Actividad 2 Ingles

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Nombre: Natanael Gutiérrez Ortega Matricula: 2851874

NnOMBRE DEL CURSO Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor: Francisco Javier Ruiz
Modulo: Topic 2. Family life Actividad: Actividad 2
Fecha: 23/08/20

 8 sentences with will

1. I Will have a Good car
2. I Will clean my room on Monday
3. I Will have a Good job
4. I Will live in queretaro
5. I Will finish my homework today
6. I wont playa ll night
7. I Will help you carry your backpack
8. I Will help you pass the level

 8 sentences with gong to

1. Im going to do my homework
2. Im going to take the next class
3. My sister is going to take classes in the afternoon
4. I going top lay videogames in the night
5. My Friends and i are going top lay soccer
6. Im going to drnk wáter
7. Im going to cook pizza
8. Im going to exercise in the morning

Aries: in the family you will have a meeting this weekend, take the opportunity to tell your loved
ones that you love them. At work you will be stressed as a hard and difficult week is coming. In
money you will have few problems but remember that money is not everything. and in health you
will be fine thanks to your care.
Taurus: in the family you will reconcile with the people you fought. At work
everything will be so calm that you will be surprised how calm it is. In
money you will not have difficulty if you know how to invest. in health
everything will depend on your care.

Gemini: this week you will not see your relatives but calm they are fine. At work you will have a
few days off, take advantage of them well. In money you will not have difficulties but do not waste
it. in health you will look good and take care.

cancer: in the family you will have to enjoy some time with your children. at school you will have a
lot of work, manage your time.In the money you will not go bad at all. in health continues like this
since you are taking care of yourself.

leo: you are a strong person endure your consequences. at work you will have to rest. In the
money you will have a lot to spend. in health you have to meditate this week.

Virgo: in the family you have to spend time with him. At work you will be super good and you will
not have stress. In the money you will go a little badly you need to save. in health you need to
exercise and get in shape.

libra: you will have to spend time with your family. In school you will do well you will not have
much work. In money you will be fine and in health you will continue to be healthy.

Scorpio: in the family you will enjoy the visit of your relatives. At work it will not be so heavy, in
money it will go well and you will be surprised. in health you will be fine if you exercise.

Sagittarius: you will be happy with your family. you will not be stressed at work. you will not lack
money. in health you will be fine if you take care of yourself

Capricorn: in the family they will be very close. In school you will be fine if you work hard. money
will do you well if you manage it. in health you will be healthy if you eat healthy.

Aquarius: problems will help to improve. At school you will be the most participatory. in health
everything will depend on your care and responsibility.

Pisces: in the family try to behave or you will have consequences. At work, try to push yourself a
little harder in the money this week you will have enough. in health you will be fine if you take
care of yourself and eat healthy.

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