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Jomercomensm suc ith a Unit 8: The Periodic Table 8.1 Periodic Trends Section (A) 1. OMN 47/P22/Q41/a(v) {a) Choose from the following elements to answer the questions, aluminium carbon hydrogen iron magnesium nitrogen oxygen sodium vanadium Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all. Which element: (has an atom with only three electrons in its outer shell? Oi) 2. OIN 16/P22/Q6/b Sodium and rubidi 1m are alkali metals. {a) Siate two trends in the properties of the alkali metals. 3. M/J 15/P22/02/a Hydrogen reacts with halogens to form hydrogen halides. (a) Predict which halogen reacts most violently with hydrogen. 4. OIN 14/P22/Q2/a.b The table shows some properties of the Group | metals. | metal density | melting point | boiling point, “+ ing/em? | eC eC | sodium 097 | 98 | potassium 0.86 63 [ rubidium 153 | 29 686 [eaesium | 1.88 29 669 (a) (® Describe the general trend in the density ofttie Group | metals. ae fo) (ii) Predict the boiling point of potassium. ist ore 905 is one Unit 8.1: Periodic wend Read & Write Pubications (ai) Wat is the physical state of caesium at 95 °C? Explain your answer. (1) ii) Construct the " (ii) Cons quation for the Feaction of rubidium with water. (iii) The reaction of rubidium with water is exothermic, " What is meant by the term exothermic? ; tj 5, OINASIP22/QNe Choose from the following elements to answer the questions below. chlorine hydrogen iron lithium nickel nitrogen oxygen potassium silver sulfur vanadium zine Each element can be used once, more than once or not at all. Which element (@) is in Period 5 of the Periodic Table, . 1 * immune net .d bromine are non-metals. Aluminium is a metal and both iodine and br . (a) How does the number of valency electrons help to explain why aluminium is a metal and iodine and bromine are non-metals? ~ (2) ind bromine is aliquid. \gement and:the motion of particles in a (©) At room tem iodine is a solid at perature io a Describe the difference between both the arral Solid and a liquid. (2) _ Unit 8.1: Psi % eee Road & Write Publications 7. OIN 11/P21102I6,8 h Sodium can react with compounds called crown ethers. 5.4 an alkaline solution ig (a) When sodium reacts with water, hydrogen is given © nes i 4s with water, (i) Describe two observations that can be made when sodium reacts wi (i) Write an equation, including state symbols, for the reaction of sodium with water. 1) (b) Sodium is an alkali metal. Iron is a transition element. State the differences between these two metals in terms of (i) meting point... fi (il) density c t 8. OIN 10/P22/Q4/a,b Chlorine, bromine and iodine are non-metals in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Their molecules are diatomic. (2) What do you understand by the term diatomic? . i) (b) (i) Describe the trend in colour of the Group VII elements down the Group. i tt) In what qi) in at physica state do the following elements exist at room temperature and bromine iodine 2] , } Ss c on 17/P22/Q1/a(v) tion (A) (@) (Aluminium /Az (1) 1) IN 16/P22/Q6/b (@) One mark each for any two of: ri + decrease in melting point down ti boiling point down the group ORR group. Or Reverse Argument (ORA) /decrease in «increase in density down the group ORA + increase in reactivity down the group ORA + decrease in hardness down the group ORA 3, Mid 15/P22/02Ia (a) Fluorine (1) nn) 4, OIN 14/P22/Q2/a,b (a) (i) (density generally) increases down the group (1) 1) {ii) allow between 710 ~ 860 (°C) (1) (actual value = 760°C) {1} (iii) iquid (no mark on its own) melting point is below 35 (°C) AND boiling point is above 35 (°C) (1) (7) {b) (i) more reactive down the group /Iess reactive up the group (1) [1] (ii) 2Rb + 2H,O + 2RbOH + H, (1) [1] (iil) reaction which reteases heat/releases energy / products have lower energy than reactants //reaction in which AH is negative /temperature (of surroundings) increases (1) tt) 5. OIN 13/P22/Q1/e {a) silver / Ag (1) i 6. MJ 13/P22/Q3/a,b (a) Aluminium has 3 valence electrons and iodine and bromine have 7 / Alhas 3 outer electrons and iodine and bromine have 7 (1) Aluminium loses electrons and iodine / bromine gain electron(s) (1) 2 (b) In a solid, particles are arranged regularly and in liquid particles are irregularly artanged (1) In soli particles are only vibrating and in liquid they are moving (or sliding over each other) id moving in liquid 2 ALLOW: no movement of particles in solid an . ON 14/P21/Q2ic,d (2) (i) any two of: floatsimoves over surface (1) bubbles/effervescence (1) goes into a ball/melts (1) gets smalier/eventually forms 2 © yellow/orange fiame (1) a IGNORE dissolves pnaot(ea) + Hola) ii) 2Na(s) + 2H,O() > a nee reactants and products (4 ct formulae) (1) balancing (cepen get (dependent ‘on correct products and reactants) (1) rrect state olourless solution (1) (2) Unit 0.1: Anware 89 4 ‘ot ey Cilla Rete dla ted fea! & Write Publioalions "A n has high melting (b) (I) iron has higher malting polnUsodlum has lower molting polntiror point and sodium low (1) th (il) iron has highor density/sodium has lowor donalty/iron has high density and sodium low (1) ty 8, OIN 10/P22/Q4/a,b ' (a) molecule containing two atoms / two atome joined (by bond) / atome In A pairs; tt ALLOW: has two atoms IGNORE: two aloms / two atomic / ment eloments / made of two eloments / elements with combined (b) (1) gots darker / chlorine green bromine red (or brown or red-brown) and lodine grey. black or grey or black ALLOW: goes from green to black or from yellow (Fz) to black tt) NOT: iodine dark brown / silver NOT: colour increases / gets more intense REJECT: chloride / bromide / iodide (instead of halogens) (il) bromine — liquid; (1) iodine ~ solid (1) @ tlon of states / mention of same or different n lwo atoms / 2 atoms of itself 8.3 Transition Elements Section (A) 4, Mid 18/P22/Q2/a The transition elements occupy the central block iodi lron and copper are typical transition elements, ee {a) The compounds of transition elements are often coloured. What is the colour of iron(II) hydroxide? _ i 2. OIN 12/P22/Q5id Nickel can be refined by reacting the impure metal with carbon monoxide. The impurities do not react with carbon monoxide. A volatile compound called nickel carbonyl is formed. This is decomposed to give pure nickel and carbon monoxide. (a) Nickel is a metal. State three physical properties shown by all metals. {3} 1. MJ 18/P22/Q2/a (a) red-brown (1) 2. OIN 12/P22/Q5/d (a) any three from: conducts heat / conducts electricity (1) malleable / can be hammered into shape / can be bent into shapes (1) ductile / can be stretched (1) shiny / lustrous (1) IGNORE: silvery ”

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