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Read the text below about black rhinos.

When you are through with

reading, answer the questions that follow.

1 Black rhinos are notorious for their aggressive attitude. The moment
they feel anyone around, they attack, Rhinos can't see very well. That's
why sometimes they attack objects like trees or rocks mistaking them for
danger. However, rhinos have an excellent sense of smell and hearing.
Rhinos don't only attack other animals; they also make battles with each
other. these battles are usually over territory or over female rhinos. They
use their two strong horns during a fight. Young rhinos stay with their
mother until another baby rhino is born.

2 There are various sources of danger for animals. Animals are

threatened when the climate of their habitat changes in a major way,
making life very difficult for the species. For example, if an area becomes
very hot and dry, its animal life will be exposed to great danger. Humans
are also another major threat to animals. As for rhinos, humans basically
threaten their existence since no other animal is strong enough to face
them. People hunt rhinos to sell their horns for money. Some people also
believe that the rhino's horns can be used in medicine.

3 Rhinos live on vegetables and never eat meat. They are herbivorous
animals. A rhino can live up to 4 years. Black rhinos are found in the wild in
Africa. They are endangered species as their numbers are dangerously
decreasing. Today, there is only about one thousand black rhinos alive, so
we must do something now before it's too late.

A. Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences of your

1- Suggest a suitable title for the text. (Score: 1)

2- With reference to paragraph 2, state two reasons why humans hunt

rhinos. (Score: 1)

3- With reference to the text, describe black rhinos in one sentence. (Score

4- What do black rhinos use during a fight? (Score: 1)

5- What does the writer mean when he says in paragraph 3:" We must do
something now, before it's too late"? (Score: 1)

C. Find in the text words that nearly have the following meanings.
(Score: 2)

1- fights (paragraph 1): ____________________

2- plant eating (paragraph 3): __________________

D. What does each of the underlined pronouns in paragraph 1 refer to?

(Score: 2)

1- they: _______________

2- them: _____________

E. Write the correct form of each of the following verbs in brackets.

(Score: 3)

1- They ____________ (eat) grass every day.

2- She ____________ (not/like) animals.

3- Pythons ____________ (defend) themselves using chemical weapons.

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