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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:10/October-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752


M.S.M. Rizwan*1, F. Fathima Farhana*2
*1,2Department Of English, Sri Lanka Institute Of Advanced Technological Education
(SLIATE), Advanced Technological Institute, Sammanthurai.
The research explores one of the significant aspects of Spelling errors in writing skills in the English language. It
is very important to improve writing skills by avoiding spelling errors throughout this research. It is true that
spelling errors are being done by everyone. Learners of English as second language face difficulties in using
correct spelling in their day-to-day life. In the early stage of learning, pupils tend to use spelling correctly.
Therefore, this effort would be much more effective for second language learners. English spelling is a difficult
matter, therefore the world has trouble getting the right letters in English and it can expect to pose several
spelling difficulties for students who learn the English language. Especially in this regard, the researcher has
chosen three classes in grade 8 from Km/Al/Mazhar Girl’s High school respectively for the research. This study
tried to determine patterns of spelling mistakes committed and improve writing skills without any spelling
errors. The 100 students from three classes were included in this research by using a simple random sampling
method. Two tests were administered to check the writing skills of grade 8 students. The first one is dictating
20 words to write individually and the second one is filling the blanks by using suitable letters to get a
meaningful word. As a result of both tests, mistakes were identified and discussed in detail right after the test.
One single misspelled word is enough to change the whole meaning of the sentence. So that the researcher
undertook the study on improving English writing skills by avoiding spelling errors and overcoming the
problem faced by the student of grade 8 at KM/AL-Mazhar Girls’ High School, Nintavur. The results show that
60% of the students committed errors in omission and insertion. 84% of students encountered difficulty in
identifying silent letters in words. Further, the students have less vocabulary power and interest to improve
their writing skills. This study serves to highlight one of the problems in English writing skills and spelling
errors among grade 8 students.
Keywords: Difficulty, ESL, Student, Spelling Errors, Writing Skills.
This study explores one of the significant aspect of English language in writing skills and spelling errors. It is
very important to improve writing skills by avoiding spelling errors throughout this research. It is true that
spelling errors are being done by everyone. Since the samples were second language learners sometimes face
some difficulties in using correct spelling in their day-to-day life. From the early stage of learning, pupils tend to
use spelling correctly. Therefore, this effort would be much more effective for second language learners. English
spelling is a difficult matter. Therefore, the word has trouble in getting the right letters, and it can expect to
pose several spelling difficulties for students who learn the English language, particularly in the early stage of
spelling development. In this regard, the researcher has chosen three classes from grade 8 at KM/AL/Mazhar
Girl’s High school respectively for the research.
In Srilanka, English is taught from primary to tertiary level. According to our curriculum, grade one and grade
two children are taught English according to the syllabus called “Activity-based Oral English” whereas from
grade three onwards English is taught under a competency-based syllabus. From the stage, they learn to speak
as well as to write. The researcher has chosen three classes from grade 8 at KM/AL/Mazhar Girl’s High School
Nintavur, they are 8A,8B, and 8C. This School is situated in the heart of Nintavur, opposite to grand Mosque.
This is a very famous Girl’s High School in the area with nearly 1000 students and 75 teachers, 6 English
teachers for the primary section, and 3 English teachers for the secondary section. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:10/October-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
When the researcher analyzed the term of English language of some students of the mentioned school, it was
between 40%-50%. Therefore, the researcher analyzed the term exam papers as well as the exercise books of
the particular students and came to know as most of the students have problems with writing. They make many
spelling errors so as the first step researcher conducted a pre-test for all the selected students. Further, the
researcher has decided to continue the research with a post-test. This is the background that made the
researcher do this research to improve the writing skills by avoiding spelling errors to overcome from the
problem faced by grade 8 students. The school and students the researcher selected for the research helped to
carry on the task successfully.
Spelling limits the learner’s skills to write words perfectly or remember. Understanding learners’ spelling
mistakes can help teachers support the development of students’ writing. The student’s goal is to use good
spelling for their writing. If the student cannot spell, and has a very difficult time converting his ideas to others,
easily the student can be broken by his inability to spell words. The spelling mistake can take the mind of the
reader away from the meaning of the news. so spelling is wanted in written communication. Studies concerning
spelling errors in English deal with spelling errors focusing on the spelling mistakes in writing.
Problem of statement
Spelling mistakes are the most common type of mistakes of English learners. One single misspelled word is
enough to change the whole meaning of the text. This is called spelling errors. This affects school students
mostly when they happen to write a piece of article or passage or anything else. So that the title of the study is
on improving English writing skills by avoiding spelling errors and overcoming the problem faced by the
student of grade 8 at KM/AL-Mazhar Girls’ High School, Nintavur.
Improving writing skills by avoiding spelling errors was the main objective of my research study. The students
had to identify the correct spelling through the prepared activities by the researcher for the particular words
pronounced by the researcher. Further, they had to understand the errors they did during their writing. This is
to notify the errors they did during their writing. This is a way to reach the first objective to move into the next
and how to overcome them is the next objective of my research.
Significance of the study
The importance of English cannot be defined and ignored since English is the most common language spoken
everywhere. Every nation has its own language as a means of communication within society. Therefore, the
ability to write it properly is essential for effective communication. Many students, people try to speak English
fluently but they fail to write them all due to their lack of writing skills and also they create more mistakes in
spelling. That may be because the spelling is the word may not show the exact pronunciation. Sometimes the
word would be very long to have or it is simple to another word. Therefore, some students attach them while
writing. Spelling mistakes are the most common type of error in English learners. So that the researcher has
selected the topic of Improving English writing skills by avoiding spelling errors and overcoming the problems
faced by the student of grade 8 at KM/AL/Mazhar Girl’s High School, Nintavur.
The researcher selects spelling mistakes as the topic of the research in order to identify the common spelling
errors and to improve writing skills. The researcher collected the data from different evidence and observed
the classes of grade 08 at KM/AL/Mazhar Girls’ High School. The participants were 100 girls. They were 13-14
years old. The students were in three classes of 35, 35, and 30 students. Girls were selected by using a random
sampling method. All the students in the formal classroom setting from grade 3 were taught five periods of 40
minutes duration a week.
Data collection
The students were observed while they were writing in class and writing in the exams to identify spelling
mistakes. Moreover, the researcher has taken five workbooks and searched for spelling mistake in their writing.
Therefore, the questionnaire the researcher prepared for students helped to identify the errors to improve
their writing skills. The researcher used two types of tests they were post and pretest. At first, the researcher @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:10/October-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
gave a list of 80 common words for each student. Next, the researcher dictated selected 30 words from the
given list of 80 words as the pretest -1 and 20 words to fill in the blank of the pretest -2. All 100 students’
performances were identified and the data was collected with the help of both tests. Post-tests dictating 20
words were also done after the accurate data collection of the pre-tests.
Likewise, one of the data collecting methods, interviewing the teachers also helped to complete the research
successfully. The researcher interviewed some English teachers at KM/AL/Mazhar Girls’ High School and asked
them about the lack of writing skills of the students and the reason for that poor writing skills. Their common
reply to both questions was only spelling errors. Further, it is highly proven as each student’s writing skill
depends on correct spelling according to the prepared test, interviews, observation, and questionnaires.
The numbers of words focused on the test were 30 among the given 80 words, with 20 of them filling the
blanks. Data analysis is another prominent ongoing procedure because this analysis would give the idea to
solve the problem the students that they faced in the English language. The researcher fully observed the errors
of these and came to finish correcting their errors.
Types of spelling errors
In line with the study, the following errors were uncounted by the samples in the written tasks
Table 1: Types of errors in writing tasks
Types of errors Frequency Number of students (%)
Omission 15 30
Substitution ( Replacing) 60 10
Addition 50 35
Transposition (Mis-ordering) 25 25
Total 150 100
Source: Developed by researcher









omission substitution Addition Transposition

Figure 1: Percentage of spelling mistakes among grade 8 students

Source: Developed by researcher @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:10/October-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Analysis of the students’ marks in Pre and Post-test
Table 2: Analysis of marks
Pre-test ( No of the Post-test
Class interval
student) (No of the student)
85-89 07 30
80-84 02 25
75-79 04 10
70-74 05 15
65-69 20 04
60-64 11 04
55-59 15 02
50-54 08 06
45-49 12 02
40-44 06 01
35-39 10 01
Total( students) 100 100
Source: Developed by researcher
There should be a special way to solve this problem. Students should concentrate unit list of words to study the
words carefully, and read books and magazines. Further, they would practice, writing the difficult words many
times at home in order to remember the words perfectly. It is good to listen to the words carefully and try to
identify the differences between different sounds of letters. Moreover, an English library is vitally important to
promote the learning of English. Students should be guided to use the library. They should be shown to refer to
a dictionary, how to see for information for particular questions, etc. video and audio aids will also help to
enhance the learning process for the students.
In addition to that, the exercises given in the workbook should be increased. Co-curricular activities should also
be made available in the study room to improve writing skills. Therefore, the teachers of English must take care
and focus on personal words. Students should put down the initial letter or draw a line and continue to write
when students don’t know how to spell a word. while the writing process has been completed, then it is time to
clean up by inquiring about how to spell the unknown word or by finding it in a dictionary if the dictionary is
able to have been taught.
The way of the study is the brain of learning. The teacher can teach whatever, but the understanding of the stuff
mostly depends on students’ effort. Dedication and strategies determine victory in each student. The student
who dedicates more would obtain more simultaneously the student who dedicates less will receive less. There
are three most important factors essential for a victorious student. Being interested in subjects, revision, and
repetition as well as techniques. According to the pre-test obtained for the selected students, 60% of the
students committed error omission and insertion. Seven students did well on the tests. Other students
committed two mistakes in a word (omission and substitution). For an instance, the word “calendar” was
spelled in “calender” by 90% of the selected students. The student did that mistakes as they were confused
about using “e” and “a”.
On the other hand, the result of the test showed at the most common type of problem for students was silent
letters. It is the problem for 79 students out of 100 (84%). The words such as Knock and Knife were spelled
without the letter ‘k’, ‘nock’, and ‘nife’ because they spelled words by sounds only. Their other mistakes were @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:10/October-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
done by those students like writing ‘b’ instead of ‘p’. the word ‘grass hopper’ given for the dictation was written
as ‘grass hobber’ by many students. The reason why they did so is they are not hearing sounds in words. Only
15% of the students did not make any errors as they had much knowledge and learned themselves. At the same
time, the consequence of the post-test depicts that 95% of the students have the power of understanding and
realize the errors they did in the previous test whereas few students who are often careless in their studies,
failed to learn the mistakes of their pretest.
Moreover, it is highlighted that the students have less vocabulary power and interest to improve student’s
writing skills while comparing both pre and post-tests. The errors let by the students in the pretest were
focused on and given in the post-test after proper guidance and explanation about their mistakes. So, they could
be able to perform well in the post-test and gain good results.
As pe the finding of the study, it is highlighted throughout the whole research as spelling is necessary for good
writing. Improving writing skills by avoiding spelling errors is important. The researchers describe that many
students faced problems in learning the English language. Students face problems in spelling more than verbal
skills. Verbal skills show common errors, how the teacher can solve a student’s problem? The student’s
difficulties were pronouncing English vowels which can be considered as the student’s problems in spelling.
Based on the phonic instructions the students received, many of them tend to spell words by the way they are
pronounced. This study has shown that there is still a lot of room for improvement in spelling and punctuation
among grade 8 students. Students still seem to be making many basic errors as well as some errors, despite
many years of English language learning. This suggests that spelling should be given more emphasis as it clearly
can make it difficult for students. Good spelling knowledge is very important for effective word approval, which
can greatly enhance or hinder reading. As for writing, poor spelling can make writing a labored activity with
regular interruption to the thought process by excessive attention to spelling. Poor spelling also limits the
writer’s choice of words, which negatively impacts make and leads to short and sometimes unmatched pieces of
writing. In conclusion, poor spellers often have low motivation to write. As a recommendation for the research
problem, students should be focused on special classes for improving their spelling skills. This way can make
the researchers care about the spelling. Therefore, appropriate training courses should be given to training
teachers in developing strategies to improve writing skills with appropriate spelling.
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