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Al-Mansouri Public English Language Date: November 2017

Intermediate School 1st Summative Test Duration: 120 min

Grade Three

Teacher’s name: Khadija Bachan

Student’s name:………………………………..

Part one: Reading (Score 14/20 )

 Read the following text about the ways of reducing trash to save environment.
When you are through with the reading, workout the activities that follow:

1. People make a lot of trash when they throw away all the things they don’t
want. There is trash at your home and school. There is trash at banks and
libraries. There is so much trash.

2. When most of us throw something away, it goes to a garbage dump. There,

the trash is buried underground. We can’t keep burying all of our trash
there. What can we do? There are three things that we can do to make less
trash. We can reduce the amount of trash, reuse things and recycle them in
a recycling plant.

3. It is easy to reduce the amount of trash that you make. Start using a water
bottle. Don’t buy bottles of water that you throw away. Write on both sides
of piece of paper instead of only the front side. All of these things will
reduce the amount of trash that you make.

A. Refer to the text and circle the word which best completes the meaning of
the sentence: (1.5 pts)
1. People make a lot of ………………
a. tables b. trash c. toys

2. The trash goes to ……………….

a. school b. dump c. garbage dump
3. We can make ……………….. things to make less trash.
a. two b. three c. four

B. Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences of your

own: (4 pts)
1. Based on paragraph 2, what can we do to make less trash?

2. Based on paragraph 2, where can trash be recycled?


3. According to paragraph 3, write two actions we can do to reduce the

amount of trash.

4. Choose a suitable title for the text.

a. Pollution
b. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
c. Let’s Save Our Environment

C. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the box. (2.5 pts)

garbage- throw - dumps – factory - recycle

People ………………. things they don’t want anymore. The garbage truck collects the
……………….. and goes to a big …………………. . In …………………. there is many machines
that can ……………… them.

D. Determine whether each of the following sentences is Declarative,
Interrogative, or exclamatory. (3 pts)
1. The boy writes on both sides of paper. ……………………….
2. There is so much trash! …………………………..
3. What can we do to reduce the amount of trash? ……………………..
4. There is trash at banks and libraries. ………………………….

E. Write “S” if the group of words form sentence. Write “F” if they form a
fragment. (3 pts)
1. Hani and Hadi are in grade three. …………….
2. Go to the movies. …………….
3. The animals live in the forest. …………
4. Yesterday I ate. ……………….

Part Two: Writing (Score 6/20)
Recycling is a way to reduce trash. The words coming out from the glass bottle tell
how glass is recycled. Write a paragraph using these words to explain the process.
Use words like first, then, next, and at last.
collects separates

throw breaks



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