Outdoor Comfort Research Issues: Energy and Buildings January 2003

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Outdoor comfort research issues

Article  in  Energy and Buildings · January 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S0378-7788(02)00082-8


209 2,215

7 authors, including:

Hadas Saaroni Oded Potchter

Tel Aviv University Beit Berl College


Yaron Yaakov Stefan Becker

Tel Aviv University Ramapo College


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Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

Outdoor comfort research issues

Baruch Givonia,*, Mikiko Noguchib, Hadas Saaronic, Oded Pochterc,
Yaron Yaacovc, Noa Fellerc, Stefan Beckerd
Department of Architecture, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fujita Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Geography, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Department of Geography, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany


The paper discusses methodological issues and carrying out problems in outdoor comfort research. It also deals with the relative effects of
air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed, as well as with the relationship between thermal sensation and overall comfort sensation, as
was found in the outdoor comfort research in Japan. The paper also summarizes several studies going on presently at Tel Aviv University in
Israel and presents some of the actual experimental results from these studies.
# 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermal comfort; Outdoor comfort; Comfort research methodology

1. Introduction Thus, minimizing outdoor discomfort may enhance the

vitality of the location during periods of extreme tempera-
Thermal comfort of persons staying outdoors is one of the tures (low in winter and/or high in summer).
factors influencing outdoor activities in streets, plazas, play- The actual levels of the ambient air temperature, solar
grounds, urban parks, etc. The amount and intensity of such radiation and wind, in a particular location, can be modified
activities is affected by the level of the discomfort experi- by the design details of the outdoor spaces. Such details may
enced by the inhabitants when they are exposed to the include the provision of shading elements, materials and
climatic conditions in these outdoor spaces. colors of the surrounding hard surfaces, provision and
Thus, for example, on a hot summer day the thermal details of planted surfaces, wind ‘breaks’ or ‘openness’ to
discomfort of people staying outdoors exposed to the sun the wind, etc. Thus, the exposure to, or protection from, solar
may discourage them from utilizing available urban parks, radiation, the temperatures of the surrounding surfaces, and
depending on the particular combination of the air tempera- the local wind speed, can be modified to a large extent by the
ture, the surface temperature of the surrounding areas, the choice of different design details. Even the local air tem-
wind speed and the humidity level. The availability of perature can be affected to some degree by the outdoor space
shaded outdoor areas may result in greater utilization of design details.
the open space by the public. In order to evaluate the importance of modifying the
In a similar way, in a cold region, a given combination of outdoor climate in a particular direction by specific design
wind speed and air temperature, or the obstruction of the sun details it would be helpful if the designer would have some
in shaded areas, may discourage people from staying out- means for ‘predicting’ the effect of a particular change in a
doors while the provision of sunny areas protected from the climatic element on the comfort of persons staying outdoor.
prevailing winds may encourage public activities in that Almost all of the research done to date on human thermal
outdoor space. comfort was conducted under indoor conditions. Specific
procedures enabled comparison of results obtained in
different studies. For example, the clothing worn by the
subjects in different seasons was often the same, regardless
Corresponding author. of the climatic conditions prevailing outdoor in that loca-
E-mail addresses: bgivoni@ucla.edu (B. Givoni), mnoguchi@fujita.co.jp
(M. Noguchi), saaroni@post.tau.ac.il (H. Saaroni), potchter@post.tau.ac.il tion during the testing season. An inherent (although
(O. Pochter), yaronws@post.tau.ac.il (Y. Yaacov), yfellr@netvision.net.il questionable) assumption involved in this procedure is that
(N. Feller), stefan.becker@geogr.uni-giessen.de (S. Becker). when a person is staying indoors his subjective reactions to

0378-7788/03/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 8 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 8 2 - 8
78 B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

temperature, air speed, etc. are independent of the condi- 2.1. Research procedure
tions prevailing outdoors.
Research on outdoor comfort involves different conditions The research utilized a questionnaire surveys on the
and issues, not encountered in studies on indoor comfort. subjects’ sensory responses and included physical measure-
When staying outdoors, people expect variability in the ment of outdoor climate data.
exposure conditions: variation of sun and shade, changes in The subjects’ group consisted of six persons, males and
wind speed, and so on. Pedestrians may be exposed to intense females, ranging from the twenties to the fifties. They
solar radiation and to the winds, factors that modify greatly worked in three pairs, each pair staying in one area for
their response to the temperature and humidity conditions. 20 min and moved to a different one. It meant that after 1 h a
Furthermore, people staying outdoors usually wear dif- pair would finish staying in all the three areas: exposed to the
ferent clothing in different seasons, clothing that are suitable sun and undisturbed wind, exposed but with reduced wind
to the prevailing climate. Therefore, fixed standard clothing and in the shade and undisturbed wind. This procedure was
is not applicable in outdoor research. In each particular repeated seven times a day. In each ‘test’ the subjects were
season the subjects should wear clothes which are com- asked to sit still in their chairs for 15 min to get used to the
monly used in that particular location and season. Thus, in an condition, and filled in a questionnaire in the remaining
outdoor comfort study conducted in Japan [2], the subjects 5 min.
wore, in each season, clothes commonly worn by local The common outdoor clothing in Japan for a given season
persons when staying outdoors. was selected for each season:
By comparing outdoor comfort studies conducted in
different seasons, and/or in regions with different climates, (i) Spring and autumn: long-sleeve shirt, jacket and
it would be possible to evaluate the effect of changes in the trousers (CLO value ¼ 1:1).
prevailing climatic conditions on the temperature range (ii) Summer: short-sleeve T-shirt and trousers (CLO
within which people feel comfortable outdoors, when the value ¼ 0:65).
subjects are wearing clothing common for outdoor exposure (iii) Winter: long-sleeve shirt, knitted jumper, thick jacket
in the given location and season. and trousers (CLO value ¼ 1:67).
The effect of direct exposure to solar radiation is not
limited to the thermal sensation. In winter it may produce The questionnaire was mainly concerned with thermal
specific pleasure. On a hot summer day it may produce sensation and overall comfort. Thermal sensation is the
specific discomfort, beyond the heat sensation. In un-shaded perception of heat or cold, on a scale of one (very cold)
areas pedestrians may also be exposed to surface tempera- to seven (very hot). The scale of the overall comfort level is
tures much higher in summer and lower in winter than the from one (very uncomfortable) to seven (very comfortable).
ambient air temperature. Level four is neutral, when one does not feel any thermal
Outdoors, wind speeds are much higher than the air speeds discomfort, to correspond with level four of the thermal
common indoor. Wind in summer, up to a certain speed, may sensation. The comfort level above five (super comfort) were
be specifically pleasant, while in winter it may be specifically included so that effects which produce ‘pleasure’ beyond
annoying. These factors have to be included in evaluating the just comfort, such as the wind in the hot humid summer and
overall subjective responses to the outdoor environment. the sun in winter, could be identified. This point is further
The following section of the paper is a review of an discussed later in the paper.
experimental study conducted in Japan in 1994–1995 and of The experiments were conducted under controlled solar
several studies presently conducted in Israel, dealing with insolation and wind speed in order to understand how these
outdoor comfort. It describes the research procedures of the physical factors influence the thermal sensation and the
studies, presents some selected experimental results and comfort level of Japanese persons staying in outdoor spaces.
discusses some of the problems encountered in the conduc- A grassed open space and an asphalt parking area in a park in
tion of the research and in the analysis of the data. Yokohama city were chosen as the sites for the experiments.
The subjects were divided into three groups with different
exposure conditions at very small distances between them.
2. The study in Japan—by Noguchi and Givoni The first group was sitting under a large shade tree (TREE).
The second group was sitting in a nearby open area exposed
The Fujita Corporation conducted research, monitoring to the sun (SUN). The third group was also in the open area
the thermal sensation and overall comfort of subjects staying but behind a vertical wind break made of transparent poly-
outdoors in Japan in 1994–1995 [1,2]. The objective of this ethylene sheets supported on wood frames (WIND
research was to determine the quantitative effect on the BREAK). The groups were rotated between the three expo-
comfort of Japanese persons dressed according to the com- sure sites so that, on the average, every subject was exposed
mon practice in the different seasons, of various design to the same conditions. The groups were rotated between the
features of plazas which can modify the sun and wind three exposure sites every 20 min so that, on the average,
exposure conditions during different seasons. every subject was exposed to about the same conditions.
B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86 79

Because of the very small distances between the exposure the different common clothing in the different seasons. The
sites it can be assumed that the air temperatures and the data also enabled to demonstrate the relationship between
humidity, at a given time, are the same for the three groups. thermal sensation and overall comfort.
The only differences are in the solar radiation (between the
TREE on the one hand and the SUN and WIND-BREAK on 2.2. Selected experimental results
the other) and in the wind speeds (between the TREE and
SUN groups on one hand and the WIND-BREAK group on This paper presents the details of the experimental program,
the other). the methodology of the data analysis, and the formula that was
The study was carried out in different seasons, from the developed on the basis of the experimental data. The detailed
summer of 1994 to the summer of 1995. In each season, results of the experimental study were presented in [2].
experiments were conducted during 2 days, for a total 9 A multi-factor regression formula, expressing thermal sen-
experimental days. Each experimental day started at 9 a.m. sation (TS) as a function of the five variables was generated:
and finished at 5 p.m.
The measured environmental physical factors were air TS ¼ 1:7 þ 0:1118  Ta þ 0:0019  SR  0:322  WS
temperature in the shade (Ta, 8C), horizontal solar radiation  0:0073  RH þ 0:0054  ST
(SR, W/sqm), wind speed (WS, m/s), relative humidity (RH,
%) and the surrounding ground surface temperature (ST, with an R2 value of 0.8792.
8C). The climatic measurements were carried out every hour Note in the formula the negative sign for the effect of
in each test area. relative humidity (indicating lowering of the thermal sensa-
By comparing rapid consequent measurements of the tion with higher humidity). This is in contrast with the
horizontal solar radiation intensity ‘in the sun’ and under accepted notion that higher humidity increases the sensation
the shade tree the shading effectiveness of the trees was of warmth. This point is further discussed below.
evaluated. The radiation intensity under the tree was about It should be stressed that the above formula is based on a
10% of the radiation at the exposed sites in the summer and very small number of subjects. Therefore, it should be
fall seasons. In the winter and spring seasons, when the trees’ considered only as an indication that it is possible to develop
foliage was less dense, the radiation under the tree was about a predictive model for the thermal sensations of persons in
20% of the radiation in the open area. outdoor spaces, taking into account the effect of the expo-
The wind speed behind the wind break was about 50% of sure conditions, including that of solar radiation, and the
the speed at the exposed site. subject’s seasonally adjusted clothing and acclimatization.
Analysis of the data enabled the development of a formula Fig. 1 shows the correspondence between the measured
predicting the thermal sensation of subject staying outdoors, and the calculated thermal sensations, with different mark-
as affected by acclimatization to the changing climate and ings for the different seasons. Fig. 2 shows the same data but

Fig. 1. Measured and calculated thermal sensations in the different seasons.

80 B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

Fig. 2. Measured and calculated thermal sensations under different exposure conditions.

with different markings for the different exposure conditions study, a predictive formula for the thermal sensation has
(shade, sun and wind screen). been developed which takes into account only the effects of
air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed. The result-
2.3. Comments on the effect of relative humidity ing formula is:

The analysis of the effects of combination of various TS ¼ 1:2 þ 0:1115  Ta þ 0:0019  SR  0:3185  WS
climatic elements may be more complex in outdoors com-
fort studies than in indoor conditions, because of peculiar with an R-square value of 0.8711.
interactions between the climatic elements in specific loca- Thus, the experimental results of this study suggest that a
tions and seasons. This factor may present specific problems change of 59 W/sqm in solar radiation, and a change of
in developing mathematical models by multiple factor 0.35 m/s in wind speed, had similar effect to a change of
regression. 1 8C in air temperature.
For instance, in the study in Japan, the humidity was much Again, it should be stated that the number of human
lower and the temperature higher during sunny days of a subjects and testing days were very small. Therefore, the
given season than in cloudy days. The subjects feel warmer above results should be considered only as very rough
during the sunny days mainly because of the solar radiation. approximations.
During the same days the humidity is lower.
The cooling effect of higher humidity, shown by the 2.5. Comfort and thermal sensation
regression formula described above, may have been just
an ‘error’ resulting from the very small number of human Thermal comfort level is related to the thermal sensation.
subjects, and may not represent the real independent effect However, one may feel uncomfortable either when it is too
of the humidity. On the other hand, it may have resulted from warm, or when it is too cold. Fig. 3 shows the relationship
the particular combinations of solar radiation and humidity between the thermal sensations and the comfort level, as
described above. observed in the comfort study in Japan.
In retrospect it seems that the inclusion of the ‘super
2.4. Relative effects of air temperature, solar radiation comfort’ levels in a study covering a wide range of thermal
and wind speed on thermal sensation discomfort has reduced the clarity of the relationship
between thermal sensation and comfort. Thermal comfort
The effects of solar radiation and wind speed can be may be a required condition, but it is not sufficient, for
related to the effect of air temperature by calculating the environmental ‘positive’ pleasantness.
changes in these factors which will produce the same effect As far as just the absence of discomfort is concerned,
as that of a unit change in air temperature (1 8C). comfort levels five, six, and seven (a little comfortable, more
To sharpen the relative effects of air temperature, solar comfortable, very comfortable) could have been combined
radiation and wind speed on thermal comfort in the above into one category of ‘‘comfortable’’.
B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86 81

Fig. 3. Relationship between thermal sensations and comfort level.

As an alternative way to deal with thermal comfort 3.1. Research conducted by Hadas Saaroni
beyond the sensation of the level of heat or cold, thermal
comfort could better be defined just as the absence of any An experimental research, monitoring the climatic con-
sense of discomfort. Wording of the ‘super comfort’ levels ditions, thermal sensation and overall comfort, of subjects
could be in terms of levels of pleasantness, or stimulation, staying outdoors, is being conducted in an urban park in Tel
rather than thermal comfort, and constitute a separate Aviv, Israel. The objectives of this research were to study
response, to enable clearer analysis. the climatic effect of a small lake, during different warm
The effects on pleasantness of such factors, for example, weather systems, as well as its effect on human comfort.
as wind speed or of the exposure to the sun, in winter and in
summer, could then be investigated, with higher sensitivity, 3.1.1. Research procedure
under a range limited to environmental conditions producing The research involved climatic measurements in the park
a comfortable thermal sensation. and a questionnaire surveys on the subjects’ sensory
responses. The park consists mainly from open grass areas
with several areas of trees. A lake (4 ha) is located at the
3. Studies at Tel Aviv University in Israel south edge of the park surrounded by open area with
minimal vegetation, i.e. several isolated trees. Two experi-
A number of experimental studies are being conducted at mental days were chosen under two different weather con-
the Department of Geography of Tel Aviv University in ditions: 17 May and 1 June, 2000. Measurements were taken
Israel, dealing with the impact of green area on the micro- during daytime, from 07:30 to 18:30 local solar time.
climate. These studies involve measurements of the air Four stations were located surrounding the lake (at a
and surface temperatures, humidity, wind speed, and solar distance of 3–5 m from the waterside) on open grass surface.
radiation. Two more stations were located 300 m on the upwind of the
Several of these investigations include also the monitoring lake, one on open grass surface and the second under a tree
of comfort sensations of the students engaged in the with large canopy. All surfaces were not irrigated during the
research. In this way, the correlation between the comfort measurement day and the day previous to the day of
sensations and the climatic condition measured at the same measurement.
time can be analyzed. Shade was provided near the four stations in the open
A description of the issues investigated, the experimental areas by umbrellas.
set-up, selected experimental results and discussion of the The measured environmental factors included air tem-
problems encountered in these studies is presented in the perature (8C), horizontal solar radiation (W/sqm), wind
following sections. speed (m/s), relative humidity and the surrounding ground
surface temperature. Solar radiation was measured on exp-
Unpublished studies. osed surface and under a three, whereas the other parameters
82 B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

were measured in six fixed stations in Stevenson screens that to 2.6 8C between the stations on the upwind and the stations
were set in the park. at the downwind of the lake).
Comparison of rapid consequent measurements of the In the first stage of the data analysis the comfort votes of
horizontal solar radiation intensity ‘in the sun’ and under the the subjects from the five unshaded stations were averaged,
shade tree have demonstrated that the radiation intensity so that each vote represented an average of a group of about
under the tree was about 10% of the radiation at the exposed 10 persons. The comfort votes from the shaded station
sites. The radiation under the umbrellas was estimated to be represents also an average of 10 persons.
30% of the radiation in the open area. The wind speed at the Fig. 4 shows the pattern of the average comfort votes of
stations surrounding the lake was up to four times stronger the subjects exposed to the sun and those in the shade. The
than at the location far from the lake. figure shows also the pattern of the solar radiation during the
The research also utilized a questionnaire surveys on the experimental period. The range of the air temperature during
subjects’ sensory responses. The subjects’ group consisted the 2 days of the measurements was rather small, from 23 to
of 10 persons, males and females, in their twenties. The 27 8C.
subjects wore light T-shirts, the common outdoor clothing in Analysis of the data enabled the development of an
Tel Aviv. experimental formula expressing the average comfort vote
The subjects worked in pairs. Each person of a pair stayed (CV) as a function of solar radiation (SR), wind speed
15 min in the sun and 15 min under a shade. They filled the (WS) and air temperature (DBT). The obtained formula
questionnaire every 30 min. In each ‘test’ the subjects were was:
asked to sit still in their chairs for 10 min to get used to the
condition, and to fill in the questionnaire in the remaining CV ¼ 0:0033  SR þ 0:22  DBT  0:05  WS  2:3
5 min. Every 2 h the pairs of subjects changed their location.
The questionnaire was mainly concerned with thermal Fig. 5 shows the measured and the computed comfort
sensation and overall comfort. Thermal sensation was votes for the subjects in the sun and in the shade.
marked on a scale of zero (very cold) to nine (unbearable It is of interest that such a simple formula, taking into
heat) when a level four is neutral, when one does not feel any account only air tempeature and solar radiation, can provide
thermal discomfort, he feels well. The scale of the sensible reasonable sensation of the recorded thermal sensations.
perspiration is from zero (very dry) to seven (all cloth are
wet). 3.2. Research of Noa Feller

3.1.2. Selected results concerning comfort This study took place in Kibbutz Mash’abei-Sadeh and
The differences in air temperature and solar radiation its immediate surroundings. The Kibbutz is located in the
between the five un-shaded stations were relatively small (up Negev desert. The measurements were taken during 4

Fig. 4. Comfort votes of subjects ‘in the sun’ and under a shade, with measured solar radiation.
B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86 83

Fig. 5. Measured and computed comfort votes for subjects in the sun and in the shade.

consecutive days between 30th July and 2nd August 2000. The climatic effect of the vegetation in the Kibbutz will be
During the first day, maximum temperature was 41 8C. discussed in another paper. It is of interest to note, however,
The conditions had become more moderate during the that the largest difference in measured air temperature
second day (maximum temperature of 38 8C). During the between any two stations was 2.3 8C and most of the time
third and fourth days, the maximum temperature was it was lower than 1.5 8C.
34 8C. Fourteen different people participated in the experiment.
Six fixed stations were set in the Kibbutz area measuring They worked in two groups of seven and were rotated in
solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity and wind shifts between the stations every 4–5 h. The participants
speed and direction. The stations were located in order to spent 50 min sitting in the shade and recording their thermal
check the condition in the desert compared with those in sensation. Then they moved to the sun for 10 min and wrote
the Kibbutz (which forms an oasis in the desert). One or down their sensations in sun. Several times during the
two people sat near each station and completed a ques- experiment, all 14 participants were assembled in one place
tionnaire about their thermal and perspiration sensations to record their thermal sensation.
once an hour.
The two first stations were set up in the middle of the 3.2.1. Selected results concerning comfort
Kibbutz. One was in the middle of a big lawn, exposed to the Fig. 6 shows the relationship between the thermal sensa-
sun; the other was close by but located under a big canopy of tion recorded with subjects staying in the sun and in the
a tree, which provided total shade. shade, as a function of the air temperature (DBT), with
The third and fourth stations were set up along the corresponding regression lines.
opposite outskirts of the Kibbutz. One station upwind and The average slope of the thermal responses with changes
the other station downwind. Both locations were exposed to in the air temperature (DBT) was 0.18 (units/8C) The
the sun during the day. No vegetation was present on the difference between the average thermal responses in the
ground. An umbrella of 2 m diameter near the station ‘‘sun’’ and in the shade conditions was 1.3 units. It means
provided shade. that the effect of the exposure to the average solar radiation
The fifth station was set up outside the Kibbutz, about was equivalent to about 7 8C (1.3/0.18).
1 km from the Kibbutz’s edge, upwind, exposed to the sun, The average solar radiation intensity during the experi-
with no vegetation. Shading was provided by a nearby mental period was 536 (W/sqm). The radiation level in the
umbrella. Thermal sensations were taken in the sun and shaded positions was measured and was found to be about
under the umbrella. 10% of the radiation level ‘in the sun’.
The sixth station was established in a high pine grove It should be noted that patterns of the air temperature and
inside the Kibbutz, upwind. The station was shaded during solar radiation during the daytime hours in a desert envir-
the day. The soil was bare, with no vegetative cover. Thermal onment are highly correlated.
sensations were taken in the shade near the station and in sun As the air temperature was highly correlated with the solar
outside the grove. radiation, the apparent response of the shaded subjects to
84 B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

Fig. 6. Relationship between thermal sensation and air temperature for subjects in the sun or shaded.

solar radiation reflects mainly their response to the changes 3.2.2. Encountered methodological issues
in the correlated air temperature. The sensations were first recorded in the shade and then in
Fig. 7 Shows the relationship between the thermal sensa- the sun. It was not established whether it would make a
tion recorded with subjects staying in the sun and in the difference if it had been recorded in the shade and thereafter
shade, as a function of the solar radiation, with correspond- in the sun.
ing regression lines. It was not checked out whether a 10 min period of exposure
The slopes of the changes in the thermal sensation with to the sun is sufficient time to stabilize the sensation.
increased radiation level were 0.0028 for the ‘sun’ posi-
tions and 0.0024 for the shaded subjects. A slope of 0.0028 3.3. Research by Oded Pochter, Yaron Yaacov and
means that with a maximal solar radiation (about 1000 W/ Stefan Becker
sqm) the effect on the thermal sensation (without changes
in the air temperature) would be about 2.8 thermal sensa- This study was conducted in the Kibbutz Yotvata, as part
tion units, equivalent to a change of about 14 8C in the air of an applied desert climatology project that examined the
temperature. oasis effect in extremely hot, arid zones and its impact on

Fig. 7. Relationship between thermal sensation and solar radiation, for subjects in the sun and in the shade.
B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86 85

human activities. Yotvata is located in the southern part of p.m. and 04:00 a.m. and the third between 04:00 a.m. and
the Arava Valley, 30 km north of Eilat and the Red Sea. 12:00 noon.
The climate of the Arava Valley is characterized during During each shift the participants were divided among the
the summer by high solar radiation, extremely hot tem- stations. They sat in the proximity of a station and were
peratures and very low humidity during the daytime; exposed to the climatic conditions for 30 min. After the
while during the night the temperatures and relative 30 min had elapsed they filled in a questionnaire in which
humidity are moderate. This creates high daily tempera- they answered questions on comfort levels During the day
ture amplitude. time, after the 30 min of exposure, the participants were
During the experiment four meteorological stations were moved from the station to air-conditioned rooms. They then
set up in different locations measuring temperature, relative returned to the station and sat for another 30 min and filled in
humidity, wind speed and direction. Station no.1 (hill) was a second questionnaire. The 30 min gaps were necessary
located on a bare hill at the edge of the Kibbutz which is because of the extremely hot temperature they were being
representative of the climatic conditions in the desert. The exposed to.
second station (trees) was located at the center of the During the night the participants did not require the half-
Kibbutz near the central dining room, on green grass and hour rest periods in air-conditioned rooms and were able to go
under high and dense trees representing the oasis effect. The from one station to another while remaining outdoor.
third station (grass) was located in a green area containing Throughout the experiment the participants were moved from
grass and tall trees in the residential neighborhood of the one station to the next every 2 h, so that by the end of the shift
Kibbutz, but the subjects in that station were exposed to the they had experienced all the different stations twice.
sun. The fourth station was located on exposed, dry grass at During the last 2 h of the experiment 10 of the participants
the other edge of the Kibbutz. were gathered together at the station in the Kibbutz center.
A group of 36 male and female students in their twenties Seven of them stayed under the shade and three were
and thirties participated in the experiment. The subjects exposed to the sun.
were all residents of the area, and thus acclimatized to The questionnaire was mainly concerned with thermal
the hot climate. sensation and overall comfort. The thermal sensation had
The experiment started on the 10 July 2000 at 12:00 noon eight levels: 3 very cold, 2 cold, 1 cool, 0 comfortable,
(midday) and continued until 12:00 noon the next day. The 1 warm, 2 hot, 3 very hot and 4 unbearably hot. During
participants were divided into three groups. Each group daytime the participants wore light clothing: white cotton T-
contained 12 students and worked an 8 h shift, the first shirts and long light colored trousers. At night during the
between 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m., the second between 8:00 cold hours they added a pullover.

Fig. 8. Average thermal responses at the different locations as a function of the local DBT.
86 B. Givoni et al. / Energy and Buildings 35 (2003) 77–86

3.4. Selected results concerning comfort References

Fig. 8 shows the average thermal responses of the sub- [1] B. Givoni, M. Noguchi, Issues and problems in outdoor comfort
jects, at the different locations, as a function of the ambient research, in: Proceedings of the PLEA’2000 Conference, Cambridge,
UK, July 2000.
air temperature (DBT) at the specific locations.
[2] M. Noguchi, B. Givoni, Outdoor comfort as a factor in sustainable
Further analysis of the data will evaluate the relative towns, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference
effects of the various climatic factors: solar radiation, air for Teachers in Architecture, Paper 3.01, Florence, Italy, October
temperature, wind speed and humidity. 1997.

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