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TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020

Sample: F04 | Sample:
Operator: FA | Operator:
Submitter: | Submitter:
File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Januari\F04.SMP | File:
Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 | Started:
Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed:
Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No | Report Time:
Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ Measured | Sample Mass:
Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa
Low Pressure None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure
Automatic DegNo | Automatic Deg
Summary Report | Isotherm Tabular Report
| Relative Press
Surface Area | 0.009571418
| 0.109262848
Single point s 513.2563 m²/g | 0.210853557
| 0.296211865
BET Surface A520.9387 m²/g | 0.404333737
| 0.501775681
t-Plot Micropo 30.6492 m²/g | 0.603527551
| 0.70134711
t-Plot External 490.2895 m²/g | 0.800478243
| 0.897653118
BJH Adsorption | 0.988750418
between 1.700440.964 m²/g | 0.90608649
| 0.806536383
BJH Desorption | 0.706230645
between 1.700499.6202 m²/g | 0.60900899
| 0.505077643
D-H Adsorption | 0.40438373
between 1.700442.889 m²/g | 0.29755253
| 0.212347372
D-H Desorption | 0.112043321
between 1.700480.9999 m²/g | 0.010270121
Pore Volume |
Single point ad |
less than 172. 1.597000 cm³/g |
t-Plot micropo 0.014777 cm³/g |
BJH Adsorption |
between 1.7001.526422 cm³/g |
BJH Desorption |
between 1.7001.549999 cm³/g |
Pore Size |
Adsorption ave12.26248 nm |
BJH Adsorption
13.8462 nm |
BJH Desorption
12.4094 nm |
D-H Adsorption13.7085 nm |
D-H Desorption12.6472 nm |
Freundlich |
Qm·C: 53.5792 ± 1.2519 cm³/g STP |
m: 4.8801 ± 0.2891 |
Temkin |
q·alpha/Qm: 0.024031 ± 0.003693 kJ/mol·(cm³/g STP) |
A: 2.3210 ± 1.7100 mmHg |
DFT Pore Size |
Volume in Por < 1.483 nm : 0.01845 cm³/ |
Total Volume i<= 117.233 nm : 0.99805 cm³/ |
Area in Pores > 117.233 nm : 191.182 m²/g |
Total Area in >= 1.483 nm : 319.136 m²/g |
DFT Surface Energy |
Total Area : 481.393 m²/g |
Nanoparticle Size: |
Average Partic11.5177 nm |
Horvath-Kawazoe |
Maximum pore1.597000 cm³/g |
Median pore wi31.6805 nm |
MP-Method |
Cumulative sur |
1.89609 nm and
0.0000 m²/g |
Cumulative po |
1.89609 nm and
0.000000 cm³/g |
Average pore h0.00000 nm |
TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020
F04 | Sample: F04
FA | Operator: FA
| Submitter:
C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Januari\F04.SMP | File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\J
1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 | Started: 1/16/2019 4:5
1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2
7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No | Report Time: 7/15/2019 10:
0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ Measured | Sample Mass:0.2961 g
31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³
None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure None
No | Automatic DegNo
otherm Tabular Report | Isotherm Linear Plot
Absolute Pres Quantity AdsoElapsed Time S( aturation Pr |
760 | F04 - Adsorption
7.274277687 81.28752762 01:08 | Relative PressQuantity Adso
83.0397644 128.2831883 01:21 | 0.009571418 81.28752762
160.248703 150.4622628 01:35 | 0.109262848 128.2831883
225.1210175 167.5266158 01:45 | 0.210853557 150.4622628
307.2936401 190.1414537 01:57 | 0.296211865 167.5266158
381.3495178 211.4694042 02:09 | 0.404333737 190.1414537
458.6809387 237.3646325 02:24 | 0.501775681 211.4694042
533.0238037 270.7025802 02:40 | 0.603527551 237.3646325
608.3634644 330.3727489 03:00 | 0.70134711 270.7025802
682.2163696 517.8356471 03:40 | 0.800478243 330.3727489
751.4503174 1032.454104 05:11 | 0.897653118 517.8356471
688.6257324 910.5891526 06:09 | 0.988750418 1032.454104
612.9676514 377.2120903 08:34 |
536.7352905 282.1431967 09:17 |
462.8468323 243.539714 09:38 |
383.8590088 215.3463724 09:57 |
307.3316345 192.2666731 10:14 |
226.1399231 169.5649683 10:29 |
161.3840027 152.3945724 10:40 |
85.15292358 130.5282134 10:54 |
7.80529213 83.82197141 11:38 |
Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1
| Sample: F04
| Operator: FA
| Submitter:
:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu| File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu
Analysis AdsorN2 | Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2
Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C
Thermal Correc No | Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal CorrecNo
Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M| Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M
Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s
Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³
| Automatic DegNo
| Isotherm Log Plot
F04 - Desorption | F04 - Adsorption F04 - Desorption
Relative PressQuantity Adso| Relative PressQuantity AdsoRelative PressQuantity Adso
0.988750418 1032.454104 | 0.009571418 81.28752762 0.988750418 1032.454104
0.90608649 910.5891526 | 0.109262848 128.2831883 0.90608649 910.5891526
0.806536383 377.2120903 | 0.210853557 150.4622628 0.806536383 377.2120903
0.706230645 282.1431967 | 0.296211865 167.5266158 0.706230645 282.1431967
0.60900899 243.539714 | 0.404333737 190.1414537 0.60900899 243.539714
0.505077643 215.3463724 | 0.501775681 211.4694042 0.505077643 215.3463724
0.40438373 192.2666731 | 0.603527551 237.3646325 0.40438373 192.2666731
0.29755253 169.5649683 | 0.70134711 270.7025802 0.29755253 169.5649683
0.212347372 152.3945724 | 0.800478243 330.3727489 0.212347372 152.3945724
0.112043321 130.5282134 | 0.897653118 517.8356471 0.112043321 130.5282134
0.010270121 83.82197141 | 0.988750418 1032.454104 0.010270121 83.82197141
| |
| TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020
| |
| |
| Sample: F04 | Sample:
| Operator: FA | Operator:
| Submitter: | Submitter:
| File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu| File:
| |
| |
| Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 | Started:
| Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed:
| Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No | Report Time:
| Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M| Sample Mass:
| Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa
| Low Pressure None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure
| Automatic DegNo | Automatic Deg
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Isotherm Linear Absolute Plot | Isotherm Log Absolute Plot
| |
| |
| F04 - Adsorption F04 - Desorption | F04 - Adsorption
| Absolute Pres Quantity AdsoAbsolute Pres Quantity Adso| Absolute Pres
| 7.274277687 81.28752762 751.4503174 1032.454104 | 7.274277687
| 83.0397644 128.2831883 688.6257324 910.5891526 | 83.0397644
| 160.248703 150.4622628 612.9676514 377.2120903 | 160.248703
| 225.1210175 167.5266158 536.7352905 282.1431967 | 225.1210175
| 307.2936401 190.1414537 462.8468323 243.539714 | 307.2936401
| 381.3495178 211.4694042 383.8590088 215.3463724 | 381.3495178
| 458.6809387 237.3646325 307.3316345 192.2666731 | 458.6809387
| 533.0238037 270.7025802 226.1399231 169.5649683 | 533.0238037
| 608.3634644 330.3727489 161.3840027 152.3945724 | 608.3634644
| 682.2163696 517.8356471 85.15292358 130.5282134 | 682.2163696
| 751.4503174 1032.454104 7.80529213 83.82197141 | 751.4503174
| |
TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108
F04 | Sample: F04
FA | Operator: FA
| Submitter:
C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu| File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu
1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 | Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis Adsor
1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath
7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No | Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc
0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M| Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp
31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In
None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure None Sample Densit
No | Automatic DegNo
otherm Log Absolute Plot | Isotherm Pressure Composition
04 - Adsorption F04 - Desorption | F04 - Adsorption F04 - Desorption
Quantity AdsoAbsolute Pres Quantity Adso| Weight % N2 Absolute Pres Weight % N2
81.28752762 751.4503174 1032.454104 | 0.72532493 7.274277687 9.212541249
128.2831883 688.6257324 910.5891526 | 1.144665084 83.0397644 8.125145802
150.4622628 612.9676514 377.2120903 | 1.342567962 160.248703 3.365846412
167.5266158 536.7352905 282.1431967 | 1.494832412 225.1210175 2.517550976
190.1414537 462.8468323 243.539714 | 1.696623587 307.2936401 2.173093848
211.4694042 383.8590088 215.3463724 | 1.886931924 381.3495178 1.921525936
237.3646325 307.3316345 192.2666731 | 2.117993874 458.6809387 1.715586824
270.7025802 226.1399231 169.5649683 | 2.415466873 533.0238037 1.513020539
330.3727489 161.3840027 152.3945724 | 2.947901088 608.3634644 1.359809873
517.8356471 85.15292358 130.5282134 | 4.620624046 682.2163696 1.164697342
1032.454104 7.80529213 83.82197141 | 9.212541249 751.4503174 0.747939658
| |
Page 1 | TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 |
| |
| |
| Sample: F04 |
| Operator: FA |
| Submitter: |
0\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu| File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu|
| |
| |
N2 | Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 |
-195.850 °C | Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C |
No | Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No |
10.6808 cm³ M| Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M|
5s | Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s |
1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ |
| Automatic DegNo |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| BET Surface Area Report |
| |
| BET Surface A520.9387 ± 4.4252 m²/g |
04 - Desorption | Slope: 0.008317 ± 0.000070 g/cm³ STP |
Absolute Pres | Y-Intercept: 0.000039 ± 0.000013 g/cm³ STP |
751.4503174 | C: 212.104361 |
688.6257324 | Qm: 119.6680 cm³/g STP |
612.9676514 | Correlation Coe
0.9999297 |
536.7352905 | Molecular Cros0.1620 nm² |
462.8468323 | |
383.8590088 | |
307.3316345 | |
226.1399231 | |
161.3840027 | Relative PressQuantity Adso1/[Q(Po/P - 1)] |
85.15292358 | 0.009571418 81.28752762 0.000118886 |
7.80529213 | 0.109262848 128.2831883 0.00095621 |
| 0.210853557 150.4622628 0.001775807 |
| 0.296211865 167.5266158 0.00251233 |
| |
| |
TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020Serial #: 1108 Page 1 | TriStar II 3020TriStar II 3020
Sample: F04 | Sample: F04
Operator: FA | Operator: FA
Submitter: | Submitter:
File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Janu| File: C:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\J
Started: 1/16/2019 4:5 Analysis AdsorN2 | Started: 1/16/2019 4:5
Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2 Analysis Bath -195.850 °C | Completed: 1/17/2019 4:2
Report Time: 7/15/2019 10: Thermal Correc No | Report Time: 7/15/2019 10:
Sample Mass:0.2961 g Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ M| Sample Mass:0.2961 g
Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³ Equilibration In5 s | Cold Free Spa31.2572 cm³
Low Pressure None Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³ | Low Pressure None
Automatic DegNo | Automatic DegNo
BET Surface Area Plot | BET Isotherm Plot
F04 Not Fitted | F04
Relative Press1/[Q(Po/P - 1)]Relative Press1/[Q(Po/P - 1)]| Relative PressQuantity Adso
0.009571418 0.000118886 | 0.009571418 81.28752762
0.109262848 0.00095621 | 0.109262848 128.2831883
0.210853557 0.001775807 | 0.210853557 150.4622628
0.296211865 0.00251233 | 0.296211865 167.5266158
| 0.404333737 190.1414537
| 0.501775681 211.4694042
| 0.603527551 237.3646325
| 0.70134711 270.7025802
| 0.800478243 330.3727489
| 0.897653118 517.8356471
| 0.988750418 1032.454104
Serial #: 1108 Page 1

:\TriStar II 3020\data\SAMPEL\2019\Januari\F04.SMP

Analysis AdsorN2
Analysis Bath -195.850 °C
Thermal Correc No
Warm Free Sp10.6808 cm³ Measured
Equilibration In5 s
Sample Densit1.000 g/cm³

F04 - BET Equation

Relative PressQuantity Adsorbed (cm³/g STP)
0.009571418 81.20676506
0.109262848 129.3746588
0.210853557 149.0129876
0.296211865 168.1505626
0.404333737 199.5120291
0.501775681 239.069892
0.603527551 300.8999393
0.70134711 399.8898415
0.800478243 599.070318
0.897653118 1168.61139
0.988750418 10636.98205

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