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Nombre: Natanael Gutiérrez Ortega Matricula: 2851874

NnOMBRE DEL CURSO Nombre del curso: Ingles 3 Nombre del profesor: Francisco Javier Ruiz
Modulo: Topic 5. Socializing Actividad: Activity 5
Fecha: 13/09/20
1. Read the following excerpt from National Geographic Learning. Pay attention to the words
in bold.

What is a Consumer Society?

A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that encourages
people to buy and use goods1.Some people think that a consumer society provides people
with better lives. People in consumer societies tend to live more comfortably. They eat
a wider variety of food. They go to restaurants more often. They also buy a lot of products, maybe
more than they need.
Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries 2. Today people can buy these
things more easily than ever before. The market for these goods is growing faster all the time.
Consumer societies encourage people to buy bigger and better products. For example, “smarter”
phones come out every year. In a consumer society, people are often buying newer and more
advanced products. This creates a lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more
seriously about the effects of consumer societies on the environment, and they are trying to
become more responsible consumers.
 goods: items that can be bought or sold.
 luxury: something that is expensive but not necessary.

Text obtained from NGLCengage/ For educational purposes only.

2. After reading, consider the following questions to write an essay. Make sure to include a
starting and closing paragraph, as well as including your point of view.
In this essay I will give my opinion on consumer goods

To improve the quality of life with consumer goods, you must buy according to your needs
without exaggerating, if you need a computer to work you can buy it and in that aspect it
improves your quality of life. consumer goods are not difficult to find because they are in
our day to day in the technology market, in food, etc. the goods advance according to how
time passes and technology advances. luxury products are reflected more in the
technology part, in modern cell phones that with the passage of the years are changing
and improving, another example is with video game consoles that in years are changing
and improving graphically. I think consumer societies care little about the environment
since the majority do not take this into account, but there is a small part that does worry
about the damage to the environment caused by the advance of consumer godos.

In conclusion, I say that it is okay in a certain part to buy consumer goods according to
your needs, but you should not reach a point of exaggerating buying and spending money.

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