There Is A Santa Claus - ELF Music

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ELF ll There Is A Santa Claus (4/18/13) Music by MATTHEW SKLAR MICHAEL: "Buy, where did you go?" Lyrics by CHAD BEGUELIN IMUSIC IN as Michel looks out the window Brisk, excited, and magical Nomar” (60) errer 4 MICHAEL: Safety (vocal last x) saw a tieny sleigh make its ti-ny way dead dad “170 ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF girs was-n't time to blink be - fore it zoomed right by ie ev-ery-thing I knew I knew and ev-ery-thing that you knew too is ab-so-lute-Iy now un-true be ~ with ~ out am ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF 3 EMILY: "Oh my Gad... EMILY: 20 4,2 23 Pa yet my whole life through he seemed fake Z 7 : Couldnt San-ta what a fan-ta-sy he ap - pears to An ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF ie 29 ee ee ee Se ee ee ev-ery-thing I thought T thought is tan-gled up in one big knot the world out there has clear-ly got its fy 8 — Git +t zs 3 3 x nfo Eee SS . can't say there ofm7sus —GA7sus_ G7 | chm Sint | eo Pee shimmery and dreamy 36 emer (67 38 And Ru - dolph’s nose “173 ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF oe EMILY: 4 him through the mary ‘does this mean that Eas-ter eggs are hid-den by a rab-bit 1 just thought that Td. been hoe-us Gmaitip “Ms ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF 6 And does this mean there's a~ny truth to a fair-y who might buy your tooth? Bmp c= ake ae ae ee ae ore 5 52 53 o hard to be se-date or keep your head on straight when fair - y - tales come true “ATS ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF a o ‘Though I can't com-plain cause if Yim in-sane that_means you So why donit we make a pact a sol-emn pledge to be ex-act that Sant-a's real, in fact he al-ways Dmtig “176 ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF 3 MICHAEL: Fraltig ‘There Is A Santa Claus (4/15/13) ELF —9~ Attacea “178

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