Feb GII WK - SH, Handouts

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Respecting Elders

Respect for elders is greatly emphasized in Islam. Our elders teach us

good manners and good habits. They take good care of us, protect us and
admire our good deeds. We must show respect and obedience to them.
Acting in a polite way to an elder is an act of respect. If we are in the
presence of an elder, we need to be polite. This means if they are talking,
we should listen, if they ask a question, we should respond respectfully
and with a calm tone. We should not interrupt them, and always ask if
they need anything.
The concept of respect for our elders allows us to build a loving
relationship with them. When there will be love and respect in our home
then there will be peace. If there is peace in our home then there will be
peace in society as well.
The Quran says 11 times to be kind to elderly parents in particular;
in fact, mistreating or showing disrespect to elders can result in being
denied admission to paradise. 
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“He is not of us who does not have mercy on young children, nor honor
the elderly”.
Obedience means to do what our parents and elders tell us to do. Our
elders are our parents, teachers and all those who are older than us. They
are experienced than us. Hence, we must always listen to the advice
given to us by our parents and teachers and learn to obey the elders.
 Greet the elders first.
 Don’t call them by their names,
 Help the elders in their daily chores.
 Do not walk past them on the way.
 Obey the parents and older siblings.
Spelling List
Respecting Elders ‫بڑوں کا ادب‬
protect emphasize advice
denied paradise honour

Spelling List
Respecting Elders ‫بڑوں کا ادب‬
protect emphasize advice
denied paradise honour

Spelling List
Respecting Elders ‫بڑوں کا ادب‬
protect emphasize advice
denied paradise honour

Spelling List
Respecting Elders ‫بڑوں کا ادب‬
protect emphasize advice
denied paradise honour

Spelling List
Respecting Elders ‫بڑوں کا ادب‬
protect emphasize advice
denied paradise honour

Respecting Elders
Q.1 Circle the correct answer.
1. We can learn from elders:
good habits
good deeds

2. If you meet the elders, do it first:


3. Help the elders in:


Q.2 Fill in the blanks by using the word bank.

advice manners siblings greet pleased
1. Our elders teach us _______________.

2. Obey the parents and older ______________.

3. Allah is _____________ with them who respect their elders.

4. We should listen to the______________ of elders.

5. Young people should _____________ the elders first.

Respecting Elders
Q.1 Make a list of elders around you.

At home and in the family At school At mosques and in

the neighbourhood

___________________ ________________ ________________

___________________ _________________ ________________

___________________ _________________ ________________

___________________ _________________ ________________

Akhlaq-e-Hasanah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
Akhlaq-e-hasanah means good manners and habits. Allah blessed the
Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) with the excellent morals and
character. He was the best among God's creations.
Allah says in the Holy Quran:
'And you [Muhammad] are surely on exalted quality of character'.
Our Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) was very kind and used to forgive
people’s mistakes. He (S.A.W.) also treated his enemies with good
manners. He (S.A.W.) was not only kind to people but also to every
living being. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) always kept his
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) said:
‘There is no religion for the one who does not fulfill his promises.’
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) the founder of Islam, regarded as the last
messenger of God, was by nature gentle and kind-hearted. He always
used to be merciful and to overlook the faults of others. These qualities
made Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) a role model for Muslims. He
always tried to instill these values in his companions through his
teachings and by being an example because he possessed them. We
should adopt good morals by following the Sirah of our Holy
Prophet(S.A.W) .
Spelling List
Good Morals of The Holy Prophet(PBUH)

merciful character creations

exalted companions forgive

Spelling List
Good Morals of The Holy Prophet(PBUH)

merciful character creations

exalted companions forgive

Spelling List
Good Morals of The Holy Prophet(PBUH)

merciful character creations

exalted companions forgive

Spelling List
Good Morals of The Holy Prophet(PBUH)

merciful character creations

exalted companions forgive

Spelling List
Good Morals of The Holy Prophet(PBUH)

merciful character creations

exalted companions forgive
Good Morals of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

Q.1 Circle the correct answer.

4. Akhlaq-e-Hasanah means:
good habits
to talk
to live

5. The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was:

very kind

6. The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was kind to:

human beings
every living thing

Q.2 Fill in the blanks by using the word bank.

life religion morals living
1. One, who does not fulfill his promise, does not have any
_______________ .

2. The whole __________ of our Prophet(PBUH) was an excellent

example of good _____________.

3. The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was kind to every _____________

Good Morals of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

Q.1 Write about any two qualities of the Holy Prophet

Muhammad(PBUH) .


Q.2 Who is Rahmatallil Aalamin ‫ ?رحمت اللعالمین‬What does Rahmatullil

Alamin mean?


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