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Profetas de la verdadera fe (Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2021))

Roster (Wyrmblade)


Game Type
Selections: Matched

Categories: Configuration


Neophyte Leader w/ pistol and melee weapon

Selections: Bolt pistol, Chainsword
Categories: Leader, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte
Rules: Ceaseless, Cult Ambush, Rng x

Abilities: Shadow Vector, Operative: Neophyte Leader, Weapons: ⌖ Bolt pistol, ⚔ Chainsword

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per Turning Point, you can use either the Slink Into Darkness or Coiled Serpent Tactical Ploy without
spending any Command Points if a friendly NEOPHYTE operative Visible to this operative is the friendly
WYRMBLADE operative for that ploy.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Leader 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Bolt pistol 4 3+ 3/4 Rng ⬟ -

⚔ Chainsword 4 3+ 4/5 Ceaseless -

Neophyte Leader w/ pistol and melee weapon

Selections: Master-crafted autopistol, Power maul
Categories: Leader, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte
Rules: Balanced, Cult Ambush, Lethal x, Rng x, Stun

Abilities: Shadow Vector, Operative: Neophyte Leader, Weapons: ⌖ Master-crafted autopistol, ⚔ Power maul

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per Turning Point, you can use either the Slink Into Darkness or Coiled Serpent Tactical Ploy without
spending any Command Points if a friendly NEOPHYTE operative Visible to this operative is the friendly
WYRMBLADE operative for that ploy.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Leader 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Master-crafted autopistol 4 3+ 2/3 Rng ⬟, Balanced, Lethal 5+ -

⚔ Power maul 4 3+ 4/5 - Stun

Selections: Kelermorph knife, Liberator autostubs
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Cult Agent, Kelermorph

Rules: Cult Ambush, Preternatural Assassin, Px, Rending, Rng x

Abilities: Expert Gunslinger, Heroic Inspiration, Operative: Kelermorph, Unique Actions: Hypersense (1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Liberator
autostubs - Long range, ⌖ Liberator autostubs - Short range, ⚔ Kelermorph knife

Abilities Ability Ref

This operative can perform two Shoot actions during each of its activations.

If this operative incapacitates an enemy operative, until the end of the Turning Point, it is a Heroic Inspiration.
a Heroic Inspiration and is Visible to and within ⬛
Each time a friendly WYRMBLADE operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, if this operative is
of that friendly operative, in the Roll Attack DIce step of
that combat or shooting attack, you can retain one of your attack dice results of 5+ that is a successful
normal hit as a critical hit instead.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Kelermorph 3⬤ 3 1 3 4+ 9

Unique Action Ref

The next time this operative performs a Shoot action during this activation, for that shooting attack, the
short range profile of its liberator autostubs gains the Indirect and No Cover special rules but loses the P1
and Rending critical hit rules.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Liberator autostubs - Long range 4 4+ 3/4 - P1, Rending

⌖ Liberator autostubs - Short range 5 2+ 3/4 Rng ⬟ P1, Rending

⚔ Kelermorph knife 3 3+ 3/4 - Rending

Selections: Barbed tail, Locus blades
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Cult Agent, Locus

Rules: Cult Ambush, Lethal x, Preternatural Assassin, Rng x, Silent

Abilities: Duellist, Expert Swordsman, Operative: Locus, Unique Actions: Quicksilver Strike (1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Barbed tail, ⚔ Locus

Abilities Ability Ref

Each time this operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, you can
resolve one successful hit before the attacker. If you do so, that successful hit must be used to parry.

This operative can perform two Fight actions during each of its activations. Each time after this operative
only move up to . ⬛
fights in combat, it can perform a free Charge action (even if it has done so during this activation) but can

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Locus 3⬤ 3 1 3 4+ 9

Unique Action Ref


Once during this Turning Point, while an enemy operative is performing a Normal Move or Dash action and
moves within of this operative, you can interrupt that action to perform a free Charge action with this
operative (it must finish that move within Engagement Range of that enemy operative, and if this operative
has a Conceal order, change it to an Engage order to do so). If you do so, that enemy operative's activation
without finishing their move, and you must then perform a free Fight action with this operative against that
enemy operative. This action is treated as a Fight action for the purposes of action restrictions.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Barbed tail 4 3+ 3/4 Rng ⬛, Silent -

⚔ Locus blades 5 2+ 4/6 Lethal 5+ -

Neophyte Brood Adept

Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Brood-Adept

Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Brood-Adept, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Brood-Adept 3⬤ 2 2 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Brood Adept

Selections: Gun butt

Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Brood-Adept

Rules: Cult Ambush
Operative: Neophyte Brood-Adept, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Brood-Adept 3⬤ 2 2 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Brood Adept
Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Brood-Adept

Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Brood-Adept, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Brood-Adept 3⬤ 2 2 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Brood Adept

Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Brood-Adept
Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Brood-Adept, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Brood-Adept 3⬤ 2 2 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Gunner
Selections: Gun butt

Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Gunner

Rules: Cult Ambush
Operative: Neophyte Heavy Gunner, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Heavy Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Gunner
Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Gunner
Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Heavy Gunner, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Heavy Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Gunner
Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Gunner

Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Heavy Gunner, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Heavy Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Heavy Gunner

Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Heavy Gunner
Rules: Cult Ambush

Operative: Neophyte Heavy Gunner, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Heavy Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Heavy Gunner

Selections: Gun butt

Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Heavy Gunner

Rules: Cult Ambush
Operative: Neophyte Heavy Gunner, Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Heavy Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Neophyte Icon Bearer
Selections: Gun butt
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Neophyte, Icon Bearer

Rules: Cult Ambush

Abilities: Icon Bearer, Operative: Neophyte Icon Bearer, Unique Actions: Signal the Strike (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Icon When determining control of an objective marker, treat this operative's APL characteristic as being 1 higher.
Bearer Note that this is not a modifier. In narrative play, this is cumulative with the Focused Battle Honour.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Neophyte Icon Bearer 3⬤ 2 1 3 5+ 7

Unique Action Ref

within ⬛
Until the end of the Turning Point, for the purposes of the Cult Ambush ability, if this operative is Visible to and
of the friendly operative performing the Fight or Shoot action, you can re-roll any or all of your attack
dice (rather than attack dice of one result). This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement
(1AP) Range of enemy operatives.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Sanctus Sniper
Selections: Fists, Sanctus sniper rifle
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Cult Agent, Sanctus, Sniper

Rules: Cult Ambush, Heavy, MWx, Preternatural Assassin, Silent

Operative: Sanctus Sniper, Unique Actions: Familiar's Soulsight (1AP), Target Vulnerability (1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Sanctus sniper rifle, ⚔

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sanctus Sniper 3⬤ 3 1 3 4+ 9

Unique Actions Unique Action Ref

Select one enemy operative. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time this operative makes a
shooting attack against that enemy operative:

- The Sanctus sniper rifle this operative is equipped with gains the No Cover special rule for that
Soulsight (1AP) attack.

- That enemy operative cannot be Obscured for that shooting attack.

- Areas of smoke cannot prevent that enemy operative from being Visible for that shooting attack.

Until the end of the activation, the Sanctus sniper rifle this operative is equipped with gains the Lethal
5+ special rule.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Sanctus sniper rifle 4 2+ 3/3 Heavy, Silent MW3

⚔ Fists 3 3+ 2/4 - -
Sanctus Talon
Selections: Sanctus bio-dagger
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Cult Agent, Sanctus, Talon

Rules: Cult Ambush, Lethal x, Preternatural Assassin, Stun

Abilities: Creeping Shadow, Operative: Sanctus Talon, Unique Actions: Familiar's Soulsight (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Sanctus bio-dagger

Abilities Ability Ref

This operative can perform a Charge action while it has a Conceal order. Each time after this operative fights in
Creeping combat, it can perform a free Dash action, regardless of any other actions it has performed during this
Shadow activation, and even if it is within Engagement Range of an enemy operative (but it cannot finish that move
within Engagement Range of an enemy operative).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sanctus Talon 3⬤ 3 1 3 4+ 9

Unique Action Ref

Familiar's Select one enemy operative. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time this operative fights in combat with
Soulsight that enemy operative, the Sanctus bio-dagger this operative is equipped with gains the Brutal and Balanced
(1AP) special rules for that combat.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Sanctus bio-dagger 4 2+ 3/6 Lethal 4+ Stun

Selection Rules
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice stop of that combat or
shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat
or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice results of 1.
Cult Ambush:
During the first Turning Point, when this operative activated, you can change its order.

The first time this operative performs either a Fight or Shoot action in each of its activations, if its order was changed from Conceal to Engage during
that activation, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice results of one result (e.g.
results of 2).
An Operative cannot perform a Charge, Fall Back or Normal Move action in the same activation in which it performs a Shoot action with this
ranged weapon.
Lethal x:
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits. x is the number after the weapon's
Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, for each critical
hit retained, inflict x mortal wounds on the target. x is the number after the weapon's MW, e.g. MW3.
Preternatural Assassin:
This operative cannot be equipped with equipment.

This operative has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it
is in Cover, you can do one of the following:

- Retain an additional dice as a successful normal save as a result of Cover.

- Retain one defence dice as a successful critical save instead of a normal save as a result of Cover.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any
critical hits, the weapon gains the APx rule for that shooting attack. x is the number after the weapon's P, e.g. P1.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits you can retain one normal hit as a critical hit.
Rng x:
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are a valid target. x is the distance after the
weapon's Rng, e.g. Rng ⬟. All other rules for selecting a valid target still apply.
While an operative has a Conceal order, it can perform Shoot actions if this is the ranged weapon (or weapon profile) that is selected for the
shooting attack(s).
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any
critical hits, subtract 1 from the target's APL.

Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat:

- The first time you strike with a critical hit, select one of your opponent's normal hits from that combat to be discarded.
- The second time you strike with a critical hit, subtract 1 from the target's APL.

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