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Labman: a Research Information System to

Foster Insight Discovery Through Visualizations

Oscar Peña, Unai Aguilera, Aitor Almeida, and Diego López-de-Ipiña

Deusto Institute of Technology - DeustoTech, University of Deusto

Avda. Universidades 24, 48007, Bilbao, Spain

Abstract. Effective handling of research related data is an ambitious

goal, as many data entities need to be suitably designed in order to
model the distinctive features of different knowledge areas: publications,
projects, people, events and so on. A well designed information architec-
ture prevents errors due to data redundancy, outdated records or poor
provenance, allowing both internal staff and third parties reuse the in-
formation produced by the research centre. Moreover, making the data
available through a public, Internet accessible portal increases the visibil-
ity of the institution, fostering new collaborations with external centres.
However, the lack of a common structure when describing research data
might prevent non-expert users from using these data. Thus we present
labman, a web-based information research system that connects all the
actors in the research landscape in an interoperable manner, using meta-
data and semantic descriptions to enrich the stored data.
Labman presents different visualizations to allow data exploration and
discovery in an interactive fashion, relying on humans’ visual capacity
rather than an extensive knowledge on the research field itself. Thanks
to the visual representations, visitors can quickly understand the perfor-
mance of experts, project outcomes, publication trajectory and so forth.

1 Introduction

Open Data principles are crawling their path through different actors present
in our daily lives: governments publishing data about their members and hi-
erarchical structures, councils providing open access to local data (i.e., energy
consumption rates, air and water quality, cartography of the surrounding areas,
etc.), prosumers uploading data captured by diverse sensors to allow third-parties
benefit for it and so on. The academic world is not an exception.
Many universities are providing machine-readable data about their institu-
tions on dedicated portals, in order to foster service discovery and data reusabil-
ity. Topics covered span from map layouts of the different buildings and rooms of
the faculties, to statistics about the number of enrolments for the new academic
year, going through the courses offered, staff resumes, etc. Linked Universities, as
stated in their official website1 , “is an alliance of european universities engaged
into exposing their public data as linked data”. Whereas focused on educational
data, they promote the use of shared vocabularies to describe resources, encour-
aging universities to publish data in an interoperable manner.
Regarding research centres, many of them expose official websites showing
their scientific contributions (either publications, events or projects), contact
and organizational information about their researchers, etc. Despite the similar-
ity between research units worldwide, these websites lack a common structure,
making it difficult to compare the success of various units between them. Fur-
thermore, the possibility to automatically download data stored in the research
information system is restricted to the implementation of a customized HTML
parser for the portal’s layout.
In this paper, we present our approach to harmonise how research informa-
tion is collected, stored, linked and presented by developing Labman (Labora-
tory Management), a research-themed information management system which
makes use of Semantic Web Standards and best practices to share data over the
This paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents similar works on re-
search information visualization. Section 3 describes the system we have de-
veloped, and some of its most relevant highlights. Section 4 addresses some of
the visualizations generated from the data within the system. Finally, section 5
summarises the conclusions drawn from the development and drafts some future
work lines.

2 Related work

There are some information systems and plugins which provide visual represen-
tations over research data.
The Semantic Web Journal (SWJ) published by IOS Press provides a Sci-
entometrics portal2 which gathers data from its SPARQL endpoint, generating
publication and author related visualizations. Its goal is to make all submitted
manuscripts, solicited reviews, status updates and comments available for ev-
erybody. This SWJ Portal [4] presents different visualizations about the data
stored in SWJ, allowing visitors to consult an author’s citation or co-authorship
networks, the geospatial distribution of its articles’ citations, or the usage of
selected keywords. Similar results but based on the LAK (Learning Analytics
and Knowledge) are reached in [5].
AMiner3 [9] focuses its metrics on researchers, providing a set of statistics,
metadata and visualizations for individuals in order to understand their contri-
butions through time.
[2] used the LOD Visualization Suite on top of the RILOD (Research Infor-
mation Linked Open Data) dataset to visualize the Flemish research landscape.
With more than 400 million triples, it shows how visualizations can represent the
research status of a whole country. In their demo4 , users can navigate through
publications, projects, topics and research centres, discovering the connections
that link them.
The university of Indiana, with works such as [6, 8], visualized the research
status of the US and major international conference through topic, keyword and
trend analysis.
Finally, the EU-funded CODE project5 aims to collect publication data and
metadata from different sources, extract scientific facts from them and publish
everything to the LOD Cloud. Its Visualization Wizard [7] allows to analyse
linked open datasets visually, offering a visualization recommender based on the
data the user is interested in.

3 Labman
The need for updated, high-quality, non-redundant data is a must for any in-
formation architect, data analyst or management enthusiast. A centralised data
storage helps in minimising data redundancy, avoiding common errors produced
by keeping different versions of data resources in a variety of locations (i.e., when
applying for a new fund, is usual to send a complete version of the participants
CV. If some researchers keep their own updated CVs elsewhere, the provenance
of the presented data will be damaged).

3.1 Modelling a research centre

Every research information system manages information about different resources
of interest. Actually, labman stores information about nearly 100 entities, being
the most important ones:
– Publications: Scientific articles are one of the main research items. Publi-
cations comprise a relevant contribution to a given field, which is presented
to the community in order to gain knowledge about that particular field.
Publications are related to their authors/editors, related publications within
the system, projects where the presented contributions are applied, etc.
– Projects: Comprehended to be the application of gained knowledge to real
scenarios, research projects can either test a scientific contribution in a con-
trolled environment, or serve as the starting point to generate new knowl-
edge. Labman also allows to manage “internal” projects, those initiatives
born within the unit as pet projects in order to test new technologies, in-
novative approaches, etc. As an example, labman is considered an internal
project, as we wanted a system to help research centres homogenise and
share their data. Projects are linked with the people working in them, the
funding calls that finance development, the organizations which collaborate
towards its success, and the publications that expose the outcomes to the
– People: Considered to be the most important asset in any organization, peo-
ple are in charge of developing the projects, writing the articles, contributing
to knowledge areas with new ideas, etc. Thus, labman categorises individu-
als under different roles: researchers, developers, administrative staff, PhD
students, and so on. People are connected to the rest of primary entities in
the system.
– Events: Any gathering of people with similar interests and a specific goal.
With this definition, an event could be of academic nature (i.e., an interna-
tional conference), a project meeting or a hackathon to develop new appli-
cations over Open Data repositories, among others.
– News: Brief reports of the latests actions carried out by the research unit,
news establish an updated communication channel with interested individ-
uals. As a mean to highlight the most important milestones reached by the
research centre, they are connected with people, project, publication and
event entities.
– Doctoral dissertations: Research centres have a deep commitment to-
wards training future researcher generations, often supporting young under-
grads in exchanging programs. Doctoral dissertations are the realization of
a long-term investigation in a specialised area under the direction of one (or
more) supervisors, supported by a doctoral program and usually presented
in viva voce in front of an experts panel.
– Funding programs: Research needs money to endow its maintenance in
the long run. As researchers, we are well-aware of the key value solid R&D
programmes mean to a country’s development, making it competitive in a
global economy. Labman records information about the funding calls sup-
porting the projects developed within the research centre, detailing the or-
ganization that promotes the call, the financed period and the geographical
scope of the funding.
– Organizations: Given the significance of individuals promoting science, the
organizations and institutions they represent are also considered an essen-
tial entity within labman. The type of organization determines its goal in
the research landscape: companies searching for a commercial product, aca-
demic institutions pursuing scientific breakthroughs, public administrations
transferring knowledge to society, etc.

3.2 Publishing as Linked Open Data

Labman is programmed in Django6 , a robust web framework implemented in

Python. Django is database-agnostic, so new deployments of labman can select
their database management system without further hassle. To make labman the
dynamic, data-driven research information system it is, queries are written using
Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) language, decoupling data retrieval
from specific SQL sentences.
Initially, labman published its contents as Linked Open Data using D2RQ
[1], a system to access relational databases as virtual, read-only RDF graphs.
Whilst it allowed resources to be publicly available using shared vocabularies
in a machine-readable manner, we discovered the limits of this approach when
we required conditional structures to control how resources were described when
certain conditions were met (i.e., publishing the resource as a specific type based
on the value adopted by a certain attribute).
The solution was to initially establish a direct mapping between each entity’s
model (classes with defined attributes, as in any object-oriented environment),
and the ontology resource which defined it: for example, people in the system
would be published as foaf:Person instances, and project titles would be mapped
to dc:title values. After describing the correspondence between all the models
in labman, we extended each model’s save() method, thus getting full control
each time an object’s instance is created or updated. In that moment, we gener-
ate/update all the triples linked to the instance, publishing them to the specified
RDF store in labman’s configuration files. By modifying the delete() method in
a similar fashion we are able to control data removals in the triple-store also.
The publication of labman’s data as RDF is completely optional, although
we encourage its adoption for all deployments. Once active, the Linked Open
Data (LOD) life-cycle is automatically managed by labman, providing all the
resources semantically annotated through a dedicated SPARQL endpoint and
allowing third parties and interested users to consult all the information within a
research centre directly. As of May 2015, our research unit’s SPARQL endpoint7
contains more than 20K triples.
To describe the resources within labman, we use some well known vocabu-
laries, such as:

– SWRC: The Semantic Web for Research Communities ontology describes

projects and derivatives.
– SWRC-FE: We extended SWRC’s ontology with a Funding Extension (FE),
in order to gather data about the financial aspect of projects.
– FOAF: The Friend-Of-A-Friend vocabulary is used to describe researchers
and collaborators.
– MUTO: The Modular Unified Tagging Ontology is used to characterise the
topics of both publications and projects.
– BIBO: Used to express publication-related facts.

Actually, labman publishes mostly 4-star LOD (according to Tim Berners-Lee

5 star deployment scheme8 ), with the possibility to generate manually created
rdfs:seeAlso links to external resources for most of the primary entities in the
data model.
3.3 Management tasks

Labman provides a full-featured administration panel, in which all the entity

models can be created, modified or removed from the system. Access to this
administration panel is controlled by permission groups, controlling which user
has access to each action. For example, a “Journalist” group can be defined who
is only able to edit News related instances.
Apart from the administration panel, a management view is provided to deal
with data quality related tasks. The most relevant one, being an automated tool
to retrieve publications data, avoiding to feed all the information to the system
from scratch. In order to achieve this automatic retrieval, we have implemented a
zotero connector, responsible for the automatic gathering of publication-related
Zotero9 is a free, open-sourced reference/bibliographic management tool which
integrates with a huge variety of publication indexing databases and office soft-
ware suits. With just a unique identifier for a publication (e.g., a DOI number,
ISSN/ISBN, unique title, etc.), Zotero searches the Internet in order to gather
as much available metadata as possible about it, taking the burden of filling all
the fields from labman’s administrators.
Labman allows to collect publications from a library within zotero. By pro-
viding the API key and unique identifier for the repository, labman connects
periodically to Zotero to retrieve updates. When new items are found, a publi-
cation instance is generated in the research information system, together with
the available document if it is provided as an attachment.
However, when automatically retrieving data from the Internet, some con-
flicts may appear. The most usual one is the author-name redundancy, as the
same researches might get different naming in diverse indexing databases. In
order to disambiguate them, we apply a string-similarity algorithm which calcu-
lates the likeness between all the researcher names in the system. Those matches
are presented to labman’s administrators in order to decide which action to take:
a) merging both names (e.g., one of them is selected as the correct one, and all
the instances linked to the other name are assigned to the correct match), or b)
mark the match as a mistake, so both names are distinguished and the algorithm
does not detect collisions from then on.
Finally, users can tag items in zotero. We use those tags with different pur-
poses. Some reserved tags are searched for, so when a user tags an item with
them, different actions are triggered. For example, the impact factor of a journal
article can be made explicit through tags, as well as the quartile where it was
published. By using a project’s name within labman as a tag, a direct relation-
ship is established between the project and the publication. If the tag does not
match any of the special regular expressions, its considered a topic label and
used for that end.

4 Visualising Research Data

All entity views in labman try to display at once all the available information
about the items of interest and the resources connected with them. Presenting
data and linked items in a clean and ordered way, we encourage website visi-
tors to navigate through the system in an exploratory process, discovering new
knowledge on the way.
Apart from textual information and links to related instances, labman pro-
vides different visualizations that summarise diverse aspects of the research cen-
tre’s performance. Most visual representations can be found under the Charts
menu, or from each researcher’s personal view.
As our research information system is web-based, most of the visualizations
are dynamic and interactive, to foster a serendipitous behaviour. The visual-
izations generated within labman are implemented using JavaScript graphing
libraries, such as d3.js 10 , Google Charts 11 and sigma.js 12 .
Some of the most interesting charts are explained next, using as example our
unit’s deployment of labman 13 :

4.1 Historical role distribution

The visualization in Figure 1 helps understanding the organizational structure

over time. By stacking the roles count by year, the total number of people work-
ing in the centre is displayed, and each colour-coded area shows how many people
has been involved in different tasks.

Fig. 1. Timeline with MORElab’s role distribution since its creation a decade ago

This chart could exhibit interesting patterns in human-resource management:
the growth/downturn of the group in a specific period, promotions (PhD student
→ Post-doctoral researcher), unification of role labels, etc.

4.2 Projects timeline

Researchers usually test and apply their research innovations in controlled envi-
ronments, in order to collect new evidences to support their work, or to transfer
knowledge to society. People can play different roles in those projects, and when
drafting new proposals, knowing the workload of each employee in the group is
an important metric to have accessible (see Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Reduced version of the projects timeline for a selected person. The colour legend
signals the role played during its execution

4.3 Research topics

Finally, labman makes use of weighted word lists (also known as “word clouds”)
to depict the topics covered by the carried out works. Keywords for the resources
of interest are weighted so the bigger the word is displayed, the more resources
that have use it to define themselves, as displayed in Figure 3. Clicking on any
keyword would filter the instances in the system which belong to the topic.
Topics are assigned to instances using Dublin Core’s subject attribute, and
published as LOD using the muto:Tag ontology. Topics in labman can be hier-
archically organised, thus tagging a resource with a “child” class would result in
assigning the “parent” tags to the object also. Through this technique, parent
topics represent well-defined, independent knowledge areas; whereas child topics
are used to mark specialised, deepen knowledge.
Fig. 3. Topic relevance of projects carried out within the group

4.4 Place distribution in authored publications

Metrics like h-index, i10-index, number of publications, etc. are de facto means
to evaluate and compare performance between researchers. In the “publish-or-
perish” scenario research is usually surrounded in, where authors can “cheat” the
metrics focusing on publication volume and auto-citation networks, a broader
set of factors need to be considered when judging the impact of contributions.
As an idea to check the contribution of each author in a publication, labman
presents a combo chart per researcher that aggregates the authoring position
by publication type, and depicts their distribution (see Figure 4). Whereas this
metric could not be relevant for all knowledge areas, in some fields such as
Computer Science, usually place is proportionally related to the contributions
made by each author.

Fig. 4. Place distribution for a researcher of our group, aggregated by publication type
When a publication type is selected, the chart is re-arranged in a time-based
series fashion. Both visuals can help detecting common patterns, i.e., PhD stu-
dents starting from low-level places (collaborators in an existing research when
they entered the lab) and climbing positions as their works produce significant
results; well-positioned researchers with a successful trajectory co-authoring sev-
eral articles in the same conferences/journals yearly, etc.

4.5 People collaboration networks

Science advances “On the shoulders of giants”, meaning that research is often
made in collaboration with other researchers, both from the same organization
or external institutions. When developing a project or working on a new pub-
lication, people establish ties between them which highlight common interests.
Figure 5 depicts how active members of our group have related with each other
carrying out the same projects. Similar graphs are calculated for co-authoring
networks, egonetworks [3], etc.

Fig. 5. Active members collaboration graph in projects

The stronger the connection (more projects/publications in common), the

thicker the edge that connects two persons. Node size is calculated through
Eigenvector centrality, a value that portrays the relevance of that particular
item within the whole network. The colour indicates the community the node
belongs to. Communities do not symbolise the organization a person works for,
but the sub-group it belongs to due to certain particularities. For example, com-
munities of practice, similar research topics, specialised knowledge areas, etc.
Hovering over a node, only that person’s connections are coloured, to avoid vi-
sual overloading.

5 Conclusions and future work

Labman summarises our efforts towards managing all the information within
a research centre, with the possibility of publishing it as LOD, and presenting
dynamic visualizations in order to get the full picture about the unit’s status
and performance in different scenarios. These charts and graphs also allow unit
leaders plan strategic goals for the next years, empowering strong knowledge
areas, promoting promising new research topics, presenting innovative project
proposals to first-level funding calls, etc.
Actually, our research information system is deployed in three different re-
search groups within the university: two from DeustoTech - Deusto Institute
of Technology (Mobility14 and MORElab’s official websites), and one from the
Transnational Law Research Unit15 . These knowledge-areas diversity has im-
proved labman by making it more generalist, without being closely-coupled with
our unit’s needs.
Labman has proven to be practical by its users, which was one of the main
reasons to avoid standard CMSs and develop a generic system from the ground.
The ease of importing all publication-related data thanks to Zotero is a really
appreciated feature, and users have repeatedly pledged for a similar approach
to import project-related data. However, as for the best of our knowledge there
are no similar tools for project data, the need to input the data manually is still
required. Nevertheless, the benefits still exceed the system’s lacks.
The software is open-sourced under a GPL v3 license16 , and its code can be
browsed, downloaded and contributed to in its GitHub repository17 . The project
is continuously improved by adding new features, solving bugs and including pull
requests from different contributors.
As listed in the issues section of the code base, our focus is set on providing
more insightful visualizations to foster information discovery when visiting a
labman-powered website.
We are also considering the possibility to offer a JSON-LD18 based API in
order to allow both programmers and Semantic Web practitioners access the data
stored within labman in a more traditional way, without the required knowledge
about the SPARQL language and related technologies. Individual web views will
17 ud
also be extended with 19 metadata definitions for promoting resource
discovery and interoperability.
Finally, we are completing the implementation of OAI-PMH20 (Open Archives
Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) to make all the metadata about
publications discoverable by clients supporting these conventions. Many digi-
tal libraries, institutional repositories and digital archives have already adopted
OAI-PMH in their systems.

6 Acknowledgements
The research activities described in this paper are funded by the Basque Gov-
ernment’s Universities and Research department, under grant PRE 2014 2 298.

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