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 Aside from the given decentralization pitfalls by Larry Diamond, what do you think

are the other disadvantages, and what could be the reason for some governments to
apply decentralization?

But often, several constraints, including a lack of resources, weak institutional capacity,
insufficient accounting and accountability systems, and a scarcity of information, limit the
performance and responsibility of sub-national or local governments. Because it aims to transfer
power from the few to the people who deserve it most—the majority or the public. Each
individual citizen will have a louder voice as a result. I believe that some governments use
decentralization because it is their way of achieving sustainable development that will promote
and allow greater integration of the people in the government's activities. In addition, as a result,
citizens will be more active in the decision-making process in their government and even in the
community. Loss of control, too much decentralization may result in a loss of control in the
hands of top management. Different units of the organization may start working as autonomous
units, working in their own interests in contrast to the overall interests of the organization.

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