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Contributed by D.J. Diehl, July 2011 Figure 1. Typical AC System Diagram

This white paper reviews Flicker theory and de-
tails the Flicker Standards that are used by PMI
recorders. Most PMI recorders have the ability to
measure Flicker. Many models and options have Supply Load
the ability to measure to IEEE 141 (GE Flicker Voltage Current Varying
Curve), IEEE 1453 / IEC 6100-4-15 (IFL, Pst,
Plt Flicker). Flicker can be a very irritating power
quality issue and can also be very hard to re-
solve. In order to fully understand the differences
between the f licker standards, it’s a good idea to
review general f licker theory.


Flicker can be defined as a visible f luctuation in

light intensity due to voltage variations. Flicker is
generally more common in incandescent light than
in f luorescent light. The human sensitivity to light
intensity changes with magnitude of modulation
and frequency of occurrence. RMS voltage chang-
es of only 0.25% can produce visible changes in Figure 2. Voltage
light output. Modulation

FLICKER CAUSES The IEEE 141 method represented voltage variations

produced by a single source. Figure 3 shows the GE
Flicker is caused by voltage changes produced by Flicker Curve borderline of irritation.
load currents through system impedance as shown
in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The effect of large loads IEEE 1453: Recommended Practice for Measurement
produces voltage modulation on the line creat- and Limits of Voltage Fluctuations and Associated Light
ing noticeable changes in light intensity. Loose Flicker on AC Power Systems.
connections can also contribute to large amounts
of Flicker due to the elevated impedances on the IEC 61000-4-15: Testing and Measurement Techniques,
system. Flickermeter Functional and Design Specifications.

FLICKER STANDARDS IEC 61000-4-15 was adopted and incorporated

into the IEEE 1453 standard. The combined
There are 3 major standards that have been adopt- standards recognize the need for a new method of
ed over the years to help solve major issues asso- f licker measurement. The standards outline the
ciated with f licker. Below is a brief explanation of few facts that the old standard IEEE 141 didn’t
the different standards. account for. The standards realize that real loads
produce modulation and voltage magnitude that
IEEE 141. Also known as the GE Flicker Curve, IEEE is more complex than what was originally used in
141 was developed by GE and several utilities to fig- the GE f licker curve tests. In AC power systems
ure out the human response to light variations. Fre- most situations are combinations of several f licker
quency of occurrence during the tests was based on sources. The combination of sources can come
number of voltage dips, not the number of changes. from random loads, varying patterns of operation,

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and multiple levels at various frequencies.

Instruments based on IEC 61000-4-15 more accu-

rately account for complex voltage f luctuations
encountered in actual practice. The Flickermeter
described in IEC 61000-4-15 standardizes f licker
monitor ing across d if ferent manufacturers;
IEC “f lickermeter” compliant instruments should
all produce same results for a given f licker exci-

These standards combined to create a model

defining a special amplitude modulation analyzer
based on the human light-eye-brain response. This
model, shown in Figure 4, was used to emulate
the nonlinear eye-brain response and perceptual
memory effects in the human brain. The output Block 3: Lamp-Eye Response System Figure 3. GE Flicker Curve
of the model is the instantaneous f licker sensation Created from three filter blocks:
• Filter 1: High pass, eliminates DC content
• Filter 2. Low pass, frequency cutoff = 42Hz:
Block 1: Input Signal Scaling Eliminates ripple component of block 2
Adjusts input voltage to a normalized reference
level. Flicker measurements are independent of • Filter 3. Weighting response of a filament
actual input voltage magnitude (measurements are lamp combined with the human visual system
expressed as a percent change in voltage, not the (peaks at 8.8Hz)
level of voltage).
Block 4: Eye-Brain Response
Block 2: Demodulator Used for implementing the remainder of the lamp-
Recovers the voltage f luctuation and rejects the eye-brain response model. Block 4 simulates non-
60Hz content. This block simulates the behavior linear eye-brain response and perceptual storage
of a lamp with varying output intensity. effects in the human brain. Output of block 4 is
the instantaneous f licker sensation (IFL).

LAMP-EYE RESPONSE Figure 4. Flickermeter model

INPUT of human perception
0 20 40 60 80 100

STATISTICAL Pst: Flicker Perception, Short Term

ANALYSIS Plt: Flicker Perception, Long Term

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Block 5: Statistical Analysis a stripchart over time.

Statistical analysis of the IFL f licker is used to
create Pst and Plt f licker values. Pst values are Plt FLICKER
computed by an analysis of the IFL values over a
10-minute period. Plt is a root mean average of the Plt or Percentile Long Term f licker is based on the
Pst values over a 12-period sliding time span. IEEE 1453, IEC 6100-4-15 standards. Plt is the
measure of long term f licker used for determining
FLICKER MEASUREMENTS the combined effect of several randomly operating
loads. Plt is a root mean average of the Pst values
The measurement of f licker in PMI products is over a 12 period sliding time span (e.g. 2 hour win-
based on the previously defined standards for dow if the Pst period is 10 minutes). Like Pst, a Plt
practical measure. Below is a brief explanation of value over 1.00 is generally considered a potential
the different measurements and terminology. problem. Plt can be computed by software after a
recording, using only the Pst data.
The GE f licker measurement is based on the IEEE
141 - GE Flicker Curve data. As previously discussed IFL or Instantaneous Flicker Level is based on the
the GE f licker curve is an analytical model of IEEE 1453, IEC 6100-4-15 standards. IFL quanti-
the human response to light variations. The GE fies voltage f luctuation at a given instant. Voltage
Flicker measurement in PMI recorders is based on sags will immediately cause a change in the IFL
3 parameters: data. IFL calculations include the eye-brain sensi-
tivity curve for different modulating frequencies,
1. Period - The measurement time interval but not the statistical aspect of how often such
f luctuations occur. A high IFL reading may not
2. Tolerance - Percent voltage change result in a high Pst value if it’s not a frequent oc-
currence. Thus, IFL readings aren’t always useful
3. Limit - Number of occurrences allowed during for determining if f licker is too high. IFL readings
the time period are used for tracking down what load is causing
a f licker problem. If a load starts or stops at the
All measurements are based on the threshold of same time the IFL reading changes, that load may
irritation from the GE Flicker curve as shown in be contributing to a high Pst reading.
Figure 3.
Flicker is a very interesting and complex aspect of
Pst or Percentile Short Term f licker is based on power quality. The standards defining f licker set
the IEEE 1453, IEC 6100-4-15 standards. Pst is a baseline for all f licker calculations. With a little
the measure of how much a f luctuating AC voltage background knowledge in the standards associated
causes noticeable incandescent light f lickering. with f licker, your recorded data maybe easier to
Short term f licker severity is a statistical measure analyze. The time spent reviewing the different
of IFL - time at level analysis. This measurement, f licker measurements will help to pinpoint the
normally updated every 10 minutes, takes into ac- problem and is well worth the effort.
count the differing sensitivity to different voltage
modulation frequencies and repetition patterns. D.J. Diehl
It is designed so that a Pst of 1.00 is noticeable Design Engineer
to 50% of the population, and is considered a
threshold of acceptability. Pst is computed by a
statistical analysis of the IFL readings during a 10 (800) 296-4120
minute period. Pst values are normally graphed as

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