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Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting (ISSN 2000-8953)

© 2022 The International Research Group on Wood Protection

IRG/WP 22-40943


Section 4 Processes and Properties

Evaluation of the physical properties of heat-treated native

Peruvian woods for their application as coverings in buildings
located in in arid, semi-warm and humid climates

Kenneth Ayala Castro

Catholic University of Santa Maria
Faculty of Architecture and Civil and Environmental Engineering
04004, Arequipa, Peru

Paper prepared for the IRG53 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection

Bled, Slovenia
29 May - 2 June, 2022

The opinions expressed in this document are those of the author(s) and
are not necessarily the opinions or policy of the IRG Organization.

Box 5604
SE-114 86 Stockholm
Evaluation of the physical properties of heat-treated native Peruvian woods
for their application as coverings in buildings located in in arid, semi-warm
and humid climates
Kenneth Ayala Castro 1
Arequipa (Peru), Catholic University of Santa Maria,


Wood is a material that has properties suitable for its use in construction: as a structural component,
cladding or decorative element, however, it is necessary to have knowledge of its physical,
mechanical and thermal properties in order to have a logical criterion when applying it. It is known
that wood has hygroscopic properties, so it tends to absorb the relative humidity of the natural
environment where it is used, in this process there is an exchange of humidity between the wood
and the air, affecting in an important way the performance of the material. Heat treatment is a
procedure that improves the physical properties of wood, decreasing its dimensional variation and
absorption coefficient and increasing its resistance to attack by xylophagous fungi and its thermal
insulation properties. The present research aims to evaluate the performance of two Peruvian
timber species: Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke and Matisia Cordata, comparing the performance
of both species against humidity to know if it is possible to apply them as building cladding in
arid, semi-warm and humid climates of the southern Peruvian coast. The international standard
ASTM D4442 (2016) and ISO 15148 (2002) were used as methodology to know the Moisture
Content and Absorption Coefficient in both species, both untreated and thermally treated. The
results showed that the performance of both woods against humidity was different, where the
thermal treatment in Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke wood was significantly positive, reducing
its absorption capacity and speed by 73 % when thermally treated at 180 °C, while for Matisia
Cordata wood the results were not favorable, because its absorption capacity and speed increased
by 9 % when thermally treated. It can be concluded from both tests that in real use in humid
conditions or prolonged rain, typical of the arid, semi-warm and humid climates of the southern
Peruvian coast, Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke wood would have a better performance than
Matisia Cordata wood, either in its natural state or thermally treated at 180 °C.

Keywords: Heat-treated wood, durability, cladding


According to Wood Handbook (2010), wood as a construction material has suitable characteristics
for use in architectural and engineering works; however, in order to use it better and more
effectively, its physical, mechanical and thermal properties must be taken into account. Wood, like
many natural materials, is hygroscopic; it absorbs moisture from the surrounding environment, in
that sense; the exchange of moisture between wood and air has an important influence on the
properties and performance of wood. Many of the challenges of using wood as a building material
arise from changes in moisture content or an abundance of moisture within the wood. Because of
this, various techniques have been developed to improve the physical properties of the material,
one of which is heat treatment.

As ThermoWood Handbook (2021) explains, changes in treated wood appear around 150 °C, and
continue as the temperature increases in stages. As a result, swelling and shrinkage due to moisture
in the wood decreases by 50%, color darkens, equilibrium moisture content decreases to 12% C.H.,
and thermal insulation properties improve.

According to Herrera et al. (2018), heat treatment properties remain stable in wood over time,
providing favorable prospects for its use as a potential building element for interior and exterior

The present research is focused on seeking the applicability of the Peruvian timber species
Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke and Matisia Cordata, which have been little studied, adding as
an added value the thermal treatment of both species with the purpose of making them suitable for
their application as cladding for buildings located in arid, semi-warm and humid climates of the
Peruvian southern coast, in the geomorphological unit called "Faja Litoral".
According to Thornthwaite's climatic classification (1955), this geographic zone is characterized
by an arid, semi-warm and temperate climate, where fog is frequent in the winter and rainy seasons,
which lasts for more than 60 days a year and relative humidity can reach values of more than 85%,
and the major source of humidity is the Pacific Ocean.


2.1 Materials and equipment

Oven: A forced convection oven was used. A Binder drying oven type BD was used for the tests.
This equipment can maintain a temperature of (103 ± 2) °C during all the time necessary to dry
the sample until reaching the final drying point (constant mass of the sample). The equipment also
has a ventilation system that allows moisture to escape.

Balance: A Sartorius Secura analytical balance with a readability of 0.1 mg was used.

Desiccator: Equipment where the sample is placed after drying in the oven. The desiccator used
was a 300 ml desiccator with a vacuum valve, ISOLAB brand.

Distilled water: Distilled water was filled in a container with the capacity to store 30.0 liters to
carry out the procedures; for the total number of tests, approximately 30 liters were used
throughout the month and a half of physical tests.

Water tank: Instrument to maintain the water level constant at 5 mm +- 2 mm and a device to hold
the test sample in position. The tank must include supports that do not damage the sample, keeping
them at least 5 mm from the base.

Humidifier: Device to condition the samples to the relative humidity required in the tests.

2.2 Procedure
2.2.1 Moisture Content Test
First, the wood samples used were weighed, using an airtight precision balance to achieve the
desired precision.

Then the samples were placed in the kiln keeping a significant distance between samples for a
better heat distribution. According to the international standard ASTM D4442 (2016), specimens

with a dimension of approximately 5 cm by 10 cm cross section and 2.5 cm along the grain
(approximate sizes to the dimensions used in this test), will reach a "constant mass" within 24 h
when dried in a forced convection oven.

The dried samples were then placed in a desiccator until room temperature was reached. The
samples were in the desiccator for the time it took to weigh each specimen, which in the case of
this test lasted 1 hour.

Finally, the final dry samples were weighed at room temperature and the data were recorded. All
weighing was carried out using an airtight balance.

2.2.2 Absorption Coefficient Test

The specimens were conditioned at a relative humidity between 40 and 60 % for 24 hours, using
a humidifier, in an airtight plastic container.

The specimens were weighed to the nearest 0.1% of their mass to determine the initial mass after

The tank was filled with water to the specified depth and conditioned to the test temperature.

The samples were placed in the tank so that their base rested on supports, keeping them away from
the bottom of the tank.

The water level was kept constant during the test at (5 ± 2) mm.

To eliminate non-isotropic effects, half of the specimens were placed with one main side down
(submerged), the other half with the other side up (exposed to weathering).

The immersion procedure was performed 8 times, the first absorption point being when the initial
mass was taken, the second after 20 minutes had elapsed, the third after 1 hour, the fourth after 2
hours, the fifth after 4 hours, the sixth after 8 hours, the seventh after 12 hours and the eighth after
24 hours.

2.3 Variables and parameters to be measured and calculated

2.3.1 Moisture Content Test

Solid wood samples of 3.00 x 3.00 x 10.00 cm were tested for each wood species. According to
ASTM D4442 (2016), 08 samples per species should be tested and the best specimens were
selected for data recording. Eq. 2 was used to calculate the Moisture Content:

𝐶𝐻% = ∗ 100 (2)

CH% Moisture content, in percent;
M1 Initial mass (dry state), in grams;
M2 Final mass (anhydrous state), in grams;

2.3.2 Absorption Coefficient Test
ISO 1514 (2002) was taken as a reference. After performing the experimental setup and taking
data of: initial mass, final mass and time in seven different moments after taking the initial mass,
the following Fig. 1 type A is obtained.

Figure 1: Type "A" moisture absorption

Where the water absorption coefficient, Aw or Ww is calculated from Eq. 3:

Δmtf Δm0
Aw = (3)
Aw Water absorption coefficient, [kg/(m2 .s 0,5 )];
Δm’tf Obtained value of Δmt on the linear trend line at the final test time;
Δm’0 Value obtained from Δmt when the trend line intersects the Δmt axis;
√tf Square root of the total test time, in seconds.


3.1 Moisture Content Test

3.1.1 Test on non-heat-treated wood
The results obtained from the Moisture Content test for Matisia Cordata wood, commonly known
as "Zapote" and Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke wood, commonly known as "Tornillo" are shown

Table 1: Moisture content of "Tornillo" and "Zapote" timbers

Test sample label Tornillo [%] Zapote [%]

Ch-01 5.5413 5.7020

Ch-02 5.6025 5.9795
Ch-03 5.6038 6.1010
Ch-04 5.4551 5.7195
Ch-05 5.4934 5.6857

Average 5.5392 5.8375

Desvest 0.0659 0.1904

A comparative graph of the results of the percentage of Moisture Content is shown below:

Moisture Content (%)

Moisture Content (%)

1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000

Tornillo Zapote

Figure 2: Moisture content in two wood species

The graph shows the difference in moisture content between the two species studied.
The "Tornillo" wood shows a higher stability and lower moisture content in the results.

3.1.2 Test on heat-treated wood at 180 °C

The results obtained from the Moisture Content test for the "Zapote" and "Tornillo" woods are
summarized in the following table.

Table 2: Moisture content of heat-treated "Tornillo" and "Zapote" timbers

Test sample label Tornillo [%] Zapote [%]

Ch-01 0.1611 0.5780

Ch-02 0.1489 0.5571

Ch-03 0.1235 0.7158

Ch-04 0.0920 0.5897

Ch-05 0.1531 0.6866

Average 0.1357 0.6254

Desvest 0.0282 0.0709

A comparative graph of the results of the percentage of Moisture Content is shown in Fig. 3 on
next page.:

Contenido de Humedad (%)
Contenido de humedad (%)
1 2 3 4 5

Tornillo Zapote

Figure 3: Moisture content in two heat-treated wood species

The graph shows the difference in moisture content between the two species studied.
The "Tornillo" wood shows a higher stability and lower moisture content in the results.

According to laboratory data, the Matisia Cordata species, known as "Zapote" wood, has a
moisture content index of 5.54 %, while the Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke species, known as
"Tornillo" wood, had a value of 5.83 % before heat treatment. After being heat treated they
obtained values of 0.63 % and 0.14 % respectively. Although the values achieved do not show a
great difference between the two species, the general appearance of the woods was different at the
end of the test.

Tangential direction of wood Longitudinal direction of wood

Figure 4: Presence of cracks in Matisia Cordata (Zapote) wood

As can be seen in Fig. 4, the "Zapote" wood samples tested showed cracks in two different
directions at the end of the moisture content test. Through an analysis of the anatomical
characteristics of "Zapote" wood, it was determined that it has a straight grain with medium-sized
pores (visible with a 10x magnifying glass) where the end grain surfaces are very porous,
highlighting the presence of tyloses, which are diffusely distributed. According to the Wood
Handbook (2010), these characteristics allow fluids to penetrate more easily into the open lumens
along the grain producing in some cases overpenetration, which would explain the differential
contractions between the deck and the core, resulting in stresses in the wood, manifesting in the
cracks described above.

Tangential direction of wood Longitudinal direction of wood

Figure 5: Photographs of two different directions of Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke (Tornillo) wood.

As can be seen in Fig. 5, the "Tornillo" wood samples did not show any cracks or fissures on the
exterior surface. This could be explained by a better composition of the cellular structure of the
wood, a factor that contributes to reduce the unequal concentration of moisture content in the wood
or an undesirable surface texture. According to the Wood Handbook (2010), a cell wall that is
largely composed of cellulose and hemicellulose, but which also has a significant presence of
lignin, will prevent over-absorption of water in the wood, reducing drying defects.

3.2 Absorption Coefficient Test

3.2.1 Test on non-heat-treated wood

The results obtained from the absorption test for "Tornillo" wood are summarized in Table 3 below

Table 3: Absorption coefficient of "Tornillo" wood (kg/m2)

Test sample label Coefficient of

 𝒎𝒕𝒇 [kg/m2]  𝒎𝟎 [kg/m2] √ 𝒕𝒇 [s] Absorption [Aw]
ABS-T-01 1.0000 0.0075 293.9387 0.0034
ABS-T-02 0.9612 0.0075 293.9387 0.0032
ABS-T-03 1.0292 0.0075 293.9387 0.0035
Average 0.9968 0.0075 293.9387 0.0034
Desvest 0.0341 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002

Where:  𝒎𝒕𝒇 = 𝑚𝑡𝑓 − 𝑚𝑡0 in kg/m2

Where:  𝒎𝟎 = 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚0 in kg/m2

Where: √𝒕𝒇 = √86400 in seconds

Where: Aw =  𝒎𝒕𝒇 −  𝒎𝟎 / √𝒕𝒇 in kg/ (m2 * s0.5)

According to the data obtained, Cedrelinga Catenaeformis Ducke wood, commonly known as
“Tornillo”, has an absorption coefficient of 0.0034 kg/m2.

y = 0,1597x - 0,0075
Tornillo R² = 0,9773

𝞓 𝒎𝒕 kg/m2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 6: Variation of mass as a function of the square root of time.

In the graph a straight line is observed passing through the mt values. Then 7
points are observed, these values describe the increase of the mass of the
submerged "Tornillo" wood in a period of 24 hours

The results obtained from the absorption test for "Zapote" wood are summarized in Table 4 below.

Table 4: Coefficient of absorption of "Zapote" wood (kg/m2)

Test sample  𝒎𝒕𝒇 Coefficient of

 𝒎𝟎 √ 𝒕𝒇
label Absorption [Aw]
ABS-Z-01 1.3980 0.0494 293.9387 0.0046
ABS-Z-01 1.3301 0.0494 293.9387 0.0044
ABS-Z-01 1.2622 0.0494 293.9387 0.0041
Average 1.0130 0.0494 293.9387 0.0044
Desvest 0.0297 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003

Where:  𝒎𝒕𝒇 = 𝑚𝑡𝑓 − 𝑚𝑡0 in kg/m2

Where:  𝒎𝟎 = 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚0 in kg/m2

Where: √𝒕𝒇 = √86400 in seconds

Where: Aw =  𝒎𝒕𝒇 −  𝒎𝟎 / √𝒕𝒇 in kg/ (m2 * s0.5)

According to the data obtained, "Zapote" wood has an absorption coefficient of 0.0044 kg/m2.

y = 0,2196x + 0,0494
Zapote R² = 0,9803
𝞓 𝒎𝒕 kg/m2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 7: Variation of mass as a function of the square root of time.

In the graph a straight line is observed passing through the mt values. Then 7 points are observed, these values
describe the increase of the mass of the submerged "Tornillo" wood in a period of 24 hours

3.2.2 Test on heat-treated wood at 180 °C

The results obtained from the absorption test for the "Tornillo" wood are summarized in the
following table.

Table 5: Absorption coefficient of "Tornillo" wood (kg/m2)

Test sample label Coefficient of

 𝒎𝒕𝒇  𝒎𝟎 √ 𝒕𝒇 Absorption [Aw])
ABS-T-01 0.4105 0.0624 293.9387 0.0012
ABS-T-02 0.4275 0.0624 293.9387 0.0012
ABS-T-03 0.4264 0.0624 293.9387 0.0012
0.3162 0.0751 293.9387 0.0012
Desvest 0.0259 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Where:  𝒎𝒕𝒇 = 𝑚𝑡𝑓 − 𝑚𝑡0 in kg/m2

Where:  𝒎𝟎 = 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚0 in kg/m2

Where: √𝒕𝒇 = √86400 in seconds

Where: Aw =  𝒎𝒕𝒇 −  𝒎𝟎 / √𝒕𝒇 in kg/ (m2 * s0.5)

According to the data obtained, the species Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke, commonly known
as "Tornillo" wood, has an absorption coefficient of 0.0012 kg/m2.

y = 0,0666x - 0,0624
Tornillo R² = 0,9501


𝞓 𝒎𝒕 kg/m2




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 8: Variation of mass as a function of the square root of time.

The results obtained from the absorption test for "Zapote" wood are summarized in the following

Table 6: Coefficient of absorption of "Zapote" wood (kg/m2)

Test sample  𝒎𝒕𝒇 √ 𝒕𝒇 Coefficient of

 𝒎𝟎
label Absorption [Aw])
ABS-Z-01 1.4445 0.1870 293.9387 0.0043
ABS-Z-02 1.3200 0.1870 293.9387 0.0039
ABS-Z-03 1.3325 0.1870 293.9387 0.0039
Average 1.3657 0.1870 293.9387 0.0040
Desvest 0.0686 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002

Where:  𝒎𝒕𝒇 = 𝑚𝑡𝑓 − 𝑚𝑡0 in kg/m2

Where:  𝒎𝟎 = 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚0 in kg/m2

Where: √𝒕𝒇 = √86400 in seconds

Where: Aw =  𝒎𝒕𝒇 −  𝒎𝟎 / √𝒕𝒇 in kg/ (m2 * s0.5)

According to the data obtained, Matisia Cordata wood, commonly known as "Zapote", has an
absorption coefficient of 0.0040 kg/m2.

y = 0,216x - 0,187
Zapote R² = 0,9516
𝞓 𝒎𝒕 kg/m2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 9: Variation of mass as a function of the square root of time

In the following figure, a comparison is made between the absorption coefficient of "Tornillo" and
"Zapote" wood heat treated at 180 °C.

Comparison of absorption coefficient

𝞓 𝒎𝒕 kg/m2

-0,2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Tornillo Zapote

Figure 10: Variation of mass as a function of the square root of time.

Figure 11: Difference of pores in "Tornillo" wood through different treatments.
The figure shows the difference in the condition of the pores in "Tornillo" wood at different times of heat
treatment. From left to right: natural condition, heat treated at 160 °C and heat treated at 180 °C.

As can be seen in the previous figure, as the thermal treatment of the screw wood reaches higher
values, the pores of the external surfaces of the wood are "sealed", regularizing the composition
of the cellular structure, which would explain why the absorption coefficient is much lower
compared to untreated wood.

Figure 12: Difference of pores in "Zapote" wood through different treatments.

The figure shows the difference in the condition of the pores in "Zapote" wood at different times of heat
treatment. From left to right: natural condition, heat treated at 160 °C and heat treated at 180 °C.

As can be seen in the previous figure, as the thermal treatment of "Zapote" wood reaches higher
values, a change in the coloration of the material is produced, in some parts of the wood surface
the tyloses are removed, however, the absorption coefficient of this thermally treated wood did
not have any type of improvement.

Through the experimental method it has been possible to corroborate that the thermal treatment
significantly improves the absorption properties in the wood "Tornillo". This may be due to the
fact that when the heat treatment is performed, the hemicelluloses are degraded, which causes
the hydroxyl groups, responsible for absorption, to be reduced.


It can be concluded that the moisture content of wood differs from one wood to another, due to
anatomical differences that directly affect its hygroscopicity. It is clear that even if the wood is
heat treated, it will not prevent moisture absorption, but it will contribute to a better response to
the humidity of the climate to which it is exposed.

The Moisture Content is related to the dimensional variations of the wood, where to avoid an
abrupt dimensional change, it is necessary that the Moisture Content of the material is correlated
with the Equilibrium Moisture Content. In order that the wood does not suffer differential
contractions between its cover and the core, which can cause drying defects, it is important to
consider the Relative Humidity of the environment where it is stored for its application, for this
purpose it is necessary to match the moisture content with the Equilibrium Moisture Content

According to the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (2017), for the arid,
semi-warm and humid localities of the Peruvian southern coast, they correspond a value of
Equilibrium Moisture Content of 13% on average, therefore, the results of Moisture Content
obtained in both "Zapote" wood and "Tornillo" wood are very low in relation to the Equilibrium
Moisture Content where they were stored and will be applied. Due to this, heat treatment will be
the most feasible strategy to achieve the durability of the material, since this procedure reduces the
appearance of cracks, shrinkage or swelling, improving its resistance, electrical and thermal
insulation properties.

Regarding the absorption coefficient tests, the results were different in both species. The thermal
treatment of "Tornillo" wood was significantly good, reducing its absorption coefficient by 73%
when thermally treated at 180 °C, meaning a significant improvement in the properties of the
material and making possible a favorable use for coatings in constructions located in humid
climates. In "Zapote" wood, the results were not favorable, because the absorption coefficient
increased by 9 %.

The variation of the mass in the absorption coefficient test in the "Tornillo" and "Zapote" woods
increased steadily within the established period of time, all the tests performed can be identified
as "type A" indicated in the International Standard ISO 15148 (2002), where after a brief initial
period of stabilization, a straight line can be drawn through the values of each point taken in the
test, this also indicates that no liquid water has appeared on the upper surface of the sample.

The result of this absorption test suggests that, in actual use in humid conditions or prolonged rain,
the "Tornillo" wood would perform better than the "Zapote" wood, either in its natural state or
heat-treated at 180 °C.


This study was supported by the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development and
Technological Innovation (FONDECYT) and the National Training Service for the Construction
Industry (SENCICO) code 117-2018-FONDECYT.


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