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-nit 2 Test Name Date

Listening, Vocabulary and Grammar Test

1 Listen and number. $+3
f g . i /

a b c d e

2 Write.

1  _________
 _________ 2  _________
 _________ 3  _________
 _________ 4  _________
 _________ 5  _________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________
 ___________  ___________

3 Write about Sam. Complete with Yes, always , Yes, often ,

Yes, sometimes or No, neer .

Does he…
swim?  ______
play hockey?

!"#T#$#!%&'L( � !"ord #ni$ersity %ress ) Total 1


-nit 2 Test Name Date

eading and 0riting Test

4 &ead and circle.

%rincess %aula wants to marry %rince 'arry. (hey o"ten spend time to)ether.
%rincess %aula always wears lots o" *ewellery. (he prince always wears his
crown. 'e says a real prince ne$er takes o"" his crown. (hey sometimes )o to
the swimmin) pool and they sometimes )o to the lake. ne day they )o
swimmin) in the lake. + )iant ea)le takes the prince and his crown. (he
princess )i$es the ea)le her crown and all her *ewellery and the ea)le "rees
%rince 'arry. %rince 'arry doesnt like %rincess %aula because he says she
doesnt look like a real princess any more. She doesnt like him any more
either. (hey dont )et married and they dont li$e happily e$er a"ter.

1 +t the be)innin) %rincess %aula a wants b doesnt want to marry %rince 'arry.
2 (hey a sometimes b often spend time to)ether.
3 %rincess %aula a often b always wears lots o" *ewellery.
4 (he prince a neer b always wears his crown.
5 (hey a always b sometimes )o to the swimmin) pool.
) (hey a sometimes b neer )o to the lake.
 +n ea)le takes a t.e rincess b t.e rince.
 (he princess )i$es the ea)le a .er crown b .er /ewellery c .er crown
and .er /ewellery.
6 (he prince a doesnt li7e b does li7e her without her *ewellery, and she doesnt
like him either.
18 (hey a lie b dont lie happily e$er a"ter.

5 Look at the pictures and write about yoursel". #se always, often, sometimes
or neer.


!"#T#$#!%&'L( � !"ord #ni$ersity %ress ) Total 2

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