Quiz 2-Elements of NonFiction'

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Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that best answers the given question.

Write the letter of your

answer in your notebook.
1. Which part of the plot is the most intense?
a. Falling action b. conflict c. exposition d. climax

2. A struggle between two or more opposing forces.

a. climax b. conflict c. character d. chapter

3. What type of conflict is best shown here?

a. character vs. character b. character vs. self
c. character vs. nature d. character vs. society

4. The story's time and place is

a. tone b. plot c. setting d. voice

5. The main idea, or message, in a literary work is the

a. setting b. plot c. tone d. theme

6. Which part of the story is represented by this blue blob?

a. exposition b. rising action c. climax d. resolution
7. Which part of the story is represented by this blue blob?
a. exposition b. rising action c. falling action d. resolution

8. Which part of the story is represented by this blue blob?

a. climax b. rising action c. falling action d. resolution

9. Which part of the story is represented by this blue blob?

a. climax b. rising action c. falling action d. resolution

10. Which part of the story is represented by this blue blob?

a. climax b. exposition c. falling action d. resolution

11. Character versus self is an __________ conflict

a. internal
b. external

12. In this element of plot the author introduces the characters and setting...
a. Resolution
b. Climax
c. Exposition
d. Rising Action

13. The theme is a lesson learned; the moral of the story.

a. True
b. False
14. What type of conflict is best shown here...
a. character vs. character
b. character vs. self
c. character vs. nature
d. character vs. society

15. Which part of the plot creates tension and suspense?

a. rising action
b. climax
c. falling action
d. resolution

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