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The Cessna 172 aeroplane is an all-metal, single engine, four-seat, high-wing monoplane aircraft, equipped with tricycle landing gear and designed for general utility

Seminocoques structure

Braced wing,
Causes of Airplane Upsets—Summary
1. Environmental: Turbulence, CAT, mountain wave, windshear, thunderstorms, microbursts, wake turbulence, and airplane icing
2. Systems anomalies: Flight instruments, autoflight systems, and flight control anomalies
3. Pilot induced: Instrument cross-check, inattention and distraction from primary cockpit duties, vertigo or spatial disorientation, and improper use of airplane

Nose-High Recovery (thinking of stall)

• Recognize and confirm the situation
• Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
• Apply as much as full nosedown elevator
• Use appropriate techniques:
– Roll (adjust bank angle) to obtain a nosedown pitch rate
– Reduce thrust (underwing-mounted engines)
Complete the recovery:
– Approaching the horizon, roll to wings level
– Check airspeed; adjust thrust
– Establish pitch attitude

Nose-Low Recovery (enexpected spiral, avoid exceeding Vne)

• Recognize and confirm the situation
• Disengage autopilot and autothrottle

Roll in the shortest direction to wings level:

– Bank angle to more than 90 deg; unload and roll
Recover to level flight
– Apply noseup elevator
– Apply stabilizer trim, if necessary
– Adjust thrust and drag, as necessary

Procedure stall recovery (base to final turn is dangerous)

Release stick
Level wings (using full movement)
Full power
Pitch up (recover)

Nose high LOW BANK unusual attitude (thinking of stall , low speed)
Pitch down first , Full thrust
Roll wing level second
Power as necessary to stabilize speed
Regain initial altitude, path etc …

Nose high HIGH BANK > 90 degre

Release stick (neutral)
Help the aircraft nose down with the stick
When nose below horizon
Level wing (full deflection – to get max lift)
Full power

Nose low unusual attitude LOW BANK (accelerating unexpected spiral, think of not excess Vne)
Thrust idle ,
Wings level first to avoid excessive g force leading or accelerated stall
Pitch up second to level flight attitude
Power as necessary to stabilize speed
Regain initial altitude, path etc …

Nose low HIGH BANK > 90 degre

Thrust idle
Wings level first to avoid excessive g force leading or accelerated stall
Pitch up second to level flight attitude
Power as necessary to stabilize speed
Regain initial altitude, path etc …

Spin recovery : (difficulty is to recognize the way the spin is turning) take tine to recogniye wich side we are turning best instrument to check is coordinate turning
1. Reduce the Power (Throttle) to Idle
2. Position the Ailerons to Neutral
3. Apply Full Opposite Rudder against the Rotation
Just after rudder reach stop, move control forward briskly to break the stall
Hold this input until rotation stop
5. as rotation stop neutralize rudder and make smooth recovery from the dive (smooth to avoid secondary stall)

If desorientation use turn coosridnator tu find the sense of spin rotation, forbidden to spin with flaps

Spiral Dive : A spiral dive, a nose low upset, is a descending turn during which airspeed and G-load can increase rapidly
and often results from a botched turn. In a spiral dive, the airplane is flying very tight circles, in a nearly vertical attitude
and will be accelerating because it is no longer stalled.

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