G11 STEM Earth Science Midterm PETA

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G11 OLLS & G11 OLH

October 15-22

You are a member of the Roxas Environmental Conservation Advocate Which aims to
conserve and protect the environment not only in the municipality of Roxas but also the
entire province of Isabela and its natural resources. Your group/organization is invited
by the Barangay Captains asking for support in their mission for a comprehensive
environmental awareness program. In their invitation, they are asking your organization
to make an outline in the form concept map from Solar System down to the Rocks and
Minerals of the earth. The Concept Map will be assessed according to
Comprehensiveness, Relevance to the purpose, Originality


Exemplary (10) Satisfactory (8) Developing (5) Beginning (3)

Relevance to The task clearly The task makes The task makes It is a concept
the Purpose requires deep use of use of the map that sbut
understanding concepts concept of has nothing to
of the concept Earth and Its Earth Science do with the
and Natural but not topic at all
application of Resources Necessarily
the skills Earth and its
acquired Natural
throughout the Resources
Originality The concept It is not copied It is patterned It is completely
map is from any of the to certain copied from
uniquely and book or any concept map the book ; only
creatively resources in the replacing the
conceived presented in reference terms
this module book but is
given a twist in
Comprehensive The concept . The concept The concept The concept
ness Map is Map may be map is not well map has no
sufficiently understood by organize connection at
understood by the audience all and difficult
the audience through the to understand.
without the use use of
of any references

Note: Draw your Concept Map in 1/8 Illustration Board.

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