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Testing Training – Identify your favorite role in a Testing Team

Goal of the training is that each participate to be able to try different roles from a Testing Team: Test
Analyst, Test Reporter, Test Automation, Test Manager and observe the change into activities, into
mentalities and the impact of having the right individuals on the right position.

Present each role existing into a Testing Team.

Present shortly the Waterfall Model and SCRUM Model (Each Team can choose which
methodology will use)

Present different software applications under test (Each Team choose one application in a
Random way)

Present the stakeholders who will evaluate the testing quality of the project

Present the possible tools to be used by the team

Questions & Answers – Preparation is ready

Main training goal

For 3 hours each team is performing different testing. Each half an hour, the roles inside of the team
are changed, so each member has a chance to play each testing role. After each change there is a
feedback round where entire team is documented for 5 minutes their retrospectives.

Final results
The training finished with each team choosing their favorite constellation and presenting in front of
everybody their results. The contest is win by the best tested, best presented and best fit team.

Question & Answers in the end of the Training or next day in the Workshop with the Thema: Testing
– My life.

Author Year

Tamara-Loreta Butoi, Austria 2022

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