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Lesson 1


Let’s Try This
A. Examine the word cloud on becoming a licensed teacher. Identify
five words which you think would relate to your understanding
on the concept.

Answer the following questions:

1.What words did you choose to constitute of becoming a licensed
 The words that I choose to constitute of becoming a licensed teacher, such as
confidence, leadership, goal, motivation, plan,balancing, engagement,time,
flexible, collaborate, interaction, schedule, technology, because these words are
very important of becoming a future educator.

2.How were you able to come up with these choice of words?

 For me to able to come up with this word is base on what I see to my past and
present teachers on how they going to interact and who the way they are as a
licensed teacher.

B. Talk/chat to some experienced teacher you know. Let them read the
following reasons/statements about “What’s the most important reason to
become a teacher?” Ask their opinion about the statements. While it may not
be the same for each and every educator, there would always be good
reasons to become one.

Fill-in the table below:

Opinion from an
Statements Your Opinion
Experienced Teacher
Another major It can be advantage of With the advent of
advantage of being a being a certified technology, things are
certified educator is educator is that you getting easier and faster
that you can teach can teach virtually and to me as a teacher it
virtually anywhere- anywhere but we all gives me so many
coast to coast and in know that not all advantages. I understand
any type of school. places has the access that one of the major
of technologies or has advantage of being a
a internet certified educator is that
access.Some of the you can teach virtually
anywhere - coast to coast
students can't afford
and in any type of school.
buying gadgets. If I
However, in rural areas
am going to choose
like ours where internet
between virtuall and
access is intermittent
face to face , I'd rather
and some areas don't
choose face to face
even have internet
because it is much
access, still we cannot
preferable than take advantage of this
virtuall becuase you new invention. A great
can focus to the invention but some
students unlike students are not able to
virtually it has afford such gadgets and
possibility that you to register an internet
can't pay attention of and data plan to have
all your students or access in the internet. In
has its low access of times of pandemic,
internet. virtual teaching is really
a good alternative. I hope
the government are able
to see that school like
ours in rural areas must
have good access in the
internet and hope thay
could give a better
intervention when it
comes to providing
gadgets to the needy
The love of learning is I love learning I love to
the single biggest teach and it's my
reason to become a passion and
teacher. profession and
because of this it the
main reason for me to
become a teacher
someday not because
my mother wanted of
it and I don't have
choice but becuase I
find my passion which
is to teach.
The single most It is an honor for me For me being a teacher is
important reason to to ba a teacher that really fulfilling, every
become a teacher is to has a big part of the day you wake up with a
have the opportunity to life of the students . purpose in life.
give back. Every We can help students Sometimes when you
teacher has that bone mold their passion watch some inspirational
teacher who went out and prepare their life videos, you hear good
of their way to make for the future.As for wisdoms from other
sure that they found now I am student people you get to realize
their path. When you and reminisce that what
building my future as
work with students, you are doing as a
a future educator and
you have the amzing teacher is a good deed
I admire my past and
ability and and sure you are in the
present teachers
resp;nsibility to right path. Being able to
know for helping me
provide. impart your knowledge
to enhance my
and skills to the
knowledge and help
students, being able to
me through the share your stories and
journey I want. When listen to each of their
we work with unique stories too in life
students we should be is the greatest thing that
responsible be an you could have
agent of change. Set experienced. The advice
ourselves as a good that you can give to them
example. might be the turning
point that they could
make a difference to
others. Working with
students is like magical,
every moment you take
with them, every smile
and laugh you've seen is
the scene I love to
capture in my heart, the
struggles, their
inspirations, their
unique personalities is
an art in life and indeed a
learning and meaningful
experience to me.
Teaching is more than It is a great honor for I worked in BPO
just receiving a pay me to become a or call center industries
lcheck, it’s a satisfying teacher because we for more than 4 years
career knowing that are a big part of before I changed my car
you’ll get the honor to childrens life, we can to teaching. Though, the
make a difference in help them to go salary was good and I
students’ lives. You’re throughout with their can get commissions or
interacting with goals in life and we extra bonuses especially
students and can make change . We if you meet and exceed
community members expected quota in weeks
can make a great
from all walks of life, and months as a sales
impact to their lives.
therefore, you’ll get call center
It becomes a greatest
better understanding of representative but I
happiness to me if I
current society and don’t find the job
can make a difference
activate the creativity meaningful. I believe that
with their life .
in you. God called me to teach.
Teaching is more than
This is my destiny and
receiving a pay cause my mission in life that I
you teach have to carry on,
wholeheartedly not wholeheartedly. I
just to earn money realized that money can’t
but be a role model really buy your true
and a good example happiness. Happiness is
to others cause as a when you get to help
teacher you can someone else life to
influence others. become better.
Happiness is when you
teach and they learn and
they make a difference to
others and the
community. When you’re
a teacher you’ll learn a
lot, your talents and
skills will improve, and
everything about you
will get exhausted but in
a good way. And it’s
beautiful that you get to
experience the stories
from different people
every day and all of it
can be a good scene of a
movie and I know their
life stories are
masterpieces I surely
would love to listen
every now and then

Let’s Do This

A. Tell what a school official/teacher should do in each given situation.

1. When a politician’s relative asks you to distribute sample ballots to your
 A teacher shall not use his/her position or facial authority or influence to coerce
any other person to follow any political course of action. And they shouldn't
enggage in the promotion of any political matters.
2. When a lawyer borrows from you some important papers of the school
 A teacher should hold inviolate and confidential information or important papers
concerning of the school or give that records with out permission unless it is
permissable by the higher rank of the school.

3. When there is a new legitimate policy of the school

 When there is a new legetimate policy of the school every teacher or school
official shall actively help carry out the declared policies of the state, and shall
take an oath of this effect.
4. When parents want to see you in school
 Teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parent and shall
conclude himself to merit their confidence and respect.But if parents wants to
see the students in school it should be after class and not during the class unless
it is confidential.
5. When you are asked about an applicant who is intellectually deficient and
 The school official or the teachers should pay attention to those people who has
disabilities and handicapped and shall not be discriminated.
6. Before a pregnant teacher goes on maternity leave.
 Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever assumes the
position such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work.
7. If you want to apply for transfer, what should be the flow of communication?
 A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he is qualified; provided
that he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and
competence; provided, further, that all qualified candidates are given the
opportunity to be
8. When talking to a parent about her child’s limitation
 Every teacher shall inform parents throug proper authorities such as
conducting meetings, for them to know whats the limitations of thrrr
9. When grading students
 A teacher has a right and determine the academic marks but it shall be in
accordance with generally accepted procedures at evaluation and
measurement and it should not be in favor.
10. When contracting loans
 A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the financial
matters such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging
satisfactorily his private financial affairs
11. As a trustee of the cultural heritage of our country, what should you do to
promote your role?
 A teacher should provide leadership and promote education to them.
Participate in community movements for moral, social, educational,
economic and Civic betterment, also provide learning and growth.
12. How should you talk to parents?
 A teacher should talk to a parents in a nice and repsectful way.Every teacher
shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress and
deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in
pointing out learners deficiencies and in seeking parents’ cooperation
for the proper guidance and improvement of the learners
13. What is the flow of communication to be followed as a teacher?
 Create a safe environment, encourage team work, use some active listening
exercise, and be sure to give positive feedback.
14. How can you show that you are intellectual leader?
 A teacher should high emotional intelligence, presevere through difficulty,
showing that you are capable to do an action and set a good example among
15. How should you show responsibility, when engaging in business?
 Adopt a code of ethics, commit to protecting the environment,follow a
workplace health and safety program, these following will show your
responsibility in enggaging business.

B. Based on your reading, list down two teacher situations/behaviors that are not
in keeping with one provision/article given.

1. According to Article VIII section 4 A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from
learners, their parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested
concessions, especially if undeserved.
When I was on my past graded I noticed that one of my classmates who is
sucker to a teacher, a student who always gives to the teacher a gift with out
any occasion. We noticed that when the time of releasing a grades she has a high
mark of that teacher and we all know that she doesn't deserve that grade,and
it's favorable because that student didn't work hard for that grades , she got the
highest grades maybe because of the gifts that she gives to the teacher. And
these action is not necessary for a teacher to do she should have the fairness and
treated each other equally.

2. Article IX Section 3. A teacher shall hear parents’ complaints with

sympathy and understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism.
Based on what I witness when I was in a low grade there was a parent who gives
complain because of the expenses of the schoo, but a teacher disregard the
poor parent and never listen to the complaints of that parent.

Let’s Write a Journal

Write your Journal Entry # 10- My Descriptions of a Professional Teacher
based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Integrate in your
writing what you learned in this lesson and write your

Journal Entry # 10- My Descriptions of a Professional Teacher based

on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

When we say professional teacher it should be a bachelor's degree and a

licensed teacher who posses dignity and reputation.A professional teacher that must be
a role model and has a characteristics of preservance, honesty, fairness, and patience.
Because teachers can shape our minds in a way that has a lifelong impact.

Every profession has its code of ethical standards, upheld by every professional.
Ethics for professional teacher with the hope that we learn what it means to be a
professional teacher act, and live as one. Code of ethics is not just a law that prohibiting
us in doing unethical things but it is for us to understand that we are professional that
undergo this professional stage of professionalism. Professionals should have the
knowledge of performing their ethics based on how they are mold us individuals. Part of
a long process in being a professional teacher is the tine that they should allot
themselves to be exposed in different section on this code of ethics. The importance of
this code of ethics is that teachers are guide with this things that are unethical of their
profession and they can avoid doing those things. Considering the code of ethics in
teaching is the least we can do in taking care of our image and our profession. The
degree is not just the measurement of being professional but also our capability of
being ethically molded by different laws. It will result no harm, instead it will develop
our humanity and professionalism.

Code of ethics for professional teacher is very important for the to know so that they
will know their limitations and they can avoid things that can possible harm them. It is
important that teachers understand that when they get teaching profession they are
agreeing to follow code of ethics.

Let’s See What You Have Learned

I. Match each behaviour to the equivalent role of the ethical

teacher/school official. Write the letter only.

1. the school official recommends promotion of deserving

Answer: F
2. discourages unfair criticism of his associates and the administration
Answer: G
3. provides opportunity for broadminded discussion before formulation
of major policies .
Answer: A
4. does not appropriate for himself the work of others
Answer: D
5. does not inflict corporal punishment on offending pupils
Answer: C
a. consultative management
b. promoting growth of teachers
c. recognizing the interest and welfare of pupils
d. professional loyalty
e. gratitude to associates
f. social recognition
g. constitutional right

Read the item/s carefully. Write the letter of the best and correct answer. If
there is no answer, write letter E.

Preamble. Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity and
reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional
competence in the practice of their noble profession, they strictly adhere to,
observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and

1.The Preamble summed up the licensed teacher professional as the

following except for one:
a. stewards of the noblest profession
b. become the prime movers in uplifting the quality and
relevance of education to the life of the nation
c. should meet the demands and needs of the emerging diverse
and global society with excellence
d. should be true in words and spirit
1. The preamble also expresses that for licensed teacher professionals
they will be doing important role like the following except for one:
a. living out the ethical and technical standards
b. engaging in other works other than the profession
c. professionals in their chosen field to mark up in the market
d. delivering utmost services to the public
2. The Code covers all public and private school teachers in all
educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary and
secondary levels whether academic, vocational;, special, technical or
non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include the following. Which
one does not belong to a group?
a. industrial or vocational teachers
b. other persons performing supervision and/or administrative
c. full-time or part-timer
d. all higher educational institutions teachers
3. Professional competence means:
a. provide self-directed learning using own though processes
b. avail of all technical skills
c. manipulative activities in the classroom
d. professionals in their chosen field

4. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have the
privilege of sharing the product of his researches and investigations,
provide that, if the results are inimical to the declared policies of the
State, they shall be drawn to the proper authorities for appropriate
remedial action.
This section of the Code of Ethics is referring to:
a. The teacher and the community
b. The teacher and the State
c. The teacher and the Profession
d. The teacher and the teaching community

5. The paragraph alone also explains the point that while teachers have
the privilege of sharing the product of his researchers, it must
contain the following except for one:
a. enriched the principles of understanding the teaching
b. must not be inimical to the State of the nation
c. intellectual endeavor of a chosen field
d. must be appropriate to the teaching profession
6. teacher shall, at all times be imbued with the spirit of professional
loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for
the common good, and full cooperation with colleagues, when the
best interest of the learners, the school, or the profession is at stake
in any controversy, teachers shall support one another.
This section refers to the article about:
a. The teacher and Higher authorities in the Philippines
b. The teacher and the Teaching Community
c. The Teacher and the Profession
d. The Teacher and the Community
7. This section can be further elucidated as:
a. a self-renewing person
b. dedicated and committed to the profession
c. loyalty to the profession and colleagues
d. loyalty to the country

8. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate

income generation, provided that it does not relate to or adversely
affect his work
This section refers to:
a. a work generated beyond office hours
b. a buy and sell inside the classroom
c. a consignment of business form any entrepreneur
d. an extra work commission
9. The teacher’s right to engage, directly or indirectly for income
generation may be classified as follows except for the
a. a tutorial services, authorized by the head
b. an advisorship to a research activity
c. a book seller to a certain publishing company
d. a book writer

10. The above section refers to

a. The Teacher as a Person
b. The Teacher and Business
c. The Teacher and Learners
d. The Teacher and Parents
11. A teacher shall insure that conditions contributive to the maximum
development of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed
assistance in preventing or solving learner’s problems and
The statement above insures maximum development of leaners
through the following except for one.
a. instructional delivery of the stated objectives and evaluation
b. proper use of different approaches and instructional materials
c. looking into the relatedness/connectedness of the objectives
to contextualized experiences
d. seeing the activities and assignemnt5 if it’s properly done
12. The section above refers to:
a. The Teacher and Learners
b. The Teacher and Parents
c. The Teacher and the State
d. The Teacher and the Profession
13. every teacher shall participate in the continuing professional
education (CPE) program of the Professional Regional Commission,
and shall pursue such other studies as will improve hi9s efficiency,
enchase the prestige of the profession, and strength his competence,
virtues, and productivity in order to be nationally and internationally
The continuing professional education (CPE) program for teachers
shall be conducted by:
a. The PRC itself
b. An organized/acknowledged Professional Teacher
Organization by PRC
c. PRC assisted program for professional development
d. PRC authorized institution or organization

14. The section above refers to:

a. The Teacher and the Community
b. The Teacher and the Profession
c. The Teacher and the Teaching Community
d. The Teacher and Learners

1. E
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C

Wow!!! You are done with Lesson 1. Great Job! You will learn more about the
course as you move on to Lesson 2. Are you ready? Let’s move on.

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