irri- V3 (ESHRE/ESGE)
gation, reducing the muscular mass of the organ. Unicornuate
uterus represents 0.3e4% of the uterine anomalies, occurs in 1/ Transverse vaginal septum results from the failure of canaliza-
5400 women and 74e90% are associated with rudimentary horn tion of the vaginal plaque at the point where the urogenital sinus
[19,20]. meets the müllerian duct and it is not associated with other mal-
formations. It can be perforated or not, with variations of thickness
Class 3 (AFS)/U3bC2V1 or U3bC2V2 (ESHRE/ESGE) and localization along the vagina. Women with a perforated
septum take more time to have a diagnosis because they
Uterus didelphys occurs when there is complete failure of menstruate normally and there are few symptoms. The thickness
approximation and fusion of the müllerian ducts, nonetheless their and localization are extremely important to define the treatment:
development continues individually, giving origin to two uterine the lowest, the thinnest and the perforated ones have better results,
cavities, two cervices and two vaginas separated by a longitudinal while the highest and the thickest ones have great chances of
septum and with normal menstrual flow (U3bC2V1). The septum complications such as rectovaginal fistula and hysterectomy. Its
can also be oblique, obstruct one of the vaginas and cause men- occurrence is estimated to be between 1/2100 and 1/72,000
strual flow retention of that hemi-uterus causing pelvic and lumbar women [25].
pain, vaginal discomfort, hematocolpos, hematometra and hema-
tosalpinx (U3bC2V2). When, added to this, there is ipsilateral renal Diagnostic methods
agenesis, it is called the Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syn-
drome and represents 3e4% of the müllerian malformations. The The gynecological exam is always important, although in many
obstetric prognosis is good and there are reported cases of preg- cases of genital malformations it cannot be done completely or will
nancies with twins with a fetus in each uterus [21]. not be elucidating. In cases of primary amenorrhea, the external
genitalia should be rigorously inspected to evaluate the distal
Class 4 (AFS)/U3C0 (ESHRE/ESGE) vaginal third. The initial diagnostic method is the two-dimensional
ultrasound (US2D), but also used are three-dimensional ultrasound
Bicornuate uterus occurs when there is a failure in the fusion of (US3D), MRI, hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography, X-ray hystero-
the two müllerian structures that results in two uterine horns and salpingography, video-hysteroscopy and video-laparoscopy.
186 I.M.P. Passos, R.L. Britto / Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (2020) 183e188

Fig. 1. Classification of müllerian duct anomalies according to the AFS and correlation with the ESHRE/ESGE classification.

The main advantages and disadvantages of these exams follow Treatment

US2D is the initial method because it is simple, non-invasive, Some müllerian malformations are healed with surgery and the
and low cost, is usually available and provides good information; success of the treatment depends on accurate diagnosis and the
however, it is highly dependent on the experience of the examiner choice of the best technique [35].
[26e28]. Vaginal agenesis can be treated with dilatation or vaginoplasty
US3D has good reproducibility, high level of agreement among and since 2002 the ACOG has recommended dilatation as the first
different observers, provides additional and more reliable images choice given the high rate of success and lack of complications [36].
and allows for the evaluation of the cervix and the vagina; however, The most common method is the Frank technique [37,38], which
it is less available and requires more specialized training than the consists of daily self-application of rigid vaginal dilatators with
US2D [26e29]. progressive increase in the length and width, for 30e120 min, for
MRI is considered the gold standard, offers objective and reliable many months. Other dilatation techniques described are those of
tridimensional information about all the genital and peritoneal Ingram [39], with a dilatator affixed to the seat of a bicycle and
anatomy, except for the tubes; it can be used in all cases, including dilatation through coitus, according to d’Alberton [40]. The treat-
obstructive malformations. It is more expensive and less available ment should only be started when the patient is mature enough
than the US and needs a qualified professional to interpret the re- and expresses the desire to try, since it is not a widely accepted
sults [26,30e32]. method; it is also difficult to manage and comes with a lot of
Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography is a minimally invasive anguish and fear. The patient also must know that is just in order to
method, low cost, and provides good information about the cervix make normal vaginal coitus possible. When the dilatation is un-
and uterine cavity but is highly dependent on the examiner and the successful, vaginoplasty could be done by various techniques [41],
distention of the uterine cavity can modify its internal contours the recommended one being that in which the surgical team has
generating false negative images [26,33]. more experience. The most used is that of McIndoe [42], which
X-ray hysterosalpingography provides information only about utilizes an autologous skin flap in latex mold placed after the
the uterine cavity and tubes and is used more in cases of infertility. tunneling of the vagina. Other described techniques are Davydov's
It is an invasive, painful exam and does not evaluate the external [43], through laparoscopy and using peritoneum to recover the
contour, does not differentiate the septate uterus from the bicorn- vagina walls, Baldwin's [44], through laparotomy and using a
uate one, does not diagnose the noncommunicating uterine horn segment of the intestine, and Vecchietti's [45], through laparoscopy
and cannot be used in vaginal and cervical obstructions [26,34]. and pulling the vaginal dimple. The best anatomical results with the
Hysteroscopy is minimally invasive and provides reliable infor- lowest rates of complications are in patients that perform dilatation
mation about the vagina, cervical canal and uterine cavity, although through coitus. The McIndoe vaginoplasty has the highest rate of
it does not evaluate the external contours or the thickness of the complications, the most common of which are the shrinkage and
uterine wall and does not differentiate the septate uterus from the stenosis of the neovagina [46]. The choice for the best treatment for
bicornuate one [26]. vaginal agenesis continues to be controversial, principally due to
Laparoscopy evaluates the external contour of the uterus and the lack of randomized and comparative studies. The rarity of the
the peritoneal structures, but it is an invasive exam, does not pathology makes the surgical teams always use the same technique.
evaluate the thickness of the uterine wall and completely depends Congenital cervical and vaginal atresia is controversial in terms
on the experience and subjective evaluation of the examiner [26]. of treatment, since there are no guidelines or randomized studies
I.M.P. Passos, R.L. Britto / Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 59 (2020) 183e188 187

that point to the best surgery. It is a gynecological urgency with doing a suitable surgical procedure for each case. Patients with
various risks and hysterectomy is the principal option for treatment vaginal agenesis may undergo vaginoplasty or vaginal dilatation
according to several authors, principally due to its innumerous through diverse techniques. In these cases, psychological support is
benefits [47]. Zhang Y et al. [18] reported on four patients diagnosed extremely important and the procedure should only be done after
with cervical and vaginal atresia who underwent robotic assisted the patient is ready for it.
reconstruction of cervix and vagina by SIS graft during the year of Due to the frequent association between müllerian and urinary
2015. All of them recovered after the surgery and had regular anomalies, the finding of any of the types should lead to the
menstruations without periodic pelvic pain. Average follow-up was investigation of the other. Since it is a rare pathology, the majority
12 months, average vagina length was 8.9 ± 0.3 cm, vagina width of studies found in the literature is composed of case reports, small
was 2.9 ± 0.1 cm and there was no re-admissions. series of cases, comparative studies and many authors just report
Unicornuate uterus only needs surgical correction if there is a the experience of their service. Studies involving genetics and
cavitated noncommunicating rudimentary uterine horn, which embryology, as well as randomized studies, are necessary so that
needs resection due to the pain that results from the impediment of one can understand and treat, in an increasingly better fashion,
menstrual flow. In some cases, its muscular mass is reduced, women who are born having to deal with the fact that they are
causing isthmus-cervical incompetence and there might be the different.
necessity of cerclage in a future pregnancy [19].
Uterus didelphys has a good reproductive prognosis and only
Declaration of Competing Interest
needs intervention in cases of HWW syndrome, since one of the
vaginas is obliterated and the septum between them needs to be
The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.
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allows for the outflow of normal menstrual flow [21].
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