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Beaconhouse School System

Islamiyat 2058

Extra Support Work sheet/ Practice Paper

Class : XC Section:…………………………….

Name: …………………………………….. T.Marks : 42 Date of

Submission: 21st October 2022 Friday Instructions:

∙ Attempt these Questions on loose Sheet
∙ Read CAIE Mark Scheme before attempting Question
∙ Focus on neat presentation of work and time management
∙ 10 marks question must be at least of 2.5 pages of loose sheet and 4 marks question
must be of half page of loose sheet
∙ Submit these questions timely ( 21st October 2022)
∙ Follow CAIE Level marking as instructed for part a L 4 Top level for part b L 2 Top Level ∙
Attempt All Questions

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Level Mark Questio Questio Level Descriptor
n 1 Mark ns 2–5

4 4 8–10 Very Good / Excellent. A thorough,

well-developed and substantial response.
Demonstrates extensive, relevant and highly
accurate knowledge of the subject in considerable
detail and with evident expertise. Likely to quote
Qur’an verses and Hadiths to support and
illustrate points made. Comprehensive and

3 3 5-7 Good. Addresses the question confidently and

coherently. Demonstrates sound, detailed and
generally relevant and accurate knowledge of the
subject matter in great detail. Covers the main
points. May quote Qur’an verses and Hadiths to
support points made.

2 2 3-4 Satisfactory. A fair, mainly relevant but generally

undeveloped response. The candidate
demonstrates some factual knowledge, which is
fairly accurate and slightly wider than at basic
level. Some of the main points are covered but
lack substance.

1 1 1-2 Basic. An attempt to answer the question, but

lacks potential and / or is unfinished. Very limited
knowledge of the subject. Response includes only
a small amount of relevant material, or mainly
irrelevant points. Facts are reported in basic
outline only, often inaccurately, though some
credible points are made.

0 0 0 Irrelevant. No apparent attempt to answer the

question set, or a wholly irrelevant response.
Totally illegible

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1 (a) Write an account of how the four sources of Islamic Law are used together. [10]

Candidates may include some of the following points. All other relevant points must be credited.

Candidates should write about the primary sources, Qur’an and Hadith, and secondary sources,
ijma’ and qiyas, and how they are used together. The Qur’an is an authority in Islamic law; it is
the word of God. It is not questioned or contradicted by the other sources. It contains the main
teachings and principles of Islam by which Muslims should live. The sunna is the Prophet’s
example and is recorded in the Hadith; these emphasise and expand on verses in the Qur’an,
e.g. zakat. The Qur’an gives permission to follow the Prophet (pbuh). The Hadith are used when
the Qur’an is silent on a matter, e.g. inheritance given to grandmother is not mentioned in the
Qur’an, but comes from Hadith. The Hadith are important because the Prophet (pbuh) was the
final and perfect messenger to follow; the Hadith of Mu’adh ibn Jabal reflects this. They are
interlinked so are the two main (primary) sources. When neither of the primary sources offer
answers, then ijma’ and qiyas can be used. These are used mainly for issues that did not arise at
the time of the Prophet (pbuh). Ijma’ is the consensus of opinion of scholars. It has its basis in
the Hadith: ‘My community will never agree upon an error.’ Some issues dealt with by ijma’ have
been, at the time of the caliphs, the compiling of the Qur’an or the second adhan at Jum’a and
more recently, the permissibility of IVF. Qiyas is analogy, when one Islamic ruling is compared
with another to derive a new ruling for a new issue. Examples of this could be the use of cocaine
being prohibited on the basis that intoxicants are prohibited. Candidates could mention the
elements of qiyas, asl, far’, ‘illa and hukm. The secondary sources do not contradict the primary
sources but rather use the primary sources as a basis for their answers.

(b) Why do you think some scholars do not favour the use of qiyas? [4]

Qiyas is comparing a new issue with an old ruling to arrive at a new ruling. Some scholars have
said that this involves too much of a person’s own opinion to be creditable. They argue that

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relying on personal opinion in law-making would mean that each individual could ultimately
form their own subjective conclusions. This would mean that they could make decisions for
their own benefit and not for the benefit of society/Islamic community. Shi’a scholars reject the
use of qiyas. Candidates could say that the majority of scholars do allow the use of qiyas but
there is a preference for ijma’.

2 (a) The Muslims in Makka faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet (S.A.W) began preaching
openly. Describe the persecutions against the followers of the Prophet (S.A.W) at this

The Quraysh rejected the Prophet’s message after open preaching, and being threatened by the
new message, started to persecute the Muslims. Those who had no protection were easy targets
and felt the worst of the persecution.

Bilal was severely beaten by his master Umayah bin Khalaf; ‘Ammar bin Yasir, and his parents,
were made to lie on the burning sand – both his parents were martyred; ‘Uthman in Affan was
wrapped in palm leaves and set fire to by his uncle; Khabab bin al-Arat was made to lie on
burning coal with a rock on his chest. It was not just the poor who were persecuted. Due to the
severity of the persecutions, the Prophet told the believers to meet secretly at Dar al-Arqam,
where they would learn about their new faith. Also because of the persecutions, the Prophet
allowed some people to migrate to Abyssinia. Later a social and economic boycott was imposed
on the Muslims and they were to live in Shib-i-Abi Talib, where they faced great hardships for
many years.

Candidates can offer a variety of answers, but must give reasons for their answer.

(b) In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet (S.A.W) ’s followers to
these persecutions? [4]

They could say that the reactions are practical because e.g. people, in the face of persecution,
can migrate and so change their situation, or they can have patience and ultimately God will
grant them ease, whether in this life or the next. They could say that the reactions are not
practical, e.g., because people now have too much invested in a country / community to be able
to leave it. Also, many people are too poor to leave their homes and set up new homes
elsewhere. They may feel they would not be welcomed in any other country, or that the journey
is too difficult to make.

3 (a)The Battle of the Trench (Khandaq) was fought in 627. Give an account of the main events
that took place. [10] Candidates may include some of the following points. All other relevant
points must be credited. Banu Nadir had broken their treaty agreements and planned to kill the
Prophet (pbuh). They planned an attack with the Makkans and other Arab tribes, and gathered
an army of 10 000. The Muslims gathered 3000 men, so were outnumbered. Salman al-Farsi
suggested the Muslims dig trenches to keep the army out of Madina, wide enough and deep
enough not to be crossed. Many

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miracles were also witnessed by the Muslims, including feeding a large number of people with
one sheep. The hypocrites in Madina withdrew their support, making excuses. Banu Qurayza did
not initially want to break their agreements with the Prophet (pbuh), but later were convinced
to help the Quraysh. The Quraysh tried to cross the trench; a couple of riders managed to cross
a part that was narrower; ‘Ali fought them off. The siege ran into weeks. The Prophet (pbuh)
used strategic skills to create mistrust between the alliances, sending Nuaym bin Mas’ud to sow
seeds of mistrust between the allies. The Makkans eventually gave up after a storm for three
days which prevented them from lighting fires, cooking food and keeping warm; Banu Qurayza
were punished for their treachery by their own laws.
(b) What can Muslims learn from this event about taking advice from others? [4] Even if you
are in a position of authority or power, you should not think that you cannot take advice from
others. There will often be people who know more than you, or have more experience or
wisdom about a subject. Therefore when you are in need, or have a dilemma, it is good to ask
others who know, as the Prophet (pbuh) would also consult and take advice from his
companions. It is not necessary to always follow the advice, but people should be open to
receiving it.

4 (a) Outline the tasks performed by the Prophet(S.A.W)’s scribes during his lifetime. [10] The
Qur’an was written in its entirety during the Prophet’s time even though it was not compiled in
one text. There were various scribes who had different roles as companions, who wrote the
verses down on a number of materials. They wrote on parchments, bone, dried leaves, amongst
other things.
Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters for him (for example Ubayy ibn Ka’ab)
whilst some became scribes because they kept their own personal copies of the revelations for
example ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As. He sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking,
‘May I write down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment and anger?’ He
replied, ‘Yes, for I speak nothing but the truth.’ A number of companions had their own personal
copies of the words of the revelations, which were later used to verify the one copy in the time
of Abu Bakr. Companions who kept a private record of the text of the Qur'an satisfied
themselves as to the purity of their record by reading it out to the Prophet.
Some of the tasks of the scribes were writing letters and treaties, for example Abdullah ibn
Masud was his regular scribe in charge of writing and responding to letters. He was one of the
scribes who wrote down all the Revelation as well as Zayd bin Thabit, who the Messenger
commanded to learn how to write Hebrew so that he could respond on his behalf to those who
wrote to him in that language. ‘Ali was also an important scribe and wrote treaties for the
The Prophet used to instruct the scribes about the sequence in which a revealed message was to
be placed in a particular Sura (chapter). In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of the
Qur’an in a systematic order till the end of the chain of revelations. Zayd ibn Thabit reported,
“We used to record the Qur’an from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God.
“Some companions, who did not write down the revelations, had memorized them instead and
their versions were used to verify the written copies after the Prophet’s death.
(b) The scribes of the Prophet had as a source of information. How useful is the internet as a
source of information about Islam? [4]

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Candidates could say it is a useful source of information because e.g. there is a lot of
information easily available on the internet so it is possible to do a few searches and find a lot
of sources available for you to read on a subject. The Qur’an and most hadith books are all
online now, so people can easily access the information they need. People who may not have
access to books about Islam can learn about it online, and would be useful for those interested
/ new to Islam.
They could say it is not useful because e.g., the internet has a lot of information about Islam that
is questionable, and it would be difficult to know which sites are presenting the material in the
correct way / giving the correct information about an issue. Better answers may say that the
Prophet said, “go to those who know”, meaning that people should learn from scholars who
have studied in a traditional way, as they would provide an understanding that a person would
not necessarily get from the internet. Those interested in Islam may be put off by the sites that
present Islam inaccurately, and it can also lead to people hating Islam / Muslims because they
have read information that is not true.

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