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 Listening

Ana: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend?

Chris: Boring. I was at home all weekend. How about you?

Ana: You know me. I'm never home on weekends.

Chris: Where were you?

Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday.

Chris: Where?

Ana: Los Angeles.

Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do?

Ana: We did a bunch of tourist stuff-shopping, beach, movie studios.

Chris: Ah. Did you have a good time?

Ana: Oh, yeah, it was great. But I spent way too much money.

1. Chris _______ last weekend.

stayed at home

visited some friends


went to a party
2. Ana probably went to L.A.________.


with Chris

with someone else

3. Ana usually _________ on the weekend.

goes somewhere

doesn't go anywhere

goes to L.A.
4. Ana ________ last weekend.

a. went hiking, watched movies, and went to a nice restaurant

visited some museums, saw a play, and went shopping


went shopping, visited movie studios, and went to the beach

1.1: The Past Tense of Be: Was and Were
1. Chris: Were you at home last night?
Luis: No, I was at my office. I was there until 11:00.

Laura: Were you and Frankie at home this afternoon?

Maggie: No, we weren't . We were at the movies. We saw Avalanche.

Kate: You weren't in your office last week. Where were you?
Ana: I was on vacation in Mexico.

Kate: Who were you with?

Ana: Cheryl. She's a friend from college.

Sam: Was Emi in the States last year?

Laura: No, she wasn't here. She was in Japan last year.

Ana: Hey, Chris. Where were you on Sunday?

Chris: I was at Tony's barbecue party.

Chris: Was Kate with you at the party?

Ana: Yes, she was there. We had a great time.

Chris: How was your weekend, Ana?

Ana: It was boring. I was at home all weekend.
1.2: The Past Tense of Be: Was and Were

1. Lisa: Were you in class yesterday?

Maggie: Sure, ______ there.

was I

I was

2. Paul: Chris, ______ at work yesterday.
Chris: That's right. I was sick yesterday.

a. weren't


you weren't
3. Paul: ______ you and Chris at the sales meeting?
Ana: Yes, we were. Carol was there, too.



4. Paul: ______ the meeting?
Ana: It was OK. A little long, but good.


Was it

How was
5. Luis: ______ you this morning?
Jiao: I was at the meeting at Lucid Systems.

Where are

Where were

Where was
6. Luis: Was Laura with you?
Jiao: No, ______. I was there alone.

she was
she wasn't

c. wasn't she
7. Paul: Were Frankie and Maggie at school yesterday?
Laura: No, ______. Yesterday was a school holiday.

he wasn't

she wasn't

they weren't
8. Paul: What holiday ______?
Laura: It was Presidents' Day.

is it

it was

was it
2.1: The Simple Past Tense: Regular Verbs

Read each sentence. Type the correct form of the verb into the blank.

1. Ana: Hey, Chris. How was your trip to Japan?

Chris: It was great. I enjoyed (enjoy) it.

Ana: Did you stop in Osaka?
Chris: Yes, I stayed (stay) in Osaka for two nights.
Ana: Did you visit Mr. Sato at Kansai Communications?
Chris: No, I didn't visit (visit) him on this trip. He was in Hong Kong.

4. Ana: Who did you talk (talk) to at Kansai Communications?

Chris: I talked to Mr. Tanno. He's Mr. Sato's new assistant.
Ana: Did you go to Korea also?
Chris: No, I didn't go (go) to Korea. I'll be there in July.
Chris: Did you see my pictures?
Ana: No, I didn't see (see) them. Please show me.

2.2: The Simple Past Tense: Regular Verbs
1. Chris: Who was on the phone?
Ana: It was Marco Alvarez, from SGB. We ______ about the budget.


did talk

2. Chris: ______?
Ana: He wanted our new advertising budget.

What he wants

What he wanted

What did he want

3. Laura: ______ to at Lucid Systems?
Luis: We talked to Anita Lopez.

Who talked

Who did talk


Who did you talk

4. Laura: ______?
Luis: She said that she likes our proposal.

What she says


What she said


What did she say

5. Luis: When did you arrive in the States?
Susan: I ______ about two weeks ago.

did arrive


6. Luis: Where did you stay in New York?
Susan: ______ at the Northgate Hotel.

I stayed

It stayed

I did stay
7. Luis: How did you like New York?
Susan: I ______ it. I had a great time.



was love
8. Luis: Did you take a lot of pictures?
Susan: Yes, ______ .

I am

I did

I do

3: The Simple Past Tense: Irregular Verbs
3.1: The Simple Past Tense: Irregular Verbs

Read each sentence. Type the correct form of the verb into the blank.

Our class usually begins at 10 o'clock, but yesterday it began (begin) at 10:30.

2. My roommate often comes home around midnight, but last night he came (come)
home at 3 a.m.

3. I almost always do my homework, but last night I didn't do (not do) it.

4. I usually don't eat pizza, but I ate (eat) some at Nikki's party last Saturday.
Laura: Where's the Lucid report?
Luis: I put (put) it on your desk last night.
Ana: Why didn't you go to Ellen's party?
Chris: Ellen's party? I didn't know (not know) about a party.
Laura: Luis, do you know anything about the Star Two program?
Luis: Yes, I sent (send) you an email about that yesterday.

Read each sentence. Choose a word or phrase from the answer pool. Type it into the blank.

Carol: How was your weekend?

Ana: Great. I went to L.A.

Carol: Oh, that sounds nice. Who did you go with?

Ana: I went with two friends, Sam and Emi.

Carol: Did you stay at a hotel?

Ana: No, we stayed with Sam's brother.

Carol: How was the weather?

Ana: Very sunny. It was great.

Carol: What did you do there?

Ana: We went to a couple of movie studios and we took a long

walk along the beach.

Carol: Did you go shopping?

Ana: No, I didn't go shopping. I didn't have time.

 Vocabular
Listening Challenge
1: Extended Listening

Ana: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend?

Chris: Boring. I was at home all weekend. How about you?

Ana: You know me. I'm never home on weekends.

Chris: Where were you?

Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday.

Chris: Where?

Ana: Los Angeles.

Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do?

Ana: Well, we did a bunch of tourist stuff - shopping, beach, movie studios.

Chris: Ah. Did you have a good time?

Ana: Oh, yeah, it was great. But I spent way too much money.

Chris: Who . . . who did you go with?

Ana: Emi and Sam.

Chris: Oh. How did you get there?

Ana: We flew.

Chris: Wasn't that expensive?

Ana: No, it was really cheap. Sam had these great discount coupons.

Chris: Where did you guys stay?

Ana: Oh, Sam has a brother in L.A. We stayed at his place.

Chris: Ah. Wasn't that . . . crowded?

Ana: No, it was a lot of fun. You know, Chris, you ought to come with us next time.

Chris: Hmm. Maybe.

Ana: Hola, Chris. ¿Cómo fue tu fin de semana?

Chris: Aburrido. Yo estaba en casa el fin de semana. Qué hay de tí?
Ana: Tú me conoces. Yo nunca estoy en casa los fines de semana.
Chris: ¿Dónde estabas?
Ana: Yo estaba en Los Ángeles el sábado y el domingo.
Chris: ¿Dónde?
Ana: Los Angeles.
Chris: Oh, guau! Qué hiciste?
Ana: Bueno, hemos hecho un montón de cosas de interés turístico - comercial, playa, los
estudios de cine.
Chris: Ah. ¿Tuviste un buen momento?
Ana: Oh, sí, fue genial. Pero gasté demasiado dinero.
Chris: ¿Quién. . . que fue usted con?
Ana: Emi y Sam.
Chris: Oh. ¿Cómo llegaste allí?
Ana: Volamos.
Chris: ¿No era tan caro?
Ana: No, era muy barato. Sam tenía estas grandes cupones de descuento.
Chris: ¿Dónde se quedaron ustedes?
Ana: ¡Oh, Sam tiene un hermano en LA Nos alojamos en su lugar.
Chris: Ah. ¿No era eso. . . lleno de gente?
Ana: No, fue muy divertido. Sabes, Chris, usted debe venir con nosotros la próxima vez.
Chris: Hmm. Tal vez.
 Reading

Study and Travel

World of Learning

Do you want to travel?

Do you want to study at the same time?
World of Learning has the right educational tour for you.

Study acting in the United Kingdom

Go to plays and concerts in London.

Enjoy a homestay with an English or Scottish family.

Visit Stratford-upon-Avon, the town famous for Shakespeare.

Work with actors from all over the world at a theater festival.
Take a train across the British countryside.

Return to London to see another play.

Four weeks for $4,200

Study nature in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

See nature the way it was many years ago.

Tour the Charles Darwin Research Center.

Swim at beautiful island beaches.

Learn about interesting animals, like iguanas, sea lions, and frigate birds.

Eat great food and sleep on a boat.

Fly to the city of Quito and visit old houses, shops, and cafes.

Ten days for $2,200

1. Why do people go on educational tours?

They want to study and travel at the same time.


They want to live with a family from another country.


They want to travel to many countries on one trip.

2. What do travelers do on the United Kingdom tour?

They take a boat trip down the river.


They go to plays and concerts.


They learn about the countryside.

3. What do travelers do on the Galapagos Islands tour?

a. They take a train to Quito.

The stay with a family for a short time.


They learn about animals and nature.

4. Tim took the United Kingdom tour. He probably ________.

wants to be an actor

likes to relax on the beach


doesn't like big cities

5. Antonella took the Galapagos Islands tour. She probably ________.

likes to read books and watch TV


enjoys studying animals

wants to travel by train

A.4: What a Weekend!: Writing

Question: Write About a Tour
Imagine that you’re on an educational tour.

 Write a comment on a blog for a student travel website. Write about the things
you’re doing on the tour.
 Use the model.
 Click on Save and Submit when you are finished.

Writing Model:
Comment: UK travel and study tours

I’m having so much fun on my study tour. I never want to leave! Two weeks ago, we were
in London. I really enjoyed going to the theater. Then, I had my home stay in Scotland. It
was a lot of fun. My host family took me to Edinburgh. It was great. Today we’re in
Stratford-upon-Avon. This city is famous because Shakespeare was born here.
Comment: UK travel and study tours
Comment: Peru travel and study tours

I’m having so much fun on my study tour. One week ago, we were in Machu Pichu. I really
enjoyed going to Sacsayhuaman. Then, I had my home stay in Cusco. It was a lot of fun.
My host brother took me to Tintaya. It was great. Today we’re in Paucarbanba. It is famous
because the Ayar brother.

Pregunta: Escribe sobre una excursión

Imagina que estás en un viaje educativo.

Escribe un comentario en un blog de un sitio web de viajes de estudiantes.

Escribe sobre las cosas que estás haciendo en la gira.
Use el modelo.
Haga clic en Guardar y Enviar cuando haya terminado.

Escribir modelo:

Comentario: viajes del Reino Unido y viajes de estudio

Estoy divirtiendo mucho en mi viaje de estudios. No quiero volver a salir!

Hace dos semanas, estábamos en Londres. Me gustó mucho ir al teatro.
Entonces, tuve mi estancia en casa en Escocia. Fue muy divertido. Mi
familia me llevó a Edimburgo. Fue genial. Hoy estamos en Stratford-upon-
Avon. Esta ciudad es famosa por Shakespeare nació aquí.

Review Quiz
Listening 1
1. What did Chris say about his weekend?

a. It was busy.

b. It was lonely.

c. It was boring.

2. Did Chris go shopping?

a. Yes, he went to the mall.

b. No, he stayed home.

c. No, he had to work.

3. Where did Ana go on the weekend?

a. To Los Angeles
b. To the movies

c. She stayed home

4. What did Ana do on the weekend?

a. She went to the movies.

b. She went to a party.

c. She did tourist stuff.

5. How much money did Ana spend?

a. A lot of money

b. Not too much money

c. Just a little money

Review Quiz
Listening 2

1. How often does the train go to San Diego?

a. Every day

b. Every other day

c. Once a week

2. What time is the earliest train in the morning to San Diego?

a. 6:05

b. 7:45

c. 6:45

3. Are the one-way fares more expensive than the round-trip fares?

a. Yes, the one-way fares are more expensive.

b. No, the one-way fares and round-trip fares cost the same.
c. No, the one-way fares are less expensive.

4. How much is a round-trip ticket?

a. $40

b. $55

c. $65
Review Quiz
Grammar 3

Jenny: Hi, Rich. What (1)did you do last weekend?

Rich: I (2)went was to Chicago. I (3)visited my sister.

Jenny: What (4)did you do?

Rich: Oh, we (5)went to the theater and to the art museum.

Jenny: (6)Did you have a good time?

Rich: Oh yeah. We really (7)enjoyed ourselves.

Jenny: (8)Was Were the theater expensive?

Rich: A little. We (9)sat in the cheap seats.

Review Quiz

Come on an Adventure with Adventure Travel Northwest!

Do you love nature? Do you want to have more experience in nature? Do you want to meet new
people? You can learn about nature and make new friends on these new exciting travel packages.
Call 343-9898 to reserve your place!

River Kayaking: Come ride the rapids in a kayak, a small boat for one or two people. Learn how
to move the kayak in the water. Learn how to deal with emergencies on the water.

 beautiful countryside
 rock formations
 different kinds of fish

This tour lasts 4 days. Adventure Travel Northwest provides all food and supplies for camping. This
package costs $400 per person.
Mountain Hiking: Climb up Mount Howard. Learn to identify different plants and trees that grow
on Mount Howard. Hike during the day and camp at night.

 many different wildflowers

 a variety of birds
 beautiful sunsets

This tour lasts 6 days. Adventure Travel Northwest provides all food and supplies for camping. This
package costs $550 per person.

1. What do tourists see on the hike up Mount Howard?

a. Birds, flowers, and sunsets

b. Fish, forests, and rock formations

c. Birds, flowers, and rock formations

2. What is a kayak?

a. A meal for two people

b. A boat for one or two people

c. A tour for two people

3. Tourists hike up Mount Howard ___________.

a. during the night

b. during the day

c. during the evening

4. What is provided for both tours?

a. Only supplies and no food

b. Only drinks and no food

c. All food and supplies

5. What will you learn to deal with on the kayaking tour?

a. Dangerous fish

b. Emergencies

c. People

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