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Do the activities 2, 4 and 6 on pages 110 and 111 from your student's book.

1. Each story have their own situation so 3. In the first one is Joyce she is alone
has their plot, thats why attract the
 In the second one is Hannah and
attention of the reader
Peter they are a couple
2. Present simple  In the third one is Jes and Luis they
are friends
 Past continuous
 Past simple 4. In The first one is elderly because she’s
 Past perfect Continuous alone in the house
 Past Perfect
 The second one is adult because
 Is in a indirect speech it has a kinfd
she is suffering for love
of fear
 The third one are childrens
because they are at school

1) instinctively
2) softly
3) strangely
4) gently
5) encourangly
6) slowly
7) carefully
But the train is going to
arrive in six minutes and
she need to takes a
descicion, she knew it will
be hard if he did not
appear and find a way to
fix their differences, after 2 minutes waiting a old man saw her waiting
desesperatly, and gave her a advice ‘ If he really loves you he will be here any
minute, he has to be very crazy if he lets you to get in in that train and leave
without him’ the words of that old man makes her think that he’s right, life is to
short to wait a man that don’t cares about fixing things with you and look for a
future together.

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