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Star Wars Carcassonne

Play Aide

Initial Forces
Each player starts the game with 5 Meeples: 4 small and 1 Large

Meeples may be placed on just positioned Trade Routes (=Merchants), Asteroid Fields (= Explorers)
or on Planets (=Conquerors) provided there are no other Meeples on such feature. NO FIELDS. May
also be placed on a planet if you position a tile adjacent to such, including diagonally – this is the
only time you may position a Meeple on a tile that already has an opponent’s Meeple on it (and
leads directly to a battle) without having to merge the features.

Combat occurs when Meeples from different players are positioned on same feature.

 1 dice for small Meeple

 2 dice for Large Meeple
 +1 dice if contested feature holds one or more symbols from your faction

Max 3 dice. Highest single roll wins. In case of draw, score and then roll again.

In-game Scoring
Scoring occurs whenever a feature is completed (and Meeples placed), or after a battle.

 A tied battle scores 1 point for each of those involved in the tie
 A lost battle scores a number of points equal to the number of dice rolled (max 3)
o A won battle either scores (if feature is complete) as follows, or leaves your Meeple
on uncompleted feature for later scoring
 Trade Routes are complete once each end contains an intersection or leads to an Asteroid
filed or Planet or they meet each other, and scores 1 point per tile, +2 points for every
symbol on it (regardless of what faction said symbol belongs to)
 Asteroid fields are complete once it is completely surrounded by cosmos offering no more
openings, and scores 2 points per tile, +2 points for every symbol on it (regardless of what
faction said symbol belongs to)
 Planets are complete once they are completely surrounded by other tiles, and score 11
points: 1 for each of the surrounding 8 tiles, 1 for the planet tile itself, and 2 for the faction
symbol (again, regardless of who it belongs to) on the planet

Meeples are returned to Players supply once features are scored

End-game scoring
Additional points are scored at the end of the game for every feature on which there are Meeples, as

 1 point for each tile on a Trading route, +2 points for each faction symbol on said route
 1 point for every tile in Asteroid field, +2 points for each faction symbol in said field
 1 point for every planet, +2 points for faction symbol on planet, +1 point for every adjacent
Tile Manifest

No Faction Empire Rebel Bounty (Total)

symbol Faction Faction Hunter
symbol symbol Faction
Straight 2 2 2 2 8
Turn 3 2 2 2 9
T junction 4 4
‘X’ junction 1 1
1 side Asteroid 5 5
2 opposite 1 sided 3 3
Asteroid fields
Single feature

2 side-by-side 1 2 2
sided Asteroid
2 sided Asteroid 1 1 2 1 5
field, side by side
2 sided Asteroid 1 1 1 3
field, opposite
3 sided Asteroid 3 1 4
Planet 2 2 2 6
Straight, 1 side 4 (INCLUDES 4
Asteroid field STARTING
Turn, 1 side 6 6
Asteroid field
Turn, 2 sided 5 5
Multi feature

Asteroid field
Leading into 3 1 1 2
side Asteroid field
T-junction, 1 side 3 3
Asteroid field
Leading into 1 1 2
Planet, 1 sided 2 1 1 4
Asteroid filed
43 11 11 11 76
Lightsabres and Blasters1

The first expansion to the base games adds an extra player, new tiles, and a slightly more
complicated combat mechanic, through the use of Lightsabres and Blasters.

The rules, as written, allows each player to place 1 Lightsabre and 1 Blaster to their pool of Meeples:
when placing a Meeple, a player may opt to also give them either a Lightsabre or a Blaster (not both)
(provided said weapons are not already in play). A lightsabre simply adds 1 to a single combat dice
result, whereas a Blaster substitutes a regular d6 for, essentially, a d6+2.

My idea is similar but, I feel, slightly more thematic: rather than a Lightsabre adding +1 to a die
result, it allows you to force your opponent to re-roll a single die (said re-roll, however, does not
score any extra points) with the 2nd result standing, whereas a Blaster simply replaces a d6 with a

I use LEGO pieces to represent each
Why not a d8? The lowest possible roll on a d6+2 is 3, whereas you can roll either a 1 or 2 on a d8. To
compensate, a d10, while also allowing you to roll lower than the d6+2, also allows you to roll higher.

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