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Something Beyond Imagination

Conflict: Character Vs. Supernatural

Valeria Hern�ndez Rivera

Ariana Rodriguez Caraballa
Kariana Ramirez Caraballo
Ellionexys Martinez Barrios
Once upon a world where different kind of creatures lived. These creatures had their

own homes. The dragons lived in volcano city. There you could feel the heat in your

feet. There was also unicorn valley where you could hear the most beautiful melody.

Next, there is chocolate land a place where everything tasted sweet and yummy. Last

but not least, there is the magic elf and fairy forest. The elves and fairies lived together.

There you could see all kinds of magic. This world was called Phoenix, but our

protagonists will not be staying here for long. From Volcano city and Unicorn valley

were two best friends.

A dragon called Olly, he is tall and has gold hair with gold stripes and black. He had

always been hyper interactive and fun, and we have a unicorn called Kenna. She’s

white with big, beautiful wings, and big lashes and brown eyes with purple glittery hair

and last but she also like having Olly around. One day Olly and Kenna were playing in

the fairy and elf forest, where they find a portal in a very dark part of the forest the portal

is surrounded by a dark light. Olly says to Kenna ‘’Let’s go check it out.’’ Kenna is

hesitant and wants to go back, but for some reason she decides do go with Olly. A fairy

sees them from a far and gets close to see what they’re doing. He makes enough

courage to says ‘’Hi, I am Brian what are you guys doing in this part of the forest?’’ In a

very shy voice. This fairy is chubby and has wavy hair whit brown skin and green eyes.

Then comes another figure into this tale, a small figure and a chocolaty friend.

Kenna spots an elf and a chocolate from a far and says’’ Who’s there?’’ then the elf and

the chocolate come out. The elf is short with white hair with tan skin and monolid eyes.

The chocolate was milk chocolate, and she was tall and big. The elf came out of the

shadows and said ‘’Sorry we did not mean to scare you. I am Hector and this is
Bubbles.’’ Then Olly says ‘’Hi I am Olly, and this is Kenna and Brian.’’ The others said

hi. Then t Hector asked ‘’Do you guys’ plan on going inside the portal.’’ ‘’heck yea’’ says

Olly. Kenna does not like the idea of it and Brian did not like it either. Olly gets closer to

the portal and the others follow. Kenya says to the others not to go because it could be

dangerous. They don’t listen and Olly is the first to go in the others following. Kenna

runs after them jumping in the portal. They all make to the other side, but what they see

is unimaginable.

All the creatures are in an unknown, a world witch some called Earth. The creatures are

amazed but at the same time a little scare. There in a world that has tall build structures

and moving things in wheels. Brian is frightened by all the noise. He starts to fly in

circles screaming’’! what do we do!’’ Kenna calms him down ‘’ she says’’ It is going to be

ok.’’ Suddenly they see the portal behind them is closed and disappear. They are

known in a new place ready for an adventure. Hector seems like he has achieved

something, and Kenna is weirded out by it. While Kenna is suspicious of it. Kenna tells

Olly ‘’ we need a way to go back.’’ Hector says’’ I may have an answer for this problem.’’

Hector takes out a paper from his pocket that has the solution to their problems. In the

paper is the drawing of a purple rock that is the portal and has a map that tells them

where they can find it. A rock that was long lost in this world. Then Bubbles says’’ Guys

have you notice that we have shrunk.’’ The map leads them to a river. The river is called

the Agni River. When they got to the river, they were amazed by the beauty of it. It has

long curves and a very sparkly water. The water was so clear that when you got closer

you could see the fish. They start to look for the rocks. It takes some time, but Olly finds

it near the shore of the river. Its sparkling, he grabbed it and shows it to the other. The
other are astonished at how beautiful it is. It starts to glow with the magic inside it.

Kenna asks. ’Hector shows me the map to see what we must do next.’’ Hector quickly

moves away so does Bubbles. Bubbles starts laughing so does Hector. Brian asks’’

what are you guys doing?’’ Hector says’’ Well we lied. We weren’t wondering in the

forest just by casualty, we were there on purpose.’’ Kenna asks Why would you do

that?’’ For our Master Karen.’’ They disappear just like that. A portal opens all the

suddenly and you can see through it Phoenix, and then all the creatures start to come to

Earth. Kenna asks’’ what is going on?’’ Somewhere on Earth another portal opens and

that’s when they meet Karen. She’s tall with brunet hair with glasses whit fair skin.

Karen says. ‘’ you have done well my creatures. Now we go and take their magic.’’ They

enter the portal to Phoenix whit all the humans from the world. When they get there,

they see that the world is empty. Meanwhile Kenna, Olly, and Brian are confused by all

the creatures being here. The magical creatures are confused, and Kenna is traying to

figure what to do. She ‘’says we need the map to see what we must do to fix this.’’’’

Brian says I can do a location spell.’’ He casts the spell, and they see the map is on a

mountain. They say to the other creature to stay where they and that they will come

back with a solution. They fly to the mountain and look for the map, when they find the

map, they go back down and see what they can do, where out no where they stumble

into Karen. She’s mad for the dump mistake. Olly says’’ Give us back the rock.’’ Karen

says’’ never. ’They start fighting for the rock, but once they get tired Kenna starts talking

and asks ‘’why are you doing this.’’ Karen says ‘’Because I want what you have.’’olly

asks ‘’Why would you want that?’’ Karen says’’ you people have powers and amazing

abilities which no one here has, and I want it.’’ Suddenly the power from the rock
transfers to her. Now Karen has powers, they star fighting again until Kenna says

something to Karen ‘’ You have to understand that being you is more important than

being something that your not you can discover your other talents that might help this

world. Olly adds ‘’’and you cant compare yourself to other because you will always end

up frustrated and you will grow something in your hearth that will destroy you.’’ Karen

stops and thinks. She end up surrendering and opening the portal so that everyone can

go back to there respective homes and they all live happily ever after.

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