English 11 2nd Sem Research

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Roxas, Isabela
SY 2021- 2022

The Impact of Christian Living Education in the Faith Dimension of

Grade 10 Bethlehem Students of

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. 2021-2022

Dear participants,

I am inviting you to participate in this research by completing the following survey

questionnaires. This research paper aims to know the impact of Christian Living Education in the Faith
Dimension of Grade 10 Bethlehem Students of La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. 2021-2022. The questions
will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Advance, thank you for taking your time to assist
with this research. Under no circumstances are you obliged to answer any of the questions; however, pay
your all-out effort to assist me in completing my research and enhancing the understanding of this
research focus. The data collected will remain confidential and used solely for this research paper.


Group 3 of 11th STEM Our Lady of La Salette of La Salette of Roxas College.

Name (optional):


Instruction : Please answer the following questions with honesty.

Section A: Assessing the belief and faith of students of Grade 10 Bethlehem.

A1. What religion do you believe in?

A2. What do people learn about religion in school?

A3. How do you develop faith?

A4. Why is faith so important in our lives?

A5. How do you practice faith?

Section B: Assessing about the values and teaching of the subject Christian Living Education.

B1. What values did you learn in studying the subject of Christian Living Education?
Roxas, Isabela
SY 2021- 2022

B2. What things from your learnings that can affect your faith?

B3. Does studying the subject Christian Living Education essential or beneficial to your faith.

Section C. Analyzing the impact of studying Christian Living Education in the faith dimension of
the students.

C1. How does the learning in Christian Living Education affect your act of believin g in God?

C2. How does the learning in Christian Living education affect your morals?

C3. How does the learning in Christian Living Education affect your act in trust and worship to God?

Section D. Learning the Impact of Christian Living Education in the faith dimension of the

D1. How does learning this subject change the way you believe?

D2. Does the subject help you to fully understood on how to live by God’s will in the way you act,
your morals, and the way you worship.

D3. How does the subject Christian Living Education impacted your faith.

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