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Aviyah BSTM 202

1. What are the seven (7) deadly sins of speaking? How can these
sins affect a speaker?
2. What are the four (4) foundations of a powerful speech?
3. How could H.A.I.L. make your speech more listenable?

1. By observing our everyday life, I may say that we are all

guilty of occasionally committing at least one of the "seven
sins". The seven deadly sins of speaking are gossiping,
judging, being negative, complaining, blaming, exaggerating
and using dogmatism.

These sins may affect the ability of a speaker to deliver the

message that they want to say as it affects their credibility
as a spokesperson. They may not have the authenticity anymore
if the speaker gossips or exaggerates. If the speaker is
negative, then the audience may not appreciate his/her
content. Complaining and blaming will create a negative image
towards the speaker.

2. In his talk, Mr. Treasure (the speaker in TEDTalk) highlights

four critical components of effective speech: honesty,
authenticity, integrity and love (HAIL). These four elements
can help individuals to create conversations in ways that are
meaningful and thoughtful. But they are most powerful when
applied together.

3. The question of “how should people speak so they are not only
heard, but also listened to” may strike us how we try to use
our words to convey a message.
Using H.A.I.L, will allow people to engage in a meaningful and
peaceful conversation with another individual. Especially for
speakers, H.A.I.L will allow them to connect and understand
their audience. We all value honesty and authenticity as the
spread of fake news are now prominent nowadays. Integrity is
when you keep your word and continue doing so, people would
like to hear from people with integrity. And most of all is
love, in all of it’s highest forms, a little love with a
little bit of compassion is where speakers lack nowadays.
Telling kind phrases, using humble words, and speaking with
passion would make a message so much better and people would
be more than happy
to listen.

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