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Keon Wylie

November 28th, 2022

RPTM 101

Career Report


The name of my candidate is Mr. Johnson. He is a senior seminar teacher but is also a coach at

Imhotep Charter in Germantown, Philadelphia. The interview was hosted November 23rd. He

has been working there for the past two years but coaching for the last 15 years. He has a degree

in Physical education. And a minor in business. At Imhotep charter school he is the head coach

and has won over 9x public league champions, 8x city champions and one time.

Mission or Purpose of the organization

“To provide a standards driven, high quality educational program for urban learners grounded in

the African Principles MA'AT and seven principles of the Nguzo Saba. Imhotep aims to nurture

lifelong learners who are valuable members of the world community”. This is the mission

statement at the school he works at.

Clientele Served

The Clients served are high school students athletes and youth football players. Youth being 12-

13 years old and high school students being 14-19. There are not any memberships required to
get into this but there is a lottery to be accepted for the highschool part to get in. They normally

live in the urban community and come from different parts of Philadelphia. It's a public charter


Services and program provided

The program this agency provides is sports such as football, basketball mens and womens, and

track. Also, there are different clubs you can join such as African drumming and debate. There is

a gym and a basketball gym you can use to workout.


There are 50 people on staff in all the groups and clubs put together. The agency isn’t that big. I

would say 40 of them are in the RPTM department; the only ones who are not in the RPTM

department would be African drumming and the debate club.

Founding Source

The agency gets funding through different fund raising and selling different merchandise to help

raise money for the sports group and different activities.

Professional Issue
The challenges he explained during our interview was helping the kids stay off the streets. In

Philadelphia because the crime and violence is so high and he tries his best to help keep players

off the streets and not be a statistic on the streets.

Picture Of Thank You Note

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