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Driving New Cycles of Plastics Use

Our Vision
An international, holistic platform able to greatly
expand the aggregation and recycling, of post use
plastics, eliminating landfill disposal and
environmental pollution.

The Cyclyx International Platform enables plastic

reuse by focusing on aggregating, preparing and
supplying plastic feedstock appropriate for various
circular and low carbon advanced recycling options.

Primary Goal: Immediate diversion and recycling of

100% of post use plastics

Our Structure
Cyclyx International is a Co-Operative (“Co-Op”), accruing benefits to its members:
 Disruptive approach: All funding and revenues are used to subsidize the supply of plastic feedstock to
member companies
 Co-Op incorporates chemical recycling to greatly enhance the recovery of difficult to recycle plastics
 Offers unrivaled chemical expertise in order to customize and deliver feedstocks to member companies
appropriate for new and specific product pathways.
 Cyclyx provides ongoing collective learning, knowledge, data and Artificial Intelligence to member
companies to assist in their operations as well as to advance their recycling innovations.




Driving New Cycles of Plastics Use

Member Benefits
The Cyclyx Co-Op provides a comprehensive set of industry leading tools, data, innovations and
conversion expertise to meet various member objectives:

 Assist in the aggregation and preparation of various post use plastics appropriate for conversion and
recovery in new and advanced downstream mechanical and chemical recycling facilities

 Access to proprietary waste chemistry expertise and artificial intelligence programs to help create the
proper feedstock recipes that are optimal for the various member technology solution options

 Provides low to no cost customized feedstock to members to enhance the economic viability of their
conversion technology and or recycled products

 Platform creates a new international plastic recycling supply chain that allows members to create new
markets and achieve large scale recycling quickly

 The Cyclyx Co-Op reduces feedstock availability risk, speeds up commercial development and helps
optimize recycled product quality

 The Cyclyx system allows post use plastics to be immediately diverted from landfill and preprocessed
for future conversion prior to production capacity coming online; hydrocarbon reserve

 Access to chemical conversion R&D including, material characterization, product pathway modeling,
designing for recyclability, chemical recycling certification etc.

Plastics and polymers are a critical part of modern society and
are used in almost every aspect of daily life. One of the values
of plastics is their inherent strength and durability; however,
this means that plastics remain durable long after use. As we
use more and more plastic, we also discard an ever-growing
amount of waste plastics. Although certain polymers have
access to recycling markets, the overwhelming amount of
plastics do not have access to recycling options stranding the
inherent value of the plastic waste. As a result, the increasing
amount of residual plastics is accumulating either in landfills
or in the environment. In fact, the Ellen MacArthur
Foundation has published an ocean pollution forecast that by
2050 there will be more plastic pollution in the oceans by Plastics
Recycled Since
weight than fish. Inception:
6.0 %
Driving New Cycles of Plastics Use


New supply chains

Complexity of Plastic Existing Recycling Fragmented Industries need to be set up
Waste not designed for Waste and recycling
Feedstock supply and
Tremendous diversity and Chemical Recycling companies and
product offtake supply
variability in waste streams. Systems not designed chains do not exist for
petrochemical companies
Types and mixtures of waste for targeting chemical recycling. Process,
need to work together to
plastics and types and levels of downstream Inventory and logistics
dramatically increase plastic
contamination dramatically hydrocarbon products. systems need to be set up.
recycling rates
effect recyclability

Elements of our Approach

Product Pathway Mechanical and
Fully integrated material management Recipes Chemical Recyclers
system with new MRF facility design
Preprocessing system designed for Olefin Base
customized product priorities Feedstock

Partner with
Sophisticated inventory and logistics Recycling Facilities
systems Crude; Needs
Supporting Chemical Recycling
Technologies including pyrolysis: multiple
product pathways and embedded knowhow
Drop in Diesel
Artificial Intelligence Engines; predictive Owned Recycling
modeling, polymer recipe management and Facilities

facility optimization
PS Monomer
Adding new supply chains to the existing
recycling systems

Bunker Fuel

Options for Participation

 Founders Equity Investment  Processed Fuel Purchaser
 Recycling / Conversion Facility Investment  Secure Services:
 In-kind asset contribution o Waste characterizations
 Marketing Support o Feedstock recipes
 Purchase of Environmental Attributes o Product pathway evaluations
 Feedstock Supplier o Chemical Recycling Certifications
o Designing for Recyclability
Driving New Cycles of Plastics Use

Cyclyx International has been designed
as a Co-Operative to the benefit of its
members. We welcome participation
from people, companies and
organizations committed to increasing
the recyclability and recycling rates of
post use plastics. We believe we have
identified and found solutions for the
main deterrents in the current recycling
industry that are preventing us from
leveraging plastics as a valuable and
highly recyclable resource.

For further information please contact:

Bill McDonough
CEO, McDonough Innovation
C 703.944.7966

Joseph L. Vaillancourt,
CEO, Agilyx Corporation
C 281.825.1392

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