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Nombre: Natanael Gutiérrez Ortega Matricula: 2851874

NnOMBRE DEL CURSO Nombre del curso: Ingles 3 Nombre del profesor: Francisco Javier Ruiz
Modulo: Actividad: Activity 7
Fecha: 27/09/20
Read the following statements about the video and write T if the statement is true or F if
it is false..

 _t___ Superstitions are based on science.

 __t__ Many superstitions are based on religion.

 __t__ Knocking on wood comes from the belief that touching a tree would bring
the blessing from the spirit that lives within.

 __f__ All superstitions are religious.

 __t__ For many people superstitions are based on culture rather than on
unconscious beliefs.


I will talk about the Egyptian culture since it is a culture that makes
me interesting. Egyptian culture developed in the valley formed by
the Nile River, located in the extreme northeast of Africa. The Nile
River runs through the territory from south to north, making
agriculture, livestock and navigation prosper.

Some of the traditions of Egyptian culture were:

 they did not eat meat, poultry or dairy products

 the Christmas tradition was to visit a church and wear new
 he made a special meal at Christmas
 on January 7, boiled meat, rice, bread and garlic were eaten
One of the most famous superstitions in the Eqipcian culture was the
black cat, before they worshiped cats in representation of the
goddess Bubastis, the cats of ancient Egypt were mummified and
they said that the person who killed a cat would receive a death

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